Jennie's search

(extended) One shot Jennie x Irene

Being a student was fun for Jennie, but at some point it when you’re drowning in debts and missing out on all the fun while your friends are having the time of their lives. It was time to earn some extra cash but it was definitely harder than imagined. Jennie had a part-time job for two weeks and ended up quitting since it overlapped her school schedule too much. There was no time anymore to study and in those short two weeks the missing study time influenced her grades. So she quit, being the best thing to do in her opinion. There was something she wanted to try out but she felt she was too much of a coward to actually do it. Jennie overheard a classmate talking to her friend that the girl met up with a rich guy, referring to him as a ‘sugar daddy’. After the lecture ended Jennie looked up what it meant and even found some sites where she could find them. From what she has seen it is a pretty easy way to earn some money.

Jennie gets back to her dorm and storms to her room to check out the several sites she found online. She is relieved that her roommate is not there. Chaeyoung is an angel, but also very conservative. If she found out what Jennie is about to do she would definitely get judged for it.

While settling down on her bed, Jennie opens her laptop and goes to the site she found.’ I’m not even going to be serious on this site’ ‘Let me just see what kind of people are on here’ are some of the thoughts roaming through her head. Jennie eats some of her ramen that she just made and looks through her phone for some selfies she can use for the profile. She does not want to post pictures that are too revealing, so opts for some simple and cute selfies.

Some decent pictures made the cut for her profile. Jennie chose for a profile picture where is face is clear and visible, showing off her gummy smile.

After uploading she sees that she needs to fill in some personal questions. Some are easy, some are a bit complicated. The easier ones she fills in with a breeze. Basic questions as gender, occupation and ethnicity are easily answered. But now the harder questions are coming up and Jennie is struggling a bit to answer them. Questions asking why she is on this site and what she is looking for in a sugar daddy  makes her want to close the tab. But something in her stops her from closing the tab and makes her continue.


Jennie continues finishing her profile, adding several things such as the fact that she wants to socialize with the daddies but definitely wants to be spoiled. She’s on the site anyways, so why not make the most of it? In the section where she fills in how much she generally spends she chooses ‘moderate’. If she chooses the option that indicates that she has a lifestyle where she spends loads of money they will probably expect her to have some money herself as well, which she does not have. That is why she is on this site after all.

Her profile is finished. She scrolls through the search bar and filters her search by only searching for people with an annual income that is higher than $4 million. Jennie is really going for it.

After liking several rich men on the site Jennie decides it has been enough for the day. Chaeyoung also came back home so she closed everything off, not risking getting caught. They eat some late dinner and talk about how their day has been.

Jennie wakes up the next morning and remembers the previous day and her profile. She wonders if someone has liked her profile back. When she looks on her profile she sees that she has been favorited by tons of people. Jennie smirks and checks her inbox which is flooded by messages. Scrolling through 102 messages Jennie finds a very interesting one. There is a message from a woman. It is rare to find a sugar mommy on the website. The thought of a sugar mommy messaging her intrigues Jennie.

Jennie always knew she liked girls more than boys but never admitted it. At home these kinds of topics were rarely discussed and considered as a sin. Since she went to college and started living on her own Jennie started opening up about her uality more. In Jennie’s first year of college she dated an exchange student she met in a lecture. They were pretty serious and were really into eachother, but unfortunately the other girl’s exchange year ended and she had to go back to her own country. Long distance was never an option for both. Jennie will always care deeply about Lisa though.

Jennie goes the woman’s profile and is quite shocked when she sees that the sugar mommy is very attractive. Most sugar daddies she has seen on the site have been either ugly or really fat, but this is definitely not the case right now.

Bae Joohyun, 28.

Jennie goes through the profile and thinks that it is probably a catfish since it is all too good to be true. As she goes through her pictures she sees Joohyun has modeled, written song lyrics for artists all around the world and even acted in an show. Jennie is not stupid like that, she has watched Catfish plenty of times to know these are all red flags. But she can’t let it go and continues to look at her profile. The annual income numbers are definitely the amount Jennie is looking for, even more actually and the whole profile looks very neat in general.

Realization hits Jennie as she never opened the message Joohyun sent to her. She opens it and finds a short, but nice message.

Good evening Jennie,

My name is Joohyun and I saw your profile and I must say that you are beautiful! If you are interested in getting to know me better we can get some coffee. Or tea. Or whatever you drink.

Hope you have a good night sleep.

Lots of love,

Bae Joohyun.


The message makes Jennie giggle. She is pretty certain this woman is a catfish and will probably turn out to be a guy, but she is ready to take the risk. She decides to write a message back and to meet in a public place, just to be safe.


Morning Joohyun,

Let’s meet up at the Starbucks near Hongik University around 4:00 PM?


x Jennie


The thought of meeting up with a complete stranger is nerve racking to Jennie. Not to mention the woman is probably a catfish so that makes Jennie even more nervous. As she gets ready to leave for class she packs her laptop. When she wants to close it to bring the laptop with her she sees a notification. It’s Joohyun.


Good morning Jennie,

I hope you slept well and had breakfast.

Starbucks sounds good. See you at 4:00 PM sharp! ☺

With love,



Jennie is weirded out by the fact that Joohyun asked her if she had breakfast but it did remind her she needs to eat something before she leaves. As she is running late she decides to grab a banana and runs off to be in time for her lecture.


