Got another one.

All's right with the world


“UNNIE, HELP!” Sana’s scream pierced through the house and Jihyo was on her feet and heading to her little sister faster than Mina had ever seen her move.


The bathroom door was burst open by a panicked Jihyo to find a distressed and desperate Sana sitting on the bathtub with a very wrong looking purple swollen mess between her legs. Something is very wrong, and Jihyo goes about it the only way she knows how, by panicking and having Mina be the rational one.




“Ji, I’m right here an- AMAGHAD!” Didn’t work this time.


“Okay, Ji, get our things and open the doors, I’m bringing her to the car. Sacchan, unnie will help you put your pants on and we’ll go get help, okay?” Mina has managed to get a better grip on herself.


“Unnie, it hurts too much.” Sana has tears cascading freely down her face.


“I know honey, unnies will take care of you. Come with me.”


By the time Mina gets Sana to the car, Jihyo is already pacing while holding their wallets and keys and Sana’s little backpack, not having the mind to put them down in the car. Obviously too distressed to even think clearly, Jihyo sits on the back with her sister and Mina managed to get them to the nearest hospital, despite panicking herself.


They were having a peaceful morning, Sana was spending the last days of summer with them. Jihyo and Mina got married sometime in the middle of college (Mina demanded and said she couldn’t wait longer, after a party where Jihyo was helping a girl find her friends and Mina had convinced herself the girl was coming on to Jihyo).


They moved out of the apartment they were sharing with Jeongyeon and Dahyun as soon as they graduated, getting a small townhouse closer to Mina’s work, Jihyo didn’t mind the commute, and did most of her work from home anyways. Sana would spend most of her off time with them, papa and mama Minatozaki as busy as ever, and Jihyo being the overprotective big sister she was, declared Sana would come over to be with them whenever she had time off, even built her her own room.


Mina, having grown up with the sisters and knowing how important Sana was to Jihyo, even took Sana out to buy the furniture and decorations for the room. She grew to love the little, not so little, one just as much as her wife, and, at one point of Sana’s adolescence, began to wonder how Jihyo was so short while the rest of the family wasn’t. Don’t get her wrong, she always said Jihyo is fun sized, but one’s gotta ask questions sometimes.


Getting to the emergency entry, Mina bolts out of the car and calls for help, they wheel Sana in, on a wheelchair and she tells Jihyo to just go with her sister and that she would take care of the paperwork. It wasn’t hard to check Sana in, what was hard was calling their parents, and hers for that matter, and controlling them enough to get all the information through.


She managed, and got to the examination room about half and hour later, to find Jihyo weeping, Sana grunting as the doctor was examining her and a very distressed doctor, trying to do his job and keep Jihyo calm. 


“Sorry about that, this one is too sensitive when it comes to our little girl.”


“Don’t worry miss…”


“Mina, Minatozaki Mina. Here are the files, doctor.” Mina says and hands in the binder she got at the front desk.


“I’m doctor Lee Sunmi, and I’m gonna do my best to help. I’ve already sent her blood to the lab, so we are just waiting for those results. Right now I’m running some basic tests, checking her blood pressure, feeling her abdomen. Your wife has been sobbing ever since she came in.” 


“She gets like this when it’s about Sana, don’t mind it so much. Is there something we should do right now?”


“I’m going to send Sana for some scans, so you two could talk a little, while your daughter is taking her tests. We’ll be right back.” Dr Lee advises as she calls in a nurse to take Sana and steps out to submit the requests. (It had been a common mistake for people to think Sana was their daughter ever since they became adults.) 


Things got calmer once Sana got back, and doctor Sunmi said she was having an allergic reaction to something, but more tests would be needed to tell exactly what. Hell broke loose when their parents arrived, Mina couldn’t understand how or why her parents were panicking more than theirs, but decided against questioning. 


Sana got medicated and given a new shampoo, as it seemed that was the cause for her allergies. Then came the dilemma of where Sana was going, as the three households were claiming her for themselves. At the end, Mina made a very convincing point that her and Jihyo were free for the week and would be able to look after Sana more freely, and that was that.


Getting home was another trouble for them, Nayeon, as the sister she became, had their house code, and seemed to have let everyone in to wait for their return and check up on Sana. The couple came in, Mina holding the door and their things while Jihyo was carrying a sluggish Sana in her arms (Mina would never get over how surprised she was that her tiny wife was strong enough to carry a teenager almost a head taller than her, but never said anything) to find their living room taken by their friends.


Suffice to say, their extra rooms were taken, along with the living room, for the next two days. The girls were worried, but Nayeon was as panicky as Jihyo had been, and Sana got better after a day, she still hurt, but the swelling was gone and she could wear pants again, being on her boxers in a house full of gorgeous women was something she felt slightly uncomfortable about, Jihyo and Nayeon made a point to not wear pants as well, trying to make her more comfortable, and she was thankful for them.


