
Ivory Skin

From the moment she first held a camera, Chaeyoung fell in love with photography. 

She learned to love capturing the very essence of a moment or feeling. She felt as though she had to ability to capture beauty and store it all in photograph. 

So, Chaeyoung lived her life taking photos of everything she found beauty in. 

Whether it was nature, scenery, architecture, or people. She found beauty in it all. 

In college, she met Tzuyu, who's dream was to become a model. Both friends quickly bonded over setting up photoshoots, glad that their passions were able to intertwine this way. The girls' friendship became stronger after every session and the more they got to know about each other. They both worked as hard as they could in order to get themselves known by the public. Their photos soon went viral, Tzuyu due to her natural elegance and poise, and Chaeyoung for her photography skills and overall vision. Both girls were a powerful duo, who worked together to get to the top. 

And so they did. 

Tzuyu was admitted into one of the top modeling agencies, and was quick to land impressive gigs. Her face soon became known world wide in the industry, and she was quick to leave her mark on the runway. Chaeyoung was hired under a top magazine, who simply wouldn’t let a young genius go to waste. Although she was a bit hesitant to work under what was essentially the fashion industry, she figured the job would atleast serve her good as experience or a previous job she could state on her resume. 

Chaeyoung didn’t know she’d end up liking taking photos of models so much, but she soon grew to also love it. 

She felt as though she were on top of the world, meeting with A-list models and getting her name known in the industry. She was invited to parties, overseas shoots, and collaborations. All while doing so along her best friend’s side. 

The sweet taste soon began to feel bitter on her tongue. 

Models began to look bland to her, almost as though she was getting tired of seeing the same image that was typically defined as what was 'real beauty'. She looked at a pretty face, and felt absolutely nothing. There was no spark within her, no rush going through her veins that fueled her passion. Her camera felt unfamiliar to her hands, and her visions became blurry. Chaeyoung was falling deep into a pit of lack of inspiration. The feeling was new for her, and it scared her to no end. 

Tzuyu tried her best to uplift her best friend’s moods, but there was only so much she could do with her tightly knit schedule. The taller girl often felt terrible for not being able to be there for her friend at times she needed it the most. The photographer of course understood, she appreciated the model for at least trying,  but she hated having to deal with everything alone. 

She guessed this was the cons of only having friends in high places. 

At one point, her position was being threatened to be taken away. That, was how she ended up here. 

“Chaeyoung, I hope you know how much it hurts me to tell you this,” Jihyo deeply sighed. 

Chaeyoung stood idly infront of her boss’ desk, knowing well what the other was about to say. 

“You have to get inspired again kiddo, our last shoots were failures. The models said you were out of it, and the public is saying the ‘kid genius’ has lost her touch,” Jihyo said calmly. “I really don’t want to fire you, but I will have to demote you from being the main photographer, for the sake of the company.” 

Chaeyoung sighed. She knew Jihyo meant no ill intentions, for she was the very person who had trusted her in the first place despite her young age and her lack of experience. So, in this moment she knew Jihyo was simply yet again, looking out for her. Another boss would’ve simply let her go by now, easily replacing her with someone new. Times like these made her grateful that Jihyo was painfully nice. 

“I...on today’s shoot I promise it will be different. I wont disappoint you again, Miss Park,” Chaeyoung quietly muttered, as though she was even trying to convince herself. 

Jihyo smiled at the younger, which comforted her in a way.

“Well, the model is already here at the shoot getting ready. You should head down and start getting prepped, I believe in you kid!” 

The photographer smiled at the words she had been hearing from her boss since the day she hired her. She really did hope her inspiration wouldn’t fail her this time. 

Chaeyoung quickly made her way towards the shoot, hoping to any god above her that her brain would suddenly get a spurt of creative juice; or that the coffee she had chugged thirty minutes ago would offer her something. 

As she walked into the room, she smiled brightly at her unexpected guest. 

Tzuyu caught sight of the girl and quickly walked over. She was only wearing jeans and a t shirt yet she still reeked of power. 

The two girls hugged for what seemed like minutes, and parted. 

“I didn’t know you were coming today,” Chaeyoung looked up at her best friend brightly. 

“Well, I had a day off today, and I heard one of the models from our agency was going to shoot with you so I thought I should tag along,” Tzuyu smiled sweetly. 

Both girls had missed each other dearly, as their schedules had become very packed, a result of becoming well known and highly desired. 

Chaeyoung looked around curiously at the set, and saw no other model. "Where is she?'

Tzuyu looked around the room, "She should be here somewhere, she's probably somewhere in the back. I think this is her first shoot? So she must be nervous."

