[06] Who Is He?

As Long As We Both Shall Live

Baekhyun is staring at me in atrocious disbelief as I snatch my hand out of his and fold my arms. I keep my eyes locked on something far away in front of me, keeping my head held high and making sure I blow air out of my nose several times to display my annoyance.

“Baby,” Baekhyun begs, holding his arm out to reach for me. But I tilt my body so he doesn’t touch me. He groans. “Come on, Darling! You asked me if I would still love you if you were a cockroach! A cockroach, honey!!!”

“Yes, and how could you say no?! I’m your wife, Baekhyun! And you said you would love me as long as we both shall live!”

Baekhyun lets out the most exhausted sigh. He looks helpless, like he has just met with a dead end. “A cockroach, baby. Would you still love me if I was a cockroach?”

“That’s different!” I snap at him with a fierce glare. “I’m afraid of cockroaches!”

“That’s not fair, is it, baby?” Baekhyun counters calmly.

I know he doesn’t mean to annoy me, but I hate the way he sounds like he is trying to be smart with me, so I start speeding up to get away from him. But he quickly does the same and catches my elbow. He pulls me back so that I bump into his chest, but I still try to put some distance with us, not that it works with Baekhyun clinging onto me.

“Can’t you be a cuter insect? Like a ladybug, or something?” he laughs slightly, thinking it’s funny.

I turn to glare at him. “Oh, so you’d wish I was a cuter girl? Maybe a prettier one too? Or even—”

He realises what he got himself into as he groans and shuts his eyes, almost like he is berating himself in his head. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it!”

I huff and tighten my arms to let him know that I’m not budging. I know Baekhyun would definitely pursue this uncalled anger of mine, just to get down to the root of the problem and to pacify me. But Jae calls for him and grabs onto his shoulder, which has to be a telltale sign that this is important.

Even though I see Baekhyun being pulled aside by Jae and I feel the absence of his grip on my elbow, I pretend not to as I continue walking forward. I am starting to feel unsure about my tantrum because it feels like I am getting further and further away from my husband, and he is not chasing after me. Just before I surrender though, I hear Baekhyun shouting my name.

I halt and turn around, only to see that he is standing several metres behind me, where Jae had stopped him. Fortunately, there aren’t a lot of people around since most people are in the office, so he isn’t swallowed by a whole mass of pedestrians. He is staring at me with a very serious, almost troubled, look on his face, while Jae is next to him, also watching me.

Baekhyun holds his hand out in my direction and tilts his head. “Come, baby. We need to go,” he shouts, with no hint of playfulness or even a trace of pliancy, and I know that we have to go.

I drop my arms and walk back towards him as quickly as I can. The moment I grab his hand, he starts walking at an urgent pace. Jae looks equally as stressed as he does.

I know not to say anything, so I follow obediently, feeling quite anxious in my heart. The entire brisk walk back to our car is silent, and even the air in the vehicle when we get in is thrumming with nervous energy. It is only when we are on the road, with some annoying idol music playing in the background, do I move closer to Baekhyun. He is staring out of the window, but he acknowledges my close proximity by resting his hand on my thigh, the weight of his hand somehow giving me security and assurance.

I lean over to whisper into his ear, “What happened, Baekhyun?”

“Hmm?” He turns to look down at me, his eyes flickering about every feature on my face. I continue gazing up at him curiously, totally forgetting about my anger towards him for not loving me if I was a cockroach. He lets out a little sigh through his nose. “Hmm… Let’s just say an old friend’s in trouble and I’ve been called to bail him out.”

“Of jail?!”

He gives a little dark laugh. “Scarier than jail, honey.”


Baekhyun actually gives me a pep talk before we leave the car. I’m to walk next to him, never behind or in front. I’m to keep my head held high, and to always wear a poker face. And I’m not to speak unless spoken to.

So I walk next to him, my hand securely and firmly held in his, my eyes trained on a spot far ahead I can’t even see. I don’t even know where we are. But I do know that the deserted, unfinished building that Baekhyun is navigating through is far out of the city.

“You alright, babe?” Baekhyun murmurs softly so it doesn’t echo in this desolated space. He squeezes my hand gently.

“Mmhmm,” I squeak, nodding my head a little. My heart is probably beating as loud as the echo of our shoes hitting the cement floor. And I am sure Baekhyun knows it. I mean, I’m just looking straight ahead, stiff as a board.

