A Little Swimming Fool


Seokmin thinks he has most of his life figured out. His days, while varied, have a familiar rhythm to them that he could easily keep with. That is, until he meets a mysterious underwater prince. From then on, his grasp of reality starts to waver, as does his heart.


This was my submission to the Svt Big Bang fest! Now that reveals have happened, I can finally post it on this site!


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Chapter 1: I have so many things to say. Wait up, it'll take me a while to voice everything I wanna voice.

First up, this is STUNNINGLY well written. I can't compliment your prose enough, I can't even imagine what words I could use to attempt to verbalize the myriad of thoughts that swim in my mind right now, but I'll try saying that: damn, you're amazing.
Your skill and talent with writing really shine in this piece, and this is, by far, the best English fanfic I've read this year — and one of the best I've ever read, period. And I read a lot! Really!
The way you organized the events — OP, it had me anxious for what was about to come, my heart tugged many times thinking, "how could this go wrong? What's gonna happen now? Nothing really extreme's gonna happen, right?", it was a rollercoaster ride, in this essay I will —, the way you wrote them itself, the events you chose to make this oneshot the oneshot it is, the way you developed the characters and their dynamic and also the worldbuilding— OP, the worldbuilding! Lemme talk about that for a sec, because d a m n, it was so satisfying?! I don't even know what to say, it's just— Jeonghan, Seungcheol and Jisoo being gods is GENIUS and I so wanna know the lore behind it— Actually, I'd be in cloud nine if I knew everything behind everything because every aspect of this oneshot is interesting. A longfic about this or even a shortfic... they say dreaming is not a sin, right?
Talking about interesting things, Lee Chan! I'm a new CARAT so I'm still browsing for fics and getting to know the hang of this side of AFF, but it's the first time I've seen Lee Chan have such a highlight as getting to be a sidekick. You really have no idea how big of a smile their interactions brought to my lips. Lee Chan in this fic is so sweet, hard working, clever, adorable, and his relationship to Seokmin is so... I love this Lee Chan characterization, that's it.
Seokmin, too, caught my eyes. I really liked how you developed his inner monologue — to the insecurities about himself and the world around him, and him trying to understand the clues he got. Also him being a great palace healer, and having a trust worthy gut about Soonyoung— Oh, the part where Seokmin interacted with Mingyu, too! I was expecting Mingyu to fight with him but was pleasantly surprised to see them getting along well. I admit that I was wary of Soonyoung, kinda hoping he'd be an antagonist in disguise, but turns out the antagonists are the three oldest hyungs. Yeah, Jeonghan, looks like you've lost another dongsaeng πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ—£
Soonyoung had very little screentime but it was enough for his character of a serene but heartwarming, and kinda shy, person, to be estabilished. It confused me at the end when Seokmin just threw it all away and decided to be by Soonyoung's side even without saying goodbye to everybody, but impulsive actions do happen IRL so ye.
This as an incredible reading, definitely a memorable fic, that I'll definitely come back again and again in the future — I wish AFF's system was more organized, though, so I could categorize this the same way we can do back in AO3 and I could refind it in the future more easily, but I guess meh.
I want to thank you so much, OP, for writing and publishing this. It made my afternoon this much more fun, and made me fall in love with SoonSeok and Lee Chan even more.
(Also props to Junhui — I forgot to say — for enduring such pain for the sake of future generations. I'm way too weak for that, I can't even handle a slap.)

This comment is all over the place and I hope my English skills are bearable, but that's it.
I loved this. Please have my heart as a treat.

And Seungcheol, darling, stop being an —
Chapter 1: Omg this was so beautiful γ… γ