When things were settling down, and everyone was thinking of leaving, Tzuyu dropped a firecracker on them, a bomb was taking it too far after all, and everyone decided to just call it the week and stay until sunday. No point in going back to work on friday and getting back to party.


“Yu unnie, you are not drinking?” And Sana’s innocent question is what brought the news forth.


“It’s our cue to tell them.” Nayeon whispers to her wife, then calls for everyone’s attention.


“So, Nayeon and I, we are pregnant.” Tzuyu announces as if she is telling them she wants cereal for breakfast.


After that is pandemonium. At some point Jihyo, Mina and Sana escaped into their rooms and left the couple do handle the rest of their friends. It was their baby, they handle the mess. Nayeon proposed just before she left for college, they only found out a year later, when Tzuyu became of age and demanded to be married as soon as she got to their apartment in Busan. They abused Tzuyu’s contacts and pulled off a huge wedding at the beach, it was a show to behold. Mina decided, then, she wanted a small and closed wedding, and that’s just what she got.


“Ji.” Mina starts, while cuddling in bed, trying to sleep despite the noise and the worry about Sana.


“Talk to me, Mina. I know something is bothering you.”


“Should we try for our own as well?”


“You mean kids? Are you sure you want them right now?” Jihyo says as she repositions herself so they could talk more comfortably. 


“I guess? I have been thinking about it for a while.”


“I thought we agreed to wait until things were stable enough.”


“We did, but we are already stable. We have our own house, the clinic is doing great and you get enough royalties that none of us really needs to work again.”


“Saying it like that, we do sound like we are waiting pointlessly.”


“That’s not what I meant. But What better time to try than now? And our kids could grow up together and always have each other, like you and Nayeon.”


“I know, babe. But you know I can’t.”


“I know it’s hard, but if it were impossible, we wouldn’t ever have needed protection.”


“You do have a point there. But are you sure about it? You want to start trying?”


“I want everything with you. Now shut up and take me.”


“You do know it takes a whi-”


“I’ve been off my pills for a while now. You just have to stop being stubborn and leave your condoms in the drawer.”


“You naughty little rascal.”


The night rolls out easily, Tzuyu manages to sneak away with Nayeon at some point and Momo and Jeongyeon are way too entertained with Chaeyoung and Dahyun in a heated discussion about how the two couples should get a house in the suburbs and move in together so they can be closer to their friends, now that Nayeon and Tzuyu are back and living very close to Jihyo and Mina. Both agree, but are still screaming at each other about it, while Jeongyeon and Momo are talking about house hunting in the next week, seeing the idea was really good, and they would spend much less on living costs, but a bit more on food…


A few days after the scare, Sana was all dolled up, almost out the door, when her sister came back from her morning jog, giving her a questioning look. Mina had already been informed about her plans, and advised her to be out before momma bear came back, she almost managed. Almost.


“Where are you going missy?”


“I’m going out for a while, neechan.” Sana was mustering her best innocent face in a desperate attempt to flee.


“You are too pretty to go out, get back in and change. Those clothes look too good on you.”


“Jihyo, help me up here!” Mina’s voice appears behind Sana to save the day.


“I’ll be right over, honey let m-”

“Minatozaki Jihyo, you get inside this house right now.” Mina says with such a definitive tone that Jihyo knows to stop talking and just get in.


Jihyo just goes inside with her head down, Sana tries her best to stifle the giggles that came with the sight, Mina just shoos her with a warm smile on her face, then gets in and shuts the door before Jihyo tries to question anything again.


Sana takes off with a smile on her face, knowing how much those two weirdos love her, and secretly hoping Jihyo would still be alive by the time she got back, but, knowing Mina, being unharmed wouldn’t be really a guarantee. Back on the couple’s apartment, Mina had plans for them, taking the opportunity to be alone with her wife for the first time in a while.


She loves Sana, don’t get her wrong, but she has been climbing the walls for a while now, especially since they decided to try for a kid, and knowing that Jihyo would need something close to a miracle to get her pregnant, she didn’t want to waste any time, but her wife was dead set on not getting too wild with their little (taller than both) Sacchan in the house.


So, Mina locks the door to keep any possible visitors from entering and lets her inner beast loose. Sana had been warned to call their landline before she comes back, to prevent any accidents and have the door unlocked. She turns into the living room to see her wife looking smaller than ever, with a very sorry look on her face, she melts in an instant.


“What’s wrong, Ji?”


“I’m sorry.”


“And what are you sorry for?”


“I must have done something wrong, you are mad at me.” 


At this, Jihyo brings her legs up and embraces them, making herself a little ball in the middle of their obnoxiously huge and fluffy couch. They decided to get a big couches since their friends were too fond of sleepovers at their place, as they were the first ones to get a proper place to live, although they were not the first ones to get married. 


