Chapter 26

Of All The Odds

Chapter 26 








“I told you, you should eat on time!” Nana said as she placed the take-out on my table. “Mom will get really mad at you.” 


I laugh as I pat her head. “Chill. It’s just that I’m so busy today. I forgot to eat on time.” 


Nana rolled her eyes at me. “That’s what you told me 3 days ago when you forgot to eat your lunch.” 


I just shrug and started to eat. 


Nana… my sweet little Nana. 


I really find her cute. Like a button. Her bangs really suit her now and she looks radiant. Maybe it’s because she’s pregnant. Pregnancy really suits her. Wow. I still can’t believe this. 


“How’s the wedding preparation?” I asked as I started to eat. Nice. This taste so good. 


Nana giggled. Cute. “Well, I went to a wedding coordinator earlier and she’s so freakin’ nice! And since I am busy, she told me that I should just relax and just get ready for the schedule ahead. I mean, cake tasting, gown fitting etc!” 


I smiled at her. “But don’t get too stressed about that, okay? I don’t want you to be stressed.” 


Nana nod. “Of course. No stress for pregnant women.” 


“Did you went to the OB-Gyne?” I asked, concerned. 


“Yeah. I’m scheduled to go tomorrow afternoon.” 


I nod. We continued eating our lunch. Nana is so excited for the wedding. I know it’s a bit rushed but it will be fine— I hope. She doesn’t want to walk down the aisle with a huge baby bump that’s why we hired the best wedding coordinator. 


“How about you quit your work?” I suggested. “Since you’re pregnant and busy with the wedding preparations.” 


Nana shook her head. “Nah, I’ll be fine.” 


“But hon…” 


“I will be fine, honeybee.” She giggled. “And I don’t want to burden the firm just because I’m getting married and pregnant.” 


I have no other choice but to sigh. She’s so hardheaded. “Well, if that’s what you want.” 


After graduating, Nana become my constant companion. She helped me ‘moved-on’. And I am really glad she was there at my lowest point. She stayed. And I really adore her because of that. 


I couldn’t believe that our simple sunbae-hoobae relationship would end up like this. And I guess, it’s the best thing that ever happened to me in those dark times. 


I held her hand and gently press them. “Thank you so much, hon.” I mumbled. 


Nana giggled and pinched my cheeks. “Honeybee, you’re so weird today.” 


“It’s not me being weird. It’s me appreciating you.” 


I saw her eyes watered but she managed to stop herself from crying. “Oh God! Pregnancy hormones! Pregnant hormones!” 


I laughed at her as I pat her head. “Let’s continue eating.” 







THE DAY went by like a wind passing. After eating lunch with Nana, she went home early because she felt sleepy. Well, they say pregnant women tend to sleep a lot. And eat a lot. Cute. 


I’m so tired yet I need to study the upcoming case I will handle— it’s about power harassment. I am massaging my head as it hurts like hell. This will be a one of a hell case.  


Funny how things change after so many years. 

And funny how I become a Lawyer. 


After passing the Licensure Exam for Architecture, I was lost for a moment. I somehow lost my passion for Architecture. I was stuck, unable to move-on. 


Maybe because the motivation that he had is now gone. Sandara is gone… and living miles and miles away from him. 


Although a year has passed since Sandara left, he’s still looking at her Insagram post. Call it stalking or what, he just want to know what is happening to her life. 


Sandara really went to Stanford University. 

She’s studying Law there. 


And she seems happy… 


She made a lot of friends there. 


And it made him think— how about him? Why is he not happy? 


He lost his motivation the moment she left him.  It felt like she also bought his other half— his motivation, his drive, his happiness. And his heart. 


So he decided to go back to school. For a change of pace. He did his Masters. And then all of a sudden, a crazy idea shows up. 


He enrolled in Law School. 


And that lead him to become an Architect- Lawyer. I don’t know. It was all like a spur of a moment decision. But for him, it was the best decision and best distraction he needed at that time. He got so busy that he forgot about it— the pain and her. 


“My head ing hurts like hell…” I mumbled. 


I go go to the mini-bar in my house. I moved-out after finishing College. He purchased his own house with his salary— it was a two-storey house, has a swimming pool and a cute bonsai and succulent garden. The house is huge… and he still wonder why he bought it in the first place. 


I laugh at the thought. I know the real reason why I bought this house… yet I don’t want to acknowledge it. He hated the real reason for it. 


“Silly me. I haven’t drunk a single droplet of alcohol yet I am remembering weird things…” 


I grab my phone and went to Instagram. I don’t usually post pictures because I don’t think it’s necessary. I went to my own account and saw my older post. I want to delete it but I can’t find the courage to delete them. They were… good memories to remember. 


