

In which a 24-year-old Joohyun is at a laundromat on a gloomy Tuesday morning when she recognizes someone across her washer. 
The last time Joohyun heard from this person was six years ago, months after they graduated from high school, when she told her that she was planning to move and stay in Canada for good.

But of course, that's not the case anymore.
Seungwan happens to be in the same laundromat building, and from there they attempt to catch up where they left off.

The awkwardness is so consistent; it's laughable. 






joohyun.                                                                                       seungwan.


for exterior references :)

just a quick note - there is another exact copy of this posted on ao3. u can also comment ur feels on there if u like. :^) i recently re-edited this whole one shot so there are some adjustments made, such as the dialogues and irene's inner thoughts. enjoy!


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Chapter 1: Awe it ended so fast!
Chapter 1: This is the 2nd time I read this story and still as good as new. Seungwan is so sweet~
Chapter 1: ahh yes! i read this on ao3 not too long ago, and it's just as good as reading it for the first time. thank you for sharing it here as well :)
Soshivelvett #4
Chapter 1: Omg :”))
ShinHye24 1340 streak #5
Ohh I remember reading something similar to this back then, did you rewrite it? Or maybe I'm confused lol
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 1: WAAAAAAA
chchcn #7
Chapter 1: My heart eyes emoji is showing ???
Chapter 1: It's so touching how they both gave each other a second chance to finally try... What made it more meaningful is that they both went through things that made them grow first before they acted on the things they wanted from the start. It makes you feel a sense of finality from their decision...There's a level of satisfaction that you get from finally getting the things you deprived yourself of for a very long time.
Chapter 1: My hearts so soft for them ❤❤
Chapter 1: ugh this was so adorable