Sister, dearest

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Joohyun was the nice twin. She was the good twin that everyone loved and cared the most for. Leaving Irene with nothing and no one. Irene is sick and tired of playing second fiddle to her sister and plots her revenge. She'll steal that which Joohyun loves most of all, and that's her fiance Seulgi, after all Seulgi should have been hers in the first place, and Irene will take her back no mater what the costs.


A/N: Hi everyone, so this is my second teaser with the Irene/Joohyun concept that I am really very fascinated by. This will be bit darker than the other teaser. Irene and Joohyun are twins here, and Irene has always felt neglected, unloved, and in the shadow of her sister Joohyun. She is out for revenge, and wants to steal the one thing that means the most to her sister, which is Seulgi. So yeah, could get dark in areas definitely. Enjoy


Joohyun woke up in the basement of her parent’s old house. It’s been years since she’s been here and can’t remember anything that led to why she’s here. Her head is spinning and hurts. The brunette tries to touch her head but she realizes quickly that she is restrained.




The door opens and she sees Irene standing there with a tray of food and water. Her sister is looking at her with an expressionless expression, but her eyes show something else entirely. It looks like hate, and it’s something the slightly older twin has never seen from her before. They were once very close, weren’t they? Irene is her twin after all, and there is nothing closer than twins.


“Irene?” Joohyun calls out.


“Dear, sister. I am sorry about your head, I didn’t mean to hit you that hard.”


“You hit me?” Joohyun really can’t remember seeing Irene or being hit by her. She can’t remember much of anything that has happened before waking up here. Irene places the tray down and offers her a bite of the rice.


“You need to eat. I don’t know when I will come back here to see you.”


“Why are you doing this?”


Irene takes a look at her and does her best to not roll her eyes. Joohyun would play oblivious and act like she has no idea what this is about. Irene says nothing for a moment and feeds her.


“You took something very important from me, sis. I’m finally going to take it back.”


“What are you talking about?”


The slightly younger twin didn’t want it to have to come to this. However, something simply snapped inside of her when Joohyun announced her engagement to Seulgi. Irene couldn’t take that news when she heard. It was like her entire world blew up and she had no idea how to put the pieces back together. Seulgi should have been hers in the first place. Joohyun is the one who stole the woman she loved from her, and now Irene is ready to take her back.


“You know what I’m talking about, Joohyun. Don’t play stupid with me.”


“But, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I never took anything from you.”


“Yes, you did. Everyone’s always loved you most, our parents, friends, no one cares about me as much as they care about you. I was fine with that because I had Seulgi. At least, Seulgi cared about me. But you couldn’t deal with it, could you? You just had to take the one person that matters most.”


Joohyun’s sits up in shock. Her chocolate brown eyes wide in response to what her sister is saying. She couldn’t have stolen someone who was never Irene’s to begin with. This is also news to her about Irene having feelings for Seulgi. She had never known this until this moment. Joohyun could have never anticipated that her own sister would hate her this much.


“Seulgi isn’t yours, Irene. I didn’t take anything from you.”


“Oh, but you did. You stole Seulgi from me, and I will take her back. You, I guess you will stay here for the time being.”


Irene is saying she’s going to take over her life? How does Irene expect to achieve this when they are both so different. Seulgi isn’t going to fall for that. Joohyun knows her fiance and she would know the difference. There is no way such a plan like this is going to work.


“You can’t be serious! Seulgi will never fall for you trying to take my place.”


Irene looks unbothered by what her sister is saying. Seulgi won’t be able to tell the difference because she has planned everything out perfectly. The major problem was getting Joohyun out of her way, and she is for now.


“Oh, don’t worry about Seul. I will take very good care of her from now on, trust me she will not miss you, or notice the difference. Now, please eat something, Hyun.” She fake smiles. “I really don’t know when I will come back here, after all I have a wedding to plan with my fiance.”


Joohyun frowns and takes a bite of the beef. Irene will never get away with this. Seulgi will know and she’s going to get out of here.


“You won’t get away with this, Irene.”


“I will get away with it. Don’t worry, sister. I’ll be sure to take care of Seul, after all she was mine first.”


Joohyun sighs and leans back some against the wall. How did they get here? Why didn’t see ever see how angry and hurt Irene was to plot such an elaborate revenge? She thinks about Seulgi too, who is at home and probably waiting for her. Joohyun doesn’t know what she’s going to do, but she has to get herself out of here. Irene can’t possibly hope to get away with this. People will know the differences between them. They may have the same face but they aren’t the same person.

“I never knew you hated me this much, Irene.” Joohyun smiles sadly. “You’re my sister and I should have been paying closer attention.”


