Chapter 2/2

It was a Typo.
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Working at Oh Enterprises was one of the best decisions that Baekhyun had ever made in his life. The working hours were efficient; the building was huge and well equipped, the pay was handsome and it was merely a fifteen minutes ride from his apartment complex. What else could one ask for? Being the multi-national company there were many chances for the promotion and improvement. All his seniors were well educated and experienced; the amount of knowledge that Baekhyun has gained from them regarding his respective field was remarkable. On top of that all- his boss was the perfect example of an eye-candy and he lived just across him. Okay, now he was talking with his , but Sehun was pleasing to look at regardless of that. It has been two months since the fiasco that happened at their house when his boss came to have dinner with them unannounced.

More like Kyungsoo intentionally forgot to tell us…

Baekhyun was still bitter over it, but not so much anymore. He has refused to talk with Jongdae and Kyungsoo after that night; has successfully done so for two whole days, but then Kyungsoo bribed him with good food and they were good once again. As for Jongdae, his loud-mouthed won’t leave him alone anywhere – sadly not even at the office – so he didn’t have much of a choice. Fortunately, he has managed to avoid getting in embarrassing situations in front of his boss after that. He comes across the taller male almost daily when they are leaving for the office in the morning and share a greeting with him, but that’s all the contact he had with him. In a way, he was happy with the arrangement, but then it was not that good either because he might have developed this really tiny infatuation towards his boss. It was inevitable, really. At least that’s what Kyungsoo said when he stated that he already saw it coming. When asked how he simply replied that Baekhyun always ends up liking people who he gets embarrassed in front of. To put it more sinisterly he stated that Baekhyun was a masochist who had a kink for embarrassment. He didn’t agree with that at all.

I do not have a kink for embarrassment out of all things.

Baekhyun was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a soft knock on his door. Shifting in his bed slightly, he allowed his visitor to enter the room and gave out a small smile as his bald friend stepped in with a tray. Kyungsoo has promised to make him chicken soup as soon as he has learned that he was sick. The sick guy wasn’t even sure how he suddenly came down with cold, but somehow he did; to the point, he had to call in sick for work.

“How are you feeling?” His friend inquired before carefully placing down the tray on the bedside table.

“Have been better.”

“It will pass. Have some soup and rest. I will be leaving for the restaurant. Call me if you need anything.” Baekhyun nodded his head in acknowledgment before slightly tipping it in wonder. Kyungsoo knew he was going to say something stupid as soon as he saw the smirk that was suddenly lining his friend’s lips.

“What if I want you?” Here it was- the stupid inquiry he was already expecting.

“Don’t call me.”

“Why? Kyungsoo~ I’m sick.”

“I’m sick of you.” Baekhyun didn’t have an answer for that.


Being a CEO wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. Your life is filled with busy schedules, fatigue, boring meetings and parties and everything else that a young adult would never enjoy; Sehun would know that because he learned from experience. He wasn’t really against his position or the responsibilities that came with it, he actually enjoyed doing his work, but everyone has their moments. The position of the CEO didn’t only come with hard, boring things though there are many advantages to it too. The money is good along with the power that he holds over everyone. He was working to the best of his ability in his prime age- not many get to do that. People actually listened to him and scampered off in urgency to fulfill his demands; well all the people other than Jongin.

Why am I doing this for him again?

As far as the taller male was concerned it was Jongin who was supposed to do things for him; not the other way around. Sehun heaved a tired sigh before pushing open the door of his office where his friend was waiting for him. They were supposed to discuss the new tender that they were going to pass, but were missing the files. Jongin being the great friend told Sehun to retrieve them from his office because he was too tired to do that himself.

“What are you doing with my phone again, Jongin?” It was the first thing that he asked about as soon as he entered his office and saw his friend using his phone as he always does. The young CEO sometimes wondered whether Jongin knew about the concept of personal space or not.

“That’s something for the later concern!” The heated way in which his friend exclaimed that told Sehun that he was being very serious.

“Someone is spreading rumors about you.” The taller male raised an inquiring brow at Jongin when the latter continued.

“What rumors?” The comical way in which his friend looked around and then leaned in to whisper to him almost made him laugh out loud. Thankfully, he had it concealed with a snort.

“Are you pregnant?”

“What the , Jongin! I’m a man.”

“Then how would you explain this text?” Sehun threaded his fingers through his hairs to stop himself from slapping his best friend before looking down on the screen of his mobile. He wasn’t really sure what Jongin was going on about, but it had to be something big if his friend was reacting this way.