The sight makes Mina regret how she handled it a little, but she knows Jihyo too well, and she wouldn’t have let Sana go if she didn’t intervene. So she just slithers herself around the little ball that she loves so much, and begins giving her kisses wherever she can. Doesn’t work so well, she knows  she has to talk so Jihyo can understand, it had always been like this. Jihyo always cares for her too much, leaving herself to suffer if it meant Mina would not.


“Honey, I’m not mad at you.” Mina’s voice is but a warm whisper on Jihyo’s ear.


“You are not?” The crack on Jihyo’s voice makes Mina’s heart clench a bit.


“No, I never was. I just needed you to let Sana go.”


“But I’m worried about her. Sh-”


“She is a teenager who needs to go out with her own friends.”


“But I took her with me everytime when I was her age.”


“And I love you for it. But she needs her space now, you have to understand her.”


“I- I don’t want her to grow up.” Jihyo tears up and Mina loses it.


“You are the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. And I will ravish you right now. There is nothing you can do to stop me, and no escape.”


“Mina, I’m worrying for my baby sister here!” Jihyo protests as she turns to kiss Mina.


Jihyo’s sentimental side was something that only ever came out for Sana, and a bit later for Mina, and that was one of Mina’s greatest weaknesses, not that she would let anyone know, and not that Jihyo didn’t know already, either (she also may or may not use that to her advantage sometimes).


“Miss Myoui, you do know how to sway a lady.” Jihyo says as she sits on Mina’s lap.


“It’s mrs Minatozaki for you, young lady.” Mina replies as she strongly grabs Jihyo’s to carry her up as she stands and walks them to their bedroom.


The idea seemed great when Mina came up with it, but they were out of the game long enough for her to forget Jihyo’s endurance. It was around four on the afternoon when she had to call it quits, they had been at it since nine, when Sana went out.


“Jihyo, honey, you know I love you.”


“You are tired, hungry and wants to clean up after us to get this smell off the house and ourselves before Sana gets back.”


“You know me too well. But do tell where you get all this energy.”


“Well, I do exercise everyday. And It’s kind of a family thing, Sana is also this energetic.”


“She is much less energetic than you, though.”


“You need to start coming with me to the gym, or go out running, at least.”


“I think I really should. Now let’s get to the shower, open the windows on the living room, while I get the ones here.”


Mina hops out of bed and begins opening the windows and getting the clothes on the floor, Jihyo chuckles and grabs a shirt on her way to help ventilate the house. No matter how much they need time for each other, Mina always has Sana in mind, like how she is trying to not make the girl feel uncomfortable when she comes back, Jihyo couldn’t love her wife more. 


By the time Sana calls, they have already finished the cleanup, Jihyo was making dinner, while Mina was trying to find something they could marathon on that chilly saturday night and cuddle until Sana falls asleep and they decide to go to bed as well. 


“You are back earlier than I thought you would be.” Mina says as Sana appears from the hallway.


“You do realize I’ve been out for ten hours, right?”


“She doesn’t, but I do. Dinner is almost ready, go take a shower and come eat.” Jihyo says from the kitchen entrance as her way to tell her sister she was missed.


“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right back.” Sana gives her sister a kiss on her cheek as she makes her way to her bedroom.


“You did great. Now go finish that dinner, I’m hungry.” Mina says, as she hugs Jihyo from the back, giving a quick but loving kiss on her cheek before going back to the couch.


Their dinner is great, the night is cut short when Sana is knocked out before the first thirty minutes of their movie, and Mina is more than happy to go to bed. She feels sore all over, but is hoping for, at least, another round before they are out for the night. (She knows Jihyo will be over-caring with Sana on the house, as to not make too much noise.)


It was a week later, the last weekend before they have to help Sana move to her college dorm, for Jihyo’s desolation, that they are hit by a cannon to their heads. It happened over breakfast, the one Mina cooked and Jihyo was enjoying from the bottom of her heart. 


“Unnies, I have something to tell you.”


“Please don't say you are pregnant.” Jihyo pleads, desperation already settling in. 


“What? How?” Mina is the one to question. 


“Unnie, I love you, but please stop.” 


“Sorry. Tell us, what's wrong? Did you get someone pregnant?”


“Jihyo, you are lucky you are cute, or I would have smacked you already. Shut it and listen to your sister!” Mine gets annoyed by her wife babbling. 


“I'll be quiet now.” 


“Okay, so don't freak out. And, whatever you do, don't try to kill anyone.”


“I promise I'll keep her under control.” Mina declared in a tone that told Jihyo to be on her best behaviour, so she did. 


“I kind of, sort of, may have mentioned to my boyfriend that I was staying with you and he wants to come over to spend the day and get to know you two.”


Mina hugs Jihyo from the desk, not to comfort, but as a sign for her to not even think about lashing out. So Jihyo goes for the second option and faints. Sana begins to panic, but Mina just agrees her is okay and that she should go call her boyfriend over. 


