Unfair love


“WHAT” Both of us said, how can that happen. I mean, I’m never touch her unless... Gosh I feel so stupid. I look at Joohyun and she look distress.

“I take it that you weren’t expecting that. Mrs Son, You’re on your eighth week of pregnancy. Technically, you should have already symptoms. Such as dizziness, nausea, hunger pangs, weight gains, etcetera” the doctors explained it to Joohyun. I couldn’t focus. I want to run. I feel dizzy. “Also Mrs Son, right now you’re having high risk pregnancy due to your stress and for Mr Son, please take care of her and don’t let her stress from work or any kind of things that can make her stress”


“Congratulation, Mr Son” the doctor shake my hand. I look at Joohyun and I don’t know what to feel. 


I help her up and I thank the doctor. Both of us walk together in to the parking lot. We not even talking. My heart broke. I want to cry so badly. I touch my heart. I just hope god give me some strength because I’m not strong enough. Both of us arrive at the parking lot, I open the door for her and afterwards I get in. I need some explanation. So I look at her and ask “When all of this happened?” She still have those distress look and she ask


“I said when all of this happened?” 

“Why do I have to explain it to you?”


“BECAUSE IM YOUR HUSBAND FOR GOD SAKE” I yelled. I don’t mean to yell at her but in this kind of situation I cant sit still. This is too much. 



Joohyun silence, she speechless. Seungwan never yell at her. Joohyun know she push the limit. She doesn’t really expect this will happen. She don’t know what to feel she doesn’t have any plan. She doesn’t have anyone. Her boyfriend is in another country. She doesn’t know and she really need anyone. She look at Seungwan. Angry, frustrated and distress all plastered on his face. Seungwan get the hint that Joohyun will not tell her and she is in a shocked state, Seungwan start the engine car and drive out of this place. No words have spoken form both of them. 


They finally arrive at their house. Joohyun get out first and Seungwan stay, he need someone to talk this through. He call the only person that know him. He start the car engine again and drive out of here, he need to clear his mind. Meanwhile Joohyun sit in the corner of the bed and crying. She staring at her phone and she tempted. Should she call Bogum and tell her about this ? After all it happen in the airport? She not  ready yet. So she stay and crying for help.

In other hand Seungwan is in Seulgi's house. Seungwan told her everything and about Joohyun he cry because he doesn’t deserve all of this. His heart hurt so badly that he don’t know how to stop it. After Seungwan cool down Seulgi ask him “So what are you going to do next?”

“I don’t know, I truly don’t know. Apart of me want this fake marriage to end. I’m hurt enough. Is it not enough? I give her all of my love... All but what I get ? This. This Seulgi. Every night I pray hoping that she will at least give me chance to get inside of her cold thick wall but what I get is rejection”

“I know Seungwan. You love her so much but the sake of you. You have to let her go”

“No! Seulgi I cant divorce her. She need someone beside her. I’m her husband... I have to be at her side”

“Seungwan, are you stupid? She doesn’t give you love but she give you pain. After all she do to you, you still going to love her?”


“Yes, yes i will still going to love her. I might sound crazy... No I really am crazy. I’m crazy for her but the thing is no matter how she broke my heart for couple times I still going to love her as long as i live”


“Seungwan, you’re crazy. You just going to hurt yourself. She is an ice cold, you can’t melt her. All her heart and body are for Bogum. Don’t you see it? Until when Seungwan? Until when you have to hurt yourself? She is clearly don’t need you” 


“I don’t care Seulgi. Okay yeah I should probably let her go by now but she is pregnant and she need someone beside her” Seungwan said “Okay what about Bogum ? He is her boyfriend, he should take care of her not you. She just going to hate you more because clearly that all she need is Bogum not you, He is the father of her child not you Seungwan” Seungwan just out of words. Silence between them what's Seulgi said true she need Bogum not me. 

“Seulgi, ugh I got to go” Seungwan get up and went to the door but before Seungwan can get to the car...


“Seungwan there's a girl out there.... That really love you more than you know” Seulgi said with her sad eyes. “ Sorry Seulgi but i don’t think i can’t look at the other woman than Irene so don’t set me with another girl Seulgi” Seungwan grin he doesn’t have any clue that Seulgi just indirectly confess to her. “I know idiot” Seulgi flash her warm smile “Here let me hug you” Seulgi said and they hug and Seulgi sigh and comfortably in the man warm hug. 

“Thank you idiot..” Seungwan grin. He give her another look before he get in the car and drove to his home ~more like a house than a home~ he get inside and suddenly he's nervous, he didn’t know why is he nervous perhaps because of what happen next. He scared that he have to let Joohyun go. He get's in to Joohyun room and see Joohyun in the floor crying and a pang of sadness and he is hurt to see the woman he love the most cry. He slowly close the distance between Seungwan and Joohyun. Slowly he lead Joohyun to the bed and let her sit , Joohyun just let him because she can’t think clearly. 


“Joohyun, we need to talk” Seungwan said with serious tone but soft. Joohyun look at him and tears streaming down her face. “Joohyun, I know you’re not expecting this and neither do I and to tell you the truth I’m hurt Joohyun. Hurt so much, I thought I have some chances with you....” Joohyun just stare at him and kind a waiting and know what Seungwan are going to say after this. Truthfully she scare everyone is going to leave her and she thought that Bogum will take the first flight to Seoul. She really hope it goes that way.


“Seungwan, I understand and I know where will this conversation go, you should let me go years ago because I'm not for you and you know that” Joohyun said.

“Joohyun, I will let you go and let you live with Bogum and be happy with him” Seungwan said with a smile for the first time Joohyun smile is not fake. He hope that smile will not be the last time and he hope he can capture that smile. “Did you already tell Bogum?” she shake her head “You should tell him, he must be happy” Seungwan said. “Yeah he will” 


“I should go now” Seungwan said and Seungwan leave her there to give her some privacy. 


Joohyun cant sleep for the whole night and she got the text from Bogum saying that his flight have a safe landing and currently in the hotel room. Joohyun look at the phone and she try to dial his phone and after a few ring, Bogum answer. 

“Hi baby I safely land and currently in my hotel room” Bogum said


“Ugh baby.... Are you okay ?” 

“Bogum, I need to tell you something...”Joohyun said “Okay, you sound serious” 

“Bogum, I'm pregnant” Joohyun said finally she feel that the weight on her shoulder slowly start to decrease.

“Abort it” 




Hi guys long time no update. I’m really sorry for the slow update. I want to update like few days ago but i kinda forget. Oh and thank you for the people who subscribe and upvote my humble story. I have to say this chapter is kinda hard to write + I’m so emotional writing this chapter :')). If you reading this chapter when you’re sad or your life is crumble right now ( like i do) i want you to know that it’s just a bad day not a bad year. 

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Chapter 5: I came back for this story ㅠㅠ where are you? Are you doing fine? Is everything okay?
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Chapter 5: Wenseul for the win ü
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