He laughs a little as he comes to a stop. It’s deafeningly quiet now without the sound of our footsteps. Baekhyun uses his other hand to hold the side of my face and turns me to face him. My eyes are wide, and probably full of nervousness and fear. He gives me an easy smile though, and the sight of it just makes my heart beat faster. My husband is so handsome.

“Relax, baby,” he says, leaning in to kiss me lightly on the lips. He tilts my head slightly and kisses me on the cheek, his peck so sweet and soft. “We won’t be here long. Okay?” He leans back now to look at me, his face serious, but his eyes filled with warmth and promise.

“Okay,” I whisper, nodding my head.

He stares at me, making sure I really mean it when I say that I’m okay. He eventually nods and makes a promise, “I’ll finish things quickly.”

Then he starts walking again, pulling me along with him. I follow blindly, with my heartbeat increasing with every step forward. We walk up two flights of crumbling stairs before I hear another presence apart from us. Baekhyun gives my hand a long squeeze, and my heart feels like it might explode.

I notice, the moment we get to the landing on the third floor, Baekhyun’s footsteps become less tense and sharp, instead he is walking more leisurely, with more ease. I glance over and see that his entire aura has changed. He may take on a more laidback posture, but the look on his face is scary, and his entire presence just screams ‘Do not with me.’

“There he is!”

I have to suppress the urge to jump at the low, taunting voice that resounds throughout the empty space. I cannot help the widening of my eyes though. I locate the man whose voice it belongs to.

He is tall, and he has gold and silver adorning his ears, his neck, and his fingers. He is smoking a cigarette, his lips still tilted into a smile like this situation is fun to him. And I wouldn’t think otherwise, since he is obviously not the one who needs the bailing. There is another male lying on his side on the ground, his hands and legs tied up, his outfit bloody, his face looking quite beaten up.

“Byun Baekhyun…” The man who holds the power here holds his arms out in a grand show of welcoming him here. Then, his eyes slide to me, and they start to scan my body. My heart pounds against my chest in fear. His smile widens and his eyes twinkle. “And an .” He bows slightly. “Nice to me—”

“What did he do to you, Sehun?” Baekhyun cuts him off quickly, getting his attention off me.

It works, because this Oh Sehun man turns to Baekhyun. “You don’t know?” he mocks Baekhyun with a of his sharp eyebrow. “Or are you pretending not to know?”

Baekhyun lets out a chuckle, but a condescending one. He lets go of my hand and walks towards Sehun. I glance at Jae, who subtly shakes his head, and I know he is asking me to stay put. I turn back to the scene before me, and I see Sehun staring at me. But when Baekhyun is in front of him, he looks at him with a sly grin.

“I’ve never seen you lugging a girl toy around before, come to think of it. This one must be special, or too worthless that you wouldn’t mind trading captives.”

Baekhyun pulls out a cigarette from inside his blazer. This is going to be the first time ever that I have seen him light a cigarette in front of me. I’m sure he smokes behind my back, but for as long as we have known each other, he has never smoked where he knows I can see him.

He takes a puff of his lit cigarette. “What did he even do to you?”

Sehun hums, the both of them now turning to stare at the man laying on the ground, almost half-dead. “He thought he could play in my turf with cheating hands like his.” Baekhyun doesn’t say anything. So Sehun continues, “He should be glad I didn’t chop off any more of his fingers.”

I let out a short gasp, which I quickly muffle behind a hand. Baekhyun doesn’t show any surprise or anger. Instead, he simply walks around the beaten up man and stops behind him as he scrutinises his bloody hands. When he looks up again, I catch the quick glance he makes at me. He clicks his tongue.

“Deserving,” he mumbles, nodding his head. He strolls back to rejoin Sehun on his other side. “But why give him a chance to call for help?”

Sehun shrugs and flicks his cigarette stub away. “He said he knows you. He told me you and him went way back.”

The guy on the ground groans, almost in reply. Baekhyun hums. “Sure. If you count backstabbing my gang for $200,000 going way back.” The man starts to whimper, like he is begging for forgiveness. I am holding my breath at how tensed this situation is.

Sehun gasps. But when he turns to Baekhyun he has the straightest look on his face. “So you do know. And you still had to ask me what he did to me.”

I am confused, especially when Baekhyun laughs and asks the next question. “What, so you’re taking revenge for me?” Sehun bobs his shoulders. Baekhyun hums and nods as he takes his last puff. As he throws his cigarette away, he says, “Good thing, though. Because he ran away and hid so well I haven’t been able to find him since.”

