Where this will lead

Play Pretend



Where this will lead




Marble floors, pools, infinite number of toys, huge selection of clothes, I was raised as one of those spoiled barbie brats you see in teenage movies. But it wasn’t always unicorns and sunshines. I’d wake up in the middle of the night to get water, and the marble floors would be covered with pools of blood, and those toys? Those toys turned into guns, which my dad’s men would use like they’re merely toys. 


Not a single parent would want to raise their children in that kind of environment, but my parents did. When other children my age was taught to share, be kind, and that lying is bad, I was taught to be manipulative, merciless, and self-centered.


And so as I leaned back on one of the desks, watching Rosé usher a drug user inside the precinct, I can’t help but be weirded out by her. How can a police be so kind and caring to a drug user? Just, how?


“Ouch. My wrist hurt so much!” The guy yelled, pertaining to the handcuffs keeping him from moving.


“Oh! I’m so sorry! Let me—“ I stepped in, pushing Rosé aside lightly before she can even finish gushing over him. I’ll handle this.


“Stop complaining .” I tugged on his cuff, pulling him inside the temporary cell to hold him in. Kindness won’t get you far. It subjects you into a new kind of vulnerability of being taken advantage of.


“Hey.” A tap on my shoulder made me turn around.


“Lisa. What’s up?” 


“Can we talk?” She placed her hands inside her pockets, nodding towards the break room.


We’re definitely about to talk about last night. Usually, I’d try to avoid these confrontations, but since I hate to have a wall between us, I’ll happily get this over with.“Okaaaay?” I followed her to the empty break room and stood by the counter.


Lisa stood with clear discomfort, probably composing sentences in her head. “I was thinking about what happened last night and—-“


“No, I get it. I feel the same way. We’ll forget about it like it never happened.” I patted her shoulders and was about to get out.


“That’s not where I was going.”


I turned back around, facing her. “Oh. Okay. Then?”


She cleared , all the discomfort earlier was replaced by a new found confidence. “I want to court you.”


Oh god. She did not just say that. 


I chuckled, hoping this is all just a joke. “Very funny.” I looked for a sign: a smile? laugh? but there was none of those. None.


“I’m serious.”


I sighed. “Lisa, I’ve already told you before. This,” I pointed towards the both of us. “This will never work.” We both like different things and that’s been established the moment I found out Lisa had feelings for me. My ‘no-to-commitment’ mantra will just end up hurting her, and that’s the last thing I ever want to happen. 


“How will it work if you don’t give it a try?” Lisa took a step closer, placing her hands on my shoulders. I hate the look on her face right now. She doesn’t deserve any of this.


“I’m not giving it a try because I don’t do relationships in case you forgot.”


“We don’t need to be a relationship.”


“So, what? Friends with benefits? Really?” I snickered, noticing her eyes go wide and her cheeks redden.




I shrugged, “Friends with no benefits then.”




I could only sigh as I knew I couldn’t really do anything about it. Lisa didn’t ask if she could court me, she said that she will court me. And that’s that. “You’d still do it anyway even if I say no. What’s the point of asking me?”


Lisa’s reply was cut off by a knock on the door. 


Rosé leaned on the door, arms crossed. “Detective Brae, the raid is up. We need to go now.”


“Okay. I’ll be there in a—“




Lisa sighed, pushing me lightly towards the door. “Be careful.” I nodded, following Rosé out to the car.


I totally forgot about the raid. 


I don’t even know why the detectives are doing the raids when there’s the police officers. They should totally pay me more. Not that I need money, just, for the extra effort that I’m putting in this. It’s not fair at all.


In no time, we arrived at the house we were supposedly going to raid, along with two officers. 


“I’m going to go in, in 3,2,1.” I kicked open the door, making sure that I looked cool while doing so, wink wink. “Police, we have a warrant.” Just because ‘detectives, we have a warrant’ didn’t sound so great. It would’ve made the declaration lame.


Right off the bat, there were two packs of crystal meth on the table along with a stash of cash. While the officers collected the evidences, Rosé and I quickly went to check the rooms for our suspects. The girl was at the bathroom, attempting to escape by the little window. Yeah, nice try lady. Rosé, on the other hand, was able to catch the guy.


