Have a Faith

Faith (in me)
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After their marriage, Chanyeol's father-in-law had gave him and Byun Baekhyun, his husband, a condominium as a present.

Chanyeol's husband is a son of a successful businessman while he is an orphan that works as a security guard at Byun International Holdings, his father-in-law's company.

How did they met? Well, obviously Byun Baekhyun is Mr. Byun's one and only son and Chanyeol is the security guard there... So... Yeah... However, they have gotten Mr. Byun's blessing after three and a half years of dating. On 2014, they have taken whatever level their relationship it is to the next level; marriage.

On 2014, wait... On December 2014, okay... On 25th December 2014, at 12.01 am, there is an additional member in their family tree; Park Chanhyun. The beginning where Chanyeol could hear wailing here and there either before he wants to sleep or after he wakes up.

After three months since the day Chanhyun had born, Chanyeol and Baekhyun hire a nanny for Chanhyun on early April in 2015. Baekhyun had gain the strength by then and he helps his father in their company. 

The nanny, Kim Hyunji, 48, never had a problem in taking care of Chanhyun. She takes care of Chanhyun every daylight while she'll go home as Chanyeol and Baekhyun are home at eight in the night. Her husband had passed away since she gave birth to her daughter at the age of 20.

She had an experience in handling baby alone since then to earn money for her daughter. Now, her daughter is a popular fashion designer in Paris, leaving Mrs. Kim alone in South Korea but never mean that her daughter had forgotten her as she always sent her earned money to her mother every month and give a call every weekend. 

Mrs. Kim is just lonely as she got nothing to do since her daughter is away from home. That is why she accepted the offer for taking care of the Park little boy. She says that she could fill her days without doing practically nothing other than waiting for weekend of her daughter's call. 

She immediately fell for the cute baby Park for the first time she met him. She says that Park Chanhyun is the replica of Byun Baekhyun other than the ears that are the copy of Park Chanyeol. It's a sign that the baby would be fond of Chanyeol more than Baekhyun. 

But the statement maybe wrong because...

"Uwwaaaa!!!" The wailing of an eleven months baby wakes his parents up in the middle of early morning. Baekhyun grunts in his sleepy state while his hand search for his husband's. 

"Chanyeooolll..." Baekhyun calls out once he reaches for Chanyeol's arm. "Chanhyun is calling..." He continues.

Chanyeol sits up on the bed and rubs his face in his palms. He needs to be awake to attend to his son. If not, he'll may make a mistake in bumping his head on a door. 

Like several times before. 

Without much talking, he makes his way to their son's room that is across from theirs. He attemps a smile while approaching his son's curb. Maybe the smile seems awful that as soon as he shows his face to his son, the little one wails louder. 

The adult Park reaches for his son and carries the little boy up in his embrace while humming a lullaby song and patting gently on the baby's back, rocking the baby to sleep again. Eyes sleepy and mind tired.

Not long after, a sound of gurgling for a moment and Chanyeol could feel the wetness on his shoulder. He takes a look and things that he thinks he imagines it turns out to be reality. Chanhyun just throw up his drank milk on Chanyeol's shoulder. Chanyeol smiles thinly.

The father then changes his clothes after placing Chanhyun on the baby's bed and wash the stain on his shoulder. He then helps the baby to change into a new clothes. He carries the baby again and rocking him back and forth while humming a lullaby to drive the baby into a deep slumber but Chanhyun had the other idea as he keeps crying for about an hour. 

Chanyeol successes in tucking the baby in his curb at 4.35 am. He climbs onto the bed back and hands immediately curls around his petite exhausted husband. His clothed chest presses against Baekhyun's back. Baekhyun grabs Chanyeol's arms in instinct and they fell in a deep slumber again. 

It's been like that for almost nine months since Mrs. Kim says about the fond thing-y.

Who says that the replica of Baekhyun will be fond of Chanyeol? Maybe the baby despise the fact as he does not obey on whatever Chanyeol demands. Whenever Chanyeol's near, the wails got louder. Whatever Chanyeol does, Chanhyun didn't approves. 