“Boss…” the guy on the floor moans. “Please…”

I watch Baekhyun move forward until he is standing in front of the guy’s face. I hold my breath again when he squats down to talk to him.

“Cheating even after that dirty $200,000 you accepted? You must be a terrible gambler.”


“Huh? Sorry? For what?”

Baekhyun lets out a light laughter, but I feel my hair standing at how dark and scary it actually sounds. I don’t know who this Baekhyun is, but he is definitely not to be messed with.

“Don’t worry about it, Jin. I’ve dropped that against you.”

“Th-thank you, Boss…”

“After all, it’s been so many years. And when I had only just taken over White Tigers too, almost like an initiation program,” Baekhyun recounts as he stands up slowly.

I let out a loud gasp the same time a loud crunch is heard. I didn’t even have the time to take note of how quick Baekhyun pulled his leg back and gave Jin a full-strength kick to his already bloody face.

“I may have dropped it, Jin. But I have never forgotten,” Baekhyun mutters. I watch him wipe the blood off his leather shoe on the groaning man’s already soiled shirt. He clucks his tongue and shakes his head. “I’m going to have to get this cleaned professionally.”

His hands are in his pockets now as he stares down at the man, his feet both on the ground. I gasp again when he slams his heel into the man’s face.

“Might as well.”

I am in great shock as I watch Baekhyun walk around the man, where he now stands facing us. I can tell that this Baekhyun is not one I have met before, and I don’t think I want to meet him again. He is ruthless and dangerous. I finally understand what my husband’s job is like, and how he does it.

Yet no matter how scary he looks right now, I still see the Baekhyun that I know and am comfortable with when he looks up at me, the look in his eyes way softer than the rest of his face.

“Look away if it’s too much for you, baby.”

Even the tone Baekhyun uses is so different; so full of concern, so packed with affection. Sehun turns his head to stare at me with a puzzled look on his face. I keep my eyes on him, and only then, I hear the man screaming in pain. My heart races. I flick my gaze over to Baekhyun again, more curious than shocked.

His tongue is pushing against the inside of his cheek, and his eyes are focused on his victim. I scroll my vision downwards where I see his leg pushing against something on the guy’s back. I only realise that he is stepping on the fresh wounds made from Sehun cutting the man’s fingers off, when the guy screams again as Baekhyun puts more pressure on his foot.

“You know how much more you could have gotten if you hadn’t been a rat?” Baekhyun mutters. “Loyal men who were at your rank at that time now own buildings and shopping malls.” All the while he says this, he twists his foot like he is stubbing out a cigarette.

At this point, I am almost immune to the pained screams this man is releasing. And I am slowly feeling less and less worried for him.

“But you chose temporary wealth over loyalty. And now that you’ve ran out of that dirty money you took, you go on to cheat at an underground gambling den.” Baekhyun shakes his head, but he takes his foot off the man’s hands. “Oh, and then you call me for help to bail you out when you get caught.” Baekhyun now kicks his back so hard that he coughs and rolls onto his stomach. “Can’t say you’re the brightest person I know.”

My husband now rests his foot on his back and puts his entire weight on it as he steps over him. A strand of Baekhyun’s styled hair has fallen out of place because of how much strength he has put into hurting the betrayer. He pushes it away from his eyes with his other hand still in his pocket. My heart starts to race again, and this time not because of fear for him.

“Thanks, Sehun,” he says to the man whom I had thought was not a friendly entity before. He pats the guy’s shoulder in passing as he walks over to me, his eyes dark and unreadable.

“You’re not going to finish him off?” Sehun asks, bewildered.

“Forgot my gun.”


Baekhyun grins at that proclamation. When he is close enough, he takes my hand in his and pulls me to walk the way we came in.

“Should I take care of him, then, hyung?”


“Yah, you owe me dinner! And an introduction to your girlfriend!”

Baekhyun stops then. He turns around and snaps at Sehun. “What ‘Yah’?! Do you want to die, punk?!”

I turn around to look at the younger male, who is grinning. He looks over at me and gives me a wave and a wink. I immediately blush. Sehun notices the pink tinge on my cheeks.

“Oh, hyung, she’s quite cute.”

“Oh, yah, you punk!!! You definitely want to die!!!”

Sehun is laughing and, honestly speaking, I have to try not to giggle either. Baekhyun may be a merciless gang leader, but he is also the same humorous husband of mine.

