Chapter two

A Heart That Loves.
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  The world seemed to stop spinning for a moment, giving Sehun's mind time to wander and wonder if he was dreaming right now. Was this real? How could this possibly be real? And then he blinked himself back to reality and stared at Kai, mouth hanging wide open. Kai was a doctor? In a lab coat with that doctor hanging around his neck. That meant he lied about his real occupation, of course he would lie, Sehun was just a hook-up after all, what was he expecting? Was Kai even his real name? Probably not, because that would explain things, on how Sehun had been trying so hard to look for the man standing in front of him with equally stunned expression. But he couldn't bring myself to be mad at Kai for not telling him the truth, at this point he was just happy he had finally found the other man after spending six months in his penthouse doing nothing with his free time but searching the internet for something that would give him even the slightest clue on where he could possibly find the other.  And now it seemed his search had come to an end. His heart was so much in love with this man. May the almighty have mercy on his soul. "You remember me?" Sehun asked , feeling himself smiling like an idiot before he could tell himself not to. Kai remembered him, he ing remembered their time together and that alone was enough to rise Sehun's hope a bit higher. Just thinking about Kai remembering him made his inside to explode with happiness. Kai took a deep breath, his eyes seemed to be glued on Sehun's as he spoke. "Of course" he said then turned slightly toward his son. "Uhm Jae can you go to my office, I want to talk to Sehun for a moment"  Jae looked like he wanted to protest but he nodded, stealing a glance from Sehun before he began to walk without uttering a word.  Then Kai turned to face him again."What are you doing here?" He asked. Sehun's felt his heart hammering against his chest at the way Kai said those words like he didn't want Sehun to be here, but maybe Sehun was just being paranoid and probably just over thinking things.
"I work as a teacher in your son's school" he told him. “I see.” Kai's mood seemed to sink again, his gaze drifting. Sehun felt a tugging at his heartstrings because he couldn't understand why Kai sounded this way ."I thought you work in New York?" "Yes I used to, but I moved here six months ago" he was quick to respond. Kai nodded with a hum."Why are you here?" He asked again.  "I just told you why I was here" Kai shook his head with a small chuckle.Jesus he actually just laughed, that sound that Sehun would give anything he owned just to hear it one more time, he found himself smiling and for some reason Sehun felt accomplished. Maybe he was wrong to assume Kai was not pleased to see him, maybe Kai was happy to see him as well."I mean in the hospital?". "Oh, yeah– I am i-in the hospital" he stuttered, cursing himself inwardly for that. "I– uhm had a little accident so– I uhm decided to come check my arm" he lifted his injured hand and it stung causing him to hiss. Kai quickly stepped closer and carefully took Sehun's hand to take a look at the injury."How did it happen!" He asked peering at the injury. Sehun's stomach erupted in butterflies at the little touch, his hearts tripped over itself, rattling dangerously around in his chest."A car almost ran me through but I was lucky to get away just in time, so I fell and then this–"He paused before he could rant too much pointing at his hand. "It doesn't look bad" Kai said his eyes still observing the hand "but we'll have to take an x-ray to be sure everything is in place"  All those while, Sehun's eyes were on Kai, he knew the doctor was saying something but his mind was completely lost with the way the other man's lips moved, it would be so easy to close the gap between them and just kiss him. Sehun so badly wanted to do that. Kai glanced up at him and Sehun held his breath at the proximity, so close. The mere presence made him feel like a middle schooler with a crush all over again. His mind running wild on the things he could do if he just lean in a little closer. Kai cleared his throat and Sehun snapped out of it. "We should get you treated" he said and Sehun nodded absentmindedly. Kai carefully dropped Sehun's hand to his side before he ushered him to follow him as he led the way to (probably) his office. As they stopped in front of what Sehun believed it to be Kai's office, Sehun eye's caught a sight of a name written on the door, *Dr Kim Jongin* of cause Kai was not his real name, what was Sehun thinking? For the other to tell him his real name when he was just a hook-up? He almost laughed at his own ridiculousness, he couldn't believe he was so foolish for taking his time to search for someone with such name ( Kai) . "Kim Jongin huh?" He found himself saying before he could stop his mouth. Kai – Jongin stopped just when his hand was on the doorknob. "Yeah that's my birth name but Kai is also my name, in case you're wondering, I didn't lie about my name. Kai is a very special name for me, it was a name my mother used to call me" "But you lied about your profession" his mouth acted before his mind again. Kai turned slightly to look at him."I didn't, back when I met you I was a medical professor, teaching in Seoul university, it was after I got back from New York that i was transferred to the hospital completely" he said eyes narrowing to look at Sehun a if he had just accused him of the most grody act of all. Sehun felt like an idiot even more, he just assumed things, true Kai never said he was a high school teacher or a university professor, he just said he teaches for a living. Oh so that meant Kai didn't lie, he was being honest from the very start. Sehun felt like smiling again but he covered his mouth to stop it from showing."So why didn't you tell me your real name at first place?" He decided to ask. Kai sighed."Like I said Kai is a special name– " his lips twitched like he wanted to say something but refraining himself from spilling it. "I only give that name to those who are close to me" Sehun hummed."But your son doesn't know you by that name?" Kai shook his head."No he doesn't, it's a pet name." He shrugged "and I didn't see the need to tell him about it– uhm can we please talk about this later, I want to finish treating your hand because I really have to get back to work" he said. "Of course" Sehun said and Kai pushed the door open. Jae lifted his head to look at them the moment they stepped in.
