Chapter 3 - Selcouth

Koi No Yokan
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The next morning Chanyeol woke up to a delicious smell wafting through his room. He tossed on his bed as the aroma reminded him of his mother. It suddenly brought back all the memories from when his mother was still alive. How she used to prepare breakfast for him every day with her very own hands even though they had tons of help available.

With a sigh, he got up from his bed and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.

He then quietly padded his way through the hall, wondering the origin of this smell when he suddenly noticed how clean his apartment was looking. As far as he remembered, he hadn’t cleaned his house for more than three days because of overtime. And he was pretty sure that the cleaning service wasn’t due till Sunday. So how come his apartment looked squeaky clean?

He scratched his face as he thought hard. Did someone break into his apartment? But why would someone break into his apartment only to clean it up? Also, a break-in would be quite impossible considering he lived in one of the most guarded areas in Seoul. On his way, he decided to check the laundry room just in case and almost gasped when he saw that his clothes were already dryers.

Just what in the world was happening?

He hastily made his way towards the living room when he heard a sound coming from his kitchen. As he made his way towards the kitchen, he saw a few paper bags strewn on the dining table. Was Baekhyun supposed to come today? And if he did come, why didn’t he wake him up? He took a deep breath in and entered the kitchen only to stand still at the sight in front of him.

A man was cooking in his kitchen. He was humming a song unknown to Chanyeol as he swung his hips to the rhythm. Speaking of hips, Chanyeol’s eyes instantly zoomed to his rear and he felt a blush creep up his neck. He looked away flustered because damn… those were some nice a…hips.

He quickly calmed himself down and cleared his throat to get the man’s attention. The said man turned around and Chanyeol almost felt himself coo at how adorable his shocked face was. His big eyes turned even bigger and his heart-shaped lips fell open in a small gasp. He quickly put away the spatula he was holding as he hastily turned off the stove.

“Go-od ‘orning, Mr. Park” Kyungsoo stuttered while wiping his hands on the kitchen cloth.

“What are you doing here?” Chanyeol asked even though he could see what the smaller man was up to.

“Ah…” Kyungsoo looked around as if he was trying to think about what to say. “I pre-pa-red bre-akfast for you, to th-ank you for hellping me out ‘ast night.”

Chanyeol could clearly understand that the smaller man was becoming nervous with each passing second as his words became thickly accented. “Okay.” He nodded before walking out of the kitchen to let Kyungsoo calm himself down.

“But where did you get the ingredients from?” He asked as he inspected the paper bag filled with some vegetables.

“Oh, that!” Kyungsoo’s whole face instantly lit up as he

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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 5: Competition is coming hahaha. Good luck Chanyeol
747 streak #2
Chapter 5: So glad I ran across this story, I am really enjoying it so far. Things just got interesting with the addition of Sehun, can’t wait to read about the dinner. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Chapter 5: i love it so much. so cute
Runa_10 #4
Chapter 4: I hope you would continue this story 🥺
Rb2012 #5
Chapter 4: Loooool
And welcome back
PaigePaige #6
Chapter 4: Wahhh. Thank you for the updatee
220294 #7
Chapter 4: Finally an update ... Thank you
Really curious for the next chapter
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 4: Awww Sehun is so full of himself haha...feeling like Kyungsoo intended to follow him. Hope to hear another chapter..

And thanks for the update dear. I know its been a while but its ok since all of us are busy with something ..

Happy new year dear... and stay safe
Chapter 4: omfg i am so excited for the next chap. I love it
Congratulations on highest bid!