Yeah, there were photos of Sandara there. Not that her face were shown, just stolen and her silhouette. I can’t delete them. I just put them to ‘archive’. I just.. can’t delete them. Even after all these years. 


“It’s been 8 years…” I mumbled. I sighed. 


It’s weird how I found myself on her account— browsing through her old post. 


She still look so beautiful. No, she became more beautiful. She didn’t even aged. 


I was scanning her photos when I was interrupted with a phone call. From Taeyang. 


“Hello, .” I greeted him with a laugh.


“Shut up, .” He replied. 


“Why did you call? You miss me?” I joked. 


I heard him did a vomiting sound which made me laugh. “ off.” 


“Seriously, why did you call?” I asked after recovering from laughing. 


“Well, well. You won’t believe who I bumped to on my way home.” He said, he seems excited and it scared him. 


I rolled my eyes. “Donal Trump?” I guessed. He laughed to my answer. “What? Did you know I am busy with my case—“


“Your ex!” Taeyang said, making me frown. 


“Ex?” I asked. As far as he knows, he didn’t have an ex. 


“Oh, silly. The two of you didn’t dated. Sorry, honest mistake. But remember, the girl you’re crazy about—“




I felt like my heart skipped a bit. Saying her name again, I became breathless. Don’t tell me…


I bit my lower lip as I calm myself down. No, it’s been years. 8 ing long years to be exact. I shouldn’t feel this way again. It’s not right. 


I sighed. “Well, good for her.” 


The other line went to silent. “Dude…” 


“I’m fine.” I said. I don’t know if I am telling myself that I am fine or I’m telling Taeyang. “She’s welcome to come back here in our country.” 


“Well. I got to talk to her. I was glad she remembers me I mean, we just met a few times.” 


“Sandara is intelligent so she remembers a lot of things…” he mumbled. “Anyway, I have to end this call. I still have a case to study.” 


Taeyang awkwardly laugh. “That’s what you get for becoming a lawyer.” 


“ off.” I said as I ended the call. 


I sighed. So, she’s back huh… 


I was not actually surprised. See, Sandara and I still follow each other on Instagram. I saw her post for the past 8 years. Harmless… I guess. I’m still curious about her though. I wouldn’t deny it. 


And seeing her happy… makes me happy. Too. 


I sighed as I grab a glass and poured whiskey. “Maybe a drink or two will help…” I mumbled. 





“ATTORNEY KWON, the new hired Lawyers will come around 1PM.” My secretary informed me. 


“Okay. And oh, cancel my appointment after the meeting. I’ll accompany Nana to the hospital today.” 


My secretary nod and gave me a smile. 


I work in one of the best Lawfirm in the country. And although I’ve been practicing Law for the last 2 years, I can say I am one of the best. I’ve never loss to a case, not even once. And it is my pride as a Lawyer. 


I fixed my necktie and started to arrange my desk as I heard another knock. 


“Come in.” 


“Sir, Judge Park is here.” 


I stiffened the moment I heard his name. “Hello, Attorney Kwon.” Judge Park went inside my office. I went closer to him and extended my hand for a handshake. 


“Judge.” I said as I took his hand. “Have a seat.” Motioning the couch on the corner. 


“I’m glad you are here.” He said as he sat down. “My wife is also here. She’s just touring, you know her.” 


I smiled. I’ve been working here in his wife’s Lawfirm the moment I passed the Bar Exams. I’ve met them a few times and I must say, they’re different from the way I imagined them. 




“Oh, please. Just call me Uncle, will you?” I said while laughing. “I’m not a Judge today. I’m just a normal Uncle.” 


I laughed. “Y-Yes, U-Uncle.” 


“Oh, I almost forgot. The new hired Lawyers.” 


My eyebrows furrowed. Heck. I got an idea but I don’t think this is good. No, no. Not this time. But heck. Working in her family’s law-firm will be a 99.9% chance of seeing her. 


. I’m not yet ready to face this…


The door suddenly open and saw 2 figure coming inside. 


“Darling, I’m sorry I bumped into Attorney Kim.” Judge Park’s wife said. “Hey, Attorney Kwon.” She greeted me. 


But my mind is blank. My whole attention is still at the door. There she is… still looking beautiful and stunning. 


She’s wearing a white corporate suit. It made her extra beautiful and elegant. 


Sandara Park… is inside my office. And just like before, my heart is beating so damn fast. Like I did a 500 mile run. 


I blinked twice and managed to move my head facing Attorney Park. “Yes, Ma’am.” 


She chuckled. “Don’t Ma’am me. Oh, by the way, I would like you to meet my daughter, Sandara.” 


