Chapter 17: As if it's your last

Of Angels And Demons

The beginning of the end, the truth is Irene and Wendy had been planning something for a while now, it was something that had been at the back of their heads for a long time and only voiced it out when they became closer after the whole Jisoo incident. Things had shifted, that was for sure.

The D'Angeli and the Daemonez leaders had one thing in common, the involuntary decision their parents made for them over them taking over a gang, something that both of them didn't like, but managed to do albeit everything, but it was time that for the first time they took over their own decisions, and so they did.

These last few days, or rather weeks, the two leaders had been closing deals left and right with their respective gangs, brewing something the other members were probably not expecting.




Lisa was walking around the Velvet central park, she didn't have any "jobs" to do for the day, in fact, Wendy had told her to go do anything she wanted since she had a free schedule.

It had been a long while since Lisa had a day off, everyday she was either helping close a deal, dealing, counting money, or analyzing information about shipment and clients, but not today.

Lisa kept walking until she reached a black bench, it was the one located close to the Velvet park's lake, underneath a big tree. The view from it was really pretty, from here you could watch the length of the park to an extent, the green spreading all the way around the giant park with flowers making appearances here and there making it feel like spring in all weathers, the big leafy trees and the big lake right in front of her. It felt peaceful.

Lisa decided to close her eyes for a moment, basking in the soft breeze and the cool shade of the big tree above her head.

Suddenly she heard steps and felt the bench move a little beside her, but before she could open her eyes the newly arrived person spoke up.

"Long time no see Lalisa."

Lisa opened her eyes immediately, widening them as she turned her head and saw none other than Park Chaeyoung sitting right beside her.

Lisa was too overwhelmed to say anything, so she did the only thing she had been wishing to do since the other girl had left the gang, she lunged forward trapping the girl in the strongest bear hug she could give her.

"Chaeng..." Lisa whispered softly against the now brunette's ear and before she knew it tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Chaeyoung hugged her back just as tight. "I got you..." she whispered back to the blonde.

Lisa was overwhelmed to say the least, they had spent everyday since they were 9 years old together and then she left the gang, she hadn't seen Chaeyoung in more than a year, so of course she was going to cry, she knew she had missing the former redhead deeply, but having her here made the longing even more real.

After what felt like hours of them just enjoying each others warmth, they separated, they're hands finding the other like magnets, holding tightly.

Chaeyoung smiled and lifted her hand to delicately wipe Lisa's tears with her thumb.

Lisa smiled, repeating the gesture since Chaeyoung had shed tears too and after, they just stayed still both just staring at each other with goofy smiles.

Chaeyoung was the first to break the silence. "I've missed you so much..."

Lisa chuckled. "I think you know I've missed you too, a lot." she said. "You look good as a brunette, hadn't seen that color on you since we were 13." Lisa added, caressing Chaeyoung's head in the process.

The slightly older girl smiled at the blonde.

"Well, I couldn't exactly make my great escape with a flaming orange hair." Chaeyoung chuckled.

"Ah point taken." Lisa smiled.

Lisa hadn't felt this happy in a long time, the first months Chaeyoung wasn't around had been extremely hard on her, specially since Chaeyoung started communicating with her only after 5 months of being gone, so Lisa was basically miserable, but putting up a good façade as to not worry the others. Chaeyoung hadn't been much different, she was free and happy in a way, but without Lisa it just felt...empty.

Lisa suddenly remembered something, her face turning from a smile to furrowed eyebrows and a confused expression. "Wait," she started.

Chaeyoung turned her head slightly, waiting for the girl to continue.

"Why are you here, aren't you worried about Wendy finding you? Oh God, what if Wendy finds you!? You need to hide and-!" Lisa's rambling got cut off by Chaeyoung putting her palm on top of Lisa's mouth to shut her up.

"Calm down, at the speed you're going you should seriously consider being a rapper." Chaeyoung chuckled.

Lisa relaxed a bit, nodding her head, Chaeyoung removed her hand and looked at Lisa right in the eyes. "I came here again for two reasons." she started. "One, you, I came here to do what I couldn't do the fist time...I'm taking you with me."

Lisa's eyes widened. " know I can't just-"

"I haven't finished." the brunette said firmly.

Lisa closed , listening attentively.

"The second reason," Chaeyoung said, making a pause. "is that I'm finally able to take you with me, safely." she finished saying.

Lisa was confused, she didn't understand Chaeyoung's words. "What do you mean?" she asked, squeezing Chaeyoung's hand.

The brunette smiled. "Lisa...I can't tell you how or why yet, but I have your belongings in an Uber right outside the park and it will take us to the airport, I arranged fake documents for you, and you're coming with me, to my home...our home...if you'd like...although I advice you to come with me because I've spent a lot of time arranging everything and-" Chaeyoung was getting nervous by the minute, thinking she sounded too demanding or imposing, 'What if Lisa doesn't want to come with me?', she thought, so she had started babbling more as time went by, but her sudden nervousness was cut off by a pair of soft lips.

