I really really really

I can feel that the very soon we will have to part ways. I've battled with myself multiple times saying that I should not spoil the little moments that we are having, to just be happy and go with the flow, but you see, time and time again, reality strikes me. Right in front of my face. A loud slap telling me that I am just borrowing the moments, the happiness from someone who rightfully owns it. With all that has happened and ate about to happen, all I can say is THANK YOU.


Thank you for that juice that you gave to me after I cried for my mom and my career


Thank you for accompanying me to dinners and snacks and asking me random questions about myself and pleadingly asked me to tell more stories even though I don't know where to start and what exactly to tell


Thank you for browsing through my gallery containing my precious quotes collection and my spotify playlists that spoke thousands about myself and my thoughts


Thank you for walking with me that very night that I've felt lost again about my career, for carrying my things, for staying with me outside for a little while


Thank you for the following nights that we sneakily went out, had some drinks be it coffee or beer. I did gladly gave up much of my time for my friends and sometimes family just so I can be with you


Thank you for the breathe of fresh air


Thank you for making me realize that there's more than what meets the eye


Thank you for being open about yourself and your shenanigans and deepest darkest secrets to me


Thank you for the time that we had during the rides to my place, sneakily staying past curfew on our guest area just so we could have more chitchats


Thank you for bringing me to high places, where I can have fresher air and view of the greens and the city, you know how refreshing and calming those were to me


Thank you for trying to learn my favorites, be it songs or my addiction to cats or random stuffs just so we can both (or me most of the time still) happily discuss it


Thank you for always bringing me to my place safe, you basically became my home


Thank you for always pampering me with my favorite foods, be it snacks or major meals, be it because I'm stressed or just because we feel like eating even though most of the time I have to finish my full meal and 1/3 of yours, I'm getting fatter and so you are


Thank you for cooking delicious foods for me, you know how much I miss home-cooked meals, you really feel like home to me


Thank you for always taking care of me when I'm sick, be it major or not, you know how weak my body is, it's like every month I have an issue regarding my health, but you still patiently cared for me


Thank you for always trying to read through my eyes, for staring so deep at it that my soul almost blended with yours, you know I'm bad at making eye contacts but still you always go for it anyway


Thank you for being one of my greatest anchors of strength, you're like my hero, always telling me not to be scared because you are with me


Thank you for being one of my biggest fan, you see beyond my failures and fears and doubts and hesitations and tears, emphatizing with me during my downs, memorizing and celebrating my achievements, be it big or small, I feel like I can conquer all because you are always there, cheering for me


Thank you for doing my household chores for me, well yes sometimes with me, you know how bad I am with it but you still go on anyway, my bathroom and laundry and things are becoming neat because of you


Thank you for keeping in touch with me, almost 24/7, as long as God permitted, you lessen my loneliness big time


Thank you for being my personal massage provider and pillow though I know you are most of the time tired as well and your body numbs because of my not-so-light-weight


Thank you for holding the umbrella for me, though sometimes you clumsily hits me on the head with it


Thank you for always offering to bring my things for me, you know how my back really aches when carrying loads, you know how fragile I sometimes (or yes, most of the time) get


Thank you for taking up the space next to the busy cars and people be it when we are about to cross a road or are just walking, for covering my ears to dodge the noises, for covering my nose just so I won't choke to death with the pollution, all of those you could have done for yourself, you did those to protect me instead


Thank you for being my constant companion, I came to a point where I told people that I only have you


Thank you for the laughs that made my tummy ache a good one and my eyes tear off some blissful ones


Thank you for letting me take care of you, I feel blessed being able to look after you and do some things for you because I know how independent and strong you are


Thank you for letting me try different things with you, I always think of you whenever a new idea or interest hits me


Thank you for letting me do random things for you, it made me realize how much more I can go


Thank you for letting me be me, tolerating my not-so-good-oh-my-gosh voice, my crazy antics, my goofiness that majority of the people don't see, my silliness, the lawyer me, the police me, the psychologist me, the different me's, the good and the not-so-good and not-really-good sides of me, you embraced all fully


Thank you for all the pain and sadness, it made me more matured and accepting and a loving human being (yes, I am though you always note me as an alien)


Thank you for teaching me that I am capable of caring too much and feeling too much for another human being, I always saw myself as someone that's so uptight and not capable of caring and loving


Thank you for making me write this kinda angsty and yet smiley note for you. I really wanna be with you. I really really really like you but gloominess hits me right away thinking that I cannot have a chance with you. A chance for us to happen. I like you so much that I have already accepted my fate with you, long time ago. I like you so much that I wanna love you, but know that I can't. I like you so much that I wanna know that you are happy, even though it's not because of me. I really like you to the point that whenever I pray with you I always thank God for the time that I have with you. I really like you to the point that I am being patient with you, no matter how many times I felt down and low and small, no matter how often and how much and how hard I cried myself to sleep, thinking that I cannot do anything but to accept things. I really like you to the point that I learned where to place myself, to respect my boundaries and limits with you. I really like you that I battled against my demons, telling me that I will never be enough for you, that my feelings are not enough and will not be taken by you becuase really, I cannot care as long as I have you. I really like you that I imagined a future with you, even if it will have me stand up amidst all odds, as long as I know that we are together on things, we'll surely get everything figured out. I really like you that I am rooting for you. I really like you that I wanna be with you in every step of your journey. I really like you that I always pray for your success and happiness. I really really really like you that I wanna love you, all madness, all highs and lows, all giddiness and sullenness, with all of my soul...

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