01: 우린 서로 모르는 척 / 다른 곳을 보고 있죠

같은 곳에서 (At The Same Place)

같은 곳에서_01 [뉴이스트 영어 팬픽 : 황민현x김종현 / 김종현x황민현]

W. Pearlescent Blue

Written in line with the #2HYUNWEEK on Twitter


같은곳에서 _ 01 : 우린 서로 모르는 척 / 다른 곳을 보고 있죠


2017.06.18. 21:09 Somewhere in Seoul


같은 하늘 같은 시간 같은 곳에서

(Under the same sky, at the same time, at the same place)


Donning their casual clothes, Jonghyeon and Minhyeon were walking beside each other, fingers intertwined. They were walking in silence; one would think that it was an awkward silence, but it was a silence that made them comfortable, just enjoying each other's presence. The memories of last night's events were still fresh in their minds and many were still shocked that Jonghyeon was not able to make it to Wanna one, placing 14th at the Debut Evaluation; while Minhyeon made it, placing 9th.


The plain thought of it made Minhyeon tear up, as he was the only member of NU'EST to be able to debut again.


His grip on Jonghyeon's hands tighten and darts his gaze at the plain grey pathway they were walking on. The night breeze brushed against his cheeks and somehow, it felt warm for him.


"What's wrong, Minhyeon?"




가끔 니가 생각나

(Now and then, I think of you)


A long silence occurs and Jonghyeon looks at Minhyeon, the latter still eyes gazed at the grey pathway, mustering up the courage to speak up. Jonghyeon smiles softly, knowing what Minhyeon was trying to say.



"The events of last night are coming back to me again." Minhyeon eventually spills it out. "It's hard to take it in. We worked hard for our chance to debut again, yet I was the only one chosen out of the four of us."

Minhyeon's voice cracks at the last six words he uttered. He tries not to let the tears fall down his cheeks. It hurts as hell to have his name the only one being called out from NU'EST, when all four of them had put so much effort into this one and only chance.
Jonghyeon only smiles once again, understanding what Minhyeon feels at the moment.
이젠 남이 되곘죠
(We'll become strangers for now)


Just pour out those feelings, Minhyeon. I'm here to listen.


You one and only love is ready to listen to those unspoken feelings.


Just pour them out.




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