you'll come again today, without fail.

loona oneshots.

this is part two! please make sure to read part one first or this definitely won't make sense. i apologise if some of the lyrics are wrong, i used a website and i'm hoping the translations are accurate.


"who are you texting?" jinsoul asked. "you've been focused on your phone the whole time we've been here."

"is it your girlfriend?" jungeun teased, nudging hyunjin.

hyunjin shook her head. "it's heejin."

"so your girlfriend then." jungeun said with a smirk.

"she's not my girlfriend!" hyunjin frowned, flicking jungeun's shoulder.

hyunjin had been texting heejin as soon as she'd woken up, they were currently in a deep discussion about pets. heejin wanted a rabbit, but she was allergic to fur. hyunjin wanted a cat, but she wasn't allowed any animals in her dorm.

"is she even into girls?" jinsoul asked.

hyunjin shrugged. "we haven't talked about it."

"what are you talking about right now?" jungeun leaned closer to read the messages. "pets? god, that's cute. which reminds me, is your fish still alive?" she turned to jinsoul and they started talking about all the fishes jinsoul had owned.

"can we meet up later? are you busy? my classes finish early and i don't need to go to the studio tonight." heejin texted.

"sure. i'm free." hyunjin replied.

"okay, meet me at the rabbit cafe :)"

"what are you smiling for?" jungeun frowned. "we're talking about jinsoul's dead fish-- wait, did she ask you on a date?"

hyunjin quickly held her phone close to her chest. "no. we're just meeting up later."

"that's a date." jungeun said. "i remember when jinsoul asked me on our first date..." she let out a soft sigh. "we went to the aquarium, and then to the hospital because jinsoul twisted her ankle. so romantic."

just then, jinsoul's phone started ringing.

"hey haseul. yeah, i'm free. yeojin's sick? oh, i see. i can go get her. does she have keys to your house? okay, good. i can stay with her until later, but i have work. i'll go get her right now. bye haseul." jinsoul hung up and looked at the two. "i have to go get yeojin and take her home, she apparently threw up in someone's shoes."

jungeun grimaced. "children are gross."

"i know. i hope she doesn't throw up in my car." jinsoul sighed before leaning over to kiss jungeun, then waved goodbye to hyunjin and left.

"so, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" jungeun asked.

hyunjin shrugged. "i have some stuff to do in the library, so i'll be there for most of the afternoon."

"and then are you meeting up with your girlfriend?" jungeun said with a grin, wiggling her eyebrows.

"she's not my girlfriend!" hyunjin hissed. "stop saying that. but we're meeting up."

"but you want her to be your girlfriend." jungeun laughed as hyunjin started blushing. "young love is so cute."

"i'm not even that much younger than you." hyunjin pointed out.

"you didn't deny the girlfriend part that time!" jungeun smirked. "i hope it goes well for you. i'm gonna have to go, i have a shift to work. have fun!"

and then there was one.


hyunjin spent the afternoon in the library, finishing a few essays whilst texting heejin. heejin went to a prestigious arts college nearby. everyone knew that the students there were rich and talented. their scholarships were expensive, but if they got massively famous like most graduates did then they'd pay their loans off easily. heejin was just another student on her way to becoming something great. she was already with a company, blockberry creative, and her online following was growing every day.

hyunjin checked the time and packed up her things and headed off campus to the rabbit cafe. jungeun was behind the counter.

"hey! what can i get you?" jungeun asked.

"just a regular latte, please." hyunjin said. "when does your shift finish?"

"in a few hours, why?" jungeun frowned.

hyunjin was really hoping jungeun wouldn't be here to watch her and heejin.

"nothing, just curious." hyunjin said.

"i won't bother you and your girlfriend, i'm working." jungeun laughed when hyunjin sighed.

"who's working after you? do i know them?" hyunjin asked.


hyunjin groaned. jungeun just kept laughing at her before giving her her drink.

hyunjin went to sit down at a table. five minutes later, heejin came in. she slumped down in the seat opposite hyunjin's with a sigh.

"hard day?" hyunjin asked.

heejin nodded. "i hate music theory."

"i wish i could sympathise, but i have no idea what it's about." hyunjin said.

