Back to Seoul

Eye Contact




The book was good. After a few starting problems, Taemin managed to get into the words written on the way too small pages of the book. Somehow, Minho who was reading quietly right across from him calmed him down and made it possible for his usually short spanned attention to focus on the story of the artist Basil Hallward who is working on a portrait of the beautiful individual Dorian Grey.

He didn’t get further than chapter two, which was mostly because of his lack of practice in reading – he needed to re-read quite a few paragraphs due to sloppy reading which resulted in him not understanding certain parts of the story.

He completely forgot about time and only looked up from the pages when Minho was packing up his stuff to leave the café at the same time as always.

“Here, the book. Thank you!!” Taemin said, holding the book towards Minho who just looked at it for a second and then nervously moved his eyeballs in all directions, leaving the café a little faster than usual.

Taemin was left completely confused at the table, the book still in his hands. He noticed that the copy he had was from a library – the stamp inside and the number on the side made it even obvious to him, someone who never went to libraries if he didn’t have to.

What should he do with this book? He’ll just have to give it back tomorrow. With a heavy heart, knowing he wouldn’t be able to finish the book and see Minho for a long time when he left this place on Sunday.

Saturday morning, Taemin spent organising everything for his return to Seoul while his Halmoni was working at the café. While he was packing his things, the stupid book Minho gave him was everywhere. He could barely concentrate on his main task: not leave any of his belongings behind, because whenever the book came into view, he wondered how he was supposed to tell Minho whom he had just gotten close to, that he was leaving again.

He went out around noon as his Grandmother invited him to lunch in a local restaurant. It was a very welcome distraction from the dreading feeling of having to go back to his normal life the next day. It was crazy to him how much he changed in the shortest time.

As he was walking along the now familiar streets, he couldn’t help but look out for a certain tall male. But of course, the latter was nowhere to be seen. Taemin could only look forward to 17:25 when the latter would turn up at the café. When he was already halfway to the restaurant, he noticed that he had forgotten to take the book with him.

He was supposed to take the shift after lunch, so without another thought he turned around and jogged back to his Halmoni’s place to get the book he had to give back to Minho today.

“There you are!” his Halmoni shouted through the whole place when Taemin finally made it to the Seafood restaurant. She had already ordered and a hot broth of jjamppong was cooking in the middle of their metal table. There weren’t many other customers, just two older men and a young couple who were eating in peace, not minding the loud old lady.

“What took you so long boy?” Halmoni said while gesturing her grandson to take a seat across from her.

“I forgot to bring the book.” Taemin said, placing the said book on one of the unused stools on at the table.

“You are reading a book?”

“Yes, I tried.” Taemin answered, blushing slightly.

“Let me guess, Minho gave that to you?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Yes, honey it is. Eat now, or else it'll overcook.”

It wasn’t long into the meal when his Halmoni started talking once more.

“You know, you can come back anytime.”

“What do you mean?” Taemin said, his mouth full of rice.


“What do you mean?” He said once more, this time without rice.

“I may be old, but I am not stupid. You look like you are on your way to prison.” The old lady said, pointing at his face. “It is the expression you had on for the first two days you stayed here.”

“That’s not true.” Taemin gave back, not wanting to admit that coming here had actually felt worse than going to prison.

“Never mind then, just remember that you can come back anytime. I’ll be glad to have you here. And I am sure Minho would enjoy having you around as well. Judging from the notes you exchange you seem to have gotten closer than you told me”

“Why do you know about the notes?” Taemin asked a little too loud, the other guests turning in his direction.

“You put them in a drawer next to the register, do you really think I don’t do anything while working in the morning?” his Halmoni smirked and kept eating.

Taemin, who suddenly got very hungry – mostly because he didn’t want to talk anymore – didn’t stop eating from that point on until the whole bowl was completely empty and his mouth was burning.

“I’ll go now, give me the key” Taemin said, getting up from his seat to go to the café. His Halmoni just smiled at him, holding out the key.

“I’ll take you to the train station tomorrow. Put your luggage in the truck before noon, I’ll make you some lunch and then we’ll leave.”

With a heavy sigh, Taemin grabbed the key and the book from the stool, making his way to the café he had grown to love for the last time in a long time. While he was walking, he tried to calculate when he would be able to come back, and he wasn’t very happy with what he came up with.




