Minho part 1 - Suho

Forever 5HINee

Minho has been MIA for one and a half days now...

Taemin text:

Hyung where are you?



Don't you dare leave me at "Read"


3 hours later...

Key calls--- voice mail

Stop being a bratty little boy answer when your umma calls...

Onew calls

Minho you're driving Kibum and the maknae crazy by not answering..... GET BACK TO THE DORM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Onew text

YOU'RE DEAD MEAT IF YOU ARE NOT BACK IN THE NEXT 30 MINUTES- or at least answer so we know you're alright.

the dorm phones ring.

SHINee members rush out of their rooms toppling over each other trying to answer the phone.


blue Taemin red kai

Annyeong Taemin says

hey Taem. kai answers

do you know where Minho is?

he at Exo's dorm being taken care of by Suho, D.O, and Lay

how is he

when did he go "missing?"

the night after Jonghyun hyung week death anniversary.

he went out drinking the Kyuhyun hyung and Changmin hyung. but when I saw the hyungs the day after they told me he didn't come home with them...


so when Suho hyung overheard us he gathers Exo up and we searched for him.

where did you guys find him?

we found him under a tree near the Han river.

which tree?

the one where we have our annual EXOxSHINee picnic and game day.. he must have sprained his ankle somehow because from what I could see was that the area around his ankle was red and swollen. come by tomorrow.

how did you know I was about to ask.

We have known each other for so long and I know the hyungs are standing right behind you wanting to know what Minho's condition was when we found him. See you tomorrow.

Exo Dorm- Suho's room

Su: D.O can you make something for Minho to eat.

D.O: Sure

Su: Lay how is it looking.

L: I think it more serious than we thought.

Kai: Knocks and peeks in Hyung how is he? is it alright for Shinee to come tomorrow.

Su: It fine for them to come tomorrow.

Lay: It looks like he has to go to the hospital...

Kai: that good since I just got off the phone with Taemin (to Suho) What do you mean hospital? (to lay)

D.O: comes in with the soup

Lay: it's his ankle it's more serious than we think.

*Suho wakes Minho up* *D.O sits down on the bed*

Minho looks around and it is evident he is freaking out.

Kai: *rush to the bed* (to Minho) Hyung, calm down your at EXO's dorm. don't move too much you have a really bad sprain ankle.... (To EXO Hyungs) you guys can leave it to me...

*Exo nods*

Minho: Jongin what happened?

Kai: You went out 1.5 days ago and didn't tell anyone where you were going. We found you passed out under the big tree we use for shade during our annual EXOxShinee picnic/game day.

Minho: why was I passed out?

Kai: From the pain of your sprain ankle

Minho: oh do members know?

Kai: Yes before I came in and you awake Taemin called. They're worried about you.

Minho: I couldn't handle being in the dorm anymore.

Kai: it understandable...

Minho: ... sobs

Kai: pulls hyung into his embrace

Minho: Jongin it hurts so much.

Kai: I know. let it out...

Minho: it so hard to see key and Onew looks so lost. I never knew how much Taemin has grown up until recently.

Kai: huh?

*EXO bursts in*

Su: Kai what happened?

Se: Minho hyung?

Lay: Nini?

BH CY JD: ????

XM DO:...

Kai: Processing the grief everyone nod...

Minho sniffles...

Suho walks up to the bed...

Minho looks up

Minho: Suho...

Su: how is your pain? 

Minho: My ankle hurts but not as much as my heart does...

Su: I understand

EMT: Anyone home??

Lay: Comming

Lay escorts the EMT to Suho's room

EMT:  I see that a pretty banged up ankle you got there.

Minho: nods

EMT: we will get it stabilized and take you to the hospital. (to EXO) two of you can ride with us.

D.O: Suho and Kai you go.

Doc: What do we have.

EMT: Grade 2 ankle sprain

.... To be continued

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