Jennie’s final lecture for the day ended just in time for her to prepare for the meet up. She goes to the bathroom and brushes her hair, puts some perfume on and fixes her clothes. Jennie needs to look at her best when she meets whoever decides to show up as Joohyun.

It’s 3:55 PM and Jennie decides to enter Starbucks. She texted Chaeyoung that she is meeting up with someone and that she will be at Starbucks. Jennie decided to play it safe in case something happens.

As Jennie enters the Starbucks she scans the entire area to see if she sees someone sitting alone. There is no one yet, besides a few college girls doing their schoolwork, so she decides to take a seat at one of the empty tables. She looks on her phone and sees it’s 3:59 PM. Her stomach is filled with nerves and she is not prepared on who is coming through that door. That’s when she sees the door open. Jennie can’t believe her eyes when she sees who it is.

It is actually the woman on the pictures

While Jennie wears a basic white crop top and a brown tennis skirt, Joohyun is wearing a formal white shirt with black trousers- looking very well dressed compared to Jennie.

Joohyun looks around the area and sees Jennie. She smiles while approaching her. Jennie doesn’t really know what to do and gets up, ready to give her a handshake and introduce herself.

“Hi, Jennie right?” Joohyun reaches out her hand and flashes Jennie a warm smile. Jennie is nervous and feels her hand getting clammy, intimidated by the beauty of Joohyun. “Yes, nice to meet you. To be honest I did not expect you to stand in front of me today. I thought you were going to be a catfish” Jennie shies away as she is embarrassed by the confession she just made.

Joohyun starts laughing “I get that a lot. Let’s sit down or wait- did you get something to drink yet?” Jennie shakes her head, informing Joohyun that she just came minutes before her. They walk towards the counter and both think about what they are about to order.

“So, what is your answer? Coffee or tea?” Joohyun smiles as she is referring to the message she sent to Jennie the day before. Jennie looks at the menu and turns her head to Joohyun. “Neither. Order me a hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream” Jennie grins at Joohyun who is surprised by her confident response. Jennie smiles at Joohyun and proceeds to sit down at the table where they introduced eachother minutes ago.

After Joohyun paid and collected the drinks she sits down opposite of Jennie. They start having a casual talk, but it slowly turned into something deeper.

Jennie started talking about her school life, explaining that she first studied Business but found out it was not where her heart was. She always knew that doing her major in Fashion was something she wanted to do. After dropping Business and choosing Fashion she got happier, finally feeling like she is setting a goal for the future. Her goal is to work in the fashion industry, whether it’s designing clothes or managing the shows. It felt good to tell someone how she really felt about fashion and expressing how happy she is with her choice. Joohyun listened to her story and started telling about her life.

Joohyun herself started taking over her parents’  business, which is in the entertainment business. Hence the several modeling, acting and writing jobs she was able to get. Joohyun grew up in a family that was obsessed with that world, so she was automatically also very interested. When she had to decide what kind of job she wanted she decided she wanted to do something similar to her parents. Joohyun’s parents helped her set up the business which grew immensely and became successful. Unfortunately with success comes bad luck as well. She might be happy financially but whenever the people she dates know that she is this successful, they take advantage of her. This is why Joohyun wanted control of her love life and started signing up to be a sugar mommy. This way she chooses who she dates and atleast knows she is ‘getting used’ for her money.

Time flies by as they share their life stories. When one of the Starbucks staff notifies them that they are about to close both of them check their phone to see what time it is. It is almost 9 and Jennie’s stomach starts to growl. She hasn’t had dinner yet and assumes that Joohyun hasn’t either.

Jennie purses her lips and looks around her, not sure what to say without making it awkward. Joohyun looks at Jennie and remembers something. She reaches her bag , gets out a purple envelope and hands it to Jennie.

“What is this?” Jennie asks confused. Joohyun flashes a little smile. “You really forgot that you get paid for this meeting? Cute” Joohyun gets up and grabs her bag as she is ready to leave. Jennie looks up as she lowkey doesn’t want Joohyun to leave but is also not sure how these meetings work. Do people just meet once or is it normal to meet up multiple times?

While Jennie is still deep in her thoughts, Irene interrupts her. “So, you want to do this again? To be honest, you have been my favorite girl so far. Your drive in work reminds me of when I was your age. Wait- I sound super old now, I’m not! But for real, I would love to see you again. Let me know when you have got time after uni”

Jennie chuckles. “I would love to meet you again. How about Friday?” Jennie holds her stomach as its growling again.

Joohyun looks at Jennie who is clearly starving. “Friday sounds good. How about dinner now though? I know you are just as hungry as I am. You pick the restaurant. We can eat whatever you want. I definitely know what I want for dessert” Joohyun winks at Jennie.

Jennie laughs and they both walk out the door that the Starbucks worker is patiently holding open for them.

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I decided to write another chapter for you guys... hope you like it ♡´・ᴗ・`♡


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Chapter 2: Moar pls ;-;
AlphanumeriC9 #2
Chapter 2: Aaah nice strory
AlphanumeriC9 #3
Chapter 1: Aww im so excitedddd
Jenrene61 #4
Chapter 2: it been a while but this story is so good!
Chapter 2: Next ols
Chapter 2: Damn Irene!
dumpling5 #7
Chapter 2: lol jennie. so awkward. dang joohyun. hella suave. this story is progressing quite nicely. keep it up!
macs2308 #8
Please continue with this story writer- nim...
Chapter 2: Ohh joohyun is eager XD
Chapter 1: Oh dangg, i just found this.. And it got me hooked!!