On Baekhyun's side, since he heard that statement from Mrs. Kim months ago, he always pushes the responsibility of caring Chanhyun to his husband while he will take the responsibility just less than Chanyeol. He thinks that with letting Chanyeol attends to Chanhyun, they could spend time together and be fond of each other more. That is why, whenever Chanhyun is wailing in the middle of night, he always thought that Chanhyun is calling for his daddy. 

Even so, Chanyeol never complains. He always ready to entertain their son wherever, whenever. Just because the love for both his husband and son is just so big. So big that the idea of making his exhausted husband to suffer and the fragile looking son to keep crying. He always do his best in taking care of both. 



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



"Baek? Why didn't you wake me up?! We're late!" Chanyeol asks as soon as he opens his eyes on the bed to see his husband scrolls on the phone leisurely with his back on the headboard. The sunlights shine through the opened curtain windows. He squints his eyes to adjust the light and looks at his husband's smiley face.

Baekhyun grins while reaches his hand on Chanyeol's bed hairs. "I've called Mrs. Kim to not come today."

"What? Why?" Chanyeol gets up to sit position. "What's wrong? She's not well?" 

"No. It's just that I've called my father to inform that we won't be going to work today. We're taking a day off to take Chanhyun out." Baekhyun smiles widely. Chanyeol arches his eyebrows.

"Why?" The clueless Chanyeol tilts his head cutely. Baekhyun giggles at his reaction.

"You don't remember what day is today? You really forgot?" Baekhyun smiles knowingly. "I wanted to celebrate someone's birthday with my family today." 

Chanyeol then grins widely but still, handsomely. "Oh. I wonder who is that someone?" 

"Why don't we find out together?" Baekhyun blinks innocently. Chanyeol then pulls Baekhyun by the arms into his embrace. Head dives into the crook of Baekhyun's neck. He inhales the scent of his husband's before sighing contently.

"Thanks, Baek." He whispers but loud enough for just two of them to hear.

But then, it's a que for the baby 'calling' for his daddy. 



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



Now, here they are. The Park family is now at a park near to the Namsan Tower. It is somewhere secured and silence. They sits under the shade of the only tree there. It is the biggest tree there yet growing up alone in that secured park, surrounded with grasses. 

Chanyeol and Baekhyun sit on their mat with Chanhyun on his appa's lap. They plan to spend time while picnic under the said tree. They've discovered the place since three years ago when they have been together for a year. Since then, they make that place their own secret place to enjoy their free times. 

"Chanhyun-ah, go to daddy, appa wants to cut the apples, okay?" Baekhyun said to his son. The said baby looks up to Chanyeol, who grins full teeth, before dives his head on Baekhyun's chest. "Chanhyun-ah?"

Chanyeol smiles thinly while looking at his adorable yet stubborn child. "Let me do it, Baek. He wants to be with you." Chanyeol then reach for the cutting board, knife and the apples. He cut it after smiling assuringly to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun hugs his son on his lap without looking away from his focused husband. He smiles at Chanyeol when the said husband letting his tongue out while cutting the apples carefully. "Happy birthday, my husband." 

The sudden words caught Chanyeol off guard and frozen. The words so soothing and daring with the voice he love. He looks up slowly and the deep blush on Baekhyun's cheeks makes him squeal inwardly. He smirks before smiling genuinely. "Thanks." He whispers. 

But then, Chanhyun sense the cheesy atmosphere and he begins to whimper. The two adults look down to the nearly cry baby on Baekhyun's lap. Chanyeol smirk. 

"He's jealous."



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



Today is Christmas Eve and Chanhyun's birthday. Chanyeol and Baekhyun want to hold a party for both events. They invites the office workers in Byun International Holdings to come by their house tonight. 

Chanyeol offers his energy in cooking while Baekhyun takes care of their son. Chanyeol could hear Chanhyun's giggles in the living room while he's cutting the potatoes in the kitchen. Then, the voice of Baekhyun imitate a tiger roaring. 

Chanyeol is smiling alone while imagining on the scene at the living room. He can not imagine when he lose both of his precious persons in his life. He could be sad. 