Chaeyoung clicked her tongue, she was shooting a new face today. She'd hoped she'd atleast feel something this time. 

The taller girl then began to whisper, "I have to go check on something Chaeng, see you in a bit. Go talk to the new model! You always did know how to make others feel comfortable." She gently patted the photographer's shoulder and made her way out of the room. 

The shorter girl watched her best friend leave, and shrugged. She'd give it a shot, and it was a plus that she enjoyed learning about other people's life story. So, Chaeyoung made her way to the back room, it's white walls quickly flooded her vision. 

She looked over to a couch over to the very back, and spotted a figure of what seemed like a girl, or the possible model. 

Chaeyoung carefully walked over to the couch, and quietly cleared . 

The girl turned quickly, and looked at her with wide eyes. 

Immediately, Chaeyoung was able to take note that this model was in fact, different. Most models she met had a reaccuring string of common features that were considered popular in the industry (which Chaeyoung believed was a bit boring). However, the girl infront of her had such unique visuals that she couldn't help but think were beautiful. Her monolid eyes and eyebrows fit eachother perfectly, her fair skin contrasted well with her golden blonde hair, and her eyes were a dangerous pool of hazelnut brown. Another thing, was that the girl's face was a bit chubby, which was very surpising for Chaeyoung. Tzuyu's modeling agency was notorious for their thin models, the tawainese girl luckily fit the mold without having to do anything dangerous or dire to her body. The photographer knew this model was nervous for a good reason. 

Chaeyoung reached her hand out for a hand shake, with the most warm smile she could muster. She didn't have to try very hard, for some reason it had came naturally to her at the moment. 

"Hi, my name is Son Chaeyoung, I'm the photographer. You're the model, right?"

The girl warily took her hand, shaking it lightly. Her expression was a bit tense, but a light smile still graced her lips. 

"Hello, I'm Kim Dahyun. Yes I am."

Chaeyoung smiled sweetly as she took a seat next to the model, "Are you nervous? Tzuyu told me this was your first shoot."

Dahyun shifted a bit with the new closeness of the photographer, but nonetheless felt a bit more at ease with her presence. "Yes it have no idea how nervous I am right now, look at my lips, they're shaking," she chuckled. 

Chaeyoung chuckled aswell, however when she actually did look at the pale girl's lips, she felt an uninvited blush gracing her cheeks. Weird. She shook the feeling away. 

"Why are you nervous? All you have to do is look pretty for the camera, I'm sure that won't be that hard for you," she said easily. 

Dahyun blushed at her words, which Chaeyoung found amusing. The girl was a model, she would have to get used to being complimented for her beauty. 

"I have no problems with that, actually. I'm not shy infront of the camera," Dahyun mumbled. 

Chaeyoung looked at her with furrowed brows, "Then, how come you're nervous?"

The model took in a deep breath, "My agency has low expectations for me. It was hard enough for me to even get in, I look nothing like the other models. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Tzuyu. The higher ups think my looks won't do well with the public, but Tzuyu told them I'd prove them wrong. She's their most important model at the moment, so they couldn't just go against her wishes." Dahyun had no idea why she was suddenly opening up to the photographer, but she felt so comfortable. Another factor was that she trusted Tzuyu, so it had to be safe to trust her best friend too. 

Chaeyoung nodded, a bit proud of her own best friend for standing up for the rookie model, while also feeling bad that she had to go through the certain circumstances. Tzuyu was right, the world needed to see Kim Dahyun's visuals. 

"So, Tzuyu said you'd be able to help me. She said if there was anyone who'd be able to capture my looks perfectly, it would be you. This is kinda like my only chance to prove that I'm worth being a model. Plus, the idea of being possibly broke isn't sitting so well with me right now."

The photographer chuckled, "We're gonna make sure you blow their minds away. I'm also at a tight spot, so we can help each other. We're going to make the modeling industry fall in love with you."

Dahyun raised her eyebrow, but couldn't stop her smile from becoming wide. "Confident, are we?"

Chaeyoung smiled, "Of course I am, I have every right to be when I'm going to be shooting the prettiest model I've ever seen."

Dahyun quickly regretted her words, and blushed furiously. She tried to hide it by covering her cheeks with her hair, but failed miserably. Chaeyoung giggled at the girl's adorable behavior, and felt like all her previous worries had vanished. All it took was meeting Dahyun. 

"Don't tell Tzuyu I said that though, she'd kill me."

Dahyun laughed, only making the photographer smile more. 

Unfortunately, their small chat had to end. Dahyun's manager walked in, calling for the girl to head to the artists in order to get ready for the shoot. The model nodded, offering a small smile to bid Chaeyoung goodbye. 

