

Tiffany almost shrieked at her seat as she gaped shocked at what she's hearing from their manager.


"Are you like freaking kidding me, oppa?!"


"Tiffany, will you calm down..."


"How the hell can I calm the down with what you're telling me right now?!" She glared hard at her manager. Her fist unconsciously clenching on her lap.


They were currently at one of the practice room in their school. She, together with her other members, was busy practicing some new routines for their song when her manager suddenly visited them to tell her the "oh-so-very-good-news". Since the news only concerns her, her other members were polite enough to leave them and give some privacy for her and their manager to talk.


"Come on Tiff...Stop being so stubborn. This is for your future career, just so you know." Her manager, crossing his arms in front of him, stood sternly.


"Just so you know? Oppa! How the hell would I know what's good for my future career or not?!"


"That's why I'm telling you—"


"NO! Just nuh uh oppa!" Tiffany said seriously. If only looks could kill, she probably had murdered her manager because of the glares she's giving towards him.


"But Tiffany, for the ninth time, this is for your future career. Taking up the offer will surely boost not only your popularity but also the group. Don't you like that? And it's not as if you're really going to live there. It's just a show. A show that will surely benefit you and your precious career. This is a one-shot-big-shot offer that you shouldn't pass on. So if I were you young lady, stop sulking and accept the offer."


"A NO is still a NO, Oppa! I will never accept that ridiculous offer!"


Her manager sighed tiredly. "You know you can't choose what offer to take or not. It's not your place to decide. The company and school already made the decision for you and whether you like it or not, you are going to take this offer."


"But I'm not a puppet oppa! I cannot just succumb to their decision! Especially if I think it is not good for me!" Tiffany protested.


"You know what the consequences are Tiff. Once you defy the orders from the upper management, they will surely terminate your contract immediately. And if they terminate your contract, you'll be kicked out not only in the group but also out of this school."


"Yeah sure," Tiffany scoffed.


"You know it Tiffany. They are evil. Heck, all Entertainment company is evil. We are under them. They are our masters and we are the puppets..." her manager sighed again after seeing the impassive look on Tiffany's face. "Tiff, I know you don't like this offer but what else can we do? Your scandal really flared up in the media! And you're not even debuting yet! You already put the company and your school into a major turmoil! The CEO is going crazy—"


"He's crazy alright," Tiffany scoffed again, rolling her eyes mockingly.


"Tiffany, what I'm saying is, you have to tone down a bit. We need to make you 'tamed' in the eyes of the public. And this offer is the only choice we have right now. If you don't want to end your blooming career, I suggest take this offer," frustrations were now evident in her manager's tired eyes.


She sighed heavily, contemplating the possibility of taking the offer he's telling her about. She knew she messed up big this time. She hates to admit it but she was the wronged one. Her manager was right. She put her company in this turmoil and her school in disgraced. Not only the company and school, but also her group. She's lucky enough that they didn't immediately terminate her contract, or else it will be her end. And if that happens, what will happen to her group and to her members? She didn't want to think of the negative things that may possibly hurt her members because of her stupidity. They were just beginning in their journey to stardom and she's not that cruel to suddenly end that longtime dream.


"Tiffany, please, just take this offer. This is for the better..."


"Oppa, why do you want me to take this offer so badly? Last time I checked, you're not the kind to insist me on something especially if I didn't want to be part of it. Why all of a sudden? I know that my scandal this time was really bad and got everyone on the line, but still I know you won't force me into something I don't want."


"I know. I'm just thinking about you, your career and the groups' reputation. Your scandal this time really hit like a rocket. This is not the usual scandal that easily wears off especially that you are and still a minor Tiffany!"


"I know..."


"It tainted your reputation Tiffany. Not only yours but also the future of your own group, the school's image and the company's label. Have you thought about the consequences you brought to your group this time? For Pete's sake Tiffany, you're their leader! Have you forgotten that also?"


She lowered her head dejectedly. "This huh. Is this the price I have to pay because of that stupid scandal?!"