Jihyo wake up a little later on her bedroom, Mina sitting by her side and watching her. She starts crying desperately as soon as she opens her eyes, and Mina patiently waits for her. A few minutes and she is in talking conditions, so Mina starts speaking, knowing full well that this would be a painful conversation for her little wife. 


“We all knew this moment would come, sooner or later.”


“But she is just a little girl.”


“Jihyo, she is moving for college next week. You knew someone was to come into her life at some point.”


“I was thinking when she was thirty an-” 


“Jihyo, I know how you feel about her. I've been with you, raising her almost all our lives. But you have to let her live by herself now. Trust her to make the right decisions and trust the examples you gave her.” 


“But she is just a baby.” 


“She has grown up, and it's time to accept the decisions she makes for herself. The boy is coming in a few, you are gonna go out there and get to know him. Try to accept who she chose to be with, and be nice.”


“Okay, but can I get cuddles later?” 


“You can absolutely get cuddles later. Just try to keep an open heart. And remember I love you. She loves you too, that's why she wants you to meet him. Now go freshen up and come join me on the couch so we can get started with this cuddles.” 


Mina kisses her forehead and leaves, reminding her not to take too long, and to wear something presentable, she knows Jihyo likes to wear her pokemon pajamas and cuddle the day away when she gets like this. 


“How is she?” Sana's voice is filled with worry. 


“She will be fine. Don't let it bother you. We already talked, she will be alright, just trust her to come through.”


“I'm just worried that she might be trying to be strong again so we won't worry.”


“You both are more alike than you think. Just give her a chance, plus, I'll be here to catch her every single time.”


“Thanks, unnie.”


Sana gives Mina one of the tightest hugs she ever experienced, only to let go when she feels her phone vibrate on her pocket, excusing herself with a ‘ill be back soon’ and leaving to meet the boyfriend at the train station. 


Jihyo comes to the living room moments later, and Mina tells her Sana went out for a bit, while dragging her to the couch and enveloping her on a hug to start the pre-stress cuddles. One can’t blame her, their baby has grown up and is about to introduce her first boyfriend, well, the first one they know about, that Jihyo knows about, Mina might know more than she is letting on. Not enough time later, they hear the door unlock and Sana’s voice telling them she is home.


“Behave, they are more anxious than you.” Mina whispers just when they appear from the hallway, before standing up to greet them.


“Hello, I’m Mina, nice to meet you.” and she brings him into a hug.


“I’m Jihyo, welcome.” Jihyo is a bit more tamed and just shakes his hand.


“Hello, I’m Kim Seungmin, Sana has told me a lot about you, it’s nice to finally meet you two.” The kid gives them a really stiff and deep bow.


“We were about to watch something, come join us.” Mina says as she moves herself and Jihyo back to the couch, stifling her giggles, and Sana is making the task very difficult.


The couple settles back on the place they were previously occupying, Mina goes back to soothing her wife, Sana drags Seungmin to the other couch and sits as close as he lets her, which is not close at all. He may or may not be nervous to meet one of his favorite composers, who happens to be the big sister of the girl he is dating, and he was only warned about that on the previous night.


Mina and Sana had been planning this meeting for three days now, they knew Jihyo would back out, maybe flee for a couple of days if she knew in advance, and Sana was well aware that Seungmin admired her sister, so she had been avoiding mentioning his favorite composer and one of the people he would have to impress were the same person. 


All in all, it went better than they expected, now the rest of the aunties just had to keep away and everything would be fine. Obviously, they started showing up just before lunch, and Jihyo had just started talking a bit, she became silent again. The first ones to turn up were Nayeon and Tzuyu, they called a hang out right after their doctor appointment.


“Oh, so he is already here! Tzu, come meet Sacchan’s boyfriend!” Nayeon exclaims pulling Tzuyu into the living room.


“I’m Nayeon, this is Tzuyu, we are Jihyo’s lovers. Mina is fine with us, though.”


Momo and Chaeyoung arrive just in time to hear the last part, and waste no time in getting into the nonsense.


“Oh, we are telling him that right off the bat?” Momo asks, her and Chaeyoung doing a very poor job at hiding their amusement.


“Hello, I’m Chaeyoung, and this is Momo, we are Mina’s lovers, Jihyo doesn’t mind us, though.” 


“Are you all serious? Everybody knows it’s the other way around.” Mina tries to fake scold, fails miserably and just joins in the laughing.


They, finally, fall into a easy conversation, Jihyo seems to have relaxed a little, and Seungmin looks a bit less stiff. Jeongyeon and Dahyun arrive when they are about to decide on what to order, food already in hand and unsettling smiles on their lips.


“Hello, I’m Dahyun, Mina’s slave. This is Jeongyeon, Jihyo’s owner.”


There is a pause, mainly because they needed to process what just happened. Sana, Mina and Nayeon burst out laughing, Jihyo is stunned, Momo and Chaeyoung closed each other’s ears in time to not hear anything, Tzuyu is beyond embarrassed and Jeongyeon just gives her a high five with a very satisfied look. Seungmin doesn’t know what to do with himself.