Noticing that she was struggling to put a handcuff on him, I asked the officer to the woman to the car while I help Rosé.


I went and assisted her, holding the guy who was still struggling in place, and for some unexplainable reason, his hands found its way to Rosé’s , making her yelp and quickly handcuff his wrists. 


I was waiting for Rosé to say something, only for her to start reciting the Miranda warning. Is she not going to do something about what I just saw? That was ual freaking assault!


Rosé was about to walk him out to the car but no, he’s not going to go through me that easy. “What? You’re just gonna let that slide? He d you.”


“It’s okay. I’m fine. He’ll be locked up anyway.”


“Yeah, until someone bails this er out.”


She sighed. “Y/N, it’s okay. Let’s just drop it.”


I rolled my eyes, seemingly finding it useless to argue. “Fine. I’ll take him to the car.” I find that actions are better than words anyways, so I took him out of the house.


“I didn’t know police officers were this hot and y, I could just—-OOOOWWW! !” 


“Yeah, I know.” I had his arms twisted, the handcuffs and it being placed behind his back made it so much painful. Now, this, is fun.


“Let go! My arms are gonna break! Please! Jesus christ!”


“I’m no Jesus christ, but I’m the girl who’s about to break your arm, along with those filthy little hands of yours.” 


“No! No! Please don’t!” Oh yes. I will, break his arms and then—-


“Y/N! What are you doing?!” Rosé’s frantic voice made me let go for a fraction of a second. I pinned the guy to the car while facing Rosé. “He made a pathetic attempt to escape. Should’ve seen it, really funny.”


The guy struggled. “No, I didn’t!” As if anyone will believe a drug addict.


“Shut up, john. Now in you go.” I pushed him inside the car with his partner in crime. 


Although still looking like something’s bothering her, and I’m quite sure it wasn’t the groping, Rosé offered me a slight smile before going back inside to double check the scene. It wasn’t until now that I noticed that it was bothering me already. Her being bothered is bothering me. Why? Perhaps it’s curiosity?


Once we’ve arrived at the precinct, it was expected that the paper works, interrogation, and documentation were to be started. I ended up measuring and labelling the drugs, something I’m really good at. 


Right after finishing the task, Lisa popped up with a small carton of cupcake and iced coffee. 


“Y/N.” Lisa sighed, slumping lightly. What did I do now? “You’re making your cringy face. Don’t make this weird.”


I crossed my arms, looking at her accusingly. “It’s you who’s making it weird!”


Lisa placed down the food, copying my stance. “Okay. Well, how do I not make it weird?”


“Just…just act normal. Like we’re best friends.” A transition of our relationship from best friends to…I don’t even know what is just not something that I’m willing and ready to take. It’s a huge risk to take a step, and whatever happens after this can affect the way we treat each other one way or another. That’s what I’m afraid of.


She sighed, once again. This will all soon turn into a sighing game. “Fine.”


“Thank you.”


“Detective Brae. Can you please hand this to the D.A., I can’t afford to drop by with the interrogations going on.” Rosé handed me the files needed to passed to the D.A.


“Sure thing.” 


Rosé quickly went back to finish the interrogation while I turned back to Lisa. “I’ll take the coffee, but not the cupcake. I’ve already had a bar of chocolate this morning.”


Stopping by the D.A.’s office wasn’t very productive as it turns out, she didn’t go to work today. Not wanting my efforts to go to waste, I got her address from her secretary and went to drop the files.


I stopped at a condominium not too far from the office. The guards let me in with the help of my detective I.D. This I.D. can take me anywhere. 


As there was no doorbell, I knocked on the door and waited for Jennie to open it. Not a minute later, the grumpy D.A. had one of her eyebrows raised at me. “How’d you get my address? I can file a law suit for you stalking me.”


I smiled, shrugging. “Oh it was easy. I just typed ‘’ in my GPS and voila, I ended up in your apartment.”


Turns out she wasn’t in the mood as the door was almost slammed, why am I even surprised? Thankfully though, I was able to stop it from closing. “They asked me to come by and give you the files.” She opened the door wider, finally, and snatched the files from my hands.


