Mending the Broken (final)

K-POP Imagines


“Take a seat,” Evie gestured to her living room as she moved around her kitchen, the apartment she lived in a renovated carpenter that had been split in half. She resided in the upper section of the house, and it was surprisingly bright inside. Pale tan walls gave the room a warmth that was missing from the crisp white furniture that was scattered in places. Pops of colors showed up randomly in a picture frame or a pillow. None of the colors matched but somehow it all worked together. She returned to where I was with two lemonades in hand, placing them on the glass coffee table. She took a drink from hers, but although I thanked her for it, I didn’t take a sip myself.

I was still reeling from our kiss minutes ago. The need to have Evie touch me was overwhelming and it burned through my chest but she sat on one side of the couch while I was on the other. The memory of pressed against mine lingered and I traced those delicious lips with my eyes. As if sensing my heated gaze, Evie ducked her head.

“Before we start anything, there’s something I need to tell you,” she muttered, her voice faint. Frowning, I sensed there was something deeper than just basic hesitation.

“Anything,” I told her and reached out a hand, praying she would take it. A second later her palm had met mine and I tightened my hold on her, wanting to strengthen her for whatever she needed to say. She inhaled deeply, but the sound was shaky.

“A few years ago, a man broke into my home. He uh...he me...”

Involuntarily the hand resting on Evie’s sofa seized and my heart seemed to plummet straight down into my stomach. I bit my lip to keep from saying anything as she took glances at me, gaging my reaction. More than the aching that tore through me, I saw red in my vision; for the first time in my life I genuinely wanted to hurt someone.

“I killed him,” she was saying and I was brought back from the edge by surprise, but she wasn’t done. “That same night he got distracted and I had a gun. He came out of the bathroom and I just shot in his direction, as many times as I could. So close up, I couldn’t m-miss.”

“Evie,” I moaned when tears fell from her eyes. I pulled her to me and she came unresistingly, her sobs stilted and hiccupping. Pain was filtering through me, hers and my own at my inability to do anything for her. She had suffered long before I’d known her, the Evie she had been gone before I’d had a chance to see. I mourned the loss of her happiness, of her self.


“He was a serial . What he did to me, he had done to other girls. He was so evil and I tell myself that everything I did was necessary because he wouldn’t have stopped with me. I try to reason that there was good coming from my hurt. And most days I believe it.”

“But when I hold that gun, when I touch that cold metal, my hand shakes like crazy,” she whispers into my shirt, her tears having long since stopped. We haven’t moved though, stuck in the moment.

“JB, I’m scared. He did something to me, broke something in me. I want to touch you so badly,” Evie whimpered as her fingers lightly grazed across my cheek. I leaned into her touch, and her eyes widened in surprise, the brown of them glazed over in a haze of passion.


“I’m worried that this is all I’ll ever be able to manage but I want so much more. A lot more...” she finished in a rushed breath. I inhaled deeply at her confessions, my heart pounding again but for a different reason now. Jubilation filled me to the brim; she wanted me. I couldn’t ask for anything more. I kissed the inside of her palm and turned my head away, the piercing in my nose lightly scratching against her skin. She was so beautiful to me, so wonderful that it hurt.

I the puffs she wore, wanting to undo them so that I could feel her hair in my fingers. I resisted the urge and instead moved back to her jacket, zipping it until the sweater she wore underneath was exposed. Slowly, so slowly that my hands shook, I placed my hands on her waist, pulled her tighter against me until she was in my lap, her jean clad legs positioned over mine.


I leaned in to kiss her, how could I resist? Her past was haunting but I didn’t want her to think about it, didn’t want her to believe that she wasn’t a whole person. She had survived, she has already done more than anything I could teach.

“Evie, my sweet Evie,” I muttered against her lips, her name as gentle and cute as she was. My heart thudded painfully in my chest and I watched as my hands roamed her body and hers curled into the lapels of my jacket. Breathing strained and my jaw clenched, I dragged my fingers along the edges of her sweater, asking for permission.