It is awhile before they calm down, moving to the dining room as Momo declared she will eat and nobody will stop her. Everybody knew it was time to go secure their share, or not eat at all.


“It’s okay, you’ll get used to them. They are all good people, and mostly raised me with my sister, especially Nayeon unnie, she is our sister from other parents.” Sana tries to ease Seungmin a little, their introductions took a toll on him.


Lunch was mostly everyone securing their shares, Sana helping her boyfriend get some food, and Jeongyeon, Momo and Chaeyoung devouring everything in their wake, Chae did give up halfway through. After that, they began deciding on what to do, and sent out Jihyo to buy them snacks, Seungmin was volunteered to go help her. Was it Mina’s way of forcing them to talk? You would never hear her admit it.


“Are you sure they will do alright?” Nayeon asks as soon as the door closes.


“Hell no. But Jihyo needs to start talking to him, or this will never end well.” Mina admits.


“She might just run away again, you know?” Sana joins in their conversation.


“Have a little faith on your sister, will you? The three of you grew up together.” Mina tries to scold.


“We love her, but everybody knows she is about to snap.” Nayeon gives them both a kiss on their cheeks and walks back into the living room.


On the scavenger party, Jihyo is seriously considering whether murder would be a better option or running away to another continent. Seungmin, on his side, was panicking, he didn’t know what to do with himself and had started sweating, it got so bad that his shirt was getting sticky. They both knew this wasn’t ideal, but each had their own worries at that moment.


Jihyo could see Mina scolding her if she didn’t fix this situation with the boy, call her whipped, but she always just wanted to make her family happy, and those idiots were her family, them, her parents, Mina’s parents and Nayeon’s. She had to take the first step there, she was the adult and Mina wasn’t there to hold her hand and drag her through it as usual.


So, in a desperate attempt to do something, really any step forward would be progress at this point, she drove them to the place that always calmed her down, a park just outside town, with a hill parking that overlooked the city. This was her last hope, and it had to work, if not, she would just message Chaeyoung to go pick the kid up and flee on the first flight she could board.


Getting there, she just motioned for the boy to follow her. The sun was bright, but it was still a bit cold, the children playing around gave them a backtrack but the silence between them was still suffocating. The kid was beginning to tremble a little, and Jihyo just took a deep breath to calm herself before she started talking.


“You know, I really wanted to kill whoever it was that was brave enough to try and take my little girl. My wife would make sure my body was never found after I did, though.”


“Sana loves you so much, all of you, but yourself especially.” Seungmin breathes out in a nervous chuckle.


“It’s not that I don’t like you. I wouldn’t like anyone that were to date my little girl. But Sana seems to like you, her eyes could deceive anybody, but not us, not any of us. The way she looks at you tells me more than her words ever would.”


“I know it should be hard for you to think that someone else was coming into her life.”


“That, but tell me, and do be honest, how much do you know about us?”


“Can I really be honest? You promise I will get out of here alive?” The boy gives a warm smile as they take a seat on a bench by the trees.


“I promise you will still live. And I know many things I don’t want to hear are coming my way. I need to know the truth, though. She is too precious for me, also, all those ladies back in the house won’t hesitate to get the job done when the time comes.” Jihyo tries to keep the tone playful enough to get the message across with little tension.


“Oh, I don’t doubt it, mainly the tall, pregnant lady. She looks like she would end you with a smile on her face.” 


“That is absolutely correct, I’m glad I didn’t need to spell it out.” Jihyo lets out a boisterous laugh, the mood had improved a lot.


“So, I think I know most of what I need to know. She does talk a lot, about herself, about her sisters and her aunties, about your family. She asks a lot too, I think I’ve told her my entire life story already.”


“Oh, she does like conversations, I blame it on Nayeon. Mina and I have always been on the quieter side.”


“She blames it on Nayeon-ssi as well.”


“Good thing she knows where to place the blame. Now, are you okay with her? I mean, do you know all of her and accept it?”


“You are referring to her little friend down south?”


“So you know? And you still want to be by her side despite that?”


“Well, I must say it shook my confidence when I found out. I mean, as a man, my pride was crushed. But I love her too much, so I swallowed it and am still trying to let it go.”


“Okay, you have to tell me about it, now.”


“I don’t think I should be talking about that to her big sister.”


“You can’t say she crushed your pride and leave it at that.”


“Okay, fine. She was way too big and I got intimidated a little.” 


He was blushing so much that Jihyo thought he would burst out in flames anytime soon. Big sis, on the other hand, was having the time of her life, laughing so loud that she earned them some glares from the parents that were closer to them.


“Jihyo-ssi, could you, please, not be so loud? People are staring at us.”


“You can’t tell me those things and not expect me to laugh. But I’m sorry. It should be difficult for you to find that out, I guess.”


“It’s a man thing, I’m handling it.”


“But do tell me, how did the finding out part happened?” The kid deep blushes again.


