Chapter 9

Date Me
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Chapter 9:


“Seulgi, Bogum still doesn’t fully believe we are dating.”


“Neither do some of my friends.” 


“Hyun, lets go on dates.”




However, the two of them soon realised that each other's definition of a date are worlds apart. After much discussion again, they finally decided on a compromise. 


And, this is how the dance captain broke her own rules and stepped into the library for the first time in two years. 


"Hyun, I really don't want to study..." Seulgi whines to her girlfriend, and immediately keeps quiet when she meets her sharp glance. Irene mutters, "Keep quiet, we are in the library." 


“Yes, Ma’am.” 


Their entrance immediately makes heads turn and gossips spread among the students through hushed conversations. All of which Irene simply ignores while Seulgi greets some of them with a wave, eliciting a few shrieks of joy from her fan girls. 


Irene walks deeper into the library and finally reaches her usual table, which is by the glass windows overlooking the school field. As expected, the table is empty as everyone in the library knows how Irene always uses this table and is especially particular about having the table to herself. 


However, there is an envelope placed on the table that day. 


Seulgi picks up the envelope and looks at it, which is addressed: For Irene <3 


This piques her interest. 


She takes a look at Irene, who seems to oblivious to the letter, as Irene proceeds to take out her items and started studying as per normal. Seulgi settles down on the seat opposite Irene and places the letter on top of Irene’s textbook.


“This love letter is for you.” Seulgi purses her lips. “Can I read it?” 


Irene pushes the letter away and mumbles, “I don’t care.” Her eyes have never once left the textbook. 


So, Seulgi picks up the letter and reads through the content quickly. 




Dear Irene,


I apologise for being a coward, as this is the only way I can make my feelings known to you since you are already attached. To be honest, I had a crush on you since the first day you stepped into our school. From the moment you glanced in my direction and met my eyes, I knew you were someone I can never let go of easily. I know you are dating Seulgi, but given your gentle and quiet demeanour, I do firmly believe Seulgi is definitely not someone suitable for you. So, I will always be waiting for the day you leave Seulgi and give me a chance. 


Love always, 

Park Hyunsik 





After reading it, Seulgi scoffs and keeps the letter in her pocket for future use. How dare someone write a love letter for her girlfriend when she has not even written one for her yet? 


She asks her girlfriend seriously, “Hyun, do you always receive such letters?” 


“A few, but they have decreased a lot since we started dating.” Irene replies casually, not bothering to look up. 


Judging from her girlfriend’s nonchalance, the captain quickly infers that she must have been receiving so many confessions since young that she does not even find it interesting anymore. 


Just how many of such confessions were there before Seulgi confessed? 


Just how many people have claimed to have fallen in love with her at first sight? 


No wonder Irene was able to reject Seulgi so coolly that fateful day in the cafeteria. 


“I cannot let this happen again.” Seulgi lets out a frustrated sigh and then tells Irene firmly, “I need to stay here with you every day to chase away all your suitors.”


Irene finally looks up and she replies Seulgi coldly, “Who said I allow you to study here? This is my table and everyone here knows I like studying alone.” The model student hates it the most when she is disturbed while studying. 


“I’m your girlfriend, so what’s yours from now on is mine.” Seulgi beams and she reaches out to hold Irene’s hand which is currently holding onto a pen, startling the latter. “And, what’s mine is yours too. you can use my studio anytime you want.” 


“Y-You...” Hearing Seulgi’s honey-coated words and seeing her sweet smile, Irene realises the spiteful words at the tip of her tongue just dissipates into dust. She just sighs and removes her hand from Seulgi’s grip. 


“No thanks and this is my final warning. Stop disturbing me.” 


Seeing Irene is angry, Seulgi obediently nods and replies a quiet “Okay” before taking out her homework to complete. 


Finally, Irene can focus on her work again. 


While she is focused on her revision, time passes by quickly, and the latter almost loses track of time until she hears the sound of a pen dropping onto the table, which makes her heart jump. 


Irene glares at perpetuator and is about to nag at her, when she suddenly realises the other girl is sound asleep. Wearing her hood, Seulgi has her head supported on one arm and her eyes are shut. However, on the other hand is slightly open. 


Irene gently tries to push Seulgi’s mouth shut, but it opens instantly the next second, causing Irene to break out into a quiet chuckle. 


“Silly bear.” 






After their afternoon studying session, they two of them would head down to the school field, where they would enjoy their afternoons chatting by the bleachers or walking around the school together. 


