
Why did I end up falling for you?


"Unnie?" A familiar voice called from behind getting Jessica's attention.

She turned around and I did the same with my heart racing hoping she was the person I hoped she was. 

She was the person I hoped for. Jung Soojung. But she was not alone. She was happily standing so close next to that guy from Japan. What was his name? Changmin, was it? 

The sight of them together and the smile she had was enough to make my heart sink. 

Jaejoong's POV

"Unnie...are you going somewhere?" Soojung asked Jessica.

"I was just about to go have lunch with Jaejoong." Jessica answered.

"Ah..." Soojung muttered and finally looked at me.

"It's been a while, Jaejoong." She asked me with her sweet smile but her arms still linked to another man.

"Yeah." I muttered as I nod my head a little and tried to smile in that unpleasant situation.

"How about we all go have lunch together?" Jessica suggested.

I was hoping she'd say no. I wanted to meet Soojung again and talk to her but not with a guy next to her. The situation was already awkward enough.

"Sorry unnie but let's do that some other time. I have some other place to go with Changmin oppa." Soojung said and went ahead with Changmin as I stayed behind looking at her leave with some other guy.

"This is getting more interesting." Jessica said with a cheeky smile after they left.

"What is?" I asked her confused.

"Nothing...let's go." She went ahead avoiding my question.

Krystal's POV

"Why didn't you let your sis come to lunch with us? I don't think we have anything particular to do." Changmin oppa asked suddenly while I was busy enjoying my sushi.

"I just...I don't know..." I said as I tried to explain but the only explaination would be that I wanted to have some time alone with him but I was not gonna tell him that.

He just sat and stared at me without eating anything as if waiting for me to explain. I, on the other hand, trying to avoid his stare just kept on filling up my mouth with food.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked him trying to divert his attention.

"Is it because of Jaejoong?" He asked me after being silent for while.

"What about him? I have nothing to do with him." I said with a little laugh while still keeping my focus on the food.

"So why can't you tell me looking at my face? It's getting suspicious that you're avoiding my eyes while you said that. Maybe you still have some feelings remaining. " He said and caught me off guard.

"No...really...I have no feelings for him. I never did and never will." I told him raising my voice a little at his absurdness.

"So I guess it's true then. People get angry when someone tells them the truth they want to hide." He said with a cheeky smile.

"You want the truth?" I told him after trying to calm myself a bit. "The thing about dating was all an act. We never dated or loved each other..." 

"But I don't think Jaejoong feels that way too." He said cutting me off halfway.

"That's his problem but I like someone else." I told him.

"Why are you suddenly so serious? Oppa was just joking." He said with a laugh.

"I leaving now..." I told him as I got up.

"What? Wait...let me get the cheque and drop you." He was saying but I took a taxi and went ahead leaving him alone while he was paying the bill.

"Miss...where should I take you to?" The taxi driver was asking.

I didn't know where to go. I didn't wanna go home either. 

"Can you just keep going until I decide a place?"

The driver looked at me like I was some weird person but continued driving anyway.

After going around for about an hour, I ended up going to Jessica's office. I figured she must have finished her work with Jaejoong by then but when I went inside her office she was still with Jaejoong.

"Why are you here?" She asked me as soon as she saw me. "I thought you had things to do with Changmin." 

"Yeah...I'm done with it." I lied.

Jessica shot me a questioning look. I knew she could tell right away that I was lying but I ignored her gaze anyway.

"Are you here to hang out with me now?" She asked me as she got up and put on her blazer.

"Sort of." I replied.

"Well...sad thing...I was just about to head out now. I have a meeting to attend." She said as she got ready to leave.

"Are you serious?" I asked her.

"See ya later." She said on her way out. "And Jaejoong, we'll continue with the discussion tomorrow."

Jaejoong's POV

Jessica left and I was left alone with Soojung inside the office. I wanted to say something...something...anything...but nothing came out of my mouth. 

Seriously Kim Jaejoong? Have you always been such a coward?

"It's been a while." She finally said.

Was this the first time she actually talked to me after all these times? I was happy with just some words from her. No one would know the torture it was to love someone but not get to talk to her at all. 

"Yeah...everything's good, right?" I finally mustered up the courage to say something.

She nodded back.

"Any concerts?" I asked her knowing that she hasn't been playing lately.

"No...I'm taking a break these days...and I don't have anything to do. It's kinda driving me crazy." She said making me smile unconsciously.

Once we started talking, we became more comfortable and were talking like how we did before. We even decided to go have coffee together.

"I heard you're back to hitting on countless girls again?" She said with a teasing smile.

For the first time in my life, I was embarrassed to hear that. Other times when people say the same thing, I was totally fine with it like I didn't care but when she said, it felt different.

"I'm gonna stop now." I told her keeping my eyes down on my coffee.

"Why is that?"

"I want to try and love only one girl know be sincere and all." I told her hoping that I could change her thought about me being a player.

"You sure you can do that?" She said teasingly.

"Yes." I told her as I looked into her eyes.

She,too, looked into my eyes and after a second of silence, she finally said, "Oh my god! You're serious!" 

I nodded with a smile at her reaction.

"Wait..don't tell me you're already in love with a girl and that's why you're being all sincere now." She said looking at me suspiciously.

"Unrequited love is what it is." I told her with a smile.

"Wow...what happened to that Jaejoong I knew? I thought you can get any girl. Where has that confidence gone?" 

"Confidence gets lost jn front of love...I just realised." I told her.

"'re right about that." She said sulking a bit.

"Why does it sound like you've experienced it too? Do you also have an unrequited love?" I asked her suddenly curious.

"No!" She exclaimed and let out a nervous laugh. "What unrequited love? No way."

The way she was denying told me something else. I wanted to know more but I couldn't ask further. The thought of her loving some other guy was disturbing me the entire time. She denied it. I told myself to believe her words. I did try to believe but it didn't last long. She was such a terrible liar. I could see right through her.

She had someone she loved and I wanted to find out who. 


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nathalylarissa #1
Hi from Brazil! Im excited to read your history with Jaejoong! I love him and Krystal so much
Clumsyyoun #2
Chapter 28: I end up read all the chapters in one go just to be sad in the end :")