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Breaking News. The famous Japanese ballerina, Myoui Mina, has decided to let go of ballet after the fateful incident that happened two months ago. She got into a car crash which resulted her leg to be temporarily paralyzed. What will happen to the next page of Mina’s life?


“Tzuyu-ah can I borrow a sweater from you?” Chaengie asked after I turned off the TV. “Sure, I have one on my bed,” I answered and started putting some of our trash away. Dahyun on the other hand just got out of the shower.

“Don’t you have classes to attend to?” Dahyun asked me. I walked pass her to head to the kitchen and cook some food. “I don’t have classes until noon, the professor called off the class because of a meeting between the head teachers,” I answered before hearing a door close off.

I pulled out some eggs from the pantry and some spam too. I cooked them before putting it on the table.

“Guys, eat first before you head to class,” I called on them.

Chaeyoung was the first to come out of her room. She is wearing my sweater which is quite big on her but she was cute in it. Dahyun arrived soon after Chaeyoung sat. She was slightly still groggy when she sat.

“Had a long night?” I asked while passing Dahyun the rice. “Mid-term is going to happen soon so I have to finish some research papers and a bunch of other lab reports,” Dahyun said and started shoving food into .

“Med tech is something I will never take,” I commented and started putting eggs on my plate. “Said someone who’s from a family of doctors,” Chaeng teased but I simply shrugged.

Most of my family members are doctors but I never really had fun with Biology. I liked physics concepts though and planes. Put them together and I’m now taking up Aeronautical engineering.

“Your course is harder though,” Dahyun suddenly said. “It’s not really that hard, I like what I do so I’m happy with it,” I smiled. “You liked dancing too so why did you stop?” Chaeyoung asked. “Correction, I never liked dancing but my mom did so she forced me in to it,” I corrected her.

“Speaking of dancing!” Chaeng and I looked at Dahyun who suddenly turned back into her energized state. “There would be three new students at our University. Some said one of them is a really famous dancer,” Dahyun said.

Our university is prestigious and strict in terms of academics. Only few are able to get in which is the reason why people usually knows who is who. There are not much students to be confused with anyway.

“But isn’t first sem almost ending?” I asked her. “Well, the units from the first sem doesn’t really matter that much. They can just take it during summer,” Chaeng replied.

“Well, good luck on them catching up with the lessons and stuff,” I simply replied.

“Oh , I’m late,” Dahyun cursed after seeing the time on her watch. “See you guys later!” Dahyun run off while Chaeng calmly picked her things up. “I’m going to go now too, the Architecture department is far,” Chaeng said and I simply nodded my head.

Once they left, I started cleaning up then washed the dishes. I’ve decided to clean up the dorm too since I have a lot of free time to use.


Noon came and I’m already dressed up with my outdoor clothes. I got my bag and went out but not before locking up the dorm. I don’t want any of our things to go missing. Recently, there has been reports that some guys break in to steal from the students’ belongings.

I was humming to a tone I previously heard on the radio when my stomach grumbled. I need to go to the cafeteria and grab some food before heading to class.

There’s a commotion in the cafeteria when I got there. I shrugged it off and continued my way to the counter.

“Can I have a chicken sandwich please and a chocolate milk?” I told the lady by the counter. The lady proceeded to get my order while I look around the cafeteria.

There are students gathering at the corner of the place. I wonder what’s going on there. My train of thoughts were cut short when the lady called my attention to give my orders. I grabbed some bills from my wallet before leaving.

On my way out, people who were just gathering at the corner suddenly dissipated. I saw that at the middle of the commotion were three girls around the same age as me.

I brushed it off and took a bite of my sandwich with the chocolate milk on my other hand. I strolled off into the engineering building which is one of the farthest buildings from the cafeteria. I was nowhere near late so I’m just taking my time.

Suddenly someone clung to my arm, it was Elkie. She’s a friend I made when I just got here in Korea. It’s not all the time I can meet people who can speak Chinese so I was really glad when she took the first step and talk to me.

“How’s your day going?” She asked. “Nothing much,” I said and passed her some of my sandwich. “Thanks,” she said then took a bite. I sipped from my milk before saying, “You?”

“The teachers cancelled my morning classes,” Elkie said.

“Same, I decided to clean up the dorm while waiting for time to pass,” I told her and she chuckled. “You truly can’t stand not doing anything. I went back to sleep as soon as I heard that I don’t have classes,” she said then returned my sandwich.

“Sleep is good. You also need it, mid-terms are coming and a zombie wave will probably hit the school soon,” I responded without much care. My attention was caught when a commotion is happening near us again.