"you don't want to know." heejin mumbled as she rested her head against the table for a moment before sitting up. "how was your day then?"

"boring. i had some essays to write." hyunjin said. "and other than that and my friends pestering me, i haven't done much."

"your friends are bothering you?" heejin frowned. "what are they doing?"

hyunjin glanced over at jungeun who just smiled and waved.

"they keep teasing me about us." hyunjin said. "they keep saying you're my girlfriend. but obviously you're not."

"i could be your girlfriend if you wanted me to." heejin said, wiggling her eyebrows before laughing when hyunjin turned bright red. "look at your face!"

"it's not funny!" hyunjin whined, covering her cheeks. "don't joke about that."

"why?" heejin asked. "if you're not okay with the gays then i'm gonna have to leave--"

"i AM gay, heejin!" hyunjin hissed across the table, her cheeks still red.

heejin's eyes widened. "OH. okay. right. i see why they're teasing you. but if it makes it any better or worse, i like boys and girls."

hyunjin felt a glimmer of hope.

the two continued talking until the cafe had to close. jinsoul had to literally force them out.

"go continue your date somewhere else!" jinsoul called as they both left. "i heard there's a twenty four hour karaoke place nearby!"

"it's late, i should probably go home..." heejin started.

"how far is your place from here?" hyunjin asked.

heejin shrugged. "a bus ride?"

"that's too far. you can stay at my dorm tonight if you want to? i have this blow up bed you can sleep on." hyunjin suggested. "jinsoul said it was really comfy when she slept on it."

"i'll text my manager to tell him where i am." heejin said as she took out her phone. "he won't mind."

they walked back to hyunjin's dorm, they saw jungeun on the way and she just wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at hyunjin.

"is she one of your friends?" heejin whispered as they walked past jungeun.

hyunjin nodded. "her and her girlfriend keep teasing me."

"i'll fight them." heejin frowned.

they made it to hyunjin's dorm and after a small struggle and the realisation that the blow up bed had been popped at some point, the two ended up curled up in hyunjin's tiny bed.


after that, the two kept on texting and meeting up for months. they had karaoke meetings, cafe meetings, meetings where heejin invited hyunjin to the studio to show her what they did, and more. hyunjin insisted they were meetings and not dates like jungeun and jinsoul kept teasing her, but deep down she knew these were definitely dates from the way heejin had started to act. heejin had become a lot more affectionate over the months. it started with hand holding, then that slowly progressed to cuddling, and then kisses everywhere but hyunjin's lips. if hyunjin was in a room then heejin would instantly come over and sit on hyunjin's lap. things were getting serious, but neither of them seemed to want to talk about it.

that was until one day.


hyunjin got a text from heejin, asking to meet at her campus. hyunjin instantly agreed, cancelling her only plan for the night which was to sit with jinsoul at the cafe because she was bored and jungeun had evening classes. 

"ok i'll text yeojin, i'd rather have a noisy child than a lovesick cat in my cafe" was jinsoul's response.

hyunjin got on the next bus and headed across the city. she arrived at heejin's college. she was greeted by a girl with pink hair.

"are you hyunjin?" she asked.

hyunjin nodded. "who are you?"

"kahei. come with me. i'll take you to heejin." the pink haired girl said before she started walking at a fast pace.

hyunjin had difficulty keeping up, especially when they started going up some steps. by the time they'd reached the top, hyunjin was ready to wheeze her lungs up.

"open that door and she's through there." kahei said before flashing a smile. "have fun." and then she left.

hyunjin took a moment to catch her breath before she opened the door up onto the roof. she stepped out and looked around. there was the whole city. then the sound of heejin singing filled hyunjin's ears.

"one step of butterflies, two kisses.

couldn't hide our own secret party.

stars in the sky fill up the night.

and our story.

you and me together."

"hi hyunjin." heejin smiled as she moved closer, taking hyunjin's hand in hers. "are you wondering why i made kahei bring you here? also sorry, i know she's a fast walker."

"hi heejin, yes i am wondering. and it's fine, i think my lungs have recovered now." hyunjin managed a small smile, but on the inside she was a nervous mess.