'Wait, no way, is this real life!?' Chaeyoung thought as her eyes immediately closed, feeling the softness and sweet tropical mango flavor on her lips.

Lisa leaned back first, smiling at Chaeyoung who still had her eyes closed.

"I...I wanna go- I want to go with you." she said with conviction. "I want to be free, I want to be with you, and I want to be happy...with you." Lisa finished blushing.

Chaeyoung smiled, she couldn't be happier, she nodded her head pecking the blonde on the lips once more and smiling back with a matching blush.

She stood up, pulling Lisa up by her hand.

They were both smiling at each other, fingers intertwined when Lisa stopped in her tracks.
"Chaeng, wait, but how- are we safe, will we be safe, I can't just up and leave, it's dangerous for you and m-"

"Hey," Chaeyoung started, cupping Lisa's cheek. "Trust me, it's gonna be fine, I'll explain everything when we're out of here." she said confidently smiling at the blonde, Lisa couldn't help it, the smile was too contagious, looking at Chaeyoung's eyes, she knew everything was going to be fine, so they kissed once more and kept walking towards the Uber parked outside, towards their future, hand in hand.

Just like Chaeyoung, Lisa wasn't going to let her go again, this time they would stick together.




Taeyeon had been suspecting something was up with the leaders one day after she saw Wendy drop off Irene at home and saw something close to a kiss between the two, although her suspicions about the two had started way before that, even a little before the Jisoo occurrence, she never brought herself up to say anything, she felt like she didn't have a say in the matter, much less after what she did, also, she didn't want Irene to kill her, she was sadistic, but dying by Irene's hands didn't sound very pleasant to her, even though in the back of her head she knew Irene would probably only be pissed off with her, much like she still is after Taeyeon almost killed the younger Bae.

Taeyeon sighed, slumping further in the bar stool she was sitting on.

"You look like you've been dumped." a voice deadpanned.

It was none other than Miss Yves, clad in a leather jacket and dark jeans.

"Hm, funny." Taeyeon replied in a monotone.

The two had been frequently seeing each other at the same bar, ever since the night Taeyeon had found Yves drinking alone at the Russian Roulette.

"Have you found anything out?" Yves asked her, sitting at Taeyeon's left side.

"No...not much. I hacked Irene's phone, but they've been careful as to not leave anything on chats or emails, hell, they don't even talk much on the phone." Taeyeon answered, a frown present in her features.

"Well..." Yves started, booping Taeyeon's nose, which made Taeyeon glare at the woman. "I did find out a little something...but that means we'll need to move with our own plan soon."

Taeyeon nodded her head. "Ok. Tell me what you know then."




Sunset hit the south east side of Velvet City like a brush splashing paint on a canvas, fiercely coloring everything in hues of red, oranges and purples. It gave off a beautiful image of the city that hid twisted secrets.

The two leaders had summoned all their respective gang's entourage to an old port, the Majimak Porto.

When the gang's found themselves facing each other confusion ensued. Nobody knew what was going on, except for the two leaders of each gang.

Irene looked right into Wendy's eyes, a secret conversation between the two.

There they were the D'Angeli gang and the Daemonez gang in their full glory.

On the D'Angeli side the core members where in the front line, Irene on the front, Seulgi, Joy and Yeri behind her, for some reason Irene didn't know Taeyeon had been impossible to contact, so she just shrugged it off as Taeyeon being afraid of facing her. After the main members, there were about 70 or so more people behind them, the lesser members.

The Daemonez side mirrored the latter's, with Wendy at the front, but only Jennie at her side.

Lisa was M.I.A. and Yves was nowhere to be found either, lastly Jisoo, for obvious reasons, wasn't here. Behind them the rest of the gang, much like the D'Angeli, there were about 70 or so more members.

Irene turned around to look at her gang, Wendy did the same towards hers.

"For years the D'Angeli ruled the South and West side of Velvet City, when it was passed down to me, I made sure that we would try and be a gang of civilized people, with the less number of casualties possible, making people respect us, but not fear us...our biggest threat had always been the, it will be decided who remains." Irene said with determination on her face.

The lesser members all started looking at each other confused, tension palpable in the air.

Seulgi looked at Joy and Yeri perplexed, none of them knew that was the reason they were here today.

"Wait, unnie," Seulgi began saying in a whisper. "what are you doing? I thought-" Seulgi was cut off by Irene.

"Promise me something," Irene said in a low tone, so that only Seulgi could listen. "stick with Joy and Yeri, now and after...please." she finished saying.

Seulgi looked at her concerned, but nodded vigorously. Irene didn't need to ask twice, of course she'd stick by her girlfriend and Yeri.

Irene nodded her head once, accepting Seulgi's mute answer.

The D'Angeli leader then turned around to face Wendy.

