Lost in the Dream


Kihyun’s pretty sure the past year he’s spent with Hyungwon is a wonderful, aggravating, beautiful dream, and it’s one that he never wants to wake up from. However, life often has different ideas than what we want.


Hyungwon awakens slowly, as always. He first becomes mentally aware of the heat beating down on him, and the way the covers are curled around him. He realizes he’s alone in bed, his long fingers searching for a second source of warmth, much more comforting than the first, as they struggle to run atop the sheet. It’s almost as if he can feel the entirety of his body wake up in sections, as if he’s pulling himself out of the sweet, sweet molasses of sleep.

But, then, he hears a melodic tune from the distance. He cracks open his eyes, pulling on that voice like a lifeline, until he’s struggling to sit up. The covers fall off his body, and he’s looking around blearily for the source of that beautiful voice. It’s one he knows well by now.


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2489 streak #1
Chapter 1: Oh man, there are definitely going to be struggles in the future once Kihyun realizes that Hyungwon has been lying to him for so long about something pretty important, so I'm curious to see how they'll overcome that hurdle. :O The fluff is super cute though and I love their domestic interactions. :)