Byun Baekhyun

How is our pregnant boss ;)


The young CEO stared blankly at the screen for a whole silent minute before letting out a choked laugh of disbelief. Baekhyun really was something for making this kind of mistake with his boss twice.

“I’m sure there is some kind of mistake…” The way Sehun trailed off at the end of his sentence almost made it seem like he wasn’t sure of his statement either.

“Why does he always make these kinds of mistakes with you?” Jongin had his eyes squeezed in suspicion; this time Sehun didn’t blame him.

“Beats me! Plus, maybe this text wasn’t even meant for me. I mean look at that wink emoji.”

“That’s the point, Sehun. Look at that emoji! That is a freaking wink which means he’s trying to be flirty. What in hell have you been doing with him behind my back?” The taller male immediately opened his mouth to refute that statement and to tell his friend that he was not going behind his back even if he was doing something with Baekhyun, but was cut off even before he can speak.

“I knew you being neighbors with him was suspicious. I mean- I thought you were a freaking top!”

“Jongin-” Sehun tried to stop his friend from rambling further, but he was cut off once again.

“Look at him saying you’re pregnant which is not even possible. Did you get ed by him last night? Is he teasing you?”

“Kim Jongin! You have exactly five seconds before you lose your job. Get out of here.”


“Jongdae you ing ! You freaking nuisance on Earth! You nasty piece of !” Those were the praises that were sung for Jongdae as soon as he picked up the incoming call. It was not surprising since he was used to it.

“Ha. Ha. Ha. The love is in the air, isn’t it Byun?” Jongdae inquired sarcastically with a dry laugh.

“What on Earth have I done to deserve this honor?”

“You exist! That’s bad enough.” Came the reply from the other end which caused Jongdae to roll his eyes.

“You’re not the one to talk. Plus, you can’t even live a day without talking to me so don’t even try.”

“You make it sound like I need you in my life.” Baekhyun sounded as if he was questioning all his life choices.

“Congrats! You finally figured that out. Now, tell me what you called for because Oh Sehun is on our floor.”

“Don’t even say his name!” Jongdae pulled the phone away from his ear and stared down at the screen in wonder; almost as if it would give him all the answers he wants.

“What have you done this time, Byun?”

“I asked Sehun how was my pregnant boss…”

“What even? Why would you ask him that?” It was really over Jongdae’s understanding.

“The text was meant for you! And it was meant to be perfect, Jongdae. It was not supposed to be pregnant.” Jongdae can’t help, but let out a tiny snicker. His friend’s life was filled with bad decisions and embarrassing moments.

“I won’t even ask how that happened. Dude, Jongdae starts with a ing ‘J’ and Sehun starts with a ing ‘S’. How can you mix that up?” Jongdae inquired with a slouched posture; which straightened immediately as soon as he saw Sehun walking in his direction; looking straight at him while he was talking on the phone and slacking off. What a day it was…

“Well, in my defense I was sick and out of my mind.”

“Well- I have a bad news for you or maybe myself,” Jongdae muttered the last part under his breath as his boss drew closer. He really didn’t know why he wasn’t hanging up. It was almost as if his body was paralyzed and his lips were moving. Baekhyun probably pulled some black magic on him.

“Sehun is currently looking at me slacking off while I’m talking to you on the phone. ! Why am I not hanging up?” The snicker that came from Baekhyun offended Jongdae a little bit so he decided he won’t let his friend have any satisfaction either.

“I heard him asking about you too. Dude, I think we both are going to be fired. You still have the email of that other company, right?” Before Baekhyun can even reply to him, Jongdae finally pulled away his phone from his ear and looked up at Sehun; who was leaning over his cubicle.

“Do you-” Sehun started, but was cut off again; this time by Jongdae. His brows furrowed in irritation. Why was everyone cutting him off in the middle of his sentence that day? His expression wasn’t received well by Jongdae who thought his boss was angry at him for slacking off. The fearful expression on his face was worth millions.

“First of all, I don’t know anything. Second of all, Baekhyun says he is sick and out of his mind.” Jongdae faintly registered a ‘what the ’ coming from his phone that was probably heard by Sehun too, but he didn’t pay it any attention.

