Entry 14

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March 17

I kidnapped him.

I don't know what came over me I was just so angry and couldn't control myself. Is it not my fault right? He tried to attack me for hanging around Jin, but I did nothing wrong right? I hit him upside the head with a rock and hid his body in an old cabin, I don't know what to do but if I let him go might tell the police. He's still alive but I can tell he's in pain, I have to get rid of him.


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The prequel for the book is out it's called Strangers and it goes more into Taehyung's and Seokjin's past and will hopefully clear up questions about the two following stories.


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SOCJ11 #1
Chapter 18: The diary ends up with us wondering what happened prior to the book "Victim" and Taehyung's emotional aspect. Thanks author-nim for the update. Hoping to see more works from you :)
Tettych #2
Chapter 18: After reading the books of Victims and Stalker, Tae and Jin actually knew each other and even dated. Would you please write down their background so we know why Jin didn’t recognize Taehyung anymore and make Tae turned into a sick person like he is today..
Chapter 18: I don't feel bad for Yoongi, and Jin's parents
Chapter 15: I'm curious to know more
SOCJ11 #5
Chapter 12: Thank you author nim for working on Taehyung's POV in the previous book "Victim". It makes me still wonder about the bully issue with Taehyung. Haiiii.... Please continue updating author nim :) the story is very intriguing :)
Chapter 12: Nooo!!!
Forte101 #7
Chapter 7: poor taehyung :(
Chapter 10: What time is the truth?!
Chapter 8: Now I'm on Tae's side
Chapter 6: Yoongi and the others bullied Tae?!!