Colours in Stereo

Playground — case no. 5.b'87-7-1

Characters: Jongin, Sehun

Seven years prior.


“Urgh, who’s calling at this hour?! - Yes? Kim speaking, who’s there?”

“Jongin? It’s me-”

“Se-Sehun? I’-”

“Don’t you dare to cut the call now! We have to talk!”

“How did you get this number?”

“Let’s say I have my ways, and speaking more easily, we have mutual friends or at least I have some connections, I-”

“Mutual friends? Who-”

“As if I'd tell you now who did this good deed to me. I just wanna talk.”


“Because you cut ties with me two years prior? Without an explanation? Moving apartments and cities and like that? Leaving no address to people I could have asked?”

“How- That’s none of your ing concern!”

“It ing is, you bastard!”

“Who’s saying that? Huh?! It’s not me, that’s damn sure!”




“- you still there? I hear your surroundings.”

“Did you drink?”

“It’s a weekday, why would I dr-”

“Jongin! Don’t lie to me.”

“Who are you, belittling me?”

“Forget that you’re the one who walked out of my life? I don’t think there’s a valid reason you had there to defend your reasoning. You’re just running away from your ing problems. You-”

“Shut u-up! You don’t know about me and my feeli-problems.”

“Are you sure about that? I know pretty much about what’s going on and what has happened in the last two years you’ve avoided me.”

“What are you? A Stalker?”

“Ha, maybe.”

“Why wouldn’t you de-deny i-it?”

“Jongin, dear, don’t cry. It breaks my heart.”

“Don’t ‘dear’ me! … And I’m not crying...”

“Don’t lie, we both know you’re crying.”

“Ah, me!”

“With pleasu- I mean, uh, don’t deny it. Just, uh, wanna talk about your feelings?”

“Did you say something? You mumbled something.”

“Nah, it’s alright. I just asked whether you want to talk about your feelings?”

“You’re crashing in my life again without explanation and asking me about my feelings? You-”

“Jongin! I think it’s acceptable and understandable for me to do it. It was you who chickened out and left.”

“Wha- who’s saying I chickened out? I only talked to two pe- Sehun?”

“Eh, yes?”

“It’s just a guess, but my roommate wasn’t home for a few days.”

“And you’re implying what?”

“About you getting my new number, seemingly knowing something only two people are aware of. And I know that you disappeared without a trace after I left. Are you in the mafia, or what?”

“Ah, ha, ha, ha. Me? Never! As if! Those bad people? I wouldn’t want to associate myself with people like them!”

“If you say so? But I can’t rule out this possibility just yet. You have never talked about your job to me.”

“You want a bad boy? Eh? I’m just a meek office worker~”

“Who’s talking ‘bout my preferences?”

“Eh- You do know you sound ugly while crying?”

“Shut up, you know alcohol loosens my tongue. Bastard...”

“I know, otherwise you wouldn’t be cussing. - I like that.”

“You like what? I didn’t get that.”

“Ah, nothing-”

“That’s suspicious, you are suspicious too.”

“You’re a funny fellow, Jongin. Ah, ha, ha-”

“Your laugh sounds suspicious too.”

“That’s just the alcohol you drank.”

“I don’t think so. So- you said you wanna talk with me?”

“Wow, you sound extremely serious now.”

Oh Sehun! I’ll cut the call now!”

“No! No! NO!”

“Then talk.”

“Urgh, promise you won’t cry? Screaming and shouting is okay...”

“I can’t promise anything. You sound like you killed someo- Did you do something to him?”



“I merely had a talk with him.”

“You know who my roommate is?”

“Yes and I don’t like him one bit. You should have seen how he talked about you-”



“What else do you know?”

“Uh, do you want to hear what you desire to hear or do you want to hear what you need to hear?”


“Your best friend, the giant with the big ears who’s working in the ER? At least he was the one who patched me up and he said I reminded him of the guy his best friends was always talking about when dead drunk?”


“Your new address, your social security number, bank account information, by the way, the rent is due in 4 days and your roommate doesn’t have enough money left in his bank account to pay his par-”

“Sehun? What are you?”

“Was that too much? - Uhh, wanna guess? Ha, ha-”

“Should I call the police?”

“Well, they wouldn’t help you much, my number is suppressed anyway and it’s not like they’re bootlickers anywa-”





“That isn’t a question you should answer with a question yourself.”