Chaeyoung placed a hand on Dahyun's shoulder, "Don't be nervous, you're gonna do great."

They were simple words, but it rid all of Dahyun's worries. The pale girl smiled. 

Chaeyoung left the room, and headed out to where the main set is. She saw Tzuyu sitting on a chair, scrolling through her phone. She then noticed her best friend's presence, and walked towards her. 

"So, how's Dahyun?"

"She's beautiful," Chaeyoung blurted out. 

Tzuyu laughed, "I left you alone with her for what, like a minute? And you're already falling in love with her?"

The shorter girl blushed. "Shut up, I am not! She's just, so breathtaking and cute. That's it."

Tzuyu nodded, "Yeah, she's pretty famous with the others back at the agency because of that. Where ever she is, she lights up the room. She told you about the agency, right?"

Chaeyoung nodded, not saying a word as a hint to let the taller girl continue. 

"All the models think it's so unfair that they're treating Dahyun the way they are. We all agreed she had the potential to make it, she just didn't have the support. Everyone was too scared to stand up for her, so I figured I had to. I couldn't bear seeing Dahyun unnie being treated the way she was."

Chaeyoung didn't really know what to say, she wanted to learn more about Dahyun.

"Also, you've been in a slump, so I recommended the higher ups to book her a shoot with you. I guess I made the right choice, considering I can practically smell the passion from you right now," Tzuyu smirked. 

The photographer blushed yet again, but felt thankful for her best friend. "Thank you, Tzuyu. Not only for helping Dahyun out and letting her path cross mine, but also for being my biggest source of support."

Tzuyu pulled in the shorter girl for a hug, "Don't get all sappy with me Chaeng. You know it would've taken longer for me to get where I am now without your help. I love you."

Chaeyoung smiled, "Who's getting sappy now? I love you too, Tzu."

Both girls remained in their embrace and simply catching up, that is until the shoot was announced to begin. Tzuyu let go of Chaeyoung and gave her a thumbs up in support. The shorter girl smiled, and headed over to the set, with her camera in hand. She admits that before, her camera felt like dead weight to her. When she held it, it sparked nothing, and she hated that feeling. However, now she knew this was different. 

Chaeyoung waited anxiously for Dahyun to appear, it felt as though the pale girl's initial nerves had transferred on to her. Her palms were getting clammy, excitement building up within her. Tzuyu watched from afar, and could practically smell the nerves from her. She had to suppress a giggle from escaping . 

When Dahyun finally did make an appearance, Chaeyoung realized no amount of preparation could've readied her. Although Chaeyoung had already placed down the verdict that Dahyun was in fact, gorgeous, seeing her all dressed up for the shoot was a whole different story. 

The model's blonde hair was now styled into waves, and her light make up was enough to enhance her features. She wore a white dress that was neither too elegant nor too simple. Chaeyoung believed it captured her essence perfectly. Her skin, shone like ivory against the white dress and blonde hair. Chaeyoung felt that had gone agape for more than a few minutes. 

Dahyun was beginning shift nervously under the photographer's intense gaze. She was starting to believe that maybe she looked silly in the get up. Her insecurity didn't last long, soon Chaeyoung had mouthed to her, 'you look gorgeous'. Dahyun felt a blush appear on her cheeks, which she hoped the rest of the staff didn't notice. She began to prepare herself to pose, or to follow whatever Chaeyoung's orders would be. 

Chaeyoung on the other hand, felt more alive than she has in the past few months. She felt her vision that was once clouded, become clear once again. She gripped her camera with determination. All she could see was ivory skin. 

She got in position, and began getting into it. Every time Dahyun posed, Chaeyoung felt herself fall harder. The photographer excitedly shouted whatever ideas came to her, and soon the shoot felt like a flurry of passion. 

Tzuyu smiled from where she sat, completely satisfied with how her best friend was raditating happiness. It felt like the first time Chaeyoung had a photoshoot with her, although this time there was something a bit more. Either way, she couldn't stop herself from smiling. 

Soon, the shoot was over, and Chaeyoung was ecstatic to be able to see the final product. She scurried over to where Dahyun was drinking water, not minding that she now felt intimidated by the model. 

Dahyun put the water bottle down and eyed the photographer, growing nervous, Chaeyoung, now upclose to the model, felt her breath be taken once again. She still wasn't over how effortlessly mesmerizing Dahyun is.

Dahyun felt herself once again, become nervous under Chaeyoung's gaze. She cleared . 

Chaeyoung woke from her trance, and blushed furiously. "I, you looked really beautiful. You did really well, too. I'm sure this cover is going to make it big."

Dahyun smiled coyly, "Confident once again, are we?"