Even though Chanhyun never let Chanyeol to relax in peace, it never let Chanyeol down. It's like a mission for Chanyeol to make Chanhyun be good in his care. Nonetheless, it is like a mission impossible for Chanyeol. 

When the night came, the invited peoples come with a present each. They greet the owner of the house and hand their present for the birthday boy before cooing at the adorable Chanhyun.

One by one, people carries Chanhyun in their arms. One would say that babies tend to wail and cry as soon as they are in stranger's arms but Chanhyun is opposite. He is smiling all the time, showing his gummy smile with four teethes. He seems to be happy on his birthday. 

At first, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are quite worry for Chanhyun to be with strangers in their house but they exhale a relief sigh at the sight of giggling child in Sehun's arms, Baekhyun's secretary and Chanyeol's friend. 

The invited peoples leave one by one, saying that they need to be home and celebrate the Christmas Eve with family. As Sehun leaves, who tend to be the last person to leave, Chanhyun starts to whimper and then wail in Baekhyun's arms. 

Chanyeol could sense that his petite husband is tired and the eyes will close anytime soon. He approaches Baekhyun on the couch after locking the door. The crying child look at his daddy before sobbing louder. Chanyeol sigh through his nose before carrying the said son in his arms, away from the sleepy Baekhyun after urging him to sleep in the bedroom. 

He carries the son into the kitchen and reaches for the prepared bottle for Chanhyun. He gives it to his son while rocking to subside the wailing. He then walks back to the living room and his petite husband figure had disappeared from the couch into their room. 

As soon as the baby calms down, Chanyeol helps Chanhyun in changing into the pyjamas and he prepared him to sleep with his sleepy state but still careful. 

It is not an easy job as Chanhyun could not stay still throughout the preparation. Chanyeol almost give up. Almost. But he keeps going with gentle touch and soothing voice tenderly. 

At 1 am, Chanyeol climbs on their occupied bed. He scoops his sleeping husband in his arms and drove off to dreamlands. 



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



On January 1st, 2016, the Park family once again picnic under the same tree in a park near the Namsan Tower. They're celebrating new year and wish for nothing but the best for their family. 

Chanyeol wished that the new year will bring the great fortune for Baekhyun and Chanhyun. Wished for Baekhyun's well-being and Chanhyun's great health. 

Now, Baekhyun is making the weird faces to their son, makes the little one to giggle cheerfully at the hilarious faces. Chanyeol just chuckles at the sounds Baekhyun and Chanhyun make while munching on the sandwiches they brought from home. Smile never leave their face all day. 

It is refreshing to start a new year with a family when you have one. It is an assure which you have to keep in mind that there is someone next to you when you had a hard time. There's someone you can lean on. There's someone you can tell stories. There's someone that will listen to your ramblings. 

There's someone that will never let you feel alone. 

"What are you thinking, Chanyeol-ah?" Baekhyun asks as he realizes that his husband is being in silence for a while now. Chanyeol snaps out of his thought before glancing at the sleeping Chanhyun on his husband's lap then smiling at Baekhyun. 

"It's nothing. Just some thought of the future." Chanyeol replies with a small smile. 

"Oh." Baekhyun grins. "Yeol, guess what?" 

"What is it?" Chanyeol tilts his head adoringly. Brows arch at the happy face his husband had on his face. 

Again, Baekhyun grins widely. "Yesterday, my dad makes me take care of a tender. He wants me to be a leader in a new year project we are having. He said that I am an adult enough to be a leader." 

Chanyeol then felt the urge to burst in smiling widely. At last, his husband's wish for the said father to acknowledge his ability in leading, accomplished. He feels happy for Baekhyun. "Cool! I'm happy for you, Baek. I'll keep rooting for you, okay? CEO Park?" He then grins widely.

Baekhyun giggles as Chanyeol crawls to his side. "Thanks, Security Park." 

Chanyeol pecks on Baekhyun's forehead with a whisper, "good luck, CEO Park."



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



One Wednesday, third week of January, in the late evening, Chanyeol is driving Baekhyun's car with the said person sleeping on his side in the passenger's seat. They are on their way from their workplace.

