Chapter 20

Of All The Odds

Chapter 20 




Few weeks had passed and the internship ended. Finally! It’s done and I won’t be seeing that boys face. Every time I see Donghae talking to Sandara, I have to remind myself a hundred— no, a million times that they’re just friends. That Sandara doesn’t feel anything towards him and it’s just a one-sided feeling. Well, I’m the only one who insist that Donghae feels something towards Sandara. 


Now, all we have to do is focus on our thesis and the upcoming exams which is next month. Oh, plus the Graduation Exam. More like a mock exam for the National Exams. My head is aching from too much work. 


Sandara is… well, tensed. I can feel the tension coming from her. Also, we are almost done with our thesis- which is way too fast compared to other group. What do you expect from us? The rank 1 and rank 2. 


“How’s the review?” I asked her as I gave her her Iced Coffee. We’re now at the Library. She’s studying on her iPad. 


Sandara pouted. Oh, damn those lips. Heck, I will really cherish the moment I kiss those lips. 

“What’s your study hack? Huh? Tell me. Please don’t gate keep it.” 


I shrugged. “I don’t know. I just read them…?” 


She sigh again. “How could I defeat a genius…” 


I chuckle. “I told you I’m not a genius.” 


“Okay. So you’re just fast learner.” She rolled her eyes while sipping her Iced Coffee. “Heaven…” 


I pinch her nose gently. “But effort can beat the fast learner. I know you can do this.” 


“How I wish my efforts will really paid off.” 


“Of course, babe. It will.” 


She didn’t say a word and continued scanning the slides for the exams. I was just silently sitting beside her. Watching her. She’s also re-writing her notes and doing some highlights. Wow, so this is how she studies. 


“How about…” 


“Hmmm?” She said without looking at me. 


“… I put wrong answers this time? So you can get the highest grades?” 


I saw Sandara stiffen and put down her pen. She looked at me with a very angry eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed. 


“What the are you talking about?”


“I… You see—“


“— are you ing insulting me, Kwon Jiyong? Are you implying that I am not smart enough for me to beat you in the upcoming exams?” 


I can see rage in her eyes. Her looks are like daggers to me and it’s not good. 


I shook my head and placed my hand on her shoulder, gently rubbing them. “No, no. It’s not like that. Come on, babe.” 


“Don’t do that.” 


I sigh. I know I was wrong for telling her that. “I’m sorry. Babe, forgive me…” 


She didn’t say a word. She sighed and continued scanning her notes. 


I almost punched myself. Of course it was insulting! As if I was rubbing to her face that she can never beat me. In a fair and square fight. But, it was just a thought but I didn’t notice that it slipped out of my tongue. 

But honestly, I just want to help her. I know she can give her 100% best but I just want to make sure she’ll get the highest grade this time. 


I sighed. I placed my head on her shoulder. “Babe…” 


“What?” She coldly replied, still studying. 


I bit my inner cheeks to force myself not to smile. “Forgive me. Hmmm.” 


She didn’t replied. I chuckled. I was also looking at the slides too. Silently studying along with her. Heck, so this is what it feels to have a library-study date. In the past I was mocking Sandara for having dates in the Library and now, look at us! It wasn’t boring at all! 


“So, after passing the National Exams, what are your plans?” I asked. Randomly. Well, I just want her to forget that I gave a stupid suggestion earlier. 


I felt her stiffened. “Applying for a job, I guess?” 


“Hmmm. Which firm?” 


“I don’t know. I still have no idea.” 


“How about we apply together?” I suggested. I smile at the thought of going to work together and going home together after a long, busy work day. 


She chuckled. “Do you really like me that much huh.” 


I bit my lower lip. Well of course, babe! “Well, I want to be workmates with my girlfriend, so…” 


She stiffened. Again. What’s wrong with her? 


“Are you okay?” I asked. I looked at her and her face is so pale. “Is there something wrong? You’re pale.” 