Today, the café felt different. The few people that came in the afternoon were mostly quiet, some of them reading some of them chatting quietly. Usually Saturdays were busier, he wondered where everyone was.

It left him with time on his hands, time to keep looking at the book, opening it from time to time, getting more into the story with each page he read. Because he was so involved in the story, he completely forgot the time which included forgetting to tell the customers at five that they were about to close.

He only looked up from the book when a familiar figure entered through the front door, the bell ringing ever so gently.

“Welcome, one moment please” He said, finishing up the paragraph he had been reading when Dorian Grey wished for the portrait to grow old instead of him. After all, your youth and beauty were the only things that made your worth.

When Taemin finally looked up, he saw Minho who was just awkwardly standing there, looking back and forth from his usual spot to Taemin reading his favourite book.

Minho was confused. Why was his seat occupied? Why were there still people in the café? It couldn’t be him; he was never early. So, it had to be Taemin. Did he forget to close the shop? This never happened.

“OH MY ING GOD I AM SO FREAKING SORRY!” Taemin shouted, which resulted in Minho making a few steps back – his eyebrows drew together, a painful expression spreading over his beautiful face.

“Stay right here.” Taemin said, not even looking at Minho as he sped past him to tell the other customers that they were closing down.

While they left, Minho did nothing but stand right there on the spot Taemin left him unsure of what to do next.

“I am so sorry that this happened. I was so busy reading and forgot about the time.” Taemin mumbled while carrying the other customers’ empty glasses back to the counter. “I can’t believe this is the last impression you have of me.”

The last sentence was supposed to be only for his ears, but Minho heard and looked at the blonde male for a split second before focusing back on his feet.

“Are you leaving?” Minho asked, his voice calmer than he anticipated.

“Sit down first.” Taemin said, immediately busying himself behind the counter to get Minho’s latte done.

The latter did as he was told, taking his usual place. Everything was back to how he was used to having it. It was nice. Only his latte wasn’t here yet.

Soon enough, Taemin came to his spot, placing the latte on the wooden Table. But he didn’t leave as he usually did. The loud blonde male sat down instantly and started talking. Talking really fast and very loudly. Minho didn’t understand much; he was simply hoping for the other male to calm down and tell him in a more civilised manner.

“Please calm down, I don’t understand you.” Minho said, wanting to know what Taemin was so exited about. Taemin instantly calmed down and the first three sentences he spoke after, were him apologizing for his loud voice.

“I am so sorry Minho, my mind is a mess today”

“Maybe you understand how I feel now.” Minho mumbled, smiling a little.

“I don’t think I could ever completely understand” Taemin said, his voice sad. “And we don’t have more time for you to tell me about it.”

“That was a joke.” Minho then said, playing with his fingers.

“You are unbelievable.” Taemin said, chuckling slightly. “I am serious though; I have to leave tomorrow. I am going back to Seoul.”

Both were quiet for a few seconds.

“I am sorry for telling you so late. My train goes tomorrow at 3. Wait I will give you back your book.”

“But you couldn’t finish it.” Minho said a little too late as Taemin had already jumped up and walked to the counter to get the book the taller had given him.

“Thank you for giving it to me. I’ll try and finish it reading it until the next time we meet. I’ll somehow get myself a copy. I promise.”

“How long will you be gone?” Minho answered, not reacting to most Taemin was saying.

“I don’t know when I will be able to come back. I was supposed to come here as a punishment. But now I don’t want to go back. Isn’t it funny? I’ll have to finish school first and probably enlist right after. I really don’t know when I will have the possibility to come back. Maybe I can come for my grandmother’s birthday. Will you come here every day in the future as well?”

Minho who had a hard time following what the blonde male was talking about due to his rapid speed, did understand the last question and answered it properly while watching the foam on his latte disappear.

“I have nowhere else to go.”

It somehow hurt Taemin to hear this but he didn’t want to make the other feel uncomfortable, so he didn’t bring it up.

“That is good. I will come see you when I have the chance.”

“Good.” Minho answered and then took out his books, starting to read.

It pained Taemin to know that this was probably the last time he will see Minho in ages. A little disappointed that after the few minutes of conversation the older had gone back to his own space, deeply absorbed by the words on the paper in front of him.

The boy from Seoul walked back to the counter, opening the drawer that was filled with the small notes they had exchanged for weeks. While Minho was reading, he did the same, he read the notes over and over, putting them into an envelope one by one. There was no way he would leave without them.