As soon as their shifts ended, Baekhyun gives Chanyeol his car key and asks his husband to drive them home in sleepy state. Baekhyun was exhausted that day. Yesterday, they were shocked at the news of Mr. Byun, the president of the company, was in the hospital as he fainted because of high blood pressure.

Baekhyun had to take care both of his own projects and his father's today. It is the result for him being so tired. Chanyeol felt pity for his husband and wished for Baekhyun's best health. 

He keeps driving in silence, did not want to disturb Baekhyun's rest time before they reach home. He stops by a rice cake shop and buys some for Baekhyun, himself and Mrs. Kim, who is probably still in their house, taking care of Chanhyun while waiting for them to be home. 

Once they reached their condominium, Baekhyun has no other choice than to be awake because he knows that Chanyeol is tired too to carry him up to their home. The elevator ride is also in silence with Baekhyun leans his body on Chanyeol's side and his head on Chanyeol's shoulder. Eyes barely open to keep awake. 

They step into their house with Mrs. Kim greets them at the door. The said woman smiles in motherly way as if she is watching her own sons coming back home. "Welcome back, you two. Chanhyun is sleeping in his curb. As always, he never give me a hard time." 

Chanyeol and Baekhyun smiles genuinely. "Thanks, here, take this." Chanyeol hands out a plastic bag of rice cake he purchased just now. Mrs. Kim takes it.

"Thank you, Chanyeol-ah." The two males could sense that the elder woman is fidgeting as if she has something to tell. "Erm... I want to tell you two something. Let's sit at the couch." By then, Baekhyun is wide awake.

As they are settling in the living room with three cups of tea prepared by Mrs. Kim, she starts. "My daughter is getting marry on this Saturday." 

Chanyeol smiles. "Congratulations." 

"Thank you." Mrs. Kim replies. "She wants to hold it in Paris because the one she met is in Paris." 

Baekhyun too smiles. "Well, we can give you a week or two off?" 

"That is the problem, Chanyeol-ah, Baekhyun-ah. She wants me to stay with her after the marriage in Paris. I can't stay to be with Chanhyun anymore."

"Oh..." Both males say simultaneously.

"I am sorry." 

"No, no. It is okay. Don't apologize. It is nobody's fault. It's alright, Mrs. Kim. We understand." In a second, Mrs. Kim beams.

"Thank you. I'll take my leave now. Hope you'll get a great nanny for Chanhyun. He's not hard to take care of. Thank you again for letting me to be with Chanhyun for about nearly a year." She then hugs both Baekhyun and Chanyeol before walking out of the house after bidding them a goodbye. 

Both males slump on the couch in sync and sigh together, dramatically.

"What should we do now?" Chanyeol asks no one in particular.

Baekhyun stares ahead on the wall beside their television. Pout is visible on his lips. "I don't know. I have problems at the company. My father is in the hospital at the moment. I have to take care of two big projects. I am their boss for the time being. And now, Chanhyun has no nanny." Baekhyun turns his head to Chanyeol. "Tell me, Yeol. What should we do?" 

Chanyeol blinks at the sight of tearful Baekhyun. The petite husband is at the edge of crying anytime now. In panic, Chanyeol blurts out something without thinking. "Err... What about I quit as the security guard and take care of Chanhyun?" 

Baekhyun is beaming and the tearful expression has diappeared. "Really? You will do that? Oh my, Chanyeol! You're the best husband ever!" 

Chanyeol should have known that the night is the start of disaster he was about to get through.



박찬열 ♡ 변백현




Chanyeol still holding on. He is aware that he is still alive. He keeps moving on. With life. Still looking forward on living. Still facing whatever challenges that are coming on his way. Still-...

"Uuuuuwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Cue a small voice from living room, through to the kitchen where Chanyeol is at the moment.

Chanyeol takes a deep breath before let it out calmly. "Yes, honey. Daddy'll be there in a moment with your milk." He hollered to his only son which was replied with another wail. Louder this time. The only father pressed his lips together but never sighed about how annoying it sounded.