“Yes JB,” she managed to breathe out in between kisses and I went even slower still, enjoying the way her moans fell from her lips as my hand went underneath her shirt and under her bra, my fingers testing the weight of her s and lightly pinching stiff s.

My mouth was on her neck and the harder I the louder her panting got and my felt hard enough to snap off. I pushed her sweater up and off, unhooked the bra that kept me from seeing her. What was revealed was magnificent, her brown skin reddened from my ministrations. With each breath the tips of her s rose and without thinking I bent my head to them, taking the pebbles into my mouth one at a time.

Evie’s sharp intakes of breath spurred me on, but while I had a mind to devour her like this, her hands grabbed one of mine and took it lower, making me skim the waistband of her jeans.


Please,” she begged sotto voice, and I lifted my head to look her in the eyes. I watched for any panic, any sign that she didn’t want what I was giving her as I slipped my hands inside. Other than her pupils seeming to dilate, she only made mewling noise as I explored her warmth. Emboldened, I pushed aside the lace of her and slipped a solitary finger lower.

I was met with dampness of an overwhelming amount. Evie was dripping wet and the sounds my friction caused made a curse leave my lips. I pushed one finger inside and covered her surprised gasp with my mouth. When she could breathe she said my name over and over again, her litany punctuated by low moans.

It wasn’t long before her body spasmed around my fingers, her back arched against my front. She had stared at me the whole time, her gaze resolute though her lashes had fluttered in quick bursts when it had felt especially good. Now she lay supine, finally relaxed and sated. My hardon throbbed painfully in my jeans and while she watched I eased my zipper down, moving her slightly so that I could pull it from my boxers.


I removed my fingers slowly from her and I took pleasure in her tiny gasps, her flesh still sensitively swollen. My hand was covered in Evie’s release and I couldn’t resist using that same hand to grab my , running the wetness over myself and letting it coat me. I could feel every pulse of my heart through the veins but what I didn’t expect to feel was a warm hand covering mine.

Evie’s eyes were on me again and this time they were clear and bright. I checked again for any signs of fear but she didn’t waver as she moved my hand for me, making my palm cup my length and bringing it up and down in long . My whole body shook as I watched her touch me, the one thing that I had longed for above everything else she had allowed me to do today. For her to willingly come to me, giving herself to me, the thought of it alone made electricity shoot through me until I burst, fire arching through me.

Panting along with her now, I bent my body over hers slowly telegraphing my every move in case she wanted to move away. But miracles of miracles, she opened her arms for me and I let out a choked breath as I settled into her arms.

Evie’s warmth and softness, the sweetness of her scent drove me crazy. I brought my lips to hers and she met me head on, her small tongue darting in and around my mouth, the sides and giving me a taste of an undeniable drug. Unable to hold back any longer, I felt the inferno once again blaze along my spine as she touched the tip of me, and my second release left me puffing for air.

“JB,” she whispered deliciously into my ear, “I love you.”






A/N: AHHHH! This fic is complete! I was already sure where this ending was headed, but it became decidedly more heated than I had initally intended. Oh well, who can really stop JB? He legit bias wrecked me from JinYoung with his looks these days, so I hope you guys were all torn up over him as well. Remember to COMMENT, UPVOTE and SUBSCRIBE for more content. As always, much love, <3!

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Chapter 5: WOW
Chapter 8: There is no stopping JB. Really good read. <3
Chapter 7: I squealed over the kiss scene too. So we'll done!!
2026 streak #4
Chapter 4: Hi there ^^ I just read the Monsta X Story. So both Part 1 and 2 are of the same gangster au, aren't they? And it's not the end right? Like Xael and Shownu have just met. I'd love to read more. It's pretty interesting so far.
AkMu00 #5
Chapter 4: More pls
Chapter 2: Well, that was easy. Dongwoo gets a legit AMBW story that is sweet. Next whole story must have CNU in a sweet or naughty love affair. Good update Authornim.