[ . . . ]


“Jongin? I listened to you for ten minutes straight drinking and crying. Please, talk to me, or at least put me on speaker and let me explain myself, and after that I want an explanation myself. Is that alright with you? Or should I just end the call and get out of your life again?”

“No! Stay with m-me...”

“Alright. Should I just start or do you wanna ask?”

“What happened after I left?”

“Huh? Uh, okay… Hmm, where to start? - Okay, ehm. So, after you left, well, I wanted to find you, but I was told not to. Our friends were worried too, but they said that, maybe, you just went on vacation. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and the months turned into a year. Meanwhile, we were all searching high and low for you, until you called your parents from a telephone box in a different country, saying you need some time for yourself and that you will return, but not home. You had some luck that we didn’t call the police after three weeks of you missing, your parents said that you’re an adult after all, but they didn’t look happy saying that. We all just thought you need some time and when you are back you’ll, well, come back to us?”


“You returned and didn’t say a thing. At least you called your parents, six months after we lost you for the first time, but you never told them what you did and more importantly, why? I already have the answer to my question, but I still want to hear it from you? You do know you talk a lot when you drink? It was quite easy to find out about your whereabouts, but I wasn’t allowed to contact you. I tried to move on, but it was futile. So, to come back to answer an early question, yes, I guess you can call me a stalker. I observed you from a distance after a year and I think you saw me one time. You looked not only flustered, but shocked, to say the least. I got back to the underground. That may answer your other question, yes, I have some loose ties to the mafia.”

“How close are those ties?”

“Non-existent. That’s how close they are. I’m kinda the capo bastone, even if I’m only around five years younger than the head of our family.”

“Since when?”

“Already in high-school?”

“Wow and already a second-in-command… what about the office job after school?”

“Mafia as well, the corporation belonged to us. I was there to keep an eye on the CEO, because he always created problems for us.”

“So, everything you said was a lie?”

“No! I just kept out this crucial information. I worked for a couple of years and wasn’t paid by the mafia, but the company, I was a full-time employee there.”

“Uh-oh. Before I come back to that topic? Moving on?”

“Yes. Some ed up short term relationships. I like to talk about that in person, if you’re willing to meet up with me, maybe.”

“Hmm. Why didn’t you visit me, haunting me like a ghost or demon to remind me of my mistakes?”

“Mistakes? What mistakes? Except for that ing roommate of yours, that’s the only mistake you made.”

“What’s your problem with him?”

“Problem? PROBLEM? He’s a ing moron. I’ll cut his balls off - well, I threatened him with that anyway-”

“You did WHAT?”

“You should choose your so-called friends more wisely.”


“You do know him for half a year, yes?”


“That he was betting with his friends that he would get you into bed, too?”



“I'll ing kill that bastard!”

“... I already took care of him?”


“I didn’t kill him, dear god, my boss would have killed me if I did that. But I may or may not have bribed Yoda so he wouldn’t tell you that he had to fix that bastard in the ER?”

“I’m at a loss of words...”

“I may have broken a rib or two, and a few bones?”



“What happened can’t be redone… Guess I have to look for a new roommate...”

“We can move in together?”

“You’re proposing what?”

“You and me? Living together? So you don’t talk about me drunk but rather talk WITH me drunk?”

“How much do you know exactly?”

“A lotto?”



“Deer? Why are you calling me an animal?”

“How drunk are you that you don’t get the difference between ‘dear’ and ’deer’?”

“Because they’re homonyms? Kinda drunk? Like two-bottles-of-wine drunk?”

“I missed you.”

“Where is that coming from?”

“Feisty one. Just state the truth.”

“I missed you, too. It hurt so bad, and it still does, even after two years. I’m sorry for leaving y-you a-and...I’m ju-just sorry.”

“Why did you leave me? I need to hear it from you and not from someone else.”

“Be-because I-”

“Stop crying, you crybaby. Otherwise, I'll start crying too. Take a deep breath, dear.”

“Because I lo-love-”

“You know what? Just open the damned door. I need to see you right now.”


“Yes, open the door! Right now.”

“You’re at the door?”

“Since I called you, I wanted to pick the lock at first, but I decided a call would be more reasonable.”

“Se-sehun? Y-you’re a-at the d-door?”

