Part [2]

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Yura's tears fell as she walked down the aisle.

From the outside looking in you would think that those tears were from the pure joy that an occasion like a wedding would bring.


But sadly that wasn’t her case.


Those tears were bitter, and mourning for the loss of her freedom and her life that will never be.


She was tying herself down to 12 men, she had managed to make headlines all across the world it seemed, all unwanted attention really but no one would believe that just yesterday she was a normal girl focused on escaping her toxic family atmosphere and almost got away with it if it hadn't been because of her father's scandal.


She was the younger daughter of a banker that had gotten himself tied up with the wrong people.

Her father had managed to embezzle millions of dollars that he had been managing for some tycoons that didn’t take lightly that they had been taken advantage of.


From what the mothers had told her they wanted their kids to settle down and assume their responsibilities for their companies and so forth.


The woman literally planned a wedding in a day, they all wanted this it seemed, and even cried as the vows were recited by their boys, as they liked to call them still.


Yura recited her own to them and realized that she didn't even know who was who, she was literally marrying men she didn't even know the name of and that broke her heart even more.

She choked up and as she tried to read off the little white card in her hand


She was no MC so she held the microphone close to her chest and took a deep breath and try and speak normally


She finished her part, there was no exchange of rings for them and once the priest pronounced them husbands and wife, all the guests clapped and cheered for them.


Yura then was led by one of the fathers to a back room to have her change into her reception wedding gown


The mothers helped her change and they were so happy that Yura really tried her best to hide her sorrow and smile for them and did everything they wanted because even as she was in the most unwanted situation; the women had never once mistreated her in any way even the fathers were polite although one or two of them had looked at her unhappily.


The reception was a little much but it was fun, finally, her husbands were introduced to her, and right off the bat, she knew who liked her, who didn't care for her, and who despised her.


‘Well this is just great,’ she thought to herself as she watched her husband Tao get plastered and then silently be taken out of the reception by her other husband Kris.

“Don't worry they aren't as bad as they try to act” she looked to her right at the red-headed elf that was super tall and smiled kindly at her

“I wasn't worried” she muttered she hadn't meant to be so rude and sighed resigned that she needed to check her attitude

“I’m sorry for that” she apologized and took a sip from her champagne glass

“It's fine” he smiled kindly at her

Yura remembered his name, Chanyeol he was very sweet from the get-go, smiled a lot at her, and looked like he would be on her side and she appreciated that


That feeling of comfort was nice because the hostility that emanated from the rest was a bit much for her as she wore a tight wedding gown and forced herself to smile and act delighted at the fact that she was married.


Later during the night, she had her dance with each of her husbands minus Tao.


Chen was super straightforward and even kissed her without warning and as cute as it might have looked Yura turned a deep shade of red and her hand twitched as she had almost slapped him for doing that and she had to suppress her anger at his action.


Next up was Chanyeol and he was so nice to her, he whispered encouraging words in her ear and she appreciated him more and more as he even made jokes to try and ease her nerves.


Min-Seok or Xiumin as he liked to be addressed was silent when they danced he never really made eye contact with her but he did kiss her sweetly on the cheek once their song was over.


Kyung-Soo AKA D.O. he was gentle with her and she liked that he made small talk with her about little things like if she was okay and asked her if she was comfortable with the pace of their swaying, which she was.


The most unpleasant dances were with Luhan, Sehun, Kai, and Kris while Suho, and Lay weren’t so bad as they were just aloof and looked super bored.


Yura in the end just wanted the wedding to come to an end, she faked feeling ill to be sent up to her suite early.

Suho's mother walked her out of the reception and she told her she would take care of having everyone escorted and so forth.

Yura smiled her thanks and the woman helped her out her dress and into a shirt pajama set.


It was around midnight when she heard someone come inside the room and Yura’s heart began to beat almost out of her chest.

Chanyeol came in without knocking “How are you feeling?” he asked her concerned and at at the edge of the bed and put his palm on her forehead checking her temperature

“Better” she was able to whisper and he smiled at her

“Good, I was worried”

Yura tried to read him because she wasn't sure if he had some sort of ulterior motive for being so kind to her

“Thank you?” it came out as a question and he chuckled

“Have a good night wife, tomorrow we’ll head to our honeymoon,” he told her and he kissed her forehead


The skinship made her uncomfortable but she didn't have any right to reject it when the reality was he was her husband and well Chanyeol was the kindest to her out of the bunch.

He liked to call her wife and he seemed the most genuine when he recited his vows she almost cried at the sweet words and promises he made her at the altar.

She focused on the good, she really really wanted to make the best of all of this otherwise she wasn’t sure how she would make it through.

And with that thought, she fell asleep.


The next morning their destination was Bali, and it was an absolutely beautiful and magical place, too bad she wasn't enjoying herself at all.


Some of her husbands were very open in the women they were indulging in and the only one really trying to get her out of her room was Chanyeol he always asked her out even though her answer was always no he would still come and ask her.


Chen had been a little pushier forcing her to dinner with him and she hated that.


Eventually, he jumped on the same boat as Chanyeol and asked her out every night.