"The Daemonez have ruled the North and East side of Velvet City for years, after my brother died the gang was put under my command, I tried to make sure that we were the best and most fearsome around the city, vicious and daring, with no restrictions, making people fear us, so that everyone knew not to mess with us...but there was always one thing on our way, the only threat that would not fear us, but challenge us, the D', we will decide who wins." Wendy finished saying with a determined face.

Some of the lesser members clapped, others howled, others only looked at each other, the tension and anxiousness was definitely in the air.

Jennie looked at the lesser members, then back at Wendy, she was perplexed, she didn't want to risk dying today, what would happen to Jisoo if she died here, if Irene died here?

Jennie frowned. "What the hell is this?" Jennie asked in a low tone with a bite on her voice, she was angry.

"Kid," Wendy replied in the same low tone. "I need you to take care of Jisoo, ok? Please stick together..." she finished saying.

Jennie's face softened. "Boss...what's going on, really?"

"Promise me." the leader said yet again.

Jennie nodded her head. "I swear...what about Lisa, is she-?"

"She's fine, trust me." Wendy said with conviction.

Jennie nodded once again, trusting her leader's words.

The Daemonez leader then turned around to face Irene.

Both leaders where now facing each other, looking into the others eyes, Irene signaled towards a warehouse that was in the port's back part, Wendy nodded.

Irene didn't look back, but she said to Seulgi. "Make sure you find a suitcase I left for you."

"Same goes for you." Wendy told Jennie without looking at her.

"Yes." Seulgi replied uncertain.

"...ok." Jennie also replied perplexed.

Both leaders started making their way inside the warehouse without saying any more words, everyone just looked at both young leaders entering the rusty place, chipped gray paint and moss covering the outside of it. Oddly enough it kind of felt like it was the last time they'd be seeing them.

A few minutes after they got in chaos ensued, exactly 7 gunshots were heard, everyone flinched waiting for one of the two to come out, after what felt like hours, when in reality it was a bout 5 minutes, Seulgi widened her eyes looking back at Joy and Yeri, who had shocked expressions on their faces, on the other side Jennie looked like she was ready to sprint into the direction of the small rusty structure, that's when everything went from bad to worse.

A huge explosion happened, blowing up the warehouse, the port started going up in flames in different areas where wood and flammable objects were present, the oil around the port making even more way for the fire to spread.

Flames started engulfing large portions of the place, some lesser members tried to fight, but it was useless, at this rate if they stayed to fight they'd be fried by the flames.

Everyone started to panic, running away from the scene, trying to get away from the flames.

Seulgi took Joy's hand and pulled Yeri by her hoodie, making her way to Jennie who had been close to the explosion.

Jennie had part of her right shoulder burned and was struggling to run because of the pain, Seulgi immidiately signaled for Yeri to help her keep Jennie steady while helping her run with them.

The 4 girls made their way out the port, almost being caught by the flames, coughing and exhausted, beads of sweat on their foreheads. They heard another explosion and saw how what was left of the warehouse was even more scorched by the flames and how it fell down to the ground, the structure practically gone.

They all looked at the scene in awe, it was already night, but the flames were so big that the whole burning port seemed to be colored in an afternoon's glint, it was beautifully tragic...just like-

"Wendy and Irene!" Jennie exclaimed, as if she had momentarily forgotten, she tried standing up, but pain surged through her.

"Stay still, you're burned pretty badly." Joy said, tears threatening to spill.

"We-we need to do something what if-" Jennie tried saying before Seulgi cut her off.

"No...there's no use trying to find them...they're gone...I-I don't think they could survive all that..." Seulgi said, a lump forming in .

Yeri lowered her head. "It kind of felt like they wanted this...they finally got...peace..." the youngest of the group finished, a lone tear running down her cheek.

In that moment they all lowered their heads, mourning silently. The sound of fire crackling what it could burn was the only other sound in the place.

The D'Angeli and Daemonez leaders were officially gone.

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Okay, that's it everyone!
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for reading my little story, hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.
Thank you and see you around on other stories, hopefully!


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Chapter 20: aaaahhhh i love it i love them
Chapter 20: Well at least all of them have their own happiness at the end of the story. Thank you!
1703 streak #4
Chapter 20: Awesome story! I stumbled upon this gold...
SWQ_1512 #5
Chapter 20: Loved the story, one of the best I have read :D The quotes really gave you feels <3
-WenRene15- #6
Chapter 20: I'm glad everyone got their happy ending. =) Such a great story...
Chapter 20: I liked the quote. I loved the epilogue. Everyone has their own business and partner :'))
Thank you for this sweet ending ^.^
Chapter 18: Something new ~~~
Taeyeon and Yves. Somehow unpredictable.
I love it. This is the beginning for everyone right? And where r they now btw?
garensuhanazono #9
Chapter 18: I love how everything turned out alright!
Chapter 18: Ooooh finally!! Something new - new beggining for everyone!! <3