Chapter 34

Of All The Odds

Chapter 34 







“A-Are you b-breaking up with me?” With her trembling voice she asked. 


I chuckled as I pushed her slightly to face me. Damn it. Why is she even thinking about that. Do I sound like I am breaking up with her? 


“No, I’m not. Never.” I said, sincerely. 


“Then w-why…” 


“Because that’s what you are. Before you’ve met me, you were an achiever. You can ace anything and everything. You are good with academics, Sandara. And that’s what makes you special among all the girls I’ve met. You know what you want, you know what you can do. You are your person. Independent. Hardworking. Sincere with the things you want to achieve. And because of that, I’ve noticed you.” 


“But we just started, Ji.” Sandara cried. “I’ve been always neglecting you. I always set you aside for my dreams.” 


“If achieving your dreams makes you happy, then I will be happy too.”


“H-How about u-us?” She said, in her tiny voice. “I don’t know if we can survive this. One year without you… after the 8 long years.” 


I chuckled as I brush her hair with my hands. “It’s just one year.” 


Damn it. As much as I want to be the matured one, I am also worried. I said it’s just one year but a year can change anything and everything. I want her to stay but I also want her to do things that she wants; I want to be selfish and cage her but I also want her to be free. I want the best for her. I don’t want her to regret this in the end— not grabbing the opportunities and the experiences. 


A year is just like a wind— fast and will just past by swiftly. However, a year is also too long for those who wait. And I’ll be waiting… again. I am torn between letting her do the things that will make her a greater person or be with me here. 


“How about… you go with me?” She suggested. Her eyes flickered with excitement. “You can… do uhm, masters or something. Or study the bars there. So you can practice International Law.” 


I bit my lower lip as I laugh. Damn girl. Tempting. Hearing you suggest that makes me want to do it too. But, “We can do this, Sandara. One year will pass by like a wind. You wouldn’t notice it.” 


“But I just want to be with you.” She pouted with trembling lips. “F-Fine. I won’t accept the offer. I can’t do this, Ji. Another year without you—“


“What’s stopping you?” I laughed. “If you think I will cheat, I won’t.” 


“It’s not like that.” She hugged me tighter. “I want you to be with me always. I want to see and talk to you everyday—“ 


“We can Skype—“


“I want to kiss you and hug you and… and sleep beside you. I want to close my eyes seeing your handsome face and wake up seeing you by my side.” Slowly her voice turned low. “I want to do groceries with you on weekends. I want to walk in the park with you on Autumn days. I… I want to laugh with you over silly jokes, Ji. And if I’ll be in the U.S., I can’t do those little things with you!” 


I bit my lower lip. Damn. Damn. . 


Sandara is so ing adorable I might give in to her biddings. I just love her so damn much I might… damn it. You win, babe. I will obey you. If you wish for a star, I will buy it for you. 


“I will try, babe.” 




“I’ll try enrolling to a Master’s Course in Architecture or—“


“Babe!” She shrieked. 


She cupped my face and kissed me. My nose, my forehead, my cheeks. I was giggling while she showered me with kisses. Times like this made me thank all the gods for bringing her back to me. For giving us another chance. 


“I can’t wait to be with you in U.S.!” she shrieked. 


I held her waist to stop her from moving. Damn it. She’s moving too much my head is running wild— too wild for her innocent mind. “I will try, okay?” 


“I know you will though! Gosh!” 


I laughed at her. We ended the night making love. Slowly, hoping things will fall into the right place. Hoping the Universe is with us this time. 


We both went to work together the next day. I still need to give reports to fellow associates before I took my leave. We are practically living together and a lot of the employees knew about us. Which is a good thing so other people wouldn’t dare to make a move on her. 


This girl is mine. From the start. Now. And until the end. 


“Dad will be there.” Sandara said as she put on her seatbelts. “I’m sure he’ll be glad with this news.” 


I smiled. Since Judge Park approved of our relationship, I tend to talk to him often. He keeps on asking about the progress of my relationship with Sandara which is fine but it gives me too much pressure. I know he’s just looking out for his daughter. But times when he’ll joke like, “Don’t you dare impregnate my daughter, Attorney Kwon.” makes me want to ask him for Sandara’s hand. 


I’m sure as hell I want and will marry her. No other girls aside from her. Then. And even now. 


“I hope.” 


“Oh, he will. You know you are his favorite.” She chuckled. 


When I landed the job in their firm, I was shocked to see him in person greeting us new hired associates. It’s rare to see him since Judge Park is busy. I had an impression of him being uptight, bossy and strict— but I was proven wrong. Judge Park is calm and collected. With glasses on that made him look strict but with a smiling face. He’s eyeing us as if trying to read what’s on our minds. 