“Third of all, I wasn’t slacking off. Don’t fire me. Fourth of all, that message wasn’t meant for you.” Jongdae once again heard a soft ‘thank you bro’ coming from the phone which made him smile slightly. If he was going to defend himself, he was going to defend Baekhyun too. They both would get fired together if they do. Even Sehun can’t stop them.

“Mr. Kim, I was just going to ask for the files though it’s a relief to know that the message wasn’t meant for me. I think you should clear that up for Jongin. He was more traumatized than me.” Sehun cleared up the misunderstanding with an amused smile before taking hold of the files sitting on Jongdae’s desk and walking away.

“He can remain traumatized for the rest of his life, for all I care,” Jongdae muttered under his breath after Sehun has walked off.





When was the dinner again?



For the last time Byun Baekhyun

It’s ing today



The rational part of my brain
is telling me not to believe you.





You don’t have that



Ha. Ha. Ha.

I’m still not convinced




You can just miss the dinner

Sehun won’t probably mind



I wish I was there

At least I would have known

I can’t trust your lying




The dinner is today

At ing 7 PM sharp

This means you only
have 5 minutes to ring
that ing bell on Sehun’s

We are already inside having
nice time sharing your embarrassing
stories with him…


Baekhyun had never rung a doorbell so fast ever before in his life. He has been standing outside Sehun’s apartment door for the past 15 minutes trying to contemplate whether this was another prank pulled on him by Jongdae, but since Kyungsoo has said that they were inside he would whole-heartedly trust his bald friend. Kyungsoo can be trusted, but Jongdae cannot.

The shorter male was pulled out of his thoughts when the door of the apartment was pulled open by Sehun; who was dressed way too formally for his liking. Baekhyun gave his boss an awkward smile before he discreetly looked down on his own casual blue jeans and a black T-shirt. His friends have clearly forgotten to tell him that it was a formal event- not a casual one.

“Sorry, I’m a little bit late for the dinner.” To say that Sehun looked confused after hearing his apology would be an understatement.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

“I invited you to dinner today?” Baekhyun had a sinking feeling in his stomach that his initial suspicions were correct and his friends including Kyungsoo has betrayed him on a whole new level this time. He can’t even hear Jongdae’s loud voice from inside.

Those ers…

“J-Jongdae said that it was today- the dinner.” He stuttered out unattractively as his whole face flushed red in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Byun but your source of information was not reliable.” Baekhyun already knew that, but hearing it from the taller male’s mouth made him feel actually stupid. Why would he even believe Kyungsoo?

“The dinner I invited you on is tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry!” The shorter male apologized once again while biting down on his lower lip to stop himself from singing curses out loud for his friend so the whole freaking building could hear them. Since he was standing in front of Sehun and was already embarrassed enough, he would save that for later. He would not spare those ers. He would make sure that his friendship with those snakes end today.

“I-I will just go home and come back tomorrow.” It was even painful to say that since there was nothing at home to cook. It’s not like if there was anything in the kitchen he would be able to cook it; he at it big time. Kyungsoo hasn’t cooked anything today and he wasn’t even going to. Baekhyun was not going to allow his friends to enter their shared apartment until he gets his revenge on them. He can always call for a delivery, but he was broke at the moment. In his defense, the clothes at that one expensive store were really appealing.

It’s no use to mull over that now…

It really wasn’t. The money he spent was not coming back and he really can’t ask his boss to feed him because he was broke and hungry. He didn’t regret spending all that money though- his looked amazing in the jeans he was wearing; the very jeans that he has brought with that money along with many other things.

Guess…I’ll sleep hungry today.

The male thought to himself dejectedly and made a move to turn around in his place to go back to his home. However, it seemed like the dejection that he was feeling was displayed on his face too. That is the only thing that would explain why Sehun was looking at him with such an amused expression.

“Mr. Byun, since you are here why don’t you come in and give me some company for the dinner tonight.” Baekhyun was sure that his boss clearly noticed the way his whole face lit up as soon as he proposed his offer. He would find time to be embarrassed about it later, but right now his tummy was empty and it needed to be filled.

God bless Oh Sehun!



You guys better not come home

I will slaughter you all into pieces

Jongdae I hope your falls off

Soo I hope your hairs never grows back again

Chanyeol if I ever get to know

You were involved

Let’s just say

I hope your never grows hard again.


Baekhyun ranted off in the group chat with narrowed eyes before turning off his phone with an angry huff. He shoved his phone inside his jeans pocket with an irritated scowl before looking up towards his boss; who was kind enough to offer him a place to sit and a glass of water. He watched on with focused eyes as the taller male slowly made his way towards the Kitchen and pulled out some leftovers from the fridge to reheat them.