"I'm sorry Tiffany..."


"This is so unfair! Why do I have to pay the sin of other people?!" She can't helped but to teared up as she remembered again her dilemma.


"Tiff, whether it was really your fault or was done by other people just to set you up, still your name was the one in the frontline. Besides, we don't have any proof to blame others on this."


"It was not me oppa! I swear! Why are they doing this?!" she gritted her teeth at that.


"This is the cruel side of entertainment world Tiffany. People will use you, your name, your fame, just so they can bring you down."


"But why me?! I'm too young for this!"




"This is so unfair! I hate this! Why does it have to be me?" she sobbed.


Her manager just stared at her sympathetically. His eyes softened as he stared at her. After all, he treats Tiffany like his own daughter so he can't helped but to feel pity at her.


He sighed. He walks towards her then bend down at her level.


"Tiff, I know this is hard but we really have no choice right now. This offer is the only way out."


"How sure are you oppa?" she said in between her crying.


"I just am. Take this and everything will be alright after. I promise you," he assured her.


She looked at him with teary eyes. Despite her doubting at the moment and circumstances, she still came to a decision agreeing to take the offer being presented as the only solution at her dilemma.


"Okay oppa. I'm going to do it. But I still need to tell the others about this offer. I owe them at least an apology and explanations for all of this mishaps that's happening."


"Anything you want Tiff."


"Gomawo oppa..."


I hate to agree but this is for the group. I can't risk to sabotage their dream. My conscience won't take it.


Her manager finally smiled at her. "That's my girl!" he said then ruffled Tiffany's hair like a child.


"Yah! Oppa!" she whined. "My hair!"


"I'll see you tomorrow okay? Be ready at 9 am. The CEO wants to discuss something to you and after we'll be having the brief orientation for the show."


She nodded forcefully. Just thinking of meeting her CEO tomorrow is already giving her the chills. And about the offer, she was still doubtful of the matter. But for the sake of her members and the group, she'll do it. Even if it is against her will.


Her manager sighed. "Tiff, I know all of this is quite taking a toll on you but I assure you that everything will be alright."


Tiffany just nodded again. She can't do anything to rebut the idea anyway.


"Now you have any questions regarding the offer?"


"Will I get to meet tomorrow the others who will be part of it?"


"Hmm...maybe. I'm not sure. Why are you asking?"


"I'm just worried oppa..."


"Don't be. I know this is good for you..." her manager smiled half-heartedly.


"Yeah right..." she rolled her eyes, mocking the whole idea of the offer being good to her. Because there is nothing really good about it, in her opinion.


Oh God. I'm too young for this!






It was already past midnight but Tiffany is still wide awake. Lying in her comfy pink bed, her thoughts were bugging her nonstop. She was worried of what will happen now that she's taking the offer. What else can she do? Even though she didn't like it, she has no choice but to accept it. Better get over it fast and as soon as possible.


She heavily sighed. "What have I put myself into?" she mumbled.


She stared at the white envelope she's been holding since she got to her bed. After agreeing to her manager, he gave her a white envelope that contains all the necessary information about the offer, that's what her manager informed her. Holding it above her, she stared at it again, inspecting it as if it is some high profile information that is needed to be reviewed thoroughly. She, then turned its other side to read the title written in embossed golden letters.















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Chapter 3: Interesante
1131 streak #2
Chapter 3: Hehehe better get away from where hellfany and hellsica are don't want to be burn and frozen at the same time hehehe oh so now only two girls are left... wonder how will they join the others...
Chapter 3: Getting popcorn to ready to watch hellsica and hellfany. This story is going to be great!
jypshadow #4
I love this already :) pls update soon author
sone_marg14 #5
Chapter 2: i think this story is interesting..and may fav otp is here..hehe loyal to royal..hehe
mutiapuspita27 #6
Chapter 2: Please update is regularly author this story is amazing and i can already feel it
ShainaloveTara #7
Chapter 2: Eunyeon? Jiyeon is here? pleaseee authornim.