Chanyeol has been through two months since he had been hired as his son's nanny. He is in charge of his and Baekhyun's son while his lovely husband takes care of the company. His father-in-law is still hospitalized but had been stabilized since a month ago. Baekhyun too, had been busy lately. 

Chanhyun however, never, since his daddy in charged of him, never been 'nice' to his daddy. Which means that he always wails, cries, screams and anything that might annoyed his daddy but Chanyeol never complained. He patiently attend to Chanhyun whenever his son has been wailing non-stop. 

There was sometime that Chanyeol almost want to ignore the crying pit by Chanhyun. Almost. But it never happened. 

There was also time of Chanyeol's freedom, which was when Chanhyun was sleeping. In a complete silence, Chanyeol smiled tenderly while watching his son breathing evenly in his sleep. He always be there to accompany his son from any disturbance. Always keep in silence.

By the end of the day, before Baekhyun comes home, he's in the living room, with Chanhyun sounds asleep in his curb. Chanyeol had been cleaning after finished preparing the dinner for them. 

It is the same daily rutine for Chanyeol since two months ago.

Still, Chanyeol is content with his life now. Even his son is his little big boss.



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



"I'm home." Baekhyun utters tiredly. He steps in and closes the door after. The automatic door locks it with a beep. He drags himself to the kitchen where his husband is waiting for him while fixing his soup on the stove. 

Baekhyun put his briefcase on the ground and wraps his arms around Chanyeol's waist from behind. He rests his head on his husband's wide back. "Welcome back." Chanyeol grabs Baekhyun's hand on his stomach. 

"I miss you. It was an exhausting day. Glad that Sehun was there to help me." Baekhyun whispers. 

Chanyeol smiles while stirring his soup. "Miss you too. Take a seat. It'll be done in a minute."

"Okay." Baekhyun burries his face on Chanyeol's back to sniff his husband's scent before detaches himself and move to the dining table. 



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



Chanhyun hardly meet his appa nowadays. It's been awhile for the family to just have a nice day. Chilling. Just like his daddy too, Chanyeol is missing his husband too. Even if it is weekend, Baekhyun's can't stay home even if he wants too. He always up and gone to work before Chanhyun opens his eyes in the morning and home after Chanhyun gone to sleep at night. 

Every night, as Chanhyun is wailing and crying just for the chance to meet his appa, Chanyeol take a pity to his husband and calm their son for not disturbing Baekhyun's much needed sleep. Chanyeol never sighed or murmuring about how unfair it is. He always, always the one who gave more than he received.

Baekhyun too, everytime he is home, with an accompany of his husband, he let out his rage and stress to Chanyeol who listened attantively. Chanyeol is the one who calmed Baekhyun and Chanhyun down, everyday.

Yet, he never got tired of it.

Because he understands that his husband is a busy office worker man and his son is only a year and a few months to be understanding of his exhausted situation.

Yet, he is happy everyday to know that both of his loved ones are alive and very much healthy to shine his days.



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



"Yes, darling. I'll be there in a minute!" Chanyeol once again hollers with a soft voice. Chanhyun is crying again in his curb while his daddy is cleaning the kitchen after lunch.

Chanyeol quickens his steps to his son's room and takes the sight of Chanhyun who cries so sadly. Chanyeol's heart just melts and coo at his son.

"Awww... Why are you crying little one?" He asks while carry up his cute little son. Even though the baby would cry everyday, and the daddy still didn't know the reasons, he still ask anyway. Hopefully, the baby would just answer the questionable father. 

Chanyeol is rocking Chanhyun back and forth while humming a lullaby song. The crying did not subsides though.

"Want to have something to eat?" Chanyeol did not know but, he wants to know if his son could have his first meal. He walks to the kitchen with the still sobbing Chanhyun in his arms. He opens the refrigerator and miraculously, Chanhyun stops crying and being fascinated with the light that emits from the misterious big box. 

Why misterious? He always sees his daddy pulls out something for himself to eat from the big box. In the other words, he never knows what is inside of it.

But now the little boy knows and his eyes are wide in curiosity. And he is amazed by the orange light from the misterious big box. He now sees many food arranged in the big box which is not a mystery anymore. 

Chanyeol, who notices the small reaction, chuckles lightly at the dumbstruck Chanhyun. 