Apparently, that is Seulgi’s idea of a date in school.


Irene initially had doubts about Seulgi’s real intentions, but she just went along with it and soon realised that Seulgi’s wish was just as simple as it is. 


Taking walks around the campus while holding hands and nothing else. 


Sometimes they would exchange some light banter, other times they would just walk in comfortable silence while holding hands. 


One day while they are enjoying a quiet walk, they met the two maknaes on the way back to the dance studio. 


Irene immediately lets go of Seulgi’s hand and goes to greet the two maknaes with a hug. 


“Sooyoungie! Yerim!” 


Seulgi watches from afar, how Irene pats her maknaes’ heads and smiles at them affectionately, in a way she has never seen Irene smile at her before. An upturn of the mouth, a crinkle of the eyes, gleaming with genuine happiness upon seeing the two. 


The dance captain just stares at them and her mind drifts to how she has increasingly noticed that Irene always seem to be less happy around her than with anyone else, even though they are the ones who are dating. And, it makes her feel a little weird seeing her girlfriend happier with someone else. 


It seems like she has a lot more to learn in the art of being a good girlfriend. 


The thought of this new obstacle makes Seulgi feel the familiar adrenaline rush through her veins again. She smirks, excited to take on this next challenge.






Even after two weeks of dating, Seulgi still waits for her girlfriend at 7 a.m. on the dot everyday at her building’s basement with Wendy in the back seat.


Seulgi peers towards the direction of the entrance once every five seconds, awaiting the arrival of her girlfriend with excitement. She cannot wait to present yet another gift to Irene, which is a big bouquet of flowers she has personally chosen yesterday.


Looking at Seulgi, Wendy cannot help but comment, “It looks like you’re really in love with our Joohyun. Don’t you get tired of buying gifts for her every day?”


Seulgi nods but she soon follows with a light shrug, “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do for my girlfriend if I ever had one. It’s good practice for the future I guess.” 


Her accidental slip of the tongue is immediately caught on by Wendy. Wendy slaps Seulgi’s shoulder and hisses, “What do you mean by practice? You’re just dating her for practice for your future girlfriends?!” 


Seulgi blames it on the lack of sleep from choreographing late into the night for her accidental mistake. She scurries to follow up with an explanation, “I-I mean it’s practice for the future when we get married!” 


“Married? You said girlfriend just now.” Wendy purses her lips. 


“I mean if we ever get married, I still want to pamper her every day, like how I would pamper her now when we are still dating!” Seeing the slight doubt still present in Wendy’s  expression, Seulgi quickly adds, “It’s because I love her so much, Wannie. I really do.” The captain tries her best to soften her gaze while looking into Wendy’s brown orbs. 


“Awwwww!” Wendy finally melts into a bright smile and she pretends to wipe a tear from her left eye. “You are so cute, Ddeulgi!” 


“I know,” Seulgi grins, feeling good about herself after the compliment. 


Wendy continues to ask, “Tell me how is Joohyun like as a girlfriend. Is she clingy? Is she overly protective? Does she gets jealous easily or acts cute in front of you?” 


Seulgi thought about it and shakes her head, “None of the above.” 


Wendy nods, as if it is something expected. “She’s still the same as before. She is kind of cold at first glance, but I guess she can be a bundle of fun once you break down her walls. Is she still guarded against you?”


Seulgi nods, “She is still a bit cold to me.” 


“Don’t worry, it all disappears with time.” Wendy reassures the latter, who does not seem to be troubled at all. 


“I’m not worried, Wannie. I don’t believe that I won’t be able to melt her heart completely one day.” Seulgi confidently announces her new goal. It excites her knowing that it is yet another difficult mission, as the dance captain never liked pursuing things that are not of sufficient challenge. 


“Can I ask you something?”


“Sure, Wannie.” 


“What will you do once you melt her heart?”


Wendy’s sudden question made Seulgi immediately speechless. She blinks a few times, then bites her lips when she realises she does not have an answer. 


It is because all these while, all she has been thinking about is having fun. 


Early morning banters while still pretending to be in love in front of Wendy. Their daily recesses spent together with her friends. Library dates where Irene just completely ignores Seulgi. Romantic walks around the campus before her dance practices. Irene supporting the dance crew for their weekly performances, sometimes with a smile on her face. 


She likes Irene, but a relationship is out of the question for the time being. However, why is she still doing all these to capture Irene’s attention? 


What will she do once Irene really falls for her? 