I have to start dragging him away as he continues glaring at Sehun. But the moment he sees the younger guy smiling and waving at me, he quickly turns away and yanks me towards the front so that he is walking behind me and there is no way for Sehun to see me anymore. Even when I try to look back, Baekhyun places his hand on my crown and turns my head to face the front.

“Keep moving, baby girl,” Baekhyun orders in a growl.


My head is spinning, and I feel like I’ve just watched the most mind blowing episode of a drama series. I can’t say anything, because I don’t know what to say. And Baekhyun lets me take my time to collect myself. Even when we get home, and I have taken my shower, and I am laying in bed staring up at the ceiling blankly, Baekhyun still doesn’t talk to me.

I’m thinking about how Baekhyun tortured the man so scarily, so boldly. I’m thinking about how much he must have gone through when the betrayal happened and he had only just taken over the gang. I’m thinking about how different Mafia Baekhyun is to Husband Baekhyun. I’m thinking about how despite all that I have seen today, I still think that Baekhyun was extremely hot for giving that man what he deserved.

I am still drowning in my thoughts when Baekhyun shouts from the living room, “Darling, we’re having a guest for dinner. I’m going down to bring him up. Wear your bra!”

Only when I hear the door shut, his words register in my head and I quickly get up to tidy up the apartment as best as I can. And finally, I wear my bra and get changed into something other than my ugly $6 pajamas. When I leave the master bedroom, I already hear Baekhyun speaking to someone else. The closer I get to the living room, I deduce that Baekhyun knows this guest very well. In fact, their relationship sounds very familiar too…

“...known you for so many years but this is the first time I’ve been to your place. Oh, hyung, you’re doing quite well, aren’t you?”

“Yah, put that down, punk.”

I had already expected him when I walk down the stairs to the living room, but it still shocks me when I see the tall man from this afternoon.

He looks up from surveying the elephant-shaped diamond paper weight. He smiles when he sees me and immediately puts the thing in his hand down. Baekhyun runs over to push the almost toppling paper weight towards the center of the table.

“Your girlfriend stays here t—”


The younger male stops at how serious Baekhyun sounds. He turns to Baekhyun. “Yes, hyung?”

“That beautiful woman there you’ve been trying to flirt with is my wife.”

Sehun doesn’t move for so long that I have the time to share glances with Baekhyun, be beckoned over, and stand next to my husband to appreciate the shock and betrayal on his face. Sehun darts his eyes over to me, then back to Baekhyun.

“You’re… You mean you’re… What?!

Just then, the doorbell rings, and Baekhyun puts his hand on the small of my back before going to get the door. I stay there, feeling a little uncomfortable with the way Sehun is still gaping at me in shock.

“Um… Do you want something to drink?”

Sehun doesn’t answer, so I take it as a yes and awkwardly slip away to the kitchen. I am opening the cupboard to get a new glass when I hear the glass door sliding open slowly. I look up and see a very wary but curious Sehun.

“You’re really his wife…?”

I smile a little. “Yeah,” I assert with a nod. “Do you want wine? Or soju? Or coke?”


I nod and bring out the shot glasses. While I get the cold alcohol out of the fridge, Sehun shuffles over to stand behind the door of the refrigerator.

“How long have you been married?”

“A year and a half.”

“How did you meet?”

“We met at the café he was running.”

I try to get up with two bottles of soju and a pitcher of water in my arms, but Sehun immediately reaches out to take them from me. I thank him with a smile and shut the door of the fridge.

“But I thought he closed it. How long ago did you guys meet?”

“Three years ago, thereabouts.”

“Oh, no wonder…” Sehun nods his head slowly in thinking.

“How long have you known Baekhyun?” I ask now, as I bring out the cutlery and plates.

“Seven years, I think. I can’t remember. But it’s been a while.”

I stop and frown at him. He returns a blank look. “Then how come I didn’t see you at our wedding? Are you close to Baekhyun?”

He looks offended by that question. “I’m his favourite dongsaeng!!!”

Just then, Baekhyun slides open the door. “Stop whining and let’s eat before the food gets cold.”

Sehun follows him out like a puppy while I follow behind with the kitchenware. We settle at the dinner table where Sehun sits opposite Baekhyun and me. Realising that I had forgotten to bring cups for the water, I stand up, only for Baekhyun to stand too, his gentle hand on my back.