“Well, we- We, ahm…”


“Just say it. I’m ready for the punch.”


“We were making out one day, it was after school, and she was just out of gym, so she wasn’t wearing her compression shorts, and we both got excited and I kind of felt it. It was too much to ignore, she didn’t seem to notice, though. So, after we were dismissed, I bought us some coffee and took her to the park to talk.” 


“I didn’t think she would notice. That kid was raised to not mind it that much, we always tried to make her as confident on herself as possible.”


“I know, she is more than thankful for that. She does have you guys in a very high place, you know.”


“I sure always hoped we were doing a good job. And sorry about your hurt ego, I didn’t think she would be like that. It does look normal to me, though.”


“Wait, you are saying that you-”


“Sorry, I guess? But yeah, I am her big sister afterall.”


“As if this couldn’t get any worse.”


“It can, Nayeon unnie is somewhere between us.”


“Oh, come on!” He gets to his feet frustrated, earning a new round of laughter from Jihyo.


“It’s okay, we would never care that much about it anyways.”


“Oh, the ignorance of those who are blessed.”


“It unnerves you that much?”


“It just hurts my pride a bit more. But, by the way Sana went about it, I could tell you all never really minded it.”


“Don’t worry too much. Just take care of her and we won’t have a problem.”


“I promise I will.” He takes another breath but says nothing.


“Tell me. I promise I won’t be mad.”


“I was thinking of proposing before we went out to college. I mean, we’ve been dating for two years now, and I don’t think I want to take the risk, but I can’t give her a fancy ring yet, so I thought I should wait a bit, I want to do this right.”


“You know she wants to be with you too, yes? She would never bring you over to us if she didn’t. You should talk to mom and dad first.”


“I did. She brought me to your parents last week. The Ims and the Myouis were there too. The task they gave me was getting the approval from the rest of you.”


“Oh, you move faster than I expected. But, hey, if you feel it isn’t the time to propose yet, if you want that to be especial, why not make a promise to each other?”

“She deserves better than a cheap ring and a broke boy for her engagement night. But what do you mean?”


“I like your thinking. And, for the record, I would have said no way if you said anything different. But, why not buy her a promise ring? Those are cheap, and you can have some assurance.”


“I didn’t think about that. That is a great idea, and I have enough saved for those. Thank you Jihyo-ssi.”


“Not a problem, kiddo. We should get back, they are going to give enough of a hard time when we get back. If we get there without food, hell breaks loose.”


“But we just ate.”

“Oh, you have so much to learn.” Jihyo laughs again at the boy’s confused face, motioning him to get back to the car.


The ride back was surely lighter than they ever thought it would be. Back in the house, Jeongyeon had started a betting pool, only Mina, Sana and Nayeon were believing Jihyo would set everything right, the rest was divided between Jihyo running away, punching the kid senseless and having a breakdown in the middle of nowhere.


When they opened the door and were smiling, Sana, who had poked her head on the hallway from the living room, turned back to the waiting faces, smirked and announced.


“Okay, pass it up.”


“No way you three won.” Jeongyeon tries to protest.


“I can’t believe none of you had any faith in me.” Jihyo fake protests as they enter the room.


“Mina, Sana and I were the only ones to see reason, I’m afraid.” Nayeon mocks with her hand outstretched for Jeongyeon to pass the cash.


“Oh, Jeong, all these years and that’s how much you know me?”

“Shut up. You were supposed to take the first flight out.”


“Come on, Jeong. This is our baby Sacchan, of course Jihyo would do her best, so would we all.” Mina says as she embraces her wife who had finished settling the groceries on the table.


Sana had side-hugged Seungmin and gave him a comforting kiss on the cheek. They settled for movies after that, ordered dinner at some point, and, before they noticed it, it was already late. Seungmin had to go home, but promised to be back the next day for lunch and another afternoon with the aunties. Mina volunteered to drive him home, but got her point across that she would do so alone. They just headed to their rooms, leaving Sana and Seungmin alone to say their proper goodbyes, Jihyo headed downstairs with Mina to wait for the kid.


When he got to the parking lot, the couple was cuddling while waiting for him, Jihyo was against the car and saw the kid first. There was something she needed to tell him, though, so she opened the door for Mina, who notice the same thing, but said nothing at the moment, and walked for the boy, giving him a hug so she could whisper.


“You know, you have to start paying attention if you intend to be more intimate with Sana around us.”


“What do you mean?”


Jihyo just gives a quick glance downwards, chuckles and walks away. Seungmin chokes on air when he understands what she was talking about, and feels his face heating up impossibly. Mina just waves him in and asks him to put his address on the GPS. It doesn’t take long for her to start talking, though, and it’s a bit more frightening than Jihyo.


“You don’t have to worry about it. It used to happen to Jihyo more than she would ever admit. It’s just her way to look out for you and try to not let the girls tease you too much.”