She looked away. “I’m… I’m fine.” 


I placed my hand on her forehead, then to her neck, checking if she’s hot. “You don’t have a fever.” 


She laugh. “Of course. I’m fine, Ji. Maybe, I’m just hungry.” 


“Then, shall we go?”


She nod. I gather all her things and carry them. “I can carry them.” 


“It’s fine. I can carry them.” 




I laugh. “Really, it’s fine babe. It’s not heavy.” 


“Then, a lot more reasons why I should carry my things coz it’s not heavy.” 


“Just let me, babe…” 


She sigh. As a sign of surrender. “Fine. Atleast let me hold something.” 


I smile formed on my face. “Are you sure?” 


She nod. “Yeah. So let me hold—“


I reached out for her hand. She gasped. Her eyes widened. Cute. “—then hold my hand.” 


We were silently walking down the hallway. Surprisingly, no ones there. Which is sad because I want everyone to see that I am holding her hand. I am holding hands while walking with the Ms. Perfect Sandara Park. 


I was smiling widely when I felt her thumb slowly moving, and reached for the gap in between my pinky finger and ring finger. I felt a shiver down to my spine. I looked at her, in awe. How could her small gestures gives big impact to me! 


She looked away, probably hiding her flushed cheeks. Damn it. “Look away…” she mumbled. 


“Hmmm.” I just simply said. Damn it, Sandara. You’re making me crazy. 







“THAT WAS A GREAT PRESENTATION!” Our Dean of College commented after doing our thesis presentation. 


“Thank you, Ma’am.” I replied. I saw a relieved Sandara on my side. 


We didn’t really put out an all nighter preparing for today’s presentation yesterday since we can’t do that. She lives in the school dorm. Well, we just VC and do the rundown of the thesis. 


“As what I expected from the best students!” Our thesis adviser said. 


We didn’t reply and just smiled. We went out of the conference room after gathering our stuffs.  We don’t have many revisions so it’s clear to say that the Thesis Presentation is a success. 


When we got out I immediately hugged Sandara. I don’t mind our classmates seeing us doing that. I guess, they’ve got the idea of us dating since we always spend our time together. Like always together. 


“I’m so proud of you, babe.” I whispered. I gently kissed her hair. Damn this strawberry scented shampoo. 


“I’m so proud of us.” She corrected. She’s doing small jumps which is silly but heck, I’ll be silly for you babe. 


“Finally, thesis is done!” I shouted. 


“We still have exams.” She pouted. I bit my lower lip to stop myself from kissing her. 


“Yeah, right. And I know you will ace that.” 


“Only if you sleep during exams.” 


I chuckled. I wont say a word because it might be another case of insult for her. I’m actually planning to get more mistakes this time, just so Sandara can have more right answers than me. Of course, I wouldn’t do it in all of our subjects so she won’t notice. Probably only to the major one. 


“So, where should we celebrate?” I asked. We are now walking towards the car park. 


Since we started to have a ‘special relationship’, I’ve been driving Sandara from and going home. Boyfriend privilege it is! And I am actually fine with it. Heck, it means I can be with her longer than the usual. 


“Let’s just order and study somewhere. Please?” She even put both of her hands in a praying position. Which is so cute. 


I laughed. “Okay, okay. What my babe wants, my babe gets.” 


“Yey!” She did a small congratulatory jump. 


When we got to the car park, I put our thing’s on the backseat and opened the passenger side for her. 


“Do you want to… uhm, study in my unit?” I asked as I put on my seatbelt. 


Okay, I don’t have any bad idea going on inside my head. My intentions were pure. She wants to study— and the best place to study is in my unit! No distractions. Plus, she will be comfortable there. 


“Hmmm. Okay. But, can I borrow a shirt again? I didn’t bring an extra.” She asked innocently. 


I bit my inner cheeks. Good Lord! I just told myself that I have pure intentions and now… okay, relax. I won’t do anything weird. 