“What is it?” he asks softly with his head in close proximity to mine.

“I forgot the cups for the water,” I tell him as I take my seat again.

He nods and immediately goes to fetch what I forgot to bring. I turn back to Sehun, who looks frightened by the way Baekhyun is acting. His eyes follow my husband’s back. It makes me want to laugh. So Baekhyun hides secrets from everyone, I guess. I shouldn’t have felt so offended.

Baekhyun comes back with three cup glasses, and I start to pour everyone soju while he pours the water. It is only until drinks have been given out and Baekhyun starts taking food, that Sehun speaks again.

“How come you never told me you got married?”

I take a glance at him and see that he is actually upset. I quickly look to Baekhyun, who says, “I didn’t want anyone I do business with to know that I have a wife.”

“But I’m your favourite dongsaeng!!!” he repeats again, this time with more indignation. “We don’t just do business together!!!”

Baekhyun looks amused by his reaction. As he swaps his filled plate with my empty one, he tries to calm him down. “That’s why I’m telling you now, am I not, Sehun-ah?”

“But I wasn’t even there for your wedding!”

Baekhyun gets me some soup and finally starts taking his own food. “No one except my family and White Tigers were at my wedding.”

I furrow my eyebrows. “Wait, what about those friends you introduced me to? The army ones?”

“White Tigers,” he answers, which means he lied to me during our wedding too.

All of them were White Tigers members?” I stare at him in disbelief.

Baekhyun shakes his head. “I hired some actors. I couldn’t have my tables all filled with thugs.”

I dart my eyes to Sehun, who looks at me. We both probably share the same betrayed look in our eyes. “How come you didn't want to call Mr. Sehun here?”

“Just Sehun is fine, sister-in-law,” the man tells me.

It suddenly comes to our attention that we actually haven’t introduced ourselves to one another. So we forget about questioning Baekhyun for a moment to get to know each other’s names. Then we get back to shooting Baekhyun with questions.

“So how come?”

“And how come you didn’t mind the girls we hired every time we went drinking?” I shoot Sehun a look and he nods. “Yeah. Never complained or opposed to the idea.”

“Byun Baekhyun!” I snap, reaching out to shove his arm.

Baekhyun laughs, coughing a little from swallowing his food. “Everyone was bound to find out if I said anything. I never played with any of them if you think about it.”

I stare at Sehun, who immediately starts to recall the times they went out together. Then he hums and looks at me, as if knowing I need some clarification. He nods in reassurance and I relax, though not without a glare sent Baekhyun’s way.

“So I’m the only one who knows?” Sehun asks, now finally picking up his chopsticks to start eating.

Baekhyun hums with his mouth full. He swallows, and with his spoon pointing in Sehun’s direction, he says gruffly, offhandedly, “Obviously. You’re my favourite dongsaeng.”

Sehun’s face visibly turns pink and though he shuts up, the topic of Baekhyun’s secret is dropped and I sit there satisfied that I am invited to at least a small part of Baekhyun’s double life.


I have left Baekhyun and Sehun to drink and talk while I retreat to my room after dinner. It is maybe two hours later, while I am sitting in bed just painting my nails, that the door opens quietly. I look up and see Baekhyun entering the room. He smiles at me.

“Hey,” he murmurs softly as he goes to the bedside table to get his wallet. “I’m going out to get more drinks. Do you need anything?”

I shake my head. “But what about Sehun?”

“I told him to stay since it’s only a short walk away.”

I bob my head with a hum. “I’ll go out in a minute, I’m almost done.” I show him my painted nails. “I’ll entertain him while you’re gone.”

“Are you sure?”

I smile and nod to Baekhyun’s concerned question. He comes over, holds my face with his gentle hands and kisses me on the forehead.

As he walks away from me, he says, “I’ll let him know. Love you.”

“Love you!”

I take longer than a minute to go out. In fact, I must have left my room nearly 10 minutes later. When I go down to the living room, I see Sehun sitting on the couch with his legs crossed as he watches something on the TV. He turns his head when he hears my slippers hitting the floor.

“Hi,” I greet shyly. I am starting to regret offering to accompany a stranger.

Sehun simply nods his head and turns away. I glance at the door. Why did I offer to entertain Sehun while Baekhyun is gone?!

I clear my throat and take a seat where Baekhyun’s imprint is. I sit with my legs folded on the couch as I watch the TV. Maybe a minute of awkwardness goes by and, to my surprise, Sehun speaks.