“Oh, ahm. Yeah. Thanks.” He mumbles.


“No need to be so stiff, I’m on your side here. Just know that Jihyo and I are not the big bad wolves you might be picturing. It’s just, they are different, it hurt Jihyo and Nayeon a lot, so we all did our best to make sure Sana wouldn’t go through that.”


“I know, they both told me. And I also know Sana went through a lot trying to not let people find out, I don’t even think her closest friend knows.”


“That’s because Jihyo and Nayeon are her best and closest friends.” 


“I got to know that after we started talking. But when I first met her, Eunbi Jr was the one she talked to the most, as far as I knew. And, after I found out, I was certain she didn’t know.”


“That’s our girl. They might seem like night and day, but Jihyo and Sana are more alike than you think, Jihyo just looks the part better.”


“Now I know that. But I understand, not that Eunbi Jr is a bad person, none of Sana’s friends are, but I know they won’t understand. And I have the feeling Jennie might want to do a test drive, or two.”


“Now that we can’t let happen.” Mina laughs, she feels relived the day went much better than expected.






“I was talking to Jihyo-ssi, and she gave me a good idea.”


“My wife has her moments. But what do you need?”


“I would like to know if you two could help me get Sana a promise ring?”

“I was expecting engagement, but that’s nice too.”


“I don’t have the money for a proper engagement ring, and I don’t want to give her just any ring. So Jihyo-ssi gave me the suggestion to get her a promise ring. And I’m not that good with jewelry, my mother never liked it, so I never learned what women enjoy.”


“Your mother sounds like an interesting woman. Sure we can, sometime this week? Sana should go back to the house to start packing, so we would have the chance to go out without suspicion.”


“How about this tuesday? My mother will insist for you both to come over for dinner. Your parents came over too, they couldn’t say no to her.”


“Sure we will, let me give you our numbers so we can coordinate.” Mina asks as she parks in front of the house, taking the boy’s phone and saving her and Jihyo’s number.


She gives him a hug and heads home, it was time to talk to Tzuyu. Lucky for her, Sana was in the shower when she got back, so she could grab Jihyo and head out to fulfill her mission.


“Who is it, unnie?” Tzuyu asks as Nayeon opens the door.


“It’s Mina and Jihyo, hun. Come on in before anyone sees you.” Nayeon ushers them in and closes the door behind her.


“Tzu, Yeonnie, we have to talk.” Mina declares as soon as the door closes.


“I’m guessing he talked to you as well?” Jihyo aks giving her a knowing smile.


“He did, and you, my darling, didn’t do so bad yourself.” Mina replies, hugging Jihyo and bringing both to sit on the small couch by the side of the bed.


Tzuyu was against the headboard, Nayeon retook her place massaging her feet and motioned for the two to speak up.


“Okay, so Seungmin was thinking of proposing.” Jihyo announces, quick as ripping a band-aid.


The other couple gasps, excited on the news, but Tzuyu picks up faster than Nayeon.


“What do you mean ‘was thinking of’?”


“He said he wants to do it right, and that he is too broke to give her a proper engagement ring, so he was almost giving up. But I told him to get her a promise ring, instead.” Jihyo explains.


“And does he know everything? You know, about you guys?” Tzuyu asks again.


“Oh, trust me, he does. And he is more than fine with it.” Jihyo answers with a disturbing smirk on her lips.


“Okay, I’ll do something about the ring, just tell me when. But now you are telling everything.” Tzuyu demands.


“Tuesday, and let me get the girls over here, this is too juicy.” Mina answers and sends out a message for them to come over and not let Sana find out.


They end up spending the next three hours milking everything Jihyo and Mina had to share, laughing a little about the boy’s misery when he found out about the girls, none of them really got how that would ever be important. By the end of it, they all set their schedules to go have dinner at Seungmin’s on tuesday, they may or may not also want to see the ring their little girl was getting as well.


When the day came, Jihyo was a pile of nerves, almost as nervous as when she went out to buy Mina’s ring. They told the boy everyone was coming over for dinner when he returned the next day, as promised, and he was relieved since his mother had gotten too excited and was planning to go all out again. The parents had a hard time finishing dinner last time.


As Mina parked in front of the house, a middle aged man was mowing the lawn, the boy resembled him too much, so they figured it was Mr Kim. Getting out of the car, Jihyo took the gifts they prepared for him and his wife, and Mina got Jihyo.


“Mr Kim, hello. I’m Minatozaki Jihyo, this is my wife, Mina. We brought you this humble gift, and hope you like it.” Jihyo, back to her shy ways, hands the man a small box, with a bottle of oak aged whiskey.


Don’t blame her, she was never good at gifting, Mina would always love everything Jihyo would get her, but after the red skirt she got for valentines when they were twelve, Mina learned to not be so demanding with the awkward girl. This time, however, she had the mind to restrict it to liquor, it didn’t leave much room for error.


