Chapter 15

Of All The Odds

                                  Chapter 15 

                               Drunk. Plans. 





We finished doing our research. And from time to time, I will steal glances at her. 


Sandara is currently in my unit, doing our research, and she’s wearing my shirt. 


I smirked. The infamous ‘boyfriend shirt’ I thought. 


I’m still wondering what the heck is happening. A few weeks ago she’s just denying my feelings for her, telling me that it’s just my imagination. That I shouldn’t have feelings like these for her because we are friends. Just friends. 


And now, she’s doing things. Unusual things. 



“Thank God, we’re almost done.” She mumbled. She lean back a little- shoulders touching the couch. 


I chuckled. “You’re so eager to finish these.” 


She looked at me, faintly smile. “I want to get the highest grade. I want to get Latin Honors.” 


I touched her hair, messing with it. “Oh, you will babe.” 


I got up and went to the kitchen. It’s already 7PM and it’s getting late. Tomorrow is Say, weekend, so no internship. “What do you want to eat?” I asked while opening the fridge. 


“Anything will do.” She replied. 



I look at her, she’s now scrolling on phone. I started looking for something to eat. I saw bacon. 


“Do you want to eat pasta? Hmmm?” 





I tried making Garlic Bacon Pasta. I don’t usually cook here in my condo. I usually go home to eat and goes back here to sleep and study. 


I felt her presence near me. I got goosebumps. Even though I’m cooking, I can still smell her scent. “What are you cooking? Hmmm?” 


“Garlic Bacon Pasta.” 


“I want to help.” She suggested. 


I look at her. “Nah, you can rest. I’ll just finish this.” 


“Are you sure?” She asked, I nod. “Well, then lemme do the dishes later.” 


“Okay. You can rest in my bedroom.” I suggested. But then, I almost punch my face. Why did I even suggest that? It’s not like she will—


“Thanks. I want to take a nap.” 


I blinked twice, thrice, many more. Confused and shocked. I looked back and saw her walking towards my room- my bedroom. 


What the heck is really happening? 


I counted from 1 to 20. “Okay, let’s calm the down, Ji…” I mumbled.  But I can’t! 


Why the are we here? 



I tried concentrating but I can’t. Just the thought of Sandara being here with me (alone with me) in my unit, sleeping in my bed wearing my shirt! 


It felt like everything turned upside down. Did she eat something crazy today? After many weeks of gaslighting me and my feelings for her, she’s fine being with me knowing I have feelings for her? 


As for me- I am not fine! I breathe in, breathe out. And many more. I admit, I do bad things with my past girlfriend. And damn… I know she’ll really get mad at me if she can read my thoughts right now. 


I finished cooking. I don’t know how to say this. I knocked on the door- damn, it’s my ing room! Why am I knocking? 


I didn’t hear a reply so I entered. “Hey…” I whispered. 


The room is dark, the only light that can be seen is the light that comes from the bedside lamp. I walked towards it and saw Sandaras’ sleeping face. a bit parted and her hair is disheveled all over her face. 


I smiled. Lately, I can see that she seems tired. Her dark circles indicates that she’s not sleeping well. As I look closer, I saw that there were tears- dried tears. Her nose were red, so as her cheeks. Did she cried? 


I gently brushed those tears away and smile. Damn, I really really really like her. 


“Hey…” I whispered. “Dinners ready.”


Sandara pouted. You can see that she doesn’t want to wake up. As much as I want to let her sleep and rest, we have to eat. She’s thin. I need to feed her. A lot. 


“5 minutes…” she ranted. She moved a little, making me fluster. She held my hand that was resting on her cheeks. “5 minutes, Jiji…” 


I bit my lower lip. “Alright…” 


I am really confused right now. 










The 5 minutes turned to 10 then 30. I’m now lying down with her. This is the first time I am this close to her. She looks so cute and innocent while sleeping- her lips were partly parted and she’s making a little noise as she breathes. 


“Hey… Babe…” I whispered. 


Then again, she pouted. Scrunched her nose a little. “5 minutes…” she mumbled. 


I chuckled. “No more 5 minutes babe…” 


She slowly opened her eyes. She looked at me. “Hey…”


“I’m sorry. 5 minutes is over.” I said. Apologetic. 


She smiled. We heard her stomach growl. “Now I’m hungry.” 


We both laugh. I got up. So as Sandara. Damn, she really look so cute with my shirt on. 


We went to the dinning table. 


“I should reheat the pasta.” I said. 


“I’m so sorry.” She worryingly said. “For how long did I sleep?” 


“Just an hour babe.” I replied while putting the pasta that I cooked back to the stove. 


“Hmmm.” I heard her said. 



Another long silence enveloped the  corners of my unit. I went to the fridge and look for something. 


“What do you want to drink?” I asked. “I have apple juice, orange, milk and—“ 


“Do you have alcohol?” She said, more of like a whisper. 


I closed the fridge and looked at her. In disbelief. “Eh?” 


“I want to try…” 


“Why?” I asked. I mean, really, why? 


“Just because.” 


I am so confused but still got a bottle of soju. “Have you ever tried drinking?” 


She shook her head. “Nope.” 


