Can I choose Your Outfit? (CBX Series)

Drabbles & Writing Blurbs

CBX Drabble - “Can I be your boyfriend, Can I?”

So honestly, blooming day’s chorus line, it cracked me up the first time I ever listened to it, so here’s crack-ish drabbles about how imagined it would go down if any of them asked you out.

(uploaded: 08.15.2019) 

Chen: “Can I choose your outfit?”


Jongdae and you have always been neighbors. He was your childhood friend and you two grew up together. His warm and friendly personality was an instant hit with everyone at school, while your shy demeanor was classified as “the quiet friend of Jongdae”. Jongdae was always popular, from elementary school and all throughout high school, and his popularity remained even though university. Although he was considered popular, it never changed his friendship with you. Thus, the reason why you two were sharing the same apartment.

“Jongdae,” You whine as he stares at you, lying on your bed, “Can you get out so I can get changed?” You two may be best friends, but you still were not comfortable changing in front of him anymore. You did when you were younger, but now that you're older, it's a little bit more difficult to change in front of him.

“Hmm, how about. nope.” he pops the ‘p’ sound as he makes himself at home on your bed, legs dangle down kicking your bed frame in a rhythmic pattern, “I want to see what a beautiful outfit you choose.” Jongdae states. You know once he sets his mind on his opinions, he won’t change it, especially when his whiny tone comes out. Your conversations would be more successful with a wall than talking to a stubborn and whiny Jongdae. You let out a groan knowing you cannot argue with him.

“Fine,” you swing open your closet doors and stare at the clothes. You’re currently trying to get dressed to meet up with your girl friends for an outing. They did not tell you what you were doing, however they just gave you the instructions to dress cute.

The first outfit you pull out is a white long sleeve collared sweater and a pink skirt.

“No, it’s too plain. It’s cute, but too plain.” Jongdae comments and waves his hand dismissively. You roll your eyes, because even though Jongdae is quite annoying sometimes, he does have a keen sense of fashion. You toss the outfit onto the bed next to him and turn back to pick out another outfit.

Staring at your closet, you grab a flowered tank top and pair with a light blue denim shorts.

“No way, it shows off too much skin.” Jongdae rolls his eyes and waves his hand tell you to choose out another outfit.

“How about you just judging all my choices, you just choose an outfit for me!” You snap irritated at him for disagreeing with your outfit choices.

“Fine fine, if you insist.” He has a playful grin as he gets up from your bed and walks over towards your closet.

He looks over your closet, going through all your clothes as a frown remains permanent on his face.

“What’s with all your clothes.” he mutters to himself. You send him a glare as you see his frown grow deeper and deeper.

“What do you mean what’s wrong with all my clothes?” Your frustration drips from your voice, “You’ve never had a problem with my outfits before! You always compliment me on them!”

“Well, this is different.” He turns towards you, arms crossed in front of you.

“Why is this different Jongdae? I’m just going out with my friends.

“Because,” he whines

“Because what Jongdae? If you’re not going to be helpful, get out of my room.” You start pushing him towards the door but he won’t leave and digs his heels into the carpet of your room.

“Because, you can’t go out today.” He firmly states and you stop pushing him, to punch him.

“What the heck Jongdae! You’re not my mom! I’m just meeting my friends out!”

“You can’t go out because it’s a group date!” He blurts and your brows furrow together and he looks panicked for a bit before a frown sets on his face.

“What do you mean? I can’t go out because it’s a group date? Well then maybe I can finally get a boyfriend!” You throw your hands up in the air in frustration.

“No! You can’t get a boyfriend!” He blurts again before his eyes widen and you raise your eyebrow.

“Why can’t I get a boyfriend Jongdae?” You let out an expasperated sigh.

“Because, can’t I be your boyfriend instead?”

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