

yoohyeon woke up and looked around siyeon wasnt there she must have been dreaming all of that she sighed and got up from the floor then siyeon came in slowly trying not to make any noises when she saw yoohyeon was awake she smiled "good morning" 

yoohyeon smiled back "did i fall asleep?" siyeon nodded "i fell asleep too i woke up just now before you i got a call so i went oustide so i dont disturb your sleeping"

yoohyeon said "i thought what happened yesterday was a dream"

siyeon smiled "i thought so too but when i saw you sleeping next to me i knew it wasnt a dream"

yoohyeon got up and headed to the bathroom "i'm gonna take a shower and maybe then we eat brekfast together"

siyeon replied "okay then afterwards if you wanna come with me? bora found a place and im gonna go look if its good and see if the rent is good too"

yoohyeon answered "yes i will come with you"



after they ate brekfast and got ready they went and met up with bora 

bora looked between them then she asked "did something happen yesterday?"

yoohyeon shrugged then siyeon answered "maybe, why are you asking?"

bora replied "you both look different than when i saw you yesterday"

yoohyeon asked "different how?"

bora answered "i dont know i just got a vibe"

siyeon smiled at yoohyeon then looked at bora and said "well, you and yoobin's plan worked perfectly"

bora furrowed her eyebrows "i dont know what you're talking about"

yoohyeon laughed "oh come on we know you and yoobin pretended to have stuff so you'd leave us alone"

bora sighed defeatedly "fine we did that, now what do you mean by it worked?"

yoohyeon smiled shyly so did siyeon then bora gasped "LEE SIYEON YOU CONFESSED?"

siyeon answered "yes so did yoohyeon"

bora jumped up and down "yes i knew it yess"

siyeon laughed "bora stop you're embarassing me"

bora held both of their hands then said "we should celebrate this together with yoobin and minji"

yoohyeon replied "i'm down"

bora said teasingly "we should invite handong and maybe gahyeon too"

siyeon shot bora a threatening look "how about no"

yoohyeon oblviously said "why? handong seemed nice plus she could use new friends"

siyeon replied "yeah sure"

bora laughed then asked yoohyeon "does yoobin know?"

yoohyeon answered "i texted her but i dont think she read it"

bora smiled at them then said "anyways we were going to the place i found for you but i got distracted"

siyeon sighed "and i gotta find a roomate too cause i wont be able to afford the rent alone"

yoohyeon gasped loudly "i remembered something. minji was looking for a roomate! maybe you could live with her"

siyeon raised her eyebrows "my best friend's girlfriend?"

bora blushed "she is not my girlfriend. yet"

yoohyeon laughed "anyways should i ask if she's still looking for a roomate?"

siyeon thought for a moment then answered "that would be great"

yoohyeon smiled then took out her phone and called minji and put it on speaker 



-hi minji 

-hi whats up?

-quick question, are you still looking for a roomate?

-yep i couldnt find anyone who isnt annoying honestly

-i have someone

-cool, who?


-siyeon? your crush siyeon?

yoohyeon blushed and looked at siyeon and she was smiling 

-yep that siyeon

-isnt she a minor?

-yeah she will turn 18 soon so she's looking for a place 

-alright cool let her come by the apartment at maybe 6 you know where it is send her the location

-okay thanks minji 

-no problem yoo 



bora clapped her hands and looked at siyeon "thats good, you're gonna like minji she's nice, and if you dont like the place we could always go to the place i saw earlier"

suddenly yoohyeon's phone rang she picked it up, it was yoobin


-hi yoobin did you read the text 

-why am i calling if i didnt read it. so it finally happened? who said it first?

-listen im with siyeon and bora right now how about you join us for an early lunch and we'll tell you everything 

-alright send me the location 

she hung up 

bora said ''i know a great place we could go to. and i texted minji to come too"

they walked together to the place.

when they arrived at the resturant they found a place at the corner and sat there waiting for yoobin and minji

minji and yoobin came in together and when everyone was seated yoobin said "i just realized im third wheeling you guys or should i say fifth wheeling?" 

siyeon laughed out loud and bora patted yoobin's back

minji asked "yoohyeon and siyeon? wait when did that happen?"

yoohyeon smiled "right i forgot to tell you, it happened yesterday"

minji's eyes widened "yesterday?"

siyeon answered "yeah"

bora replied "they confessed to eachother finally"

yoobin looked at siyeon and yoohyeon then said "okay so how did it happen?"

siyeon blushed then said "i kinda just said it then yoohyeon said me too"

yoohyeon held her head dramatically "i cant believe this is happening and we're talking about it"

siyeon looked at her, eyes full of affection and had a smile on her face and whispered "you're so cute"

minji bora and yoobin all got shocked and screamed  minji smiled widely "its like we're watching a movie, you guys are so adorable"

they kept chatting while waiting for their food.