I turned my head and saw Sandara walking towards me. Sandara became more graceful… and confident. Gone is the timid and shy student council President. Ba— shut up. Not a word. Just… don’t say it. 


“Mom, we know each other. We’re batchmates in College.” 


Judge Park laugh. “Oh, right. He’s the Magna.” 


Sandara stand infront of me and flashed her confident smile. “It’s nice seeing you again, Jiyong.” 


She offered her hand for a handshake and I reached for it. A bit hesitant. But, there’s nothing wrong with it, right? 


And the moment our palms touched— I don’t know if it’s just me but I felt the electricity running. I got goosebumps. Damn it. 


“Nice seeing you again, Sandara.” I said, giving my Professional smile. 


Good Lord. Saying her name taste divine. 


“Well, she’s one of the new hired. I hope you can help her around since you knew each other.” Sandara’s mom said. 


“Yes, Ma’am.” I reluctantly replied. 


“Well, we have to go.” Judge Park said as he stand up and look at me. “I’m glad my daughter knew you, Attorney Kwon. She’s safe in your hands.” 


I gulped. She’s safe in my hands… 


“Yes, Sir.” 


“It’s Uncle, Jiyong.” 




“Ahm, Dad. I’ll be staying in a bit. I… I need to talk to Jiyong. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him.”


“Sure. Just text me when you’re done.” 


Sandara’s parents went out from my office leaving Sandara and me alone. 


Damn it. Of all times, why now? I… I don’t know what to say. I didn’t prepare myself for this— seeing her in flesh after 8 long years. 


“H-How are you?” Sandara said with a smile. 


“I’m fine. Doing great.” I simply replied. “How about you?”


“I’m also doing great.” 


Then, an awkward silence. This is the first time I got tongue tied. In the past, the two of us got so many topics to talk about. And there’s no awkward silence. 


But now? 


Indeed, a lot of things changed. 


“Well, I have to go.” Sandara said as she walk towards the door. “I’m looking forward to be working with you.” 


He look at her. She really changed… in a good way. 


“Me too. Looking forward to work with you.” 


Sandara opened the door to my office. And upon opening, I saw Nana sitting on the waiting’s lounge while munching something. 


“Hon…” she said as she stands-up. “I talked to your secretary and she told me— wait, Sandara sunbae?” 


My eyes darted to Sandara who looks dumbfounded. Why? Why is she looking at Nana like that? 


“Y-Yes. Nana, right?” She said after recovering. “W-Why are you here?” 


Nana giggled and smiled at her. “I’m here because I’m heading to the clinic with Ji.” 


Sandara looked at me, confused. “C-Clinic?” 


“Yeah. I’m pregnant actually.” Nana replied with so much excitement. She even touched her belly— with no signs of baby bump. 


“R-Really? C-Congratulations.” Sandara mumbled but her eyes still looking at me. “W-Well, I-I have to go.” 


Sandara walked towards the elevator. And when the elevator door opened, she went in, leaving me and Nana. I was looking at her intently. 


“Take care, sunbae!” Nana said enthusiastically. Sandara gave her a nod. 


“See you on your first day.” I said. 


“See you.” 


I was looking at her especially to her eyes. I was… looking for that something. And before the elevator closed, I saw her eyes watering. I don’t know if she saw me looking at her intently. 


Damn it. Sandara cried. I… don’t know what to feel… all I ever know is my heart is beating so ing fast. And it hurts… like it will burst any minute from now. 


“Hon…” Nana said trying to get my attention. “Honeybee…” 


I blinked. I gasped. It felt like held my breath for a long time. 


“Hon… I-I…” 


Nana smiled at me and pinched my cheeks. “It’s fine…” 

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0 points #1
Chapter 35: SC jebal
15 streak #2
Chapter 35: Dropped by to upvote the story only
JiSandara #3
Chapter 35: Destiny...against all odds.
Congratulations authornim!👏
Looking forward to more exciting & melodramtic stories🥰
15 streak #4
Chapter 35: I liked the story, and enjoyed every chapter ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 35: Heavens!!! I finally finished reading this chapter 🥺, I definitely enjoyed this story a lot, it reminded me of the phrase that says "If you love someone, set them free, if they come back to you they are yours! If not they never were. Beautiful story, thanks for sharing
bernie20 #6
Chapter 35: Thank u so much. I enjoyed reading this story ❤️❤️❤️
Looking forward for new daragon stories to come...
Chapter 35: special chapter please
15 streak #8
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting,
I will start reading it <3
Chapter 34: Authornim I read whole fiction in one go and now I want to see their happily married life and kids too ❤️🥰
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #10
Chapter 34: So far it is the perfect relationship ❤️, everything is so nice, they have everything to be happy, nice story