Cousin Yongsun

It's Going to be You Always

According to Seulgi, Jisoo isn’t fond of holidays. It reminds her of her unfortunate circumstance. She is usually alone on holidays. Plus the fact that thinking about all the members of the family present in one location gives Jisoo the shivers.  “Why can’t she be with her mother?”

                “Well. It’s a story that you should hear from her.” Seulgi answered. Jennie thinks that’s only fair. She informed Seulgi that the formal engagement will be announced this Saturday and that she is invited to come. “Nah, I’d love to but knowing Jisoo’s dad, he’ll passive-aggressively make you feel like an intruder.” Seulgi explained.

                “Oh come on, it’s fine. Besides, I haven’t introduced you properly to my sister. She’s dying to meet you and Chaeyoung.” Jisoo said as she emerged from the toilet. The group decided to do some drinking with the barbecue party. The night went well for the group, even Lisa and Chaeyoung managed to get acquainted well and started their seemingly harmless flirting.

                “Sorry, man, Saturday is my schedule for my cooking demonstration. I really want to go with you for support but I also cannot miss the job. It will help us with our expenses.” Seulgi said, clinging on Jisoo. Jisoo made a fake disappointed noise and glared at Seulgi. Jenni observed the banter and hopes everything will turn out to be alright.


                Saturday came and all the members of the Kim family are present. From the Bae family, the only ones present are Jisoo’s grandfather, some uncles and aunties, Joohyun, her parents, and of course, Jisoo. Jennie can’t help but feel bad for Jisoo. The constant alienation makes her angry. She approached her fiancée and held her hand. Jisoo was obviously surprised by the action. Jennie pulled her to the side and let her hands run down Jisoo’s arms. “You okay?” Jennie asked. Jisoo smiled and nodded. “It’s not bad. At least, they aren’t talking about me.” Jisoo replied. Jennie continued holding Jisoo’s hand and eventually linking them together.

                Everyone is having a jovial conversation about business and gossip when the door suddenly opened. A lady wearing a y, black dress walked the aisle and got a glass of champagne from the waiter. “What are you doing here?” Jennie heard her grandfather say in an angry tone.

                “Hello, grandfather. Jennie invited me. Speaking of, where is my cousin?” the lady said, whipping her dyed pink hair confidently. The lady scanned the room and saw Jennie and Jisoo standing in the corner. “Jennie!” she exclaimed and went to her. The lady immediately hugged her cousin upon reaching her.

                “Cousin Yongsun! I’m really glad you came.” Jennie said. She is absolutely happy to see Yongsun again. It’s been years since their grandfather called her a disgrace and went away. Jennie observed her older cousin, she looks happier and healthier. “You’re getting ier, Youngsun. What’s your secret?” Jennie said.

                “Oh you know, good music and good .” Yongsun replied and winked. Yeri, situated within an earshot, choked on her drink and glared at them. “Kim Yerim is that you?” Yongsun asked and motioned for her to hug her. “How come you don’t welcome me anymore? I thought I’m your favorite?”

                “You’re gone too long!” Yeri said and pouted.

                “But I’m back, aren’t I?” Yongsun said. She turned her attention once again to Jennie. “Why are you here, hidden from everyone? This is supposed to be your day, right? Are these old geezers stealing the spotlight?” Yongsun said, loud enough for everyone to hear. “By the way, where is your wife-to-be?”

Jennie placed her arms on Jisoo’s shoulders for her to be introduced. She observed her fiancée has suddenly became silent and has her eyes fixed on Yongsun, obviously enamored. “So, you are the infamous Kim Jisoo. I have read about you. You definitely made your family rich!” Yongsun stated and offered a warm hug.

                “You’re Solar…” Jisoo managed to say, while blushing. Yongsun smiled warmly. “Someone’s in the jazz scene! You sing too?” She asked. So that’s it. Jisoo is fangirling. Jennie observed. She’s into jazz, huh? She thought. Jennie guesses that it’s kind of lucky to have a cousin that is a jazz musician. At least they have something to talk about. Jisoo chuckled and managed to shake her head. “I play the violin for our band. We play at gigs sometimes especially back in college. We were your opening act in Daegu. Too bad I haven’t seen you.” Jisoo is rambling. Jennie finds it amusing and cute but she is uncomfortable with how Yongsun holds Jisoo’s hands. As if sensing her turmoil, Yongsun smiled mischievously and encircled her arm on Jisoo’s shoulders which made the younger girl squirm and blush some more.

                Jennie glared at Yongsun. Her mood turns sour when she hears Yeri snicker behind her. “Looks like Yongsun has successfully stolen your bride from you.” She said. Jennie glares at her and grabbed Jisoo by her arm and placed her arms on her fiancée’s shoulders. Jisoo is surprised by the action but smiled when a cameraman passed by and took their picture.

                “Relax, cousin. I won’t steal your fiancée.” Yongsun said. The older girl grabbed the small bell by the table, demanding everyone’s attention. “Before we forget why we are here,” she began. “I’d like to make a toast to my cousin and Jisoo. In a month, we’ll be witnesses to the unification of the Kim family and the Bae family. But most importantly we will bear witness to the birth of a new beginning for our families. I hope you’ll have eternal happiness, my dears. I hope that despite the circumstances that brought you together, a genuine love and respect will grow. I hope that through this union, a deeper sense of understanding and acceptance will find its way to our families. Cousin Jennie, may this be the start of your journey to growing up, and Jisoo, welcome to the family. I’m glad to have another cousin. I can’t wait to have you in one of my summer get together! To Jennie and Jisoo!” Yongsun concluded her speech by downing a whole glass of champagne. Jennie was brought to tears by her speech. Kim Yongsun is indeed her favorite cousin. She watched as the older girl strutted her way to Jisoo’s older sister and hugged her. Maybe because they’re the same age that’s why they clicked immediately. Jennie found the difference of the two girls amusing. Her cousin being wild and free while Joohyun is cold and calculating. Yet, they found an immediate bond. She then saw Yongsun kissing Jisoo in the cheeks and mouthing ‘see you’ which made her fiancée blush furiously. Again, Jennie’s mood turned sour. Lastly, Yongsun blew a kiss in her direction and waved, smiling that mischievous wide smile of hers before completely leaving. Jennie reconsiders if Yongsun is still her favorite.

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Basically I had every Kim from these three girl groups that I stan in one fic.


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Jensoo4everlove #1
Update Please 😭😭❤
Chapter 13: I can't believe I was Unlucky enough to stumble upon an insanely good story, which was sadly dropped 2 years ago. How am I supposed to liveeeee
Kimlady #3
Chapter 13: Plas eupdate :/
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1354930/2'>The Kim Family</a></span>
I miss this, just going to re-read
imlivingnotknowinwtd #5
Chapter 13: Hi authornim, I hope you’re doing okay. ^^ will be waiting for the next update :)
Chapter 13: This story is so good! Thanks for writing Jensoo, looking forward to the next update ^^
kyrljj #8
Chapter 13: New reader here, woohooo! Please update soon ;)
theresanguyen #9
Chapter 13: Can’t wait for the next chapter