I’m Kkoongfused

Baby Cheese
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“If that’s my cat, who the is this?”


Minho folded his apron in a hurry while looking at the clock on the wall of the coffee shop he worked at. It was five in the evening and his shift was over. “Someone’s in a rush today.” Minho looked over his shoulder to find one of his fellow baristas looking at him.

Minho nodded while he put his apron in the cupboard. “My cat. She’s sick.” He replied before putting on his jacket and dashing towards the main door. “See you tomorrow, noona.”

“Oh..okay. See you tomo…” Her voice faded away as she realised that Minho was already gone. 




Taemin’s foot was impatiently tapping against the ground as he secretly watched his bullies while hiding behind a column. They were standing a few meters away, laughing and acting as if they were the most popular people at the college. Taemin couldn’t care less, he hoped they would keep talking and laughing and never notice him walk past them. He put on his cap and lowered his head before hurrying down the main staircase of the college.

Unfortunately, one of them saw him.

“Ya! Lee Taemin! Where do you think you’re going?”

He was startled by the unpleasant voice. Taemin let out a breath in frustration before trying to hide his face with his cap. “Well, .” It was unfortunate, he thought as he cussed under his breath. But he didn’t have time to cry over his ill-fated life. He should run before they come after him. The college senior finally got his together and started to walk quickly. Soon the walking became running.

“Ya! Ya! Ya!” The bullies yelled as the boy started to run. Taemin didn’t know how he managed to get bullied in high school and in college. Guess he was that unlucky. He was now running on the sidewalk, apologising to the passersby as he bumped into them. Taemin ran past two bookstores and a coffee shop but the rascals didn't seem to give up on him. He wished he had some sort of a magical power to turn into someone else.

Well joke’s on you, he already had that power. Taemin was a cat shapeshifter after all. He then took a sharp turn to his left and jumped into a neatly trimmed flower bush while turning himself into his cat form. Now Taemin looked like a cute little grey and white fluff ball of a cat. He popped his head out of the flower bush and smirked in satisfaction as he watched the bullies walk away in defeat.

A little later, he saw a guy rushing out of the coffee shop. Taemin knew this guy, he was the popular hot barista. College girls came there just to look at his arm veins when he filled the portafilter with grounds. But what Taemin didn’t expect was for him to stop in his tracks as he saw Taemin’s cat-self. 

The barista tilted his head in confusion as he stared at him. Then he suddenly walked towards Taemin and picked him up with two hands. “Kkoongie? What are you doing here?”

Taemin had no damn idea who Kkoongie was but now he completely understood why college girls came to the coffee shop.

“Meow?” Taemin replied. Like what else could he even say?

“How did you even get out?” The guy continued but Taemin couldn’t concentrate anymore, his arms looked like they belonged to a Greek god. “Anyways, let’s go home. You look like you’re feeling much better now.”

The college boy never really planned to get kidnapped in broad daylight but it’s not like he had a choice here. The barista walked inside a familiar building which Taemin shortly processed as the building he lives in. He had no idea this hot guy lived in the same building as he and his brother did. On the way, Taemin caught his name as the security guard greeted him. His name was Minho. 

Soon he opened the door to his apartment while carrying Taemin in one hand. A gasp left Minho’s mouth as he saw the real Kkoong sleeping on the couch. 

“If that’s my cat, who the is this?”

Taemin was shocked to find out that this Kkoongie looked like a splitting image of him but he purred and rested his small head on Minho’s chest because...well he wanted to know what his firm chest felt like, before he got kicked out.

But innocent Minho thought Taemin was scared so he smiled and left him on the floor and walked to his actual cat. “Hey Kkoongs! Are you feeling any better now?”

“Meow.” The cat replied rather happily. Taemin could tell it was a female cat by her voice. Minho checked her condition before walking away. Then her eyes moved to Taemin.

The shapeshifter smiled awkwardly. It’s not like he planned to get in here. It was all this ridiculously handsome barista’s fault. Taemin wished he could tell Minho that all this was a mistake but unfortunately there was an amount of times a day a shapeshifter could change their form and Taemin had exceeded the limit already.

Suddenly Kkoongie approached him. Taemin knew he was either going home without an eye or with a memory of a nice little chat with a well mannered lady. “Hey, look, I don’t care how you got in here. But can you do me a little favour?” 

Taemin tilted his head. “What is it?” 

“I have a date tonight. But Minho won't let me go out.”


“No, it’s not okay, he thinks I’m too sick to go outside. But look at me. I’m okay.” She said sitting down comfortably.

“Oh you two have gotten along well.” Minho walked towards them with a cup of instant ramen in his han

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Chapter 8: I was killed and sent down to hell at 'One strict daddy' HOW DID U EVEN COME UP WITH THAT?! I loved it so much omg made me realize how much I missed fanfics! I'm gonna be binge-reading your new fics!!
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 8: That is so adorable!!! :)
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 8: Very cute !!
fayrenz #5
Chapter 8: You know when I saw this prompt the reel actually replayed in my mind and i was sooo curious because the reel (tiktok or meme or whatever) is so hilarious to me and the way you wrote this is even more hilarious! and SUPER DUPER ADORABLE. Because 2min and catboy!Tae. I love love love this ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 6: So sweetttt
Chapter 1: It's so cute and funny 🤣😂😂💖
Chapter 5: OH GOD
So taem is minho's guardian angel or something??? Omggg this was so adorable and i surely wasnt expecting it at the beginning ehehe

LOved it!!❤❤❤
Chapter 7: This is too cute, I love it so much 💞💞