"Want some apple?" Chanyeol asks smoothly, does not want to startle the little one. Chanhyun looks up to his daddy, eyes wide, before looking back to the opened big box. Chanyeol reaches down an apple from inside and closes the door. 

Chanhyun's eyes follow the apple that is now in Chanyeol's hand curiously. What will daddy do to the red round ball? 

"I need you to sit down for awhile and wait, can you?" Chanyeol eyes the little boy, expecting for the boy to answer. Unfortunately, the boy still did not understand a thing he says. Chanyeol blinks and smack his own head in his head. "Your daddy is really stupid, right, Chanhyun?" Chanyeol grins but the boy just eyes him weirdly. 

Chanyeol put the little one down and starts to cut the said fruit into quite a small pieces. He lifts up the boy again after finish and sat on the couch with Chanhyun on his lap. Smiling fondly at Chanhyun's little gesture of clapping and reaches for the cut apples. He takes one and held it in front of the small mouth, letting Chanhyun to taste it using the tongue and toothless gum. 

The mouth is now full of Chanhyun's saliva but Chanyeol could careless. Not feeling a bit disgust about it. He smiles widely instead and wipes them with tissues.

As Chanhyun pushes the hand away, he starts looking around. "Pppfffffffffhaaaa." 

"Oh? You're learning to talk? Huh, buddy?" Chanyeol asks and gains the boy's attention. 

Chanhyun is almost 18 months now. Chanyeol sighs. His husband had been missing a lot about Chanhyun. He watches as Chanhyun slides down from his lap to the ground and using the couch to assist his legs up. Having a few steps away before flopping down near to what it seems like his little toys. Chanyeol yet again smiles. Chanhyun has start learning to walk every now and then since five months ago and really, Baekhyun did not know it. Chanyeol wants the husband to figure it out himself but what is the chance? Baekhyun and Chanhyun barely been together awake. 

Now that been mentioned, Baekhyun been more and more busy. He comes home more later than before. Even past office overtime hour. Chanyeol never had a time to greet Baekhyun back from work since he was exhausted all day long. Baekhyun too, said that he could go to sleep before he come home and it is okay. It had been two months. 

Brushed it off as Baekhyun still coming back home however late it is, Chanyeol could just give the small husband a smile and pecks on the forehead and lips before waving his hand to the driving away Baekhyun in the morning. Yes, even conversations seems to be lesser and lesser day by day. 

Shaking the thoughts off from his head, Chanyeol drops down next to his son who is trying to match the block puzzles. "Hey, buddy, say 'daddy'?" He tries.  

"Dadadadddaaaaa." Chanyeol frowns playfully. 

"You like to saddened daddy, huh?" He pouts but smiles yet again as Chanhyun gives him toothless smiles. "Well, you're not ready yet, do you?" 

Chanyeol lost his smile as Chanhyun suddenly wails. Apparently the boy smacks his own fingers with the blocks. 

"Aigoo... what do daddy do with you?" Cue the sound of soothing words to the sobbing boy. 



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"Hey, little one, sleep well?" Chanyeol asks with a smile to the newly awakened Chanhyun. However, like every other days, he starts to cry aloud and Chanyeol grimaces. "Oh gosh, daddy never knew what daddy did wrong, buddy but yeah, come here." 

After calming down Chanhyun, Chanyeol starts to do the routines. Showering Chanhyun, do the laundry and more. Since it's summer, he let Chanhyun wear the new outfit for summer he purchased online last month. He had asked Baekhyun's permission today to bring Chanhyun out, with a smile, Baekhyun nodded and waved his hand goodbye to work this morning. 

With Baekhyun's energetic action, and no eye bags under his beautiful eyes, he does not seem to be so busy yet why did not he coming back home early? 

