The Gold Stone Bridge

The World of No Hearts

Following the Peace Protocol signed in agreement by the Japanese and Korean government in 2046, the island of Tsushima became the heart of the Gold Stone Bridge. This manmade electrical bridge ran through the 2 countries from the city of Fukuoka to the city of Busan. 

The Gold Stone bridge was nothing like one could imagine. It was magical and the proudest achievement of all human invention yet. It carried two transparent bullet trains in opposite directions at an incredible speed; the whole train journey rounding up to exactly 20 minutes.It had 9 stops altogether, 4 outside the Gold Stone Dome, 5 inside.

The Golden Stone Dome was home to almost 7 million people and 1 million robots, covering the island of Tsushima. Its glass walls showcased the panoramic view of the seas as well as the towering skylines of Fukuoka and Busan. 

It was also the city of Alchemists, those who were gifted in trans-mutating elements, an ancient practice that was once forgotten in history but thankfully retrieved again. The principle of Alchemy works accordingly to the Philosopher’s stone; a stone bright gold in colour, slightly different from what historical texts and media portrayed it to be- the stone that was blood red. There was only one of it in the world and it happened to be here, in the island of Tsushima. Early Alchemists discovered the stone shortly after the Peace Protocol was signed and since then, the island in honour was named after the stone and the Gold Stone Bridge was born. These talented Alchemists used their abilities to the fullest. They transformed base elements such as lead and iron into either silver or gold, created golems and constructed permanent changes on the state of matter by making glass malleable or durable for example, which was then used to build withstanding infrastructures like the dome. Lastly they used various forms of elemental manipulation such as earth manipulation and air manipulation to control natural factors that contribute to global warming.

Alchemy was the emblem of the city’s success, the shield which protected the people and held them as one.

However, it also bred the fall of mankind and created monsters.

This is not really a chapter, but a rough description of the city the story is based off from. This is what the city looked like in the Year 2046-2100, before it became the city of Elixir.

I hope this map makes sense. If not, the dome basically covers the island and the bridge intersects through the centre of the dome and comes out of either side of it. The bridge then continues and stops at Busan and Fukuoka on the otherside. The bridge is basically like a railway btw for the two trains.

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