“Baekhyun hyung told me about you getting mad at him for keeping his job a secret.”

I glance at him, only to see him staring at me. I clear my throat again. “Um, yeah…”

He is quiet for a moment before he mutters, “I’m on your side. Honestly, I would have stayed mad at him for longer if I were you.”

I get excited now as I completely turn my body to face him. “Right?!” I exclaim with animated hand movements. “Aren’t you mad, too, that Baekhyun hid the fact that he’s married?!”

Sehun takes in a deep breath as he thinks. He turns his body towards me just a little. “Not really. I understand where he is coming from.” I immediately deflate and give him a look of betrayal and defeat. His lips quirk just a little. “No, but yeah, if I were in your shoes though, then yes I would be mad. Like why couldn’t he have told you?”

“I. Know!!!” I throw my hands up in exaggeration. “He said he was afraid I was going to leave him but come on! Which girl, in the right mind, would leave a bad boy that acts different around her? He’s, like, something out of a fanfiction!”

Sehun laughs a little. He leans forward to get his beer can. “I’m pretty sure a mafia leader doesn’t quite count as a bad boy.”

“Close enough.” He turns his lips down in approval and nods as he takes a sip of his beer. “What about you, Sehun? Do you have a girlfriend you’re hiding things from?”

He puts his drink back down on the table now. When he gets comfortable on the couch again, his arm is spread out on the back of the couch. “Hmm. Not really. It’s hard to find someone who will accept us for who we are and what we do. Baekhyun simply got lucky with you.”

“Well… I actually still don’t quite know what he does. But after today…” I trail off and simply stare out into the distance.

Sehun breaks the silence after a few seconds. “There are some things that are better off not knowing.”

I sigh and nod my head slowly. “Yeah,” I whisper. But then I regard him curiously. “Would you tell your girlfriend, or the girl you love, that you’re a mafia leader?”

He thinks about it with his eyes pointed somewhere else. When he has gotten an answer, he hums and returns his gaze to me. “No. I don’t think I will.” He sees the frown on my face, so he explains, “But I will hint toward it. If her reaction is negative, then I won’t tell her. If it is positive, then maybe I might.”

“You should!” I encourage him fiercely. “Don’t keep things from your partner!” I frown and point at him when I add, “Though, if she doesn’t support you, then you don’t need her. A good partner should always have your back no matter what.”

Sehun looks amused by my fervor. “Do you have Baekhyun’s back?”

I puff my chest out and nod. “Of course!”

He chuckles. “Okay,” he nods. “But let’s say you’re caught and you’re threatened or tortured. Will you still have his back?”

“Of course!” I repeat.

He hums in deliberation. Then he takes a deep breath and turns to me. He beckons me over with two fingers. “Okay, come here. Let’s see what you’ll do.”

“Do what?” I wonder as I lean just a little towards him.

But that tiny change in my position is enough for Sehun to grab me by the neck in a chokehold, my body stretched across the couch so that my head is pressed into his chest. I have no idea how and when he did this, but he also has a gun pointed to my temple. My heart is racing and I feel like throwing up.

“I’m not actually on Baekhyun’s side, you know,” Sehun mutters into my ear, his voice low and his breath smelling like beer. “Everyone already knows about you. You think no one would guess that you’re his wife? I was only asked to check. And now everyone will know his weakness.”

“What?” I breathe. I’m not sure if he is just pretending or if he means it. Either way, I am scared out of my wits and I just want Baekhyun back.

“The other gangs wanted some dirt on Baekhyun. And since I have the best relationship with him, I offered to get information. You think I did a good job?” I don’t reply to his taunting. So he tightens his chokehold and digs the barrel of the gun deeper into my skin. “You could tell me more of Baekhyun’s secrets, or I could take your life. I think the former might be a better choice, don’t you think?”

I manage to choke out, “He hid such a big part of his life from me for so long, what makes you think that I’d know any more secrets about him that I could tell you?”

Sehun is quiet for a moment, probably realising that I am right. I glance at the door, my body entirely frozen, afraid to move but hoping that Baekhyun will return soon.

“Tell me where he spends the most time in the house then. That’s where people usually store their secrets.”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

“I could kill you, you know. And I’ll leave before Baekhyun is even home,” he warns me in a low, scary voice. I might be shaking but I pretend that I am unaffected by him. “You must think I’m joking because we seemed to be such good friends…”

He pulls the safety on the gun. My heart is up in my throat now and I’m pretty sure I might pee my pants if there are any sudden noises.