For s sake. Yes. I. Am! Now, open the door, the bag with wine won’t be any less easy to carry after talking to you for almost two hours. Now wiggle your lovely little to the door and tell me you love me into my face! I need to take care of your drunk selfFinally!”

“Is it really you? Am I that drunk that I’m already dreaming awake? How desperate am I for you that I’m dreaming this lively?”

“Just shut up and let me kiss you! I am such a beauty, everyone wants me, but I would even wait two more years for you.”

“Yes, I’m drunk and you are beautiful. Tomorrow morning, I’ll be sober, but you’ll still be beautiful.”

“I know, but not as beautiful as you are, my love.”

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Completion: Final Chapter Nidus IV: Ikaros
Thanks to everyone who read Playground at some point.


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745 streak #1
Chapter 14: Well... that left me speechless, to say the least.
This was full of thriller, action, mystery, cliffhangers, and just as I would think I have it all figured out, I don't! I did like it though, but why Chanyeol? Why?

Good job! :D

P.S - I love reading your work, but why do you have to kill the most favorite ones? -cries-
745 streak #2
Chapter 13: "Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?" - I swear that never gets old 😃 Love it! 💗
In general, I love Chanyeol's reactions to Kyungsoo's actions. 👌👍😉😃😊💗
As for the rest, I must admit, this was one hell of a roller coaster and I can't wait to see what happens in the finals!

Thank you! 😉😃😊💗
745 streak #3
Chapter 12: At first, I thought there was another hitman, but in the end, it was only Kyungsoo. I honestly had a mini heart attack as I was reading the beginning of it!
Chanyeol is one hell of a good friend!!! I adored this chapter and I could imagine that it was a bit too difficult to open to Chanyeol but in the end, he managed to do so and that's good.
I love their relationship! 👌👍😉😃😊💗
Bigaeup #4
Hellooooo it's meeeeeeee
I'm just passing by and saw that you uploaded here but i don't think i'll read that now. sorry sorry *rub hands suju version*
Just wanted to say that i love the poster you made ♥_♥ always a big fan of KS with this kind of clothing!!
745 streak #5
Chapter 11: First of all congrats on continuing to write this series! Bravo! 💗🥰 Way to go girl! 👌👍😉😃😊

Now back to the topic regarding the chapter. 😊

Intense chapter till the very end. Everyone was against everyone and at first, it took me a few minutes to get it together but it was soon clear who was against who. I must admit that it was full of action and kept the attention, but truth be told Kyungsoo, the gang's and the police have their jobs cut out for them. 🤔🤔👀👀

Good job! Thank you! 👍👌😃💗
745 streak #6
Chapter 10: I can so relate to the morning mood. I am pretty much the same when someone tries to wake me up, but instead of a bruise I grab the first thing close to me and throw it at them. xD And no one talks to me for at least 2 hours after I get up xD It's not something to brag about, but I hate mornings lol 😃

Anyways, another good chapter. Gives more insight into Kyungsoo's relationship with Yixing and Zitao. 💗👍👌😉
Also, I like how the back story with Claire was told.

As the story progresses it's more and more exciting and interesting. 😃💗👍👌😉
Thank you. 😃💗
745 streak #7
Chapter 9: That's one hell of a way to kill a person. Well thought out if I can say so. I like it. 👍👌😉
As for the relationship between Kyungsoo and Cheif deputy, I get a feeling like it's a love-hate, type of thing between them, but it's sweet and interesting as well. 💗👍👌😉 Also it's useful for Kyungsoo. 😉👌
745 streak #8
Chapter 8: I love Kyungsoo's interaction with others and his responses. Satansoo indeed, but it fits him well. 😃
Actually, as I was reading I thought that chaos was waiting but in the end, Kyungsoo turned out to be a pretty cool guy considering what had happened! 😃

Thank you! 💗😊
745 streak #9
Chapter 7: Hmm. Mafia-type. I could picture it all perfectly!
Kai's role was done well in this chapter and I love it!
Also what got to me was the whole flower/death thing. One sells flowers to make things colorful, the other makes it all dark. Beautiful but yet sinister. I like it. 😃

Thank you. 💗👌😊🥰👍
745 streak #10
Chapter 6: "How drunk are you that you don't get the difference between 'dear' and 'deer'?" - Good one :D
Their conversation was quite something, but my most favorite part was the final scene of it when he was outside the door the whole time! Aww! <3

Thank you :D <3