Chapter 1


Chapter 1  -2 Months Later  

The dinner table is eerily quiet as Dad and I eat dinner. I can feel his eyes boring into but I focus on my plate, trying to ignore him. That does nothing. 

“Kyuhyun.” He says. His voice is gentle and comforting and yet, it scares me. “Yes dad?” My voice is shaky, unsteady. “Look Kyuhyun, will you be honest with me?” My eyes close shut and I fiddle with my fingers under the table. “Yes dad.” He folds his hands and sits up in his chair. “Your doctor called this morning. He said that your test results came in.”

My breath hitches in my throat. “Did he?” Dad nods silently. “What did he say?” 

"That you are positive." 

The air in the room suddenly becomes cold. There are no words spoken between me and my father as I turn to look at him. He's staring back at me with an unreadable look. "" I try to explain, but nothing comes out. 

"Kyuhyun, are you gay?" 

It's a moment I never wanted to happen. At least not on my own terms.  My eyes are focused on the ground, too afraid to look at him. He says my name again and this time a sob breaks through my lips. "Yes." 

I fall apart slowly. The weight in my chest is only growing heavier. Tears prickle my eyes as my fingers shakily clutch my body.

 "I'm sorry." I hurriedly rush up to my room, lock the door and crawl into my bed. 


It's hours later when dad comes up. He knocks once and tells me to open the door. I comply and do so. He sits at the foot of my bed. Again the silence between us is thick. 

"Kyuhyun." He starts. "Is this why your mom kicked you out?" I nod. He sighs. "I see. Look, is this something you're absolutely sure about? You liking boys?" I nod again. 

"Then I don't have anything to say other than, you're my son, i love you and i want you to be happy. If boys make you happy im not going to stop you." 

"Thank you dad." He hugs me, kissing the top of my head. "But listen, we do need to talk about your situation." 

"Please no."

"Kyu, this isn't something you can ignore." I know he's right, but right now i can't deal with the thought of there being another person inside of me. "Can we please talk later? I really don't feel good." He says okay and leaves me to myself. It's an hour or two later when sleep finds me. 

Dad and I didn't talk about the pregnancy  until two days later. He's driving me to school when he asks. "What do you want to do?" I stare out the window as I answer."I'm keeping it." There's no question to it. This is my child. This is my person, i was given. I cant lose them. "So i'm assuming the father is your boyfriend." 

"No actually. We're not together." 

"You broke up?" 

"He was never mine." 

"I see." He pulls into the parking lot and turns the car off. "Do i know them?" Out of the corner of my eye,I see Yesung and Ryeowook walking down the street. They're holding hands. "Yeah." I tell him. There's a pang in my chest and I huddle myself into the seat. "Do i have to go?" I ask. Dad nods.``i know you may not feel well, but for now you still have to go." 

"It's just so much dad." 

"I know sweetie. But youre strong." He leans over and kisses my head."I have to go, but text me if you need anything." I nod and get out of the car. "Love you."

 "I love you too." 

I head into the school and I instantly feel my stomach churn. They're standing by ryeowooks and lockers. Yesung has his hands in his pockets and is talking to ryeowook. He glances up for a second when he sees me before turning back to wook. "Kyu!!" Wookie says as I make it near. He pulls me into a hug. "Hey wook." I say opening my locker and grabbing my books. "Hey baby, i got to get to class before im late." 

"Sungie, there's literally ten minutes before the bell." Ryeowook says. "Baby you know what they say, early bird gets the worm." He presses a kiss to ryeowook's lips before he leaves. Ryeowook sighs and turn back to me, leaning on the wall. "Okay whats up?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"With you and sungie. You two have barely said two words to each other in months. What's the deal?" 

"I don't know what to ask him. He's the one that stopped talking to me." 

"I did and he wouldn't tell me. But it must be something pretty big if you two can't be three feet apart." 

"Wookie. Please just leave it, it's better that way." Ryeowook huffs but nods. "Fine." He says looping his arm through mine and starting down the hall. "So have you talked to min yet?" I shake my head. "No why?" "Well i think that you should do it soon, because he's getting restless." 

"Wook i really dont get why you want me to go out with this guy."

"Because kyu, he really likes you. And he's super nice. Look, i'm not saying date him but at least let him take you out."

"I barely know the dude." 

" that's what the dates for." I roll my eyes. " Wook you know i have eyes for one person." 

"And you refuse to tell me who. So how can i help you with that?" We enter the class and take our seats. "Kyu, I just want you to be happy." 

"I know and i appreciate it. But I just need to think it over." 


Class passes by slowly. I try to pay attention, but my mind keeps going back to my baby. 

. A baby. My baby. 

Never did I think that at 17 I would have a child. Especially not with my bestfriends boyfriend. There's so many things wrong with this and yet, i can't seem to be angry.  

This baby, they're mine. They're the only thing keeping me together right now. Honestly i don't know how im gonna take care of this child, i know dad will help. But i can't force this on him anymore than i have already. And yesung..i can't tell him. Not now. He and wook are so happy, i can't ruin this for them. 


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400 streak #1
Chapter 2: why are you not here anymore??? T^T I want the next chapter button~ T^T
400 streak #2
Chapter 2: Anyway I forgot to say "I LOVE KYU'S DAD!"
400 streak #3
Chapter 2: Oh my god you're updating XD~

Gosh, I got a heart attack when I read about "positive" I thought Kyu got HIV or something XD;;;
400 streak #4
Chapter 1: T______________T It broke my heart
someday1965 #5
Chapter 1: I'm hooked. Reel me in, next update please.
Chapter 1: Hmm looks interesting,,next please