

Jonghyun took of his shoes and hang his jacket. He looked at his dorm which were already silent and dark – it was normal, remembering that it was already 2 AM. Dongho was out with Bumzu-hyung tonight and Aron-hyung was out with his Foreign-Korean friends because they had no morning schedule tomorrow. Looking at their shoes rack, Dongho and Aron-hyung were still out – so Minki was probably alone in the dorm. Jonghyun walked to the kitchen lightly without turning on the light because he didn’t want to disturb Minki – who he assumed was already sleeping because his room was dark – and took a glass of water. His dinner with Looking for Trouble casts lasted longer than he thought, and he felt kind of guilty because he told Minki that he would come home early. He hoped Minki wouldn’t be mad at him in the morning.

The temperature was getting warmer lately – it’s almost summer after all. Feeling hot, Jonghyun decided to take a quick shower before resting. He entered his room and took off his clothes messily before taking a shower for about 10 minutes. After finished the shower, he felt refreshed and he thanked himself for making a good decision to take a shower. He was getting drowsy and the tiredness of his full-packed schedule was kicking in, so after he was clothed with his favorite pajama, he quickly climbed to his bed and pulled his bed-cover. It’s time to change the bed-cover to a thin blanket – it’s getting so warm nowadays, he thought.

He pulled off all of his bed-cover from his bed to change it to a thin blanket – but he found a surprise instead.

Minki was sleeping – hugging Jonghyun’s favorite pillow in his arms. His mouth opened slightly and his legs were bended to his stomach – making him looked like a ball. Jonghyun stared for a while before chuckled lovingly – what a lovely surprise indeed. Minki had been going in and out to his room for the past few days – for playing, talking, dancing crazily (just like old times), cuddling, or just sitting while doing nothing. Jonghyun assumed that he felt lonely because they had been became a roommate for about 10 years and maybe he’s just not used to be alone – because sometimes, Jonghyun felt lonely too. That’s why Jonghyun always let Minki to do whatever he wanted in his room – because he also need a company.

After staring at Minki for a while, Jonghyun placed his bed-cover in his cupboard and took a thin blanket in his arms. He climbed to his bed slowly and carefully – he didn’t want to wake Minki up. He wanted to enjoy the beautiful scenery for a while. Jonghyun successfully lied down in the bed without disturbing Minki – because the beautiful man was sleeping peacefully like what he did before. Jonghyun stayed still – his head rested in his hand while he was staring at Minki with a loving smile in his face. He wanted to Minki’s hair or caress Minki’s face so bad – but he didn’t want to wake him up so he kept staring without doing anything.

“Are you going to keep staring at me like that?”

Jonghyun was shocked with Minki’s sudden question and he almost fell from the bed. Minki opened his eyes and chuckled – amused by Jonghyun’s reaction. Jonghyun calmed himself for a while before he pinched Minki’s cheek playfully.

“Are you pretending to sleep? My, my, you’re already a professional actor,” Minki laughed and get rid of Jonghyun’s hand from his cheek. He held Jonghyun’s hand and laughed loudly – satisfied with his own acting.

“I was sleeping before. I woke up when you climbed up and waiting for you to be asleep because I want to see your resting face. Turned out you decided not to sleep – but staring at me like a creepy stalker instead,” answered Minki, still laughing. Jonghyun pouted and pinched Minki’s cheek again.

“You deceived me, you mischievous rabbit~ you should’ve said that you’re awake. I feel like a stupid person now.”

“But it’s fun to know you’re staring at me. Why are you feeling stupid? I’m happy that you’re staring at me with that loving smile. I feel loved.”

“Stop saying something like that – it’s embarrassing!”

“Why~ you really did it, though~ I like it~”

“I said stop it, it’s really embarrassing!” said Jonghyun while turning away from Minki. Minki chuckled and crawled – removing their distance. He hugged Jonghyun from behind – Jonghyun was always so cute when he’s embarrassed.

“Why is it embarrassing? It’s not wrong to stare at your loved one~ I love that you stared at me. Nothing to be embarrassed, stupid. Not to mention that I’m too beautiful to not to be stared, so it’s understandable if you keep staring at me,” said Minki while caressing Jonghyun’s hand. Jonghyun turned to Minki’s side in no time and pinched Minki’s cheek again.