Oblivious to Seulgi, another person has entered the car. 


“Seulgi-yah, are you okay?” Irene places her hand on Seulgi’s arm, which startled the latter who is in deep thought. Seulgi whips her head to face Irene, who is looking at her with a slightly worried expression hidden behind her round spectacles. 


“I-I’m fine.” Seulgi replies, her eyes never leaving the latter’s until Irene first breaks the eye contact and turns her body away from Seulgi. 


That is right, Irene will never fall in love with her like she has said.


Seulgi slips out a relieved smile, and reassures herself: No strings attached. 


Only fun. Fun is all she will care about for now. For that is all Kang Seulgi has known for the past 18 years in her life. 






That afternoon, all of the high school students in year 2 are scheduled to go to the countryside for a level outing. As of previous trips, they are supposed to choose their partners before they set off. 


“Hyun, do you want to be my partner?” Seulgi asks Irene with a bright smile, in the midst of recess. 


“I’m always with Wendy. Right?” Irene turns to the other girl beside her, who is none other than her best friend Son Seungwan, Wendy whom Irene has asked to join their table today for company. 


Wendy nods, albeit with a little hesitation as she still feels a little self conscious around these ultra popular students. She can only turn to look at Irene and speak without embarrassing herself. “Yes, Joohyun and I are always together.”


Irene nods at Wendy and turns back to face Seulgi with a delighted expression, “So, my answer is no.” 


Seulgi chuckles, “Hyun, you do realise that is a rhetorical question?” 


“I don’t.” Irene replies with a sarcastic smile, which causes Seulgi to chuckle.


“Unnie, are you playing hard to get?” Yeri asks Irene with a smirk from opposite the table.


“Of course not!” Irene retorts. 


“Of course, she is. Right, Hyun?” Seulgi wraps an arm around Irene’s shoulder and gives her a light squeeze, which is their secret code for each other to stay in character. 


Turning up to face Seulgi’s grin, Irene slips out a smile too and says through gritted teeth, “I’m just kidding, Yerim! Why wouldn’t anyone want to be the captain’s partner?”


From Irene’s eyes, only the captain can see the unhappiness hidden beneath her bright smile. She slips out a grin of her own, reminding herself this is why Irene will never fall for her. 


They are not looking for anything serious anyway. 






After an afternoon of playing games, the students all settled down on the wide plains with their respective picnic mats to enjoy a short break. 


Irene sits on a mat with her girlfriend, the two evil maknaes and Wendy, whom Seulgi has invited as Kai and Jisoo are currently assigned to the different teams. 


Irene opens up her red bean ice cream bar and looks at it happily. She takes a , then another and another, happy from the coolness the ice cream provided in contrast to the hot weather. 


Beside her, Seulgi is opening up her can of Pringles when she notices Irene’s smile and the item she is holding in her hand. She cannot control her excitement

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AnneTokki #1
Chapter 33: 🫶🫶🖤
565 streak #2
Chapter 33: Ohh, it's been a while!
423 streak #3
Chapter 32: Only started reading after i saw the update notification so maybe that's why the ending was not that abrupt? Anyway it was nice seeing them both slowly warm up to each other and learn to not keep everything bottled up inside anymore. Hope they stay together forever ❤️
Yoonchoding07 #4
Chapter 32: definitley one of my favorite Seulrene stories, which I regularly go back to and reread while patiently waiting for updates. thank you for taking the time in completing this and sharing the story with us.

will continue to look forward to your future works!
Yoonchoding07 #5
Chapter 31: OMG! welcome back authornim!
Chapter 32: Wasn't expecting to see an update for this but I'm glad yet sad that it's actually come to an end. I've really enjoyed reading and rereading this throughout the years. It's nice seeing their love blossom and the way you wrapped it up so nicely. Looking forward to hopefully reading another story from you author
Taitai84 1225 streak #7
Chapter 32: Wow so amazing to see new (and final) chapters released. It’s like coming across an old favourite book and wanting to re read again. and the fuzzy feeling hearing from an old friend but not being in touch for a while.
Yoonchoding07 #8
Chapter 30: rereading while waiting for the next chapter
Chapter 30: This remains one of my pick me up fics if I want a dose of feel good vibes. A wholesome romcom not littered with angst to squeeze every drop of the fic. Thanks for the update ❤.
Chapter 22: Taehyun was such a douche and it seems like Seulgi’s older friends are either players or people who don’t take romantic relationships seriously.