“But I’m really not, you know,” Sehun threatens now. I still keep my mouth shut. “Yah. Say something,” he growls, nudging my head with the cocked gun.

I gasp and shut my eyes tight. “Tell Baekhyun I love him!” I say quickly, in fear that I will never get to have my last words.


I squeeze my lids shut even more. “Tell Baekhyun that I love him!” I shout again before holding my breath, ready for the instant death to come.

I wait for almost half a minute before the coolness of the gun leaves my temple and the hold around my neck is loosened. My body moves with Sehun’s as he leans forward a little, so that my face is nearly in his chest. I hear him picking up his beer can. I wait ten more seconds before cracking an eye open.

I dart my eyes about the place before looking up at him. He is drinking his beer like nothing happened. He glances down at me with another look of impressed approval.

“Not bad.”

My heart jumps, and my whole body is suddenly rushing with adrenaline, probably feeling alive at the fact that I actually am alive. I immediately get up from leaning against Sehun, only to jump on him to punch his chest and hit his arm. His beer spills all over him.

“Oh, yah!”

“I can’t believe you!”

“We just met and you’re hitting me?!”

“You pointed a gun to my head!”

Sehun shuts up for a moment, just taking the abuse. Then he counters, as he tries to move away from me, “I’m your oppa!”

I crawl with him moving away so that I am now kind of sitting on his lap. Just then, the door opens and Baekhyun enters the house, only to be greeted by the sight of his favourite dongsaeng getting hit by his wife. He quickly takes off his shoes and runs over. Dropping the plastic bag of alcohol, he rushes to pull my hands away from Sehun.

“Oh, hey, hey! What’s going on?!” he shouts, confused and scared out of his wits.

“I’m going to get him,” I growl with clenched jaws as I glare at Sehun, my hands still being held back by Baekhyun.

Baekhyun looks at Sehun anxiously. “Explain!”


This time, I turn around to look at Baekhyun, who immediately slides his gaze over to me. “He threatened me with a gun! A cocked gun!!!”

At this, he darts his scary eyes to Sehun right away. “What?” he breathes in a quiet, angry kind of voice.

Sehun visibly swallows. He actually looks afraid now. “No, I just wanted to see if she really meant what she said!”

“And what did she say?”

“That she had your back…”

“And did she?”


Baekhyun lets go of my hands now. He sounds stable and calm, but I know he isn’t. Especially when he says, “Get off of him, baby. I’ll show you how to inflict pain, for real.”

I scramble off Sehun’s thighs and sit by the side. He is obedient in listening when Baekhyun gestures for him to stand. Although, I’m pretty sure anyone would. He looks like he is boiling in anger, and would not hesitate to push someone’s head into a pot of boiling water.

I watch Baekhyun walk off to get something from a what-I-thought-was-a-decorative jar on top of the shoe cabinet. As he gets closer in his traipse back to the couch, he starts to play with the thing in his hand, and I realise what it is. I quickly move in front of Sehun on the couch.

“Wait, Baekhyun!” I breathe. “It’s okay! I’m fine!”

Baekhyun’s eyes are dark and blazing though. He isn’t looking at me as he plays with the taser in his hand. “I know. But I’d like to punish him for scaring you.”

“But it’s going to hurt.”

“Do you know how much it would have hurt me if he did something to you?!” Baekhyun says to me now, almost shouting. He looks a little crazy.

Sehun knows he is at fault, because he is keeping quiet. And he even pats my shoulder, as if telling me thanks for helping him, but that I should sit down. So I do, because I know Baekhyun is livid and nothing will calm him down until he does this. I have never seen him this angry in all my years of knowing and being together with him.

Baekhyun shoves the taser at Sehun’s neck, and when he falls on the couch, Baekhyun tosses the device on top of the twitching man. Then he walks off, mumbling the worst words imaginable under his breath. I glance at Sehun, unsure of what to do. Baekhyun comes back with a bowl. He sets it on the coffee table and sits next to me, where he takes out a pack of tidbits to pour the contents into the bowl. He acts like nothing had just happened that I am forced to do the same, though I am confused beyond reason.

I move to straddle one of Baekhyun’s thighs now so that I am sitting on his lip. He circles his arm around my waist as he offers me the bowl. My head is still spinning as I accept a snack.