then suddenly a familiar face approaches them, she said "its a coincidence seeing you here"

they all stop talking and turned to see handong smiling at them 

yoobin smiled back "handong its a good coincidence"

minji noticed the change in yoobin suddenly then she laughed softly to herself 

bora said "come join us"

handong replied "no its okay im with gahyeon"

bora insisted "gahyeon can come too"

handong shook her head looking at siyeon then she looked back at bora "no its okay i dont think im welcomed here"

bora looked at siyeon then said "bull you're so welcomed here, bring gahyeon and come eat with us"

siyeon forced her smile then looked at handong and said "you and gahyeon are welcome here anytime"

handong replied "alright i will go fetch gahyeon"

she came back with gahyeon everyone scooted and they sat down then gahyeon smiled at all of them and said "how are you guys"

bora said "oh right this is minji by the way we didnt introduce you guys, minji this is gahyeon and handong"

yoobin smiled "they just moved to our school recently"

minji shook their hands and siad "nice to meet you guys"

gahyeon said "i dont recall seeing you in school minji"

minji shook her head "oh no i graduated last year"

gahyeon replied "okay"

handong was unusually quite so yoobin asked looking at handong "so how are you guys are you getting used to the school?"

handong answered "uh yeah its fine we're getting used to it"

they started eating with an awkward silence when they finished yoobin made eye contact with handong then she smiled softly at her handong returned the smile then minji spoke "i have to go now, it was nice meeting you guys" she got up bora followed her 

when they got out minji turned to face bora "let's meet up tonight after siyeon comes by to my apartment"

bora smiled "okay i will see you then"

minji waved at bora then started walking away. bora returned and didnt find handong or gahyeon 

she looked at her friends and asked "where did they go?"

yoobin answered "they had something to do"

bora sighed "that was super awkward"

siyeon loked guilty "im sorry"

they all turn to look at siyeon then yoohyeon asked "why?"

siyeon answered"i dont know i feel like i'm the one who made it like that"

bora said "its not your fault sing, handong was also tense i dont know what happened"

yoobin got up and said "well i will be going now, i'll text handong and see whats up"

bora replied "im not surprised that you have her number"

they all give bora a questioning look then she shook her head "never mind, tell us when you check up on her"

yoobin said "alright bye guys" bora replied "i will come with you"

they walked out ad left siyeon and yoohyeon alone 

siyeon said "i have to go to minji's in a bit will you come with me?"

yoohyeon replied "of course if you want me to"

siyeon smiled softly and held yooyeon's hand and stood up then they started walking to the bus station 

when they got on the bus yoohyeon was nodding off she put her head on siyeon's shoulder 

siyeon kept looking over to make sure yoohyeon was comfortable 


when they arrived near minji's apartment siyeon softly woke yoohyeon up. they got off the bus and started walking towards minji's apartment yoohyeon quitely took siyeon's hand and kept walking now it felt so natural and normal for them 

siyeon looked at their interwind hands and smiled to herself


they arrived infront of minji's house then yoohyeon texted minji and she came down to greet them, they went upstairs minji was giving siyeon a tour of the apartment and where her room would be if she moved in 

minji asked "so do you like the place?"

siyeon smiled so widely "yes of course"

minji smiled "okay then you should start packing i'll help you"

siyeon "thank you so much minji"

minji hugged siyeon "welcome to you new apartment"

siyeon said she should go and start packing already

when siyeon left yoohyeon smiled and said "thank you minji for doing this"

minji replied "its no problem its gonna be fun having her as my roomate i already like her"

yoohyeon said "okay im gonna go now i'll see you later"

minji hugged yoohyeon "i'm going to meet bora and maybe ask her to be my girlfriend today, im so nervous"

yoohyeon screamed "im so happy for you minji"

she said goodbye and went back to her house.


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i'm sorry if there are any mistakes in spelling or grammar i'll try to focus more


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JustAFan134 #1
Chapter 16: Y'all this was too adorable I don't think I can read anything else and say that I enjoyed that story as much as this adorable fluffiness ?♥️
Chapter 16: Everyone is all so cute
Hanimalik #3
Chapter 13: Omg finally
Chapter 13: Aaahhh they finally know each others feelings and had their first kiss plus clearing all their misunderstandings. So happy.
kasterian #5
Chapter 13: Awwww, they finally confessed to each other!! Don't stress yourself out with the updates though cuz that's not good for your health. Greatly appreciate your efforts regardless!
Chapter 10: This is a beautiful story, I hope things can turn out better for Siyeon so she and Yoohyeon can be together forever, these two were MADE FOR EACH OTHER, sweet sweet uwu, such a touching and heartwarming story, SiYoo, FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fatlife #7
Chapter 10: Oh man this slow burn. Siyeon fighting xD
Chapter 9: Hmm interesting indeed. I look forward to the next updates.
Yoohyeon97 #9
Chapter 9: OMG this is soooo cute!!! My heart skips a beat every time yoohyeon and Siyeon encounter
Chapter 7: Both are shy cowards