“It doesn’t matter now.” Irene cuts her off. “I do hate you, and I hate you most of all for stealing Seulgi from me. I will fix it soon, and take back what was mine first.”


Irene finishes feeding her and stands up to check her appearance. Joohyun sees her sister is wearing identical clothes to what she had on the last time Seulgi saw her.


“What do you think? It looks good on me, hm?”


“Seulgi will see right through it.”


Irene laughs. “I better get home to my fiance. I know she has to be worried about me. I’ll see you later, Joohyun.”


The older twin tries to free herself from the restraints and shouts after Irene who ignores her.


“Let me go!” Joohyun shouts. “You’re not going to achieve anything! Seul will know you’re not me!”


It falls on deaf ears as the only thing Joohyun hears is the door closing. Joohyun cries out in frustration and leans back against the wall. Seulgi will know the difference. Seulgi loves her and would know that it’s really her sister, of course?


“Seul...I love you. Please don’t fall for her tricks.”


A/N: This was the teaser. Irene is going to attempt to take over Joohyun’s life and Seulgi will have to be able to tell the differences. It’ll have some dark stuff like I mentioned, but please don’t read if anything here will bother you. But if you’re interested, thank you.



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Chapter 4: Does it makes me a bad person if I am rooting for Irene and Seulgi? I mean I do know what it feels like to be in Irene's position at some point. To be told to take other career path bc it wasn't ideal like my older sister's, and that really hurts. I had to stick to the course I didn't even want instead pursuing the something I really love. The only difference was that Irene had the guts to go for something she likes rather than getting stuck, following her parents decision. Joohyun is also somehow perfect and it kinda irks me lol. I don't like Irene's obsessive behavior tho she does deserve someone who can put up her with her imperfections. Irene has been open about her insecurities through out the chapters and her feeling were valid. Living in your sibling's shadow big time(believe me, I've been there) with all those comparing and everything. I don't hate my sister for that tho, it was never her fault. I just hope it doesn't end up bad for Irene here, she does deserve something good in her life and I feel like Seulgi can bring out the best in her. I do hope you can continue this one, authorim. I'd love to see more :))
seulbunny_ #2
Chapter 4: Oof i thought this is completed haha anyways, patiently waiting for the next update :)
1187 streak #3
I re-read this story and I felt hanging. huhu. 😭 Wait with respect on your update otornim! 💚
Alexav94 #4
Chapter 4: I love your stories! Is incredible. But if I had to choose I would say that I am from the Seulgi / Joohyun team. Although it will be interesting to see the dynamics with Irene ... Her resentment to Joohyun and a bit of obsession with Seulgi despite all those years will cost a lot, even more when she knows that they are going to get married.

The part where Joohyun also felt things for Seulgi since they were students and when Irene got sick are important keys, because I don't think Seulgi would have been completely so attracted to Irene romantically ... It's like when it's the same but different haha so it is with Joohyun and Irene, their attitudes are so different despite being the same physically.

P. D: Sorry for my bad english :(
Jaeee17 #5
Chapter 4: Update author :((
Txaeyon #6
Chapter 4: Can't wait for them to finally meet up. Rooting for irene and seulgi pt.2
KSensei #7
Chapter 4: I really love psychological stories so I'm really excited about the outcome of this story. One thing, I noticed that Irene tends to get "messy" when it comes to decision making, among other things, in contrast to Hyun's perfectionist side. If Mexican telenovelas taught me anything, it's that characters who make hasty decision due to their emotions get an easy downfall haha.

I think Seul will be able to tell the difference between the twins right away. I wouldn't be surprised if the turning point of the story is how Seul will be able to deduce and track Hyun's location haha (or not? ^^").

I'm Team Seul x Hyun on this one. One, because I have no emphaty for people like Irene and want them to suffer more just to rub salt on their wound (I'm sorry about this :<). Two, I love Seul Hyun's dynamics - you know the typical "I've always had my eye on you but you're out of my league. But anyway let's date". I'm a er for that haha. And last, I don't think Seul can even save Irene from her insecurities. I also don't think Irene can be with Seul without being paranoid.

I'm really anxious to be honest, because yeah I'm team SeulHyun and the majority is like Team SeulRene haha. But anyway, me and my friend decided to bet on the outcome of this story. I'm looking forward on the next update, and I wouldn't mind waiting years for it because it's actually exciting to wait when the story is a psychological thriller one haha :D
Aesthrea_ssi #8
Chapter 4: I kinda understand Irene's side here, she need's someone to show her that she is worth it to love and give attention to. I think Seulgi can give her that so imma have to go with SeulRene hshs