
My World, My Love
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Elly, Rina, Sei, and Lucy were getting ready to go play soccer when Yoojung came up to them.   "Sorry to break up the game," she said, "but I need to take Rina away from you."   Looking confusedly around, Rina tossed the soccer ball to Lucy and went over to stand by Yoojung. "What's going on?" she asked.   Yoojung pulled her hands out from behind her back, revealing that she was holding a black beret, which she popped onto Rina's head and then adjusted to a jaunty angle. "There," she said. "Now you've got just enough time to get down to Cafe Americano."   "What's going on? What is this?" Rina asked again, looking no less confused.   "This," Yoojung said, grabbing Rina's purse and phone and pressing them into her hands, "would be a blind date. You'll wait for Jeongyeon at Cafe Americano, and she'll recognize you by the beret."   "Thank you, unnie," Rina said. "Do I look okay?"   "Just go," Yoojung said, "you dress well enough for a game of soccer that you're ready to go. You've even got makeup on. Now hurry and get down there before she gets there and you're not there."   "Right," Rina said. She ducked forward and kissed Youjung on the cheek. "Thanks, unnie." And she turned and ran out the door.   Elly reached over and closed the door, which Rina had left open in her haste. "So, do you think she's got a good chance?" she asked Yoojung.   "Oh yeah," Yoojujng said, nodding vigorously. "According to Momo, Jeongyeon is totes gay, she's single and looking, and Rina is just her type."   "Yes!" Lucy jumped up and down and clapped her hands. "Oh, yay! I'm so excited for her."   "Don't get your hopes too high," Sei warned her. "Just before we think they'd be perfect for each other doesn't mean they'll agree."   "Well, while we're waiting to find out how it went, there's still the matter of our game of soccer."   "But, your teammate's gone," Sei pointed out.   "Doesn't matter," Elly said, dropping her arm around Yoojung's shoulder. "Since Yoojung's responsible for Rina not being here, she can take her place."   "But," Yoojung sputtered, "but- but- I'm not as good at soccer as Rina is."   Elly looked at Yoojung. "You are kind of short," she said, as if noticing this fact for the first time, "so I'm sure Sei and Lucy won't mind spotting us half a point." She looked at Sei and raised her eyebrows. Sei exchanged looks with Lucy, then nodded.   "Oh, and by the way," Elly said to Yoojung as she led her over to get her shoes, "no pressure or anything, but we've each got a night of dishes riding on this game."   "And you're sure you want me as your teammate?" Yoojung asked.   Elly nodded. "Yeah, I so. I think you're better than you give yourself credit for, and a 2 on 2 game will really give you a chance to shine."   Yoojung finished tying her shoes and stood up. "Well, I guess we'll find out. Let's go!"   ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^   Jeongyeon stopped just inside the door of Cafe Americano, looking at the blonde in the black beret who was waiting at the counter. She shook her head. Not really her type. Still, since Momo had gone to all the trouble of setting up this blind date for her, she figured she'd better at least give her a chance. She walked up and tapped her on the shoulder. "Lina?"   Startled, the blonde turned around quickly. "I'm sorry," she said, "you must have me confused with someone else."   "Oh- um- sorry," Jeongyeon said, backing up and looking around the cafe again. Suddenly she heard a voice calling her name and she spun around. The voice apparently belonged to a petite brunette in a black beret. Now this is more like it, she thought to herself. It shouldn't be possible to look this glamorous and this sporty at the same time, but somehow this girl pulled it off.   "Hi," Jeongyeon said, waving shyly as she crossed the room.   The brunette hopped up from the stool she was sitting on and bowed to Jeongyeon. "Hi," she said, "I'm Rina!"   "Oh!" Jeongyeon gasped. "Rina! I thought I was supposed to be looking for someone name 'Lina'! Apparently Momo still hasn't gotten the hang of Korean R's." She stopped and bowed to Rina. "Hi! I'm Jeongyeon."   As they sat down at the table, Rina pointed at a glass in front of Jeongyeon. "I bought you a coffee. I hope you like it. It's an iced mocha."   "That's my favorite," Jeongyeon said, taking a sip. As she put the glass down, she looked at Rina and narrowed her eyes. "Why do I get the feeling," she said, "that you know more about me than I know about you?"   Rina was silent for a moment while a blush spread over her face. "I. . . um- well. . . I asked one of my members to talk to Momo to try to arrange to introduce me to you. I had no idea they'd set us up on a blind date." She paused. "I hope you're not mad," she added quietly.   Jeongyeon choked on her coffee. "Mad?" She looked incredulously at Rina. "On the contrary, I was just thinking I'd need to stop on the way home and buy Momo a jokbal as a thank you present." She looked at Rina and suddenly a look of recognition spread over her face. "You're Rina from Weki Meki! You're that Rina! Oh my God! I love your videos!" Jeongyeon suddenly realized how loud she was talking. "So much for playing it cool and being inconspicuous," she said. "We'd better go someplace else."   Rina nodded. "Let's go," she said. "Do you want to go to the park?"   "Sure," Jeongyeon said as they headed out the door. "How do you feel about boats?"   "Boats?" Rina asked, looking confused.   Jeongyeon nodded. "Boats. There's a place in the park that rents rowboats, and I've always thought that would be a great thing to do on a date."   "Sure," Rina said, "that sounds great. Only I don't know how to row."   "Don't worry," Jeongyeon said, "I know how." She took Rina's hand and led the way. As they walked through the park, chatting about this and that, Jeongyeon became very aware of how much taller she was than Rina. She smiled - whenever interviewers asked about her ideal type, she always told the truth, but left out the parts that made it clear she was looking for a girl. She did w
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I'm going to be trying to update this fic plus "I Don't Like Your Girlfriend," and "Second Winter at Fire Lodge" simultaneously - I've never successfully updated 3 ongoing fics at once before, but I feel like I've got a handle on it this time.


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1197 streak #1
Chapter 43: Not the effect being hard enough to make someone turn in their straight card 🤣
sinb-fan-01 #2
Chapter 23: dateing is so hard for them. i was hope that suyeons idea was going to wrok, but it sounds liek its bad. 17 weeks is long!
poor elly has such hrad time talkng with kwill
sinb-fan-01 #3
Chapter 22: poor suyeon, five months such long tiem for fake dateing, and poor elly havng to see it
so diffcult for group now!
sinb-fan-01 #4
Chapter 21: that was soem drama there, i didnt know suyeon wuld get that mad. i hav to see how media if they give porblem to sei and lucy now