I sighed. “Then let’s mix this with something else.” 



I placed the soju and yakult on the table. Mixed them. I don’t think she can handle drinking soju alone. As what she’d said, this will be her first time drinking this. And my oh my, it’s a great honour to be her first drinking buddy. 


I also placed the pasta that I cooked and the chicken that I ordered on the table. 


“Then let’s eat.” I said. 


We were silently eating. And it’s awkward. I know something is bothering her. Sandara likes to talk alot while eating and hearing her silence is really bothering me. 




She looked at me. “Hmmm?” 


“Do you have… like some sort of problem?” I asked. I don’t want to pry but I am really confused. And worried. 


“Oh…” she mumbled. “Graduation stuffs?” 


I chuckled. “Well, aside from acads.” 


“Hmmm. Let’s just say if I don’t graduate with the highest grade everything will be ed up.” 


I coughed a bit. I didn’t knew she curses. 


“I’m still trying my best Jiji. That’s why I am not sleeping well because I am preparing for the exams.” 


My eyebrows furrowed. “But the exams will be 3 months from now.” 


Dude, Sandara is really the academic monster. 


“Yeah. And I am preparing as early as possible.” She said while sipping the glass with the soju. 5 cups. In a row.  “Kyaaaah, I didn’t know this taste good!” 


I laughed. “You’re so innocent. And please, slow down.” 


“All my life, I’ve been a good girl. I excelled in academics and extra-curricular and do my best.” 


“You’re still excelling, babe.” 


“You don’t understand, Kwon Jiyong.” 


I looked at her, confused. She’s only calling me by my name- full name- whenever she’s trying to point out that I am wrong and when she’s loosing in an argument with me. And oh boy, goddamn it. Her face is so red, her eyes aren’t focus. Is she drunk? 


“Hey… slow down.” 


Sandara didn’t listen to my words. She took another shot. I should take a mental note that she’s not good in handling alcohol! Even if it’s cocktail! 


“All my life… I think I am the best! In high school, I was the best! Best in everything! But then, I met the almighty Kwon Jiyong. The genius Kwon Jiyong.” She said, then looked at me. Confusion is written all over her face. “Oh, you look exactly like him.” 


I chuckled, scratch the back of head. “Because I am, babe.” 


“And why are you calling me ‘babe’? Huh?” 


Oh boy, she’s so cute. 


“Because I like you.” I said. I don’t know if I am doing this correctly. 


“Oh, I like you too! Actually, I have a secret.” She said. She lean forward, as if trying to whisper. “Actually, I have a crush on Kwon Jiyong.” 


Be still, my heart. 


I flashed a huge grin. “Oh, really?” 


I know I shouldn’t take these things seriously because it’s the alcohol that is talking but damn it. I just want to hear these things coming from her. 


She giggled. “Actually I really really really like him ever since we were freshmen.” 


“Really?” Oh boy! “But you said you hate him. That you don’t like him. You even dated someone else when we were still second year!” 


“It’s a lie! I lied! Don’t tell him. Shhh.” 


I laughed so hard. I saw her took another sip. I don’t know if I will stop her from drinking but she’s so cute. I’m sorry babe but I want you to spill everything… I thought. 



“Okay. I won’t tell him.” I replied. Still feeling the butterflies on my stomach. “So, what’s your plan? Do you want to date him? Confess?” 


She snorted. “I can’t date him. I should graduate first in our class.” 


I almost face palmed when I heard her say it. Even if she’s drunk she still think about her academics! Good Lord! 


“You two can date while still aiming for the honors!” I suggested. “You’ll be a cute couple.” 


“You think so?” She said. She placed her hand on her chin, thinking. “I have a plan.” 


“What is it?” I asked, in between laughter. Cute. 


“I will date him and…”




“And on the day of our exam, I will dump him. So he will be distracted and his test scores will drop.” 


I looked at her in disbelief but still laughing. And to my surprise, I saw her looking at me- straight to my eyes. She looks so serious as if her life depends on it. 


“That’s my plan…” 



Then I saw her head drop straight to the pasta. 

Did she just spill the plan she’s supposed to keep as a secret? 

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0 points #1
Chapter 35: SC jebal
15 streak #2
Chapter 35: Dropped by to upvote the story only
JiSandara #3
Chapter 35: Destiny...against all odds.
Congratulations authornim!👏
Looking forward to more exciting & melodramtic stories🥰
15 streak #4
Chapter 35: I liked the story, and enjoyed every chapter ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 35: Heavens!!! I finally finished reading this chapter 🥺, I definitely enjoyed this story a lot, it reminded me of the phrase that says "If you love someone, set them free, if they come back to you they are yours! If not they never were. Beautiful story, thanks for sharing
bernie20 #6
Chapter 35: Thank u so much. I enjoyed reading this story ❤️❤️❤️
Looking forward for new daragon stories to come...
Chapter 35: special chapter please
15 streak #8
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting,
I will start reading it <3
Chapter 34: Authornim I read whole fiction in one go and now I want to see their happily married life and kids too ❤️🥰
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #10
Chapter 34: So far it is the perfect relationship ❤️, everything is so nice, they have everything to be happy, nice story