"well... i wanted to tell you something, and i thought the cafe wasn't really a suitable place. my original plan was to take you to the studio, but someone else is in there right now." heejin said before she lead hyunjin over to a picnic blanket.

the two sat down and there was a short silence before heejin continued.

"i completely understand if you don't feel the same, and we can pretend this didn't happen if that's the case, but i like you. i really like you. it's kind of ridiculous actually. my company's telling me to stop writing so many love songs, but i can't. they're all about you. you're all i think about. i always had a soft spot for breadcat, but then i really met you. and you're just so precious and cute. i can't even begin to describe my feelings for you, i can't find words to begin how intense it is. i like you, hyunjin." heejin stopped, staring hard at hyunjin, trying to find a reaction.

but there was nothing. it was like hyunjin's body couldn't believe what she was hearing. heejin liked her? she'd always had some suspicions but she thought heejin would find someone better, but no. here heejin was, pouring her heart out to hyunjin, who was still just staring back with a blank expression.

"you don't like me back, do you. say something, hyunjin!" heejin frowned, nudging the other girl.

but instead of speaking, hyunjin leant over and kissed heejin. it was short and sweet but enough to convey the message.

"of course i like you, silly." hyunjin said with a bright smile. "i've liked you for the longest time. i just can't believe you like me too."

"so i guess this makes us girlfriends then?" heejin asked.

"yeah, i guess it does." hyunjin said.


the next week, hyunjin found herself in heejin's room. she was about to go live and she wanted hyunjin to be there, by her side, when she told her fans about their relationship. 

"are you ready?" heejin turned to hyunjin.

hyunjin nodded. "ready."

heejin pressed the live button before beginning.

"hi everyone and welcome to this week's stream! you're probably wondering who this is next to me, her name is hyunjin. i need to tell you something about hyunjin and i." heejin said before pausing for a moment to reach under the table to squeeze hyunjin's hand tightly.

"hyunjin and i are together. in a relationship. hyunjin is my girlfriend." heejin said. "and i love her a lot. she means the world to me."

the two watched as hundreds of supportive comments came through, before a certain one popped up.


haseulofkorea: yeojin spilled juice on my laptop what did i miss


there were a lot of confused comments then, most asking about breadcat. that's when hyunjin decided to speak.

"yes, i'm breadcat."

the comments suddenly went wild again.

hyejoofromtheblock: like we all didn't see this coming at some point, breadcat stopped tuning into the streams, we've all been saying something was going on from the start

choerryerim: don't keep hyunjin to yourself forever, we need her for band practices!!!!

the livestream ended up running for hours that night before heejin's manager called to tell them to stop and get some sleep. they eventually managed to end it and turned off heejin's laptop. hyunjin decided to stay over at heejin's that night, and they both curled up in heejin's slightly larger bed, cuddled up to each other, and went to sleep.


meeting heejin was the best thing that had ever happened to hyunjin, even if she'd spent some of that time hiding behind an alias. and heejin was so glad that breadcat had become someone big and significant in her life, the person she wrote love songs about, the person she woke up with almost every morning, the person she was so deeply in love with.

they were happy and in love, and it was beautiful.

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Chapter 5: this is AMAZING
Chapter 3: This is one of the cutest thing i've ever read UwU
Soft4GGs #3
Chapter 9: this was a great one,left me in tears ;)
Goldenlady123 #5
Chapter 6: As 2jin shipper, I definitely approve of this two shot! This was cute, I look forward to reading more of your stories!
kasterian #6
Chapter 9: I don't know what this salty liquid coming from my eyes is :((((
Chapter 9: thank you god sejeongsthighs for returning... gifting us peasants with your writing... what did we ever do to deserve this...
Chapter 9: im not crying.. it just dust attacked my eyes :')
kasterian #9
Chapter 8: Soooooo I thought it was a great idea to read chapter 2 and then jump to chapter 8 which clearly wasn't if I'm crying my eyes out. I cried a little towards the end of chap 2 and now I'm sobbing at chap 8... Anyway, thank you for making me cry :') jk this was amazing even if it's sad and some parts of chap 8 was a bit awkward to me.
Chapter 7: i juSt read the librarian on ao3 and im mad ive never found this collection before adksjkds im totally reading more