The Dance

Phoenix and Peacock

JR followed the kid to the village where colourful lanterns have been hung up. Warm coral-coloured flames are lit next to the village gate which remains JR of the scene of his own village vanishing in fire, for that reason, he particularly hates fire, despite the fact that his feather attacks burn people like flames due to the nature of him being a Phoenix Vastayan. What an irony, a village of Vastayans who can breathe fire was destroyed by the ugly fire lit by human wood torches. Shaking away the negative thoughts, JR followed the kid onto the carnival area where a huge campfire is lit in the middle of the grounds. Kids are holding candy flosses and youngsters playing stall games, laughter filling the village like chimes. JR spotted a crowd gathered around a particular stage-like stall, with up-beat music playing in the background, so he squeezed into the crowd to grasp a look.


And boy, he felt like his breath has been taken away.


The boy on stage performing dance is obviously a peacock Vastayan. He must be Ren, JR thought to himself. He studied Ren’s features, astonished at how perfect he looks. His large watery eyes can tell a soulful story, his lips are cherry red and slightly plumped, as if they are luring for a kiss. He has light brown hair with green and blue feathers peeking out at where human ears are meant to be. His wings are large, just like JR’s, but his feathers were in yellow, green and blue as supposed to purpleish-red and orange colours of JR’s feathers. He pulled down his cloak hood in order to see Ren more clearly, and this seems to have attracted the dancer’s attention. Ren flashed a flirty smirk at JR, and began dancing more gracefully. JR has to admit Ren is an amazing dancer. With his magical powers, Ren lands with light and sparks from his feet, his pair of wings radiate as Ren swings and turns. JR knows Ren has to be a strong Vastayan too, just that he is still hiding his true power. But then with that said, performing in the public as a Vastayan still sound too carefree and bold to JR and for that reason he doubts they can get along.


As the music stops, the audience went into a loud and long applause, chucking money non-stop into Ren’s hat. JR is slightly weirded out; Ren’s performance was definitely amazing, but it shouldn’t be so good that these people aren’t willing to leave and pay that much.


And it suddenly all makes sense when he sees that dim green light coming from Ren’s pupils.


He is charming people with his magic.


Seeing that, JR just turned away and left the crowd. He never uses his magic to make humans treat him better in any way. He uses his magic to defend or attack when he needs to, but he despises those who uses their magics to pull frauds like that.


“Hey there! Wait!” Seeing JR turning away, Ren hopped off the stage and leaped between the audience members quickly to reach JR. JR decided to ignore him and walk to a food stall, but Ren just followed him persistently.


“Hey what’s wrong with you phoenix boy?”, Ren raised his eyebrow, not understanding why this guy is ignoring him. He finds him incredibly handsome, his pupils are brown but with a hint of purple, his feather peek out like horned owl ears instead of like Ren’s from the side of his head, and his feathers radiate warmth, shouting that he is a Phoenix Vastayan.


“Listen, I just don’t like people who use their magic to pull frauds like what you just did OK, do you think I didn’t know you were charming those humans?”, JR gave him a quick stare, and turned left to grab a free stick of barbequed vegetables from a stall. Ren grabbed one right after, and stuffed a piece of grilled potato into his mouth, “Mmmm, you know what I don’t usually do that, I was just trying to charm you you know. But apparently it doesn’t work on you.”


JR’s heart slightly skipped a beat upon hearing that, “hey you!”


“Ahahaha OK I was just kidding, see I was from a poor family so we didn’t have much savings. I guess we are from the same background? Village got wiped out and you are the only one that survived.” JR just silently nodded, not saying anything.


“I haven’t heard there are many Phoenix Vastayans around this area though, why are you travelling alone?”, Ren asked out of curiosity.


“I’m just trying to seek revenge on the bounty hunters, and to help other Vastayans.”

“This area is particularly dangerous though, don’t you know that the Void creatures have been growing stronger?”

“The Void?”, JR questions back at Ren, he has never heard of that term.


“Yeh, the Void. They had always been underground in that forest over there but just about a year ago their leader regained strength or something and started hunting down Vastayans and other magical creatures.”, Ren said as he finished his grilled veg stick, “They grow stronger when they absorb the soul of magical creatures, and it just snowballs on, don’t tell me you’ve never heard of them.”


JR shook his head, “I’m from Runeterra.”

Ren tilted his head and thought for a few seconds, “Runeterra…oh my god that’s far, how long have you been travelling?”

“Around 5 years now?”

“Hey, you know what, let’s travel together!”, Ren held JR’s shoulders as he suggested with excitement in his eyes.

“What? No way.”, JR gave Ren a skeptical look, “I’m not bringing a burden with me.”


Over the years, JR faced ruthless bounty hunters and monsters all alone, although he helps fellow Vastayans along the way, he still grew to become more cold-hearted. He decides that he wants to be the hero, the Vastayan hero who will pay any cost as long as he can seek revenge and protect others.


“Hey look, I’ve travelled on my own for 2 years now, and I’m still alive so that proves me worthy! Don’t they say erm…something like “The merrier the more”?”


“The more the merrier”, JR rolled his eyes. He decided to ignore Ren and leave the village, going into the dark forest, but Ren just stubbornly follows.


“Nah I like you, I’m following you haha”, Ren walks cheerfully in light hops behind JR, “oh wait, what’s your name?”


“So you claim to like someone before knowing their name?”, JR rolled his eyes again, “my name’s JR, you’re Ren right?”


“Yeh beautiful name right?”, Ren’s response only earned another eye roll from JR.


JR has to admit Ren is like a stream of happiness pouring into his regular dull life, but on this dangerous journey he really doubts if Ren would be of any help. But before he could say anything, he heard buzzing noises in a nearby bush.


“Shh”, JR covered Ren’s mouth who is still humming a cheerful tune. Ren looked at JR with a questioning gaze, only to hear the buzzing noises from the bush himself.


“It’s a Void creature.”, Ren frowned, “come out you coward!”


As he yelled at the bush, a giant purple bug-like monster creeped out. JR puzzled, he could feel the shivers all the way to the tip of his feathers. He has never seen a monster or creature like this one. But hey, he is JR and he has no fears.


“Care, he is Cho’gath, he can silence one of us’ magical powers for a few seconds at once. And if you get too near his spikes can fly out and pierce through you.”, Ren whispered into JR’s ear.


JR nodded, “but how do you know so well?”


“Our village was wiped out by the Void, not the bounty hunters.”


And before JR could react, the creature started leaping towards them.


As promised, the fast update! 

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Happy reading x next update should be coming fairly soon

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A2 #1
Chapter 4: That's a nice backstory. Great chapter Miss Author!
dcellin #2
Chapter 3: I like this fanfic~
A2 #3
Chapter 3: In my opinion writing is a hard thing to do. Trust me out of all the 100 books that I have read, only 1 book made me feel comfortable. I think no , but if you want to then I'm not stopping you. I'm no pro but I hope this helps. Great chapter by the way!
Chapter 2: Plz keep writing I love this fic already
A2 #5
Chapter 2: I admit, the consept is weird but I've read weirder stuff. I hope you update though