I was damn nervous because this is the first time I will meet Sandara’s father. I’ve read articles about him. I’ve known him through Sandara’s. And now I am meeting him in person. 


“Welcome to the firm.” He said as he took our hands for a handshake. 


“Thank you, Judge.” I said as I held his hand firmly. 


Judge Park looked at me longer than the usual. “You are?” 


“K-Kwon Jiyong, Sir.” Damn it. I need to give him a good impression. The heck did I stutter. 


His eyebrows raised but gave me a forced smile. “Oh, you’re finally here.” 


“S-Sir?” Finally? What does he mean? 


“Nothing.” His expression seems tranquil but I know behind that expression is unsettling thought about me. Then he went to the next person. 


Remembering it now he might have known me from the start. He had me investigated. I understand him though. If our daughter will start to like some random guy, I might had him investigated too. Or maybe more. 



“Am I really his favorite?” I chuckled as I stepped on the pedal. “But yeah, Judge Park keeps on insisting to call him ‘Uncle’ which is a bit too much. Me, a mere employee, calls his boss ‘Uncle’.” 


“But now you call him ‘dad’.” She giggled. 


We entered the firm like the usual. Kiss her as I left her office and head to his moms office. 


“Come in.” I heard her mom said after her secretary told them about my presence. 


Upon entering, I saw her parents talking with soft giggles. Sandara looks so much like her mom. Innocently beautiful. 


“Jiyong!” Her mom said as she gave me a hug. 


“Ma’am.” I said. 


“Come on! Call me “mom” since it’s just us.” She said. “You think it’s not fair that you call my husband “dad” while you call me “ma’am”?” 


Judge Park— err, dad laughed as he tapped my shoulder. “Call her mom, Ji. She will whine about this for the whole day if you won’t do it.” 


I let out a small laugh. “Yes, d-dad.” I saw Attorney Park— err, mom looked at me. “M-Mom.” 


She giggled with so much class. I can see Sandara’s image in the next couple of years. Regal, class. “That’s better.” 


“Well, why are you here? And where’s Sandara?” 


“She’s in her office preparing for her clients appointment.” 


Dad nods as he motioned me to sit. “Oh. Then, why are you here?” 


I gulped. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. The moment I saw her again, I thought of doing this. I didn’t even consider the possibility of her being married or her being in a relationship with someone else; I didn’t consider the possibility of Sandara not loving me anymore. 


My hand reached for my inner pocket, holding on the the ring case that has a ring on it. 


“I am planning to propose to Sandara, Sir. Ma’am.” 


I heard Sandara’s mom gasped. I looked at his father’s eyes and saw the same expression he gave to me the very first time he saw me— calm and collected yet there’s a hint of annoyance and hostility. Which I understand. 


I saw him sighed as he loosened his necktie. Now, the annoyance is more visible. “This… fast?” 


“It’s not about the time, Sir.” 


“Are you sure about this, Jiyong?” Mom asked me as she went closer. She looks happy and worried at the same time. “You two just got back. I mean, you still… how do I even explain this without making you feel bad.” 


“I love her. I love Sandara.” There’s a conviction in my voice. 


“Love wouldn’t be enough.” His father commented. “You may love her now. How about next year? Or the year after? You two just started dating. 8 years of being apart, a lot of things changed—“


“But my feelings for her didn’t. In fact, it grew more.” 


“But Jiyong. I think you need to, let’s say, date for a year or two. Just to make sure that this is right. That this isn’t just because—“


“10 years. 20. It will never change, Ma’am. Sir. 8 years, I worked hard so I can be the best for her. I’ve been waiting, loving her from afar. Now that we’re together, I don’t think I can wait for another year.” 


“How can you say you will love her ‘till the end? You two were still young. You don’t have to rush—“


“Just because we are still young and we were apart for 8 years doesn’t mean I love her less  and my feelings for her lessened.” 


Sandara’s father sighed. “You argue like your life depends on it.” 


“My life depends upon your approval, Sir. If you allow me to marry your daughter, I’ll be so ing happy. But if you disapprove, I’ll gladly impregnate her so she can’t runaway from me.” 


I almost peed on my pants as Judge Park slammed the table with his fist. “Don’t you dare. I am allowing you to live together because I know my daughter will sneak into your house, which is just next door to her unit, and because you two were already an adult. But I won’t allow you to impregnate her.” 


Sandara’s mom laughed. “Stop being so overprotective.” She then faced me. “Let me see the ring.” 