Time was going slow that day. But when Minho packed his things, he had wished for even just a few minutes more.

“Thank you, Goodbye”

While Taemin was cleaning up Minho’s table he couldn’t help but be sad, how was it possible that the other just left, left like he had done all these weeks before? Was he the only one who was sad that he left? Did Minho not feel sadness?

He was about to return to the counter with the empty glass when he saw something placed on the chair Minho was always sitting on.

The glass almost fell from his hand when Taemin realised what it was that Minho left behind. It was the English copy of “The Picture of Dorian Grey”. The one he had pretended to read for hours.

Thinking Minho had forgotten to take it with him, Taemin grabbed it with a panicking look and ran outside the café, hoping to catch the tall male. But he knew that the latter was gone. He had left the café minutes ago.

... Noticing that he could just leave the book behind the counter as Minho would be back again tomorrow, he went back inside, being confronted with the fact that he won't be here tomorrow to give it back to him once more. Absentmindedly he caressed the heavily used book with his hands, feeling the roughness of the cover. It smelled good when he opened it. It was a beautiful book.

Then his eyes caught writing on the first page, writing that wasn’t in English. Korean writing - beautiful characters at that. In Minho’s incredible handwriting, there was a message written on the very first page of “The Picture of Dorian Grey”.



I am more than thankful to have been able to make your acquaintance. Eventhough I am not someone of many friendships, I believe that I can call you my friend. I leave this book in your care until the day we meet again. Even if it is in English, you should finish it. You looked happy while reading it.

                                                                 -  Choi Minho




Hello everyone! I hope you have been doing well!
Thank you soso much for all the comments on the last chapter.
I am so so happy and read them over and over!
That is why I made this chapter a little longer than usual (2300 words)

Let me know your thoughts and stay tuned for more <3




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It's finally done. Feels so strange. Anyway thanks for going on this journey with me and please do consider leaving an upvote or even a comment if you enjoyed it♡


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You don't want it beta'd? (yes, that's wrong, but I have no idea how to write that! XD)
keynetic #2
Chapter 35: I know this is an old fic but hope you read this. I come across this fic because of Encounter *chef’s kiss*. After finishing it I only wanted to read more of your works and oh boy I surely didn’t left disappointed. It took me a while to finish it because life got in the way so I had to pause it but I restarted two days ago and I devoured it.

This story struggled my heart in a good way. My favorite part was definitely Taemin reading Minho’s journal. Thorough the story it is explained how Minho see’s the world but thanks to his journal we get to know how he sees and perceives Taemin and to go through each one was delightful. Also loved Minho’s unfiltered thoughts, I had a chuckle everytime.

I agree that making an end to this kind of story is difficult because it’s basically their daily life so it’s never ending (though I would keep reading it forever) but I loved how you wrapped the story by showing Minho’s act of love for Taemin in redecorating the café in the end. I’m currently rereading my favorite parts because I ended with post reading depression.

P.D. I added all the books quoted into my “to read list” thank you!
lm____drpsy #3
Chapter 35: Did you study literature? I can't believe the amount of work you must have put to create a masterpiece like this. This should be among those best sellers I see lining the book shops. It Is incredible. I loved it.
Awrel05 #4
Chapter 35: This story was amazing. I loved the characters. You depicted Minho's relation to books so well.

Thank you!
Chapter 35: Such an amazing story. <3333333
nekochii00 #6
Chapter 35: Quite enjoyed this one....
nekochii00 #7
Chapter 32: Was waiting for this chapter ngl
969 streak #8
Chapter 35: It is a very proper closure and Minho got his Taemin back. But somehow, I still want more of these two in like an epilogue.
I am actually so overwhelmed with the amount of work you did to write this story. I think it should be accessible to a wider audience.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I have actually filled this fic's section with my comments.
969 streak #9
Chapter 33: Was it Minho who brought Woosung to Taemin?
969 streak #10
Chapter 26: Are you a literature major? Your knowledge in literature is quite extensive . I am a fan of Shelley but I don't remember reading this. It is such a beautiful poem. And Minho's note is even more touching. This chapter made my heart full!
Taemin is a beloved book that Minho wants to fully understand the same way he reads and analyzes his books.
I really really want to give you another upvote.