A thought came

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So, yeah, I'll try my best for providing more improved works for you. Wait for my comeback! ^~^ ♡


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 3: So lucky that Chan took him back!!
Palak27 #2
Chapter 2: Well I know chanyeol loves baekhyn but I despise cheaters. Once a cheater always a cheater! I hate baekhyun in this fic so much that I can’t express it in words here.
Chapter 3: I-i I am really speechless rn!!! I mean I will say a lot but emotionally I just idk how u came up with this but a LOUD APLAUSE FOR U!!!!
First chapter the pregnancy period! It was lovely cute and funny and a lot of hard work from yeol (I love yeol it's like in this story I fell fr him all over again) and here it's actually beautiful cause even though Baek made yeol do a LOT!! From mangoes to shower thrice and such that he slept in the tub! It was really tiring for our yeol but I won't blame anyone here as in the pregnancy phase the person goes through a LOT TOO it might be unseen but having a baby in u isn't a piece of cake and chapter 1 to when the nannying as still there everything was actually hert warming on how amazing a new family can e with hard ships but unconditional love (specIlky from Chanyeolie I just LOVE him)
BUT... Chapt2 it took a twist I didn't expect!! I mean the parts where yeol agrees to be a nanny for baeks peace of mind and everyone yeol always says he is happy no matter how hard it is he is happy and content to have Baek and ChanHyun by his side was just all so lovely (I love love LOVE yeolie!! I keep saying this lol but I love him!!) tbh I got a little mad and ChanHyun when he would just cry with Dady but was better with Baek guest and nanny too! I was like COME ON LITTLE PARK GIVE HIM REST!!!;( but oh well it was light hearted cause who am I kidding can't eat mad at a 1 yr old cutie naughty sweet baby!but again yeol never took it as a burden always was happy he had ChanHyun and had seen hi firsts!!!! (As I read through everything yeol would do for ChanHyun while Baek was away made me wish I could be that good to my kids in the future ..I feel it's impossible cause WAHH he has a HIGH level of patience love and positivness!!)
Back to chapter 2- when Baek was with Sehun I was shocked tbh and when e had no ring I felt hurt but just a little cause my hopes were stronger that NO HE WOULD BEER HURT YEOL and I held on to tht hope.. When Baek said LOUSY... Yh LOUSY!! He called yeol LOUSY I repeat.. "L•O•U•S•Y PARENT" I was gassed up idk it was pain or anger I felt more but I just wanted to lol idek just show Baek show him what I say yeol do show him that he is such a good parent ALONE and how amazing of a father he is that him or anyone could be no match for him!! To show how much he WA going through yet how strong he was and yet how considerate he was BUT then my hopes was still there Yh lol I was still holding on to them!! I was sad real sad cause I couldn't stand the fact that yeol had to hear such a comical absurd comment on his parenting from Baekhyun Yh lol Baekhyun judging amazing caring and the best dad ever THE Park Chanyeol on parenting out of all thing PARENTING!! When he is no way even near an average parent while yeol is way above average and yeol tearing up and shocked at that comment made me so hurt!!
Anyway I still had a hope that maybe Baek just die at know maybe he was too into work to realise as I was hoping and hoping he had no affair with Sehun when yeol asked him for the ring and he forgot it .. Funny maybe but I kinda thought he DID forget and was hoping yeol will feel the same but when yeol said 'I saw u put it on' LIEREALLY my jaw dropped cause WHAT!! It was so hard to believe HAVING a lover like CHANYEOL having a husband like CHANYEOL having a son who's father is PARK CHANYEOL how JUST HOW COULD HE BETRAY AND DECIEVE HIM LIKE THAT!!!??????;((( I took time to process that Byun Baekhyun actually cheated on Chaneolie and I hated it!!! Hated Baekhyun!! A LoT!!!
It was so unfair! How could he like it's a proper love marriage he kissed u goodbye every morning and prepared dinner for u every night looked after tge house after ur son after YOU! And while el would pray for ur and chanhyuns health U were ENJOYING clubs parties and beside HanRiver SERIOUSLY BAEK!!?? Seriously!!! But more tan being mad at him I was soooooo hurt for yeol :(
Chanyeol deserves all the love!! Since the pregnancy chapter as s ince the story began till the very end the amount of love CHANYEOL has given Baekhyun alone can never ever be returned (no offence maybe Baek loves him a lot now a lot!!) but the amount of love and care yeol sacrificed for Baek and chyun I don't think he can ever e loved like that by Aanyone!! Chanyeol deserves so much more or atleast theme Amount of love he gave his family but it's not possible cause not everyone can love that much like that!! I wish he does he deserves it but his love is so UNCONDITIONAL and UNDYING that's it's really hard to return!! TT
It might sound weird but I was thinking i wish I could love like CHANYEOL understand like CHANYEOL work hard like YEOL whether as a frnd colleague daughter mother wife or in law I wish I could be as good as he is cause he is EXTREMELY GOOD way more than any word can describe
I jut wish Baek can now shower him. With all the love and care he deserves let's him rest and makes sure to never break his trust (I know he wouldn't but if he does AuthorNim I'm telling u I'll come to wherever u are in the world and not spare u fir hurting this yeol because HE DOENST DESERVE MORE PAIN!) (it's not an empty threat I'll hunt u down;(
Also sorry Baek I usually like u a lot but HERE u did very wrong as a lover as a husband as a father and even as Human u disappointed me ALot but still wanted u back cause yeol loves u that much and I love him that much!! So better not hurt him again!
But I'm glad u realised ur fault and learnt from it and love him now and I feel sorry for U too cause it hurts when u say Iloveyiu and ur husband thinks it's empty AND U WOULD HAVE KILLED URSELF ! DumMy!! Baekk u did wrong but as human we all make mistakes and even thiugh I said bad about u before its again only cause as human u get emotional and stuff so sorry but u understood and restarted egged for forgiveness u showed yeol what ur life would be without him u showed him how much u need him u showed him that h love him and that u truly regret what u did so that's all matter as lone as u three r happy as one family now everything is good! I hope u get rid of ur nightmares soon cause trust me Chanyeol wil never ver leave u he lives u that much! ^_^
ChanHyun I was actually hapoy he cried and missed yeol i mean it's bound to happen still I was just glad that Chanyeol will know how much his only son needs him and Baek will also know what an amazing (and not lousy) at her Chanyeol is and how no one ever could replace his absence and how no one can compare with his live and parenting and DADA the first word I was already I crying mess that that point of the story only to cry morre with slight smile:) loved this story really!!
I'm really excited for the epilogue cause Idek what to expect (except I AM expected a happy family and lots of FLUFFFFF:))))
ohhh also Chanyeol ahhh Chanyeol he went back accepted them he could t hit Sehun more he let him stay at work he didn't want to take the chairman job cause he knows it's for Baek and he still assures Baek tht he forgave him and loves him and comforts Baek!! I'll end this comment now by sating Park Chanyeol us the most selfless soft heart amaizng human being beautiful lover caring understanding husband and best father away again he deserves all the lie in the world and all the happiness to!!! I lie him a lot and his love is so unbeatable!! Yeol is the best I live him!!