“Do you want to stay, my love?” He asks me in the most lovely voice and pats my waist.

Sehun is groaning as he slowly gets up. I shrug. “Um… No… but… but I will stay for a few more minutes.” He hums. I look back at Sehun, who looks groggy as hell. “Are you okay?”

He takes a while to orientate himself. When he does, he swallows and groans. “I deserved that,” he nods to himself. Then he mutters, “Shouldn’t have played that prank.”

“You were dumb to,” Baekhyun says offhandedly like they’re just talking about the weather. He even nods at the bag of alcoholic drinks next to Sehun on the couch where he threw it in a hurry. “I bought more soju, and beer but they’re in the fridge.”


Sehun puts the bag on the table and downs the remaining alcohol in his existing can before taking out a fresh beer. He almost inhales the refreshing beverage. Then he rests against the back of the couch and groans.

“Not going to lie, but I’ve always wondered how it feels like hhgetting tased. And I can positively say that I don’t ever want to experience it again.”

Baekhyun grunts in agreement. “Tried it once too, just for fun. It was not fun.”

“No, it’s not.”

I am gaping at the both of them, talking and acting like nothing just happened. How do they do it? I am half amazed, and half confused. I blink and stare at Baekhyun blankly when he taps my waist.

“You’re a real one, though. Thanks for having my back.”

“Anytime, baby,” I murmur, still puzzled as heck. He puckers his lips and I automatically move forward to kiss him.

Sehun’s voice is a few tones lower from his burp when he says, “I’m impressed, honestly. I’ve done this to my friends’ girlfriends and I can confidently say that only one out of five of them really didn’t mind dying for their partner. And I’ve done this to four people.”

I stare at him, wondering if he did his math wrong. “Where’s the last one?”

He shrugs. “The next one, I guess. I haven’t met many of my friends’ girlfriends.”

I feel like my head might explode from what just happened and also because of how queer this whole conversation is. I actually feel a throbbing in my head.

“I’m going back to bed,” I mutter, moving to stand.

“Sleep tight, honey,” Baekhyun rubs my back and leans in for a kiss.

I give it to him as Sehun apologises, “Sorry for scaring you. Really. But I think you’re cool.”

“I think you’re… cool… too…?” I return the compliment, still confused.

Baekhyun laughs. “You have the right not to be so civil and nice to someone who pointed a gun to your head, babe.”

I do know that, but I ignore his statement anyway. I am still too dazed to think properly. I am shuffling away, probably like a zombie, when Baekhyun calls my name. I turn around. He is staring at me with the cutest grin on his face, his eyes sparkling. And the radiance from his face that’s always there when he is talking to me just tells me that I will never find a man who will love me as much as he does.

“You’d make a cute cockroach, and I’ll still hit that.”


Author's note:

See you guys in two years, I guess. HAHAHAHA

No but seriously though... they're so cute... and honestly, HONESTLY!!! watching vincenzo really made me miss this couple bc Vincenzo is SOOOO ALAWBSL!Baekhyun!!! Does anyone else see it? Like, they're both ruthless, but they'd keep it PG for the girl they love and I think that is true love :') Anyways, hope u guys enjoyed this chapter!! I think i will be ending this in two chapters. 


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syaff_04 0 points #1
Chapter 5: idek how many times I keep repeating this book even though it's not finish yet 😭😭 the storyline are soooooo cuteeee n fluff🥺 I'm waiting for the update n ur comeback author nimmm 🌹🥰❣️
Going back to read this masterpiece every 3 months or 6 months even when it is not finished yet, it can stand alone on its own. Always thankful to you for sharing your stories. Hope all is well with you.
Alicekyo1017 #3
Reading more of your stories authornim... All were great stories and I do re read them. Thanks Authornim!
ughhh soo cute so good so fluffy
Chapter 1: Coming back here again, and still saying that this is the cutest mafia story ever
Babyrosie #6
Chapter 7: Love this story so much! I fell for Baekhyun everytime i read stories from youu
Chapter 7: Back here reading this. :)
Chapter 1: This makes me miss Baek so much 😭
Chapter 7: I love this story!! Baek's duality is so hot?! 😭😭 He's so sweet when he's with OC, it's hard to believe he's actually a mafia leader. 🥺❤️
I'm in love with your writing style, and I think I'm going to move on to the next story now 🥰
Chapter 7: Urgh.... was feeling down for a bit n decided to read this. Again!