“You’re so full of confidence, Minki-ya. Even though I know it’s true that you’re beautiful, it’s kind of annoying to hear you say that by yourself.”

“Stop pinching me – it hurts!” Minki pouted and slapped Jonghyun’s hand – and now it’s Jonghyun’s turn to laugh. Minki chuckled lightly and Jonghyun started to Minki’s hair. Minki closed his eyes and hummed happily.

“You act exactly like Lucky nowadays,” said Jonghyun while chuckling. Minki opened his eyes and stared questioningly.

“What do you mean?”

“Lucky purred every time I her fur. You hummed every time I your hair. You act exactly like her – it feels like I have a big cat.”

“Well, like father like daughter. I found out that you look happy every time Lucky purred, so I decided to hum. Maybe it will make you spend more time with me rather than with Lucky.”

“Wait, are you jealous of Lucky? Your own daughter?”

“Maybe I won’t if you pay more attention to me. I miss you. I feel lonely,” Minki pouted slightly. Jonghyun chuckled and took Minki to his arms. No wonder Minki kept going to his room nowadays – he felt lonely.

“Why are you so cute? You should’ve said that you’re lonely. Sorry that I didn’t notice, though. Poor Minki, I miss you too~”

“It’s okay. I know you’re so busy nowadays. Don’t mind me, I’ll just randomly disturb you whenever I feel lonely, okay?” Minki snuggled to Jonghyun’s chest.

“Okay. Come to me whenever you want, I’ll always welcome you. Welcoming me in bed like what you did tonight is good too, I think. I love being welcomed by a pretty sight.”

“God, why are you so cheesy nowadays… I cannot take it anymore…” mumbled Minki, which made Jonghyun laughed loudly. They kept silent for a while before Minki pulled away from Jonghyun’s hug.

“You should go to sleep. I’m pretty sure that you’re tired,” said Minki while caressing Jonghyun’s face.

“Mmm, I still want to spend time with you, though. I’m not that tired.”

“We meet each other every day, stupid. And stop with that I’m not that tired, you must be very tired with your schedule.”

“You know I didn’t mean it like that – and I’m not that tired, really.”

“Well I do know, but you should get some rest now. Your schedule is way more packed than the rest of us, so you should rest properly, okay? I’m worried. I’ll go back to my room now,” Minki said sternly and sitting up from his position, but Jonghyun’s hand stopped him.

“Who says I’ll let you go to your room?” Jonghyun asked. Minki sighed.

“Jonghyun-ah, you need a proper sleep.”

“I do, and my proper sleep is sleeping with you in my arms. So come back here and let me sleep properly, will you?” Jonghyun said with a little smirk – knowing that his words successfully made Minki’s cheek flushed beautifully. Minki palmed and shook his head in disbelief.

“You’re so cheesy and stupid.”

“But you love me, right?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” answered Minki while sliding down to Jonghyun’s extended arms. They stared at each other for a while before chuckled and made themselves comfortable. Jonghyun pulled the thin blanket to cover both of them and closed his eyes.

“You need a proper sleep,” said Minki stubbornly.

“You are my proper sleep,” answered Jonghyun with the same level of stubbornness. Minki chuckled – making Jonghyun chuckled too.

“Sssh. Sleep.” said Minki in a low voice. Jonghyun smiled and patted Minki’s head slowly.

“Hmm. Good night, Minki.”

“Good night, Jonghyun.”


And when he woke up to Minki’s beautiful face – he knew that he would do anything just to make it happen every single day in his life.

So he prayed for two things:


Minki to feel lonely often – and


Minhyun to come back soon and take his room back.




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The LieV gave me inspirations -- this story was rushingly finished so sorry if it feels rushed or there were some mistakes! Hope you enjoy it though, have a good night! <3


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Chapter 1: Yeaaay finally a fluff one and not the angst one! Thanks my fave author ❤
hawraa #2
Chapter 1: The ending is so hilarious XD. Thanks for this beautifully written story <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: AMIEN

HWANG TOYIB buruan balik dan usir minki dr kamarmuuuuuuu