Chapter 1: Seance

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“The nocturne seance is by invite only, and they don’t let just anybody in.” Jinki started. He eyed Kibum up and down, both pleased to be graced by his presence after so long a time and thoroughly irritated by it just the same.

Kibum withdrew the neatly sealed white envelope from within his jacket pocket and held it up, silently answering Jinki’s implication that he would be unable to attend the exclusive gathering. Jinki stared silently at the envelope. Kibum smirked, so much like he always had when he knew things would go his way.

”I am aware.” He stated nonchalantly.

”Would you like to attend together?” Jinki asked. 

Kibum nodded in response. Jinki stepped out of the car and opened the rear driver’s side door for Kibum to get in.

”Let us go then.” He said as he closed the door once Kibum had stepped inside and retook his own seat in the front passenger side. His driver immediately resumed traversing up the dark winding mountain road towards the destination of the seance.

As Jinki marveled at the many snowflakes that slapped against the window that he was staring out of into the black abyss of the cold winter’s night he pondered over how Kibum had managed to get so far up the mountainside on foot while appearing to be completely untouched by the weather or just the length of the journey. He’d only just noticed him walking once they were already close to the top of the mountain, and even in the car it had been nearly an hour’s drive up the steep ice and snow covered road. It was unthinkable to imagine anyone being able to get that far, let alone so perfectly unscathed.

Everything from his hair to his clothing was in pristine condition. Even the makeup that he wore and the subtle hint of an expensive cologne seemed freshly applied. Not a hint of body odor or a single drop of sweat ruined his presence. He didn’t bother to inquire though. Kibum was a man of many secrets, and Jinki knew that if he asked one question it would only lead to more. He wouldn’t come to understand anything about this situation with ease.

Content to just admire Kibum’s slender frame draped in the elegance of a formal black tuxedo and purple silk undershirt he relaxed in his seat and decided surrender to whatever twist of fate this chance encounter would have in store.

”You’re here for it too, aren’t you?” He asked.

”I am.” Kibum responded without removing his gaze from the dark evergreens passing them by on the sides of the road as they drove.

Witmore’s lost chapter. That is what they were both referring to. Jinki was certain that he knew Kibum’s reason for being in search of it, but again he said nothing. Some words were better left unspoken.

”So, let’s be a team for old times sake?” Kibum asked, a bright smile suddenly graced his lips and lit up his entire face as he leaned forward and placed both of his hands on Jinki’s shoulders.

”Last time that we were a team You deserted me in a tight situation.” Jinki remarked, not so eager to partner up with Kibum again after the disbandment of SHINee years earlier and the subsequent business ventures with Kibum that followed for the next ten or so years after, give or take a year or two. It was all a blur of stress and undesirable memories in his head that he did not wish to revisit.

”I promise I’ll be good, please?” Kibum begged, pouting slightly in that cute way that he always did when he wanted to crumble Jinki’s resolve. The fact that they had both aged so many years made not the slightest difference in its effectiveness and Jinki quickly became putty in Kibum’s hands. He sighed softly and turned in his seat to look at Kibum.

”Alright, fine. But if I see you behaving suspiciously for even a second then the deal is off. We aren’t in our twenties anymore Kibum. I’m getting too old to be making hasty decisions.” 

Kibum smirked.

”Don’t worry old man, I have enough energy for the both of us to pull this off.”

Jinki rolled his eyes, but at the same time he smiled to himself. Though only after making sure that Kibum wasn’t watching him of course. He had to admit that he missed the diva Key and his lively personality. He missed their youth.

”Looks like we’ve arrived.” Kibum pipped up after nearly half an hour of silence. Jinki hummed in agreement as he watched the vast expanse of the Victorian mansion looming in the distance once they had rounded the final rocky bend in the road.

As soon as they pulled into the driveway the sounds of enthusiastic banter and the clinking of china glasses could be heard floating out from within the entrance.

”I will return to pick you up at the requested time Mr. Lee.” Jinki’s driver stated with a polite nod.

”Thank you Franc, we will see you then.” Jinki responsed before exiting the sleek black car. He made his way around the backside of the vehicle and opened up the door for Kibum.

”Ready?” He asked as he took his old friend’s hand.

”Hell yes I am.”


”Invitations please.” The butler standing at the entrance asked. He extended a single gloved hand to retrieve Jinki’s envelope. Jinki hadn’t heard the man though. His attention was entirely on the large mahogany doors. The intricate details and scenes carved into the rich polished wood were enchanting and yet inexplicably ominous. Under different circumstances he would have found the craftsmanship to be quite beautiful.

”Here you are.” Kibum said with a charming smile gracing his lips as he held out the piece of white paper. Jinki snapped out of his daze and withdrew his own envelope to hand off to the butler as well.

”Right this way Mr. Lee.” The butler said, gesturing for Jinki and Kibum to go down a long hallway that was equally as elegant as the front doors. Another staff member stood at the end of the hallway outside of a second set of doors. The sounds of merriment were much more apparent from the other side.

”Enjoy your evening good sirs.” The man said as he opened up the door for them to pass through. Before it had even been fully closed behind them Jinki heard his name being said from somewhere within the room.

”Jinki, so glad you could make it.” A wo

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Chapter 5: What a great setting and story...I'm so looking forward to seeing what happens next...
Chapter 5: oh wow, its been a while. welcome back. :)
and great update. ♥
Chapter 4: Waiting on moreeee! Love this <3
Chapter 4: Is there more to come? Or is this all for now? This is really good.♥️
Chapter 3: Oh wow (⊙.⊙) This is really intriguing so far! The storyline is something I haven't come across before which is really refreshing. And I don't really read SHINee fics anymore but you totally made me want to read the rest of it (^.^)b

One thing that did kinda throw me off was the beginning scene in the car. There wasn't much description about it so I assumed Jinki was driving. So then when Kibum placed both his hands on Jinki's shoulders I was shocked and worried he might crash the car (⌒_⌒;) But then later the driver spoke and I was like, "Oh! Ooooh! I get it now." Lol

I know too often we get advice on not filling our stories with needless descriptions (and that's partially true) but there are some things that just have to be told to build the setting and give the reader an idea of what's happening around the characters.

One thing I do to help myself with this is at the beginning of each scene I ask have I set the scene clearly enough for the reader to know where they are and anything important going on around them? Typically, you should try to establish the setting in the first few paragraphs of the scene. (You did this really well when they pulled up to the house and described the sounds of the party floating out the door, as well as when you described the snow hitting the windshield as they drove and the icy road. That not only told the reader the current weather, but also the time of year: winter) Wait any longer than that and the reader will have filled in the blanks on their own and then they might be startled later when you say something is there that contradicts what they've already come up with.

Maybe you could do something like have Jinki talk to Kibum by rolling down his window, then have the driver get out and open the door for him instead of Jinki? That would establish that he's there right away in a natural "show don't tell" manner.

Your descriptions are also great! You described the perfect amounts to spark my imagination and let my mind fill in the blanks. I think my favorite was the ornate wooden door. It not only built a picture of the opulence of the place but also set a tone of foreboding and suspense, making me wonder why Jinki found it ominous (⌒.⌒)b
Chapter 3: Omg! I'm so curious now~~~~~
This is so good!!!! I loved how you detailed the expressions and all.
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