She was to have 3 weeks in paradise and she felt like she wasn't going to make it past her first week there.


Finally, in the middle of the second week, she decided that she had moped around enough and finally accepted to have lunch with both Chen and Chanyeol


They brought her out and they had a beautiful lunch in a cabana and they took her snorkeling, Yura felt a little shy wearing a two-piece around them but Chanyeol being the gentleman he always was around her, gave her the sweater he had brought which was too big on her but she didn't mind one bit since it covered her enough.


Chen and Chanyeol asked her so many questions trying to figure out what she liked and didn't and Yura warmed up to them the quickest.

She had to be positive about her situation, in the end, she wanted her husbands to at least be cordial to her although some clearly hated her which she understood, however, she wished they would at least try and talk to her but in the end, she guesses the more distance she gave them the better for her.


“Do you cook?” Chanyeol asked her as they ate at a beautiful shorefront restaurant he had reserved for them

“Yeah I do, and I like to bake too”

“Will you make us dinner when we go back home?” Chen smiled at her

“Sure, I mean since I will be at home all the time I don’t mind cooking for you guys,” Yura said and let out a sad sigh, her new mother in laws really were the old fashion in the sense of them wanting her to be barefoot and pregnant soon and just be a stay at home mom and cater to their sons.

She was being complacent for now but soon she would try and change things and ask to be able to go to school and have some sort of career or compromise on something when it came to having a child.


“I look forward to our lunches and dinners” Chanyeol looked excited and Yura couldn't help smile at them

She had to give her husband's credit for trying to be with her unlike the others that either completely ignored her existence or plainly looked at her in disgust even that hurt her feelings a little.

They finished dinner and they walked her to her suite “Would we be able to sleep with you?” Chen asked her and Yura was caught off guard by his request

“I mean it's ok if you want to wait.,” he added right away since she paused

“I guess it’s okay, I mean we are husband and wife,” Yura said reluctantly she had to embrace her situation and not mope over too much at least she wasn't getting any more beatings and wasn't made to do any heavy chores.


Sure she was hurt and still hated her father for doing this to her but in the end, what is done is done.

The least she could do is give her husbands a chance, at least the ones that tried to get to know her.

“But I want you to want me there,” Chen said to her a little sadly

“I can't lie to you and tell you I am happy how all this came about, But the least I can do is try,” Yura told Chen and Chanyeol who stood silently next to his brother.

“Fair enough,” Chen said and they escorted her to the room she was in

“But really did mean what I said Chen, I would like you guys to bring your stuff over, so we can spend our time together” Yura restated on both the men's faces lit up.

“Okay! We’ll be right back” Chanyeol said and Yura giggled as she watched the race to their room

She went into her room and changed quickly to her two-piece silk cami and shorts and waited for her husbands’ who came back with their luggage.


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Sorry for any spelling and grammar errors I wasn’t going to update this until I read properly but it 11 pm my time and impulsively just posted the new chapter


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40 streak #1
Chapter 7: Woah.. really enjoyed reading this whole story so far..oh glad that despite all these commotion and drama, atleast few of them were extremely close and friendly enough to make her feel comfortable and safe...really loved their efforts to make things easier and better for each other.. loved the lovely and heartwarming moment... but the rest of the boys really disrespected her or ignored her like she was no one... I really love her chemistry with the boys except the others..among all of them, I really loved and appreciated chanyeol's character here... uww.. things are getting more and more interesting and intense.. would love to read more about them... loved it..well written everything.. hope authornim continues to work on it in future... thank you authornim for writing and sharing this story... ❤️ I'll definitely and eagerly wait for the next chapter..authornim fighting!!
745 streak #2
And I am finally back to reading your stories! I have so much to catch up on! Sorry about that! *sighs*

But as I was scrolling down I came across this one as well and couldn't miss it! I am looking forward to seeing what happens here! <3 I love the plot!
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update.. Finally Luhan joined too.. And was he jealous when she was talking to Baekhyun? OMG that was so cute.. I wonder how her husbands will react once they know about Luhan.. Specially Chen who is still not ready to accept Lay.. And Baek.. Why I am feeling fishy about his attitude? And as Junmyeon biased it's a little different kinda feeling to see him like this but I hope he will open his mind for her soon..
I hope you are fine.. All the best.. ❤
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update.. I feel bad for Lay and also the others who are on her side.. The rest are just being hateful bcz of their assumptions.. I wonder who will be the next to join her..
Chapter 4: Hi thanks for the update.. Another lovely chapter.. I thought after what happened in last chapter it will be Luhan who will warm up to her or may be Kris.. But I never expected it will be Lay.. But I don't mind.. I guess Lay will put enough effort to express his feelings.. And jealous Luhan is funny.. He is in denial mode.. I wonder what will take for him to bend and submit.. And once he give in it would be a treat to watch the faces of the maknae line.. 😂😂
Chapter 3: I just found this story and I am really loving it.. I hope this will continue bcz I really wait for future updates.. ❤
Aaratrika2006 #7
I hope u update soon. I seriously love this story
Andrea_Martinez01 #8
Chapter 6: OMG 🥺 Thanks ❤️
Chapter 2: DAMN