The Nightmare Game - An Interactive Red Velvet Fanfiction


*A special gift to the fans, especially Wenrene shippers and Wendy and Irene stans ^^ We really need more love and appreciations for these 5 girls.*


A heavy blizzard eruptly shuts down the roads, causing the entire city to experience a blackout.

The girls had just held their successful Redmare concert and had expected to finally leave the hotel they were staying at, but the blizzard trapped them inside the hotel. 

There wasn't any problems about being trapped inside the hotel as long as they stayed safe, but was the hotel really as safe as the hotel managers tried to make it seem?

The Nightmare Game is my very first experimental interactive Red Velvet fanfiction, which would feature Wenrene as the main couple / main characters. The goal of this fanfiction is to help the girls escape the creepy hotel they're trapped in and get them out to safety.

Just remember, you must vote on the characters' actions. Every action that the characters do will reflect on their results.

Good luck and just remember that every characters' survival is in your hands :)





Since this is my very first interactive fanfiction and it's on AFF, I'm in the experimental phase, so please be patient and kind to me. Thank you and you're welcome.


Random Example of the structure of this story:


Scene 1:

She had to make a quick decision. She had two options and they were both terrible, but one of these options should be a bit better than the other.

She didn't know whether she should hide inside the closet or hide under the bed.

She could literally hear loud footsteps approaching the room.

Biting her thumb nervously in fear and panick, she chooses...

Should she hide:

1. inside the closet

2. under the bed

(Just so you know, I'll probably include the link to the polls for you to vote, so you must click on the link, which would direct you to the poll. Or I'll include the poll at the bottom of each chapter/scene) 



If you chose (1) for her to hide inside the closet:

She quickly slid open the door to the closet and hurried inside before shutting it closed.

The closet space was small with a few clothes hanging over her.

She tried to scoot as far back to the wall as possible in order to keep herself hidden.

She could hear the footsteps walk around the room before fading away, indicating that whoever that was had left.

Just as she could exhale in relief, a hand covered and pulled her backwards through the wall and into darkness.


If you chose (2) for her to hide under the bed:

Crawling underneath the bed, she held her breath and tried to stay as quiet as possible. She could see the boots of a person, maybe a man, walking around the room. He sounds to be looking for something in a panick before a odd sound was heard, which seemed to freak him out because he quickly rushed out of the room.

Exhaling, she looked to see if it was safe to crawl out from underneath the bed.

Crawling halfway out of the bed, she noticed the closet was slightly opened showing half of a face of a dark, shadowy figure sitting inside. 

It was just staring at her before the closet fully slammed opened, revealing a demonic figure sitting inside, screaming death, not literally.

She quickly rose to her feet and rushed out of the room and down the hall, safely escaping whatever was in that closet.





Does this sound interesting?

Should I actually write this interactive fanfiction or should I delete and forget about this?

Also, I'm in the middle of writing the next chapters of Red Tears and Dirty Secrets, so expect new chapters to be updated sometime this week or by next week.

Click here to tell the author whether you want her to write this story or to not write this story

Don't forget to Upvote and Subscribe!


Just updated a bonus chapter! Vote!


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Chapter 3: I didn't think that far :(
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Ashleytbb #3
Hellooo :)! Love your stories author! I am new to this, I want to read the stories you have written but when I click on your name, I can’t seem to find the icon to click for stories to show me the list, is there anyway I can view all the stories you wrote??
Chapter 5: The possibility of having a nightmare now after reading this. Lol
Chapter 5: Kinda scared for them..but im coudnt wait for the next chapter..
Elichika2610 #6
Chapter 5: I hope Wenrene's the one who got Seulgi. :'( Are the managers not aware of what happened? Answering a poll here on AFF has never been this hard.
Chapter 5: Omg seulbear please be okay
Chapter 4: damn is this all is illusion and it will become normal again the next day?
I bet the hotel rest for the week because this week every year has 'incidents'
Chapter 4: Oh my god this is so fun, also scary I love this!!