It is only now that I realized she didn’t look as composed as she usually does. “Are you sick?”


Jennie furrowed her eyebrows, as if I just said that the earth is flat. “No.”


“Well, you look like you’re sick.” Bad move. Oops.


Jennie rolled her eyes and groaned, shutting the door on my face. “See you in hell,” she shouted from the other side.


“It’s a date! Make sure you made reservations.” I laughed, wanting to get on her nerves even more. It’s so fun teasing her.


“Don’t need one.”


“Right…right, you’re a V.I.P. there. Almost forgot.”


She banged on the door, almost startling me. “Oh, you.”


“Again?” That’s a good one, Y/N. Good one.


Jennie didn’t say anything, but even though there’s a door between us, I know, I just know that at that time, she rolled her eyes.



As I entered the precinct, I spotted lucky guy, that is Rosé’s boyfriend. I walked towards him, stopping by his right. “Ooh Rosie’s boyfie. Looking…stressed. No offence dude.” His eyebags  were too swollen not to be pointed out. He didn’t look good. Poor guy.


“Hi. Umm…You’re Detective Park’s co-worker, right?”


“Yeah. She’s in a meeting with the captain right now.”


“Oh.” He sighed, looking down for a second. Man, this guy has problems. “Can you give this to her?” He stretched out his hand, which held a bouquet of white roses. 


No. Don’t you have hands and feet? “Sure! No problem.”


“Thank you so much.” He obviously messed up and they fought. This is why I don’t do relationships, you leave yourself vulnerable to the other person and all you can do is trust that they won’t hurt you, which is full on idiotic. 


“Special delivery to Rosie from her boyfie~” I sang, teasing when I saw Rosé sitting on her desk.


She looked up, sighing deeply.


“Okaay, not up for my cuteness today, I see.” Realizing that she wasn’t going to take the roses, I placed it down her desk, then leaned on it. “Trouble in paradise?” Eew. Did I just say that?


“We broke up.” Oh. Wow. So that explains the bad mood before. But it’s not like the guy’s a big loss anyway. She could honestly do better. 


Before I can even think of how to cheer her up, which I really don’t have any idea since I big time in the consoling area, her phone glowed, and when she read the message, it was her face’s turn to glow. 


“We just got a lead. A real lead!” “This can bring down Non Altum. Quince will finally rot in jail.” In all the years I’ve lived, I’ve heard that sentences too many times to keep count. Normally, I wouldn’t bother much at that harmless declaration. However, with the level of confidence Rosé was exhibiting, I should probably worry just a tad bit. Yup, just a tad bit. How great can that lead be anyway? 


“We have to go see the Major.” Wait. That great? Oh crap.


“Come on! Hurry up!” I felt a hand on my wrist, dragging me to the elevator. More like, dragging me to hell. But I mean, I do have a date there with Jennie, so, it probably won’t be that bad, would it? 

I'll try to update more during this christmas break ;)

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HiroTakahasi #1
Chapter 11: I love how sass jennie is ~ anyway I'm quite intrigue who Y/n would end up with hmm..
Chapter 11: stumbled across this story and YES! realistic, no mercy, badass plot! Y/N is a no mercy, psychopath, charming drug lord who’s softie for girls lmaooo. Anyways, I love, love how we can switch from murdering someone, shrugging oh well, and continuing on with the day, and added on the the fact that this whole task is basically all infiltrated, lmao... as much as like Rosé, watching her run in circles in this story makes it fun, RIP the day she finds out tho *shoulder shrug*
slytheradams #3
Chapter 11: i love jennie's sass lol
Chapter 11: Jennie is so mysterious and classy I love herrrrrrr
Chapter 11: :) im so happy that youre back ... you have no idea,,,, looking forward to the next chapter author HEHEHEH
Sun-RY #6
Chapter 11: I’m a new reader! And i have to say. I’m 100% digging this storyline!
Chapter 11: So freakin happy u updated i re read this so many times
Chapter 11: Ayeee! We baaaack! Welcome back author <3 The shriek I let out when I saw the notification lmaoo
Chapter 11: OMG! You're back! Welcome back author-nim! Ehee!