I stopped to look but all I could see are backs of the students. Elkie pulled me though when I realized I was staring for too long.

“Let’s go, we’re running late.”

“Do you know what’s going on there?” I asked while Elkie held me by the arm. Elkie shrugged, “It’s probably the new transfer students. I heard that they’re really pretty so a lot of people are flocking around them.”

“Oh, that makes sense. I thought they were plotting some kind of activity against the school, like the rally that happened months ago because we didn’t have a sports’ day,” I joked. “Ha-ha. Y’know that won’t happen again, the student council are dealing with things properly now,” Elkie sarcastically replied.

“Imma agree with that.”

We stopped walking when we arrived at her class. “Pick me up later so we can have that dinner you owed me?” She asked me and I nodded my head. “Text me when your classes are over then I’d get you,” I told her and patted her head.

“See you,” I said and walked off.

My next class is just a few classrooms away from Elkie’s so I didn’t really have to walk that much. Students are rushing in inside the classroom since the class is about to start but I had to stop when I saw someone on a wheelchair and she seems to be having a hard time.

“Do you need help?” I asked her but she didn’t answer me. “You’re new here, are you lost? Where are you gonna go anyway?” I tried my luck but she didn’t say anything again. “If you’re lost I can help you,” I told her but she only looked away.

Soon, a girl came running. “Mina! I told you to stay by the corridor,” she said and she seems to not care about my existence. “Your mom will kill me if she finds out both Momo and I left you,” the girl said.

“Just help me get to my class.” I heard the girl on the wheelchair mumble. The girl finally looked up and noticed my presence. “Oh, did you make friends with other people now?” The girl asked and looked at me.

“Sana please stop and just bring me to class.”

“Okie,” the Sana girl said and started pushing the girl on the wheelchair. They walked passed me and realized that they’re about to go to my class. I ran to catch up with them and opened the door for their convenience.

“Thanks,” Sana said to me. “My pleasure,” I replied with a smile. I walked ahead of them though and sat on my usual spot, the front. Sana helped Mina stand up from her wheelchair and transferred her to a seat beside me. Sana sat beside her after that.

“Hey, I’m Tzuyu,” I greeted her but she ignored me for the fourth time. “If that’s how you go then I won’t push,” I said and finally turned away from her. I focused on my notes instead.

The professor came soon after. He introduced the two late comers, he then said that we should help them catch up so they won’t have to take too much load in the summer.

I doodled instead of listening to the professor. I’m in no mood to listen to him preach about the plane’s engine parts. I turned to Mina, I learned her name when the professor introduced them, and noticed that she’s not listening either.

An hour later the bell rang and I was already parting ways with them. I was just about to leave when Sana called for me while Mina still sat on her seat, looking like she’s in a bad mood. “I saw how you wanted to help Mina earlier and I just wanted to say thank you for that. I know you were genuinely concerned about her not like the other students who just wanted her number.”

I was surprised towards her gratefulness and could only say, “No problem.”



It was already 5:30 P.M. when Elkie texted me to pick her up from the library. I was taking a nap at the school’s football field when she texted so it took me about 10 minutes before I got at the library. She wasn’t too happy when I saw her.

“What’s with the frown?”

“You took so long.”

“I was only late for 10 minutes.”

“Still too long.”

“You talk as if you’re my girlfriend,” I mumbled. “What did you say?” She asked me with a glare. “Nothing, I said let’s go ‘cause I’m really starving,” I said and pulled her.

I brought her to the fried chicken place across the school. I really like the place since it’s near and offers good food. The food is also cheap so I get to enjoy it without worrying about being broke.

“You really like eating here,” Elkie said and sat across me. “The food is cheap yet good, what’s there not to like about this place?” I told her. “You talk as if your parents rarely give you allowance,” Elkie commented.

“They do rarely give me allowance.”

“That’s pure crap, Chaeng told me that you go to the bank every week to receive your allowance,” Elkie chuckled. “Hey, that’s supposed to be a secret!” I whined but she only continued to laugh at me

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There will be another MiTzu one shot that I'll be posting so check that on my stories!!


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PastelAlleys #1
Chapter 1: UWU
Chapter 1: Agh, I really needed this today. Thank you author!
ALonelyMiTzuShipper #3
Chapter 1: awe.. what a cute fluff.. My MiTzu heartue.. ??
PenguinMai #4
Chapter 1: SOFT
Chapter 1: I'm soft
JuliaAlexiaRiessfeld #6
Really, Thank you authornim!