Lol starte with 'I'm speechless' ending up with so much to say sorry AuthorNim gave u an essay to read but this Tory was so tiyching as unbelievable my beautiful and painful and the way u created Yeols character is just so superb cause I didn't think such a person could exist to give so much and revive so less yet be so happy and content and yet wish only for his family's good health and happiness! For the last Ttime I LOE YEOL<3 I LOVE PARK CHANYEOL!!!^_^
Thank u for this TOO AWESOME story!!!!
Thnx AuthorNim eXOXO!!!
Chapter 3: superb story
Chapter 2: Woahhh. How could you do that to chanyeol and chanhyun
Chapter 1: Baekhyun ah i know that you're pregnant, but please consider chanyeol's heart too. T_T
Chapter 3: Im crying...
turyka #8
Chapter 3: Ok, this make me cry. Poor Chanyeol, he's the best man and appa. I feel sad for Channie, he must have feel so frustrated when he couldn't find his daddy..
They didn't fire Sehun, really mature...
Great ministory(◕ᴗ◕✿)
Chapter 3: Its such a beautiful story. It melted my heart. I felt bad for chanyeol. It was heartbreaking to see him falling apart. But then, he took right decision and am so happy that he consistently supported baekhyun and trusted him.
Thank you for your precious work :)
Chapter 2: Poor Chanyeol.