When I got to my unit, I went to my room and grab a shirt. I smelled it. 


“Why does it smell weird?” I mumbled. I went to the desk and grab my perfume and sprayed a little bit on the shirt. “There.” 


I went to the living room and saw Sandara grabbing my books and placing it to the center table. She’s really serious in studying huh. I wish she will really have a break and just watch a movie with me. 


“Here.” I said, giving her my shirt. 


“Thanks.” She replied and went to the bathroom to change. 


I grab my phone and ordered food- her favorite pizza and fried chicken. 


“Babe, do you want to eat fries?” I asked, still on the phone with the operator. 


“Yes, babe. And salad too!” She shouted. 


I grinned. Holy cows! She’s really comfortable in calling me babe huh. We are still in a ‘special relationship’ and yet we are calling each other babe! What more if we become a couple! Geez! 


I blushed at the thought. “Yes. That’s it. Thank you.” I said to the operator. 


I put down my phone and started arranging the notes. It’s a good thing that I put Sandara’s stuffs on my car so times like this we won’t be going to her dormitory and get her things. 


“Maybe she should leave few clothes here…” I mumbled. 


“What are you mumbling? Hmmm?” She asked as she sat beside me. I smelled my perfume on her. Damn it. Her scent makes me crazy, and smelling her with my scent is making me crazier! 


“I was just thinking if you would like to leave some of your clothes here. You know, we used to hang-out here than the library. So you’ll be comfortable.” 


“Okay. I’ll bring some.” 


I grinned. 


We both went silent as she started reviewing. She’s really intense when it comes to studying. Indeed, a monster. 


I was seriously reading my notes when I felt her knees gently rubbed mine. It was an honest mistake. We are both sitting on the floor and both of our feet were on the carpet. 


It felt like all of my hair stand up. Sandara is still innocently reviewing while I was fighting myself not to be aggressive. Sweet Jesus! How could she not notice the tension? 


I looked at her and saw her pouting her lips. I closed my eyes and again, sang the National Anthem on my head. 


Get a grip, Ji! Geez! You can’t loose your cool here! 


“Babe, can you explain to me this part?” Sandara asked while pouting and looking at me. 

It was said in her most normal tone yet she do sound so… innocently y. Sinful. 


I unconsciously my lower lip as I stare at her. 


“Babe…?” She asked, curiously. And holy cows! Did she just her red kissable lips? 


“I want to be honest, babe.” 




“I’m… I’m on the verge of kissing you right here right now. If you don’t want me to do it, as much as I want to, because we are not yet a couple, please. Please, I beg you, don’t pout and your lips. Because it’s tempting the hell out of me right now.” I said as I stare at her then to her lips. 


Sandara was just there dumbfounded and good Lord… she her lower lip. 


“Damn it! Babe…” I said before closing our distance and kiss her. 

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0 points #1
Chapter 35: SC jebal
15 streak #2
Chapter 35: Dropped by to upvote the story only
JiSandara #3
Chapter 35: Destiny...against all odds.
Congratulations authornim!👏
Looking forward to more exciting & melodramtic stories🥰
15 streak #4
Chapter 35: I liked the story, and enjoyed every chapter ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 35: Heavens!!! I finally finished reading this chapter 🥺, I definitely enjoyed this story a lot, it reminded me of the phrase that says "If you love someone, set them free, if they come back to you they are yours! If not they never were. Beautiful story, thanks for sharing
bernie20 #6
Chapter 35: Thank u so much. I enjoyed reading this story ❤️❤️❤️
Looking forward for new daragon stories to come...
Chapter 35: special chapter please
15 streak #8
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting,
I will start reading it <3
Chapter 34: Authornim I read whole fiction in one go and now I want to see their happily married life and kids too ❤️🥰
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #10
Chapter 34: So far it is the perfect relationship ❤️, everything is so nice, they have everything to be happy, nice story