“Call me uncle Minjun. Thank you, but you guys didn’t have to worry. Come inside, my wife is restless to meet you.”


They are led inside, to be welcomed by a very powerful looking woman, Mina wondered how good she would look on a stage, Jihyo got the inspiration for new lyrics.


“Hello, ma’am. I’m Minatozaki Mina, this is my wife Jihyo. I hope you would accept this small gift we brought you.” Mina says as she hands over a box of fine chocolates they brought for the woman. 


“Thank you, and call me auntie Yubin. Calling me ma’am makes me feel too old.” Yubin says, as she ushers them in pinching the girls cheeks.


“Mom, you are not making them feel like little girls, are you?”


“Kim Seungmin, I will make these girls feel like what they are.”


“Mom, can we please go now? I want to be back before the others get here.”


“I’m going to let you go just because it’s a special occasion. But make sure you come back early.”


“Will do, auntie. The girls should start arriving around seven.” Jihyo informs as they say their goodbyes and leave for the jewelry shop.


Seungmin panicked a little when they arrived at the store, the girls assured him everything would be fine. Indeed, he got a ring much better than he could have, as soon as Mina passed a card onto the guy who was tending to them. He decided it was best not to ask and just take the ring, whispering to the man behind the counter the inscription he wanted and then sitting down with the future in-laws to wait for it.


When they got back to the Kims residence, Momo, Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon and Dahyun were already there. They said something about being out to look for houses, it was dismissed fast, as Nayeon and Tzuyu arrived shortly after and demanded to get in and see the ring already.


The big day would be on friday, as Sana was set to move in on saturday, and they had to leave early if Jihyo and Mina wanted to be back before nightfall. It came by faster than anyone wanted, Sana was the only one clueless about it, but she became a sobbing, jumping and kissy mess when she got the ring. It was a simple design, with ‘Wait for me’ inscribed on the inside, but it meant the world for both of them.


Jihyo called Seungmin asking him if he wanted to go with them to take Sana, he was ecstatic and replied a bit too fast. They left around five, it was about two hours away, and Seungmin would move two weeks from then, but the in-laws were more than understanding when they left the kids to talk. It reminded Jihyo of when Mina moved in almost a month after her, tough times.


Getting home that night Jihyo couldn’t help but feel a bit emotional. Their little baby was off to college, with someone to care for and who cared for her just as much, was only not engaged already because the kid had a good head on his shoulders. She was laying in bed, just after her shower and waiting for Mina when screeching brought her out of her thoughts.


Jihyo jumped out of bed, but Mina was already back in the room, eyes about to pop out of their sockets, panting and pants in the middle of her legs. It took a moment for Jihyo to register her wife’s appearance, but she did notice Mina was clutching something white and cylindrical, her heart skipped a beat.


“Mina, please tell me you are holding what I think you are holding.”


“Jihyo, sit on the bed first, I’m too tired.” She followed.


“Okay, talk to me. You screamed, you don’t do that.”


“Okay, so, remember we wanted a kid?”


“Yeah, and we both know it will take us a lot to be able to.”


“Not exactly. We are going to get a doctor appointment to confirm, but this test says we did it!”


“Mina, don’t joke about that. Are you sure?”


“I think ten out of ten tests are a pretty good confirmation.”


Jihyo faints, Mina was aware that would happen. She just smiled, her wife’s hair and fixed her position on the bed. Telling her to sit down was a smart decision. Mina just sent their parents and Sana a message with the news, telling them they were still to go to the doctor and finished getting ready for bed. When she did lay down, she took Jihyo in her arms and thought again how much love she had in her life, and how much that fun sized woman would always make sure she kept getting more and more each day.

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I wrote this on my 42 hour flight to Korea, it has quite a few mistakes, so bear with me.


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Chapter 2: This is too cute and funny!!! I love how you made Jihyo’s way of handling any kind of mental breakdown is through fainting HAHAHAHAHAHAHA but seriously this fic is so fun. I can’t count how many times I’ve laughed out loud while reading this HAHAHAHAHAHA such a good and solid storyline as well!!!! ???
Chapter 2: Awwwww I love this chapter and they are all married wahhhhh plus sana found someone too!!!!!! So freaking cute!!!
Chapter 1: That ending got me cracking up haha oh gosh the penguin traumatized them hahahaha
Chapter 2: sana boyfriend...didnt see that coming, but its fine, and love mihyo baby ^^
15 streak #5
Chapter 2: Mihyo babies <3

Oh woojin what a adorable dude. And him learning things was hilarious

Was also surprised tht you choose a guy instead of a girl as Sana’s future partner. A good surprise for sure since u don’t see much of that.
Chapter 2: Oh god fooling Woojin was too funny XD
Yay Mihyo gonna have a baby. Well hopefully the tests are positive :)))))
Chapter 2: AWESOME WORK!!!!!!!
TheWrongBias #9
Chapter 1: Awesome story!!
Kpoptbfan #10
Chapter 1: Nice story!