Sehun's eyes scanned the office, it was a nice place, beautiful even. His eyes landed on a photo frame that had a picture of Kai and Jae'in, with Kai draping an arm over Jae's shoulder. They looked happy, a perfect pair of father and son. "Take a seat please" Kai said motioning for Sehun to sit down. "Jae can you wait outside while I attend to Sehun?" Jae spared them a glance, groaning before rising to his feet and exited the room.
The whole time Kai's attending to Sehun's injured hand the latter had his eyes fixated on Kai, he was still unable to believe Kai was actually in front of him right now."You have a wife?" Sehun asked even though he knew Kai's wife hasy died, it just his stupid mouth didn't filter things without waiting for his brain to process the data, he quickly averted his gaze when Kai looked up at him, "Had" Kai simply said turning his gaze back to sehun's hand. Sehun hummed."What happened?" " She Died" "I'm sorry for your loss" Kai nodded,"Thanks" "When– I mean when did she die?" "In case you're wondering if I slept with you while I had a wife," he glanced up at Sehun again before he shook his head "No that was not the case, she died ten years ago" "I'm sorry" he said again, Kai just waved his hand "So you're seeing anyone?" Sehun needed to stitch his lip for real, he was quick to avert  his gaze once again as Kai lifted his head to look at him when he said those words. Sehun's eyes flickered up, meeting Kai's for the shortest second, then looked away again. He felt as small as an ant with the way Kai watched him, like he was the tiniest thing in the world and Kai was all-powerful. Something in his gaze making it impossible to meet right now and when he didn't get a response Sehun decided to take his words back. "I am sorry– – I didn't mean to– crap– forgot I asked" He ended with mostly mumbled words and his hand awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, head turned to stare out the window. His cheeks flame red, he could feel it, Kai's gaze still lingered on him. If only the floor would open up and swallow him whole right now, he would be eternally grateful.
Then Kai chuckled softly."It's okay," he said and suddenly he seemed more than capable of meeting Kai's gaze again but it was still too much that Sehun was the one who had to look away again, feeling scrutinized, tiny under the intensity of starry black eyes. "No, am not seeing anyone" he said finally. Sehun visibily relaxed at those words, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.  This was his chance, he should ask Kai out. Thus he gathered all the courage and cleared his throat before he said."So can I ask you out on a date?" He turned to watch Kai's reaction.  Kai smiled a little as he looked at Sehun again, but this time Sehun held his gaze without blinking, he needed Kai to know he was being serious. "I don't know, am not used to people asking me out" he said "I am mostly the one asking them out and am–." "Just one date and if you're not content or pleased with it, I won't ask again" he blurted out. He hadn’t meant to interrupt, overly excited about the idea of pursuing something he had always been passionate about and not to give Kai time to protest "And am glad I am one of those few that asked you out" "Fair enough" Kai said nodding to himself. "Is that a yes?" Kai chuckled."Yeah okay," he nodded again " it's a yes" he said and Sehun smiled brightly. They exchange phone numbers before Sehun left the hospital(after he had been completely treated and accepted a few drugs and ointment from Kai) with his smile never leaving his face.   *****
Kai took a shuddering breath the moment Sehun left his office as he leaned against a wall to stable himself. He couldn't believe he had just met Sehun again after spending two years of wanting to be with him again. He couldn't bring himself to keep Sehun from invading his thoughts since that faithful nig
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Finally done, I hope you enjoyed the story. Thanks for those who left comments and upvotes.


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748 streak #1
Chapter 5: This was such a sweet story, I’m glad things turned out nicely for all involved. The three of them make such a cute little family.
Amulid_farsa #2
Chapter 3: Waaaahhh is that jae doing or any others trying to break sekai..... Poor baby sehunahhhh
Chapter 5: Omg I cannot deny how obsessed I am with your stories
gogo15eoul #4
Chapter 4: I wish this was longer... It's so sweet
gogo15eoul #5
Chapter 1: It's sweet between Sehun and Jae in
Kkkkk you must right a story about sugar daddy
969 streak #6
Chapter 5: Thank you for sharing this beautiful story of love found and found again. It was never lost, after all. It just meant that it had to be sought across the oceans.
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 5: poor boy xD
with such parents it´s not easy.
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 1: oh my. poor boy... everythings cruhses right now..
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 5: Loved the story
Chapter 5: Just how did I miss this perfection *^*