I pulled out the box in my pocket and opened it. A Topaz Ring. Her birthstone. It’s not that grand. A blue topaz stone on the centre and white diamonds on the side forming like a flower petals. 


“Topaz. A stone for love, honesty and communication.” Her mom said while smiling. “Lovely.” 


“When will you propose?” Judge Park asked as he look at the ring. 


“I plan on proposing to her before we left for U.S. and after she meets my parents.” 


“U.S.?” Her mom asked, but then nod upon remembering. “Yeah, Stanford. You’ll go with her?” 


I nod. “I am planning to do some Master’s there.” 


Judge Park smirked as he shook his head. “You really don’t have plans on letting her go huh.” 


“Once is enough, Dad.” I grinned. 


“Now you’re calling me.” 


I heave put a heavy sigh as I got back inside my office. I am glad I got out alive and kicking. And with their approval. Well, even without their approval I’ll still marry her. The only problem is Sandara. Will she even consider marrying me? 


I called my parents by the afternoon. Sandara is out for trial and I am eating alone in my office. Unfortunately, Nana is busy preparing for their wedding. I wish Sandara could meet her and talk to her. For sure they’ll be very close friends. And in-laws, whatever you call that. 


“Mom, are you and dad free tonight?” I asked as I sip my second cup of coffee for today. 


“Why?” She asked, excited. “Are you finally bringing her here?” 


I chuckled. “Yeah.” 


“Finally! After years and years of waiting, I’ll finally meet Sandara!” 


I laughed upon hearing her remark. My mom knows about Sandara, way back in College. Well, she caught me and Sandara eating lunch before. And she just assumed that we were dating, as per her words, “You looked at her as if she’s the most precious and beautiful woman in your eyes.” 


“Just… don’t scare her, okay?” I said, trying to calm my mom down. I know her so well, she’ll definitely hover over her. 


“I won’t! Promise!” She said, no she’s shrieking. “Dad! Jiyong is bringing her wife—“




“What? I know you’re planning on marrying her and—“


“Stop jinxing it!” I groaned. “I’ll bring her later. Don’t overdo, okay?” 


“Wait. When will I meet her parents? Are they coming over too?” 


“No. For now, I want you and dad to meet her.” 


“Fine, fine. I’ll just… prepare some light food. No allergies?” 




“Okay. See you!” 


“See you, mom. I love you.” 


I ended the call. At the same time the doors opened and saw Sandara’s glares. 


“Who’s that? Huh! I was just out and you’re having a phone call and saying ‘I love you’ to—“


“It’s my mom.” I cut her as I walk towards her for a hug. “I love you.” 


Sandara pouted, blushing. Maybe embarrassed because of wrong presumptions. “I love you.” 


She wrapped her arms on my neck and kissed me on my cheeks. Sandara really changed. She’s now very vocal of her feelings unlike before. 


“I want you to meet my parents.” I said, still hugging her. My head is now buried on her neck. 


She stiffened. I don’t know if it’s because of the kiss or because I want her to meet my parents. 




“Later. Let’s have dinner at our house.” 


She let go of our hug and faced me, with her eyes wide open. “Later? Like, after work later?” 


I chuckled. “Yeah. Like, after work later.” I mimicked her. 


Her smile faded. “What should I do?” 


“Why? What’s wrong?” 


“I didn’t wear my “meet the parents dress” and I smell like sweat because I went out—“


My back arched as I laughed so hard with her remark. Damn. Even if you wear a rag, my parents will definitely love you. Sandara. 


“They will love you, babe.” I said as I hug her tight. 

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0 points #1
Chapter 35: SC jebal
15 streak #2
Chapter 35: Dropped by to upvote the story only
JiSandara #3
Chapter 35: Destiny...against all odds.
Congratulations authornim!👏
Looking forward to more exciting & melodramtic stories🥰
15 streak #4
Chapter 35: I liked the story, and enjoyed every chapter ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 35: Heavens!!! I finally finished reading this chapter 🥺, I definitely enjoyed this story a lot, it reminded me of the phrase that says "If you love someone, set them free, if they come back to you they are yours! If not they never were. Beautiful story, thanks for sharing
bernie20 #6
Chapter 35: Thank u so much. I enjoyed reading this story ❤️❤️❤️
Looking forward for new daragon stories to come...
Chapter 35: special chapter please
15 streak #8
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting,
I will start reading it <3
Chapter 34: Authornim I read whole fiction in one go and now I want to see their happily married life and kids too ❤️🥰
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #10
Chapter 34: So far it is the perfect relationship ❤️, everything is so nice, they have everything to be happy, nice story