The photographer smirked, "Of course I am, especially now that the world is gonna see just how pretty you are."

"Alright, that's enough flirting, keep it in your pants Chaeng."

Chaeyoung's eyes widened as she turned to see Tzuyu smirking down at her. Dahyun began laughing at how the once confident Chaeyoung was now crumbling under embarassment. 

The three girls immersed into conversation, until the two models had to leave. Chaeyoung bid both her best friend and the pale girl goodbye, feeling a bit sad now that the two girls had to leave. 

As she looked through the shots with the rest of the crew, she came to love every single one. The crew too were all smiles, all it did was fuel Chaeyoung's confidence even more. She hoped that this shoot would be the one to break through. 


A couple months had passed, and the magazine was finally released. 

Many bought the issue expecting to witness the fall of the kid genius, but only witnessed an amazing comeback. As soon as it hit the shelves, the public fell in love with the cover. It immediately became a best seller. 

Chaeyoung scrolled through the many online articles, reading each headline. 

Son Chaeyoung Back From The Dead

The Photography Prodigy Rises Again 

New Model, Kim Dahyun, Shines In New Issue Shot By Son Chaeyoung

The photgrapher smiled widely. Although she was happy that she was back on track when it came to her inspiration and career, she was even more elated that Dahyun had also won the public's hearts. Despite the occasional mean comments, the rookie model was receiving love and support. 

Chaeyoung got up, and exited her office. She headed over to Jihyo's own office, knowing that she had wanted to speak to her. 

Jihyo was found typing away on her laptop, until she noticed Chaeyoung entering. Immediately, a smile emerged on her face. "Chaeyoung! Come over here!"

Chaeyoung smiled shyly as her boss hugged her, the entire company knew their boss had a soft spot for the young photographer. 

"I'm so proud of you, kid. I knew you still had it in you. God, this issue is doing so good. Have I told you I'm proud of you yet? Well I am," Jihyo rambled as the younger chuckled. 

"You've only told me a thousand times, Miss Park. But thank you, you know, for giving me a chance."

Jihyo nodded, "Of course, ever since I hired you I knew you were special."

Chaeyoung felt pride swell within her. She was happy that Jihyo wasn't going to witness her becoming a disappointment. 

"Also, there's someone waiting for you in the break room. I think you should go over there and check it out," Jihyo said as she sat back down by her desk, already letting herself succumb to all her work.

Chaeyoung frowned a bit, but nonetheless left the office towards the break room. She had no idea who the visitor could be. Tzuyu had told her she would be busy during the entire week, and it's not like it would be her parents or something.

As the photographer entered the break room, she was hit with an unexpected rush through her veins. There, sitting idly on a chair, was Dahyun. 

Dahyun picked her head up and noticed the shorter girl walk in, immediately smiling widely to the point where her eyes turned into crescents. 

"Chaeyoung! Hi! You were right! The issue was a success!" Dahyun exclaimed as she took the girl in for a hug. Chaeyoung was still in a fit of a shock, and even more so now that the pale girl was now hugging her. The shorter girl wanted to feel this kind of warmth for as long as she could.

"Of course it did, I told you it would."

Dahyun stepped back a bit, and looked at the floor shyly. "My boss isn't forcing me to be jobless anymore," she chuckled. "I'm getting more gigs now thanks to this issue, I'm no longer on the verge on being young, dumb, and broke." She then turned her gaze over to Chaeyoung's eyes. "And I have you to thank for all of this."

Chaeyoung felt her heart beating wildly. She quickly thought over all of her possible options, such as the rational ones or the reckless ones. However, Chaeyoung was never one to follow the rational part of her mind. She was currently being blinded by bright ivory skin, and a smile that radiated just as much light.

Chaeyoung was ready to risk it all. 

"You can thank me by going on date with me."

The model's eyes widened, her pale cheeks quickly turning a light shade of pink. The photographer then became a bit scared at the idea that she might've crossed some boundary.  

"Of course I will, who wouldn't want to go on a date with the prettiest model in the world?"

Chaeyoung felt herself become embarassed by the previous greasy compliment she had told Dahyun back at the shoot, however the happiness within her ruled it out. Both girls smiled at eachother, happy with their own simple presence. 

"It's a date, then."


a/n: dubchaeng is UNDERRATED! anyway, enjoy this oneshot. it was inspired by the girls' recent photoshoot with marie claire, they all looked so damn good, didn't they?

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Kk16ir #1
Chapter 1: <3 dubchaeng
I love this, keep up the good work!
jajathegreat #3
Chapter 1: MORE PLEASE!!
cCyrus123 #4
Chapter 1: God loyalty really doesn't exist within the TWICE shipping universe huh... this was cute!