“I hope you won’t mind the leftovers. I was not expecting a guest today or else I would have cooked.”


He can even cook

Is there anything he can’t do?

“Baekhyun?” Baekhyun focused his attention back on his boss when he heard the latter addressing him and immediately let out a small noise of acknowledgment. He was way too busy staring his boss down to give a proper verbal response. We can’t really blame him; not when the taller male was now casually leaning his sturdy figure against the fridge frame like a freaking runway model.

“Are the leftover okay?” His boss inquired again with a subtle smirk lining his lips which finally brought the shorter male back to the world.

“Y-Yes. Anything is good!” That answer was filled with a little bit too much enthusiasm to be considered as the truth; fortunately, his boss didn’t pass a comment on that and turned around to continue his task.

“Does Jongdae pull these kinds of pranks on you often?” Sehun inquired nonchalantly; probably trying to keep the atmosphere from getting awkward.

“Very.” He mumbled sourly before slumping back in his place with a sigh.

“I should have never trusted them.”

“Well- if it helps I think that’s a really cruel thing to do.” His boss sympathized with a soft smile while still keeping his eyes on the oven that he was working with currently.

“Fire him!” Baekhyun suggested with a sour grimace before trailing his eyes back towards Sehun; who was now once again leaning against the marble counter and looking at him with an amused expression on his face.

“You want me to fire Jongdae?” His boss humored him with a soundless chuckle.

“He deserves that.” He replied with the shrug of his shoulders.

“He has to break the office code for me to fire him. Playing a prank on you is sadly not against the office rules.”

“That’s unfair! I’m the employee. My rights should be protected.” Baekhyun claimed heatedly before calming down once again with an embarrassed flush on his face. He can’t help it; not with the way, Sehun was now laughing at his outburst.

“Jongdae’s my employ too.” His boss commented off-handedly before finally pulling out the microwaved food after the loud, distinct ‘ding’ that echoed around the whole apartment. He set the scalding dishes down on the kitchen table before proceeding towards the side dishes. Baekhyun watched on with growing interest and bated breath as the taller male ed the cuffs of his dress shirt and starting folding the sleeves to prevent them from getting wet while he was rinsing the dishes.

Oh Lord, this is how heaven must feel like.

Can this man get any more attractive?

How can one man be so perfect?

He gushed to himself internally while letting out an excited screech mentally.

“What was that?” Sehun turned around in his place abruptly with a shocked expression marring his face. It looked like Baekhyun’s mental screech decided to bring itself into existen

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Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1350764/2'>Chapter 2/2</a></span>
Oh god i really can't stop laughing while reading this, especially on that one message, sebaek is my fav otp i hope you will write more stories on sebaek
Chapter 2: I really need more of your sebaek stories..... (Quoting Selena Gomez..) ...Cause I can't get enough....
Be it a continuation of this story( i am all in for it)
Or a new story ( can i get both)... Cause i can't help but keep on coming back to read your sebaek stories.... Cause they make feel so happy amd make me laugh.... ( and that is seriously some ) cause i don't laugh alot....
Plzzz consider it once...
Miss sebaek stories... But thank you for these stories too...
Stay safe and healthy
Good luck!!!!
Maro0o #3
Chapter 2: I really need the part. ;))
969 streak #4
Chapter 2: I was reading part one past midnight and I can't help laughing. This is really hilarious. I also have a lot of typos when I text. I can sympathize with Baekhyun. But his typos are really amazing!?
I didn't realize that Sehun wanted to know how Baekhyun saved his number when he borrowed his phone. It was a good thing it was still non-incriminating at that time.
I liked the way you ended. This feels so light and sweet. I feel the will change the atmosphere of the story. But that is just me.
Thank you so much for sharing this besutiful love story full of laughter. ?
Chapter 2: Hey!! Wow this was so much fun... I really really enjoyed reading this.... Does this have sequel ??
Chapter 2: still waiting the scene u_u
Chapter 2: still waiting the scene u_u
binnybunny #8
Chapter 2: scene please ??
Chapter 2: This is so gudddd lols omg i can't stop laughing at all those jokes, thabkyou authornim♡♡
subtitler #10
Chapter 2: Rereading this at work and it still makes me laugh... A lot... Coworkers must think i've gone mental...