Jisoo learns what Jennie's perk is to be

Madame Park's Academy
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Jennie lifted the towel from Jisoo's eye and looked at it appraisingly.  "I think that's going to be okay," she said. "By tomorrow morning, you won't even be able to tell you were punched."

Jisoo blinked several times, getting used to having vision in her left eye again. "Do you ever think this is weird?"

Jennie looked Jisoo in the eyes. "Think what's weird?"

Jisoo gestured around her. "This. All of this. The scientific boxing. The fencing. The toxicology. The geography and current events. All on top of the usual accomplishments. Not to mention all of Madame's rules. I just wonder what it's all for."

Jennie shrugged. "Madame thinks all of these things could be useful to use once we start our missions."

"That's another thing," Jisoo said. "Missions. Normal women don't have missions. And who are these secret societies and what do they want?"

Jennie laughed. "If we knew who they were and what they wanted, they wouldn't be very secret, would they?"

"But. . ." Jisoo protested, "how do we know we're not on the wrong side? Are we the bad guys?"

Jennie smiled indulgently at Jisoo, then reached out and gently her face, being careful to avoid the tender area around her eye. "I don't think I'm a bad guy. Do you feel like a bad guy?"

Jisoo shook her head. "No, but then, I wouldn't, would I? I mean, in the novels, the bad guy never thinks they're the bad guy."

Jennie laughed. "You just solved it: So long as you think your like is a story about you, you're not the bad guy."

Jisoo thought about this for a moment, her face scrunching up with the effort, but after a while she saw her thoughts were just running in circles. "There's something not right about that," she said, "but since I can't put my finger on what, I guess I'll just go with it. I'm one of the good guys."

"Of course you are," Jennie said, leaning down and kissing Jisoo on the cheek. She was surprised - but not displeased - when Jisoo turned her head and captured . Long before Jisoo had had enough of this, Jennie pulled her head away. "As much as I'm enjoy this," she said, "we'd better go get dressed for lunch. Madame Park won't like it if we're late."

Jennie helped Jisoo to her feet, then gathered up the towel and pitcher and put them on a nearby table. "Let's go," she said, leading the way up the stairs.



Lunch was a Weinerschnitzel with a green salad and roasted potatoes. After the morning she'd had, Jisoo would rather have had something familiar, but Madame Park's philosophy of food was that they should be ready to eat anything at any time, and do so properly and with enjoyment, so she kept the menus constantly changing. Once they had all started eating, Madame Park asked Jennie if she was ready to tell what she wanted for her perk. Instantly, the room went silent as everyone waited to hear what Jennie would say. Solar had stopped with a bit of schnitzel halfway into , as if she had been frozen.

Jennie calmly finished chewing, then daintily wiped before she said, "Yes, I think now is a good time." She looked around the table, then turned back to Madame Park and said "I'd like to change roommates. I want Jisoo to be my roommate and Solar to room with Moonbyul."

The reaction around the table were immediate and various. Rose, Lisa, Hwasa, and Wheein breathed a collective sigh of relief, glad that Jennie's perk didn't affect them in any way. Moonbyul just shrugged and went back to her eating. Solar slowly lowered her fork and set it down on her plate. And Jisoo looked around taking all of this in, until she realized Madame Park was talking to her, asking her opinion of this development.

"I think it will be fine," Jisoo said, doing her best not to let on how happy this made her. "I've gotten so know Jennie a little bit recently and I'm looking forward to us growing closer."

Solar pulled her napkin out of her lap and threw it into her plate. "Excuse me, I think I'm going to be ill," she said, as she hurriedly got up and left the dining room. Lisa, who had been sitting next to Solar watched her go, amazed that something had finally reached Solar deeply enough that her veneer of perfection had cracked. She looked from the door back to Madame Park, who was obviously displeased with Solar's behavior.

"Very well," Madame Park said. "Jennie, I grant your perk. Jisoo, you have permission to be late for geography in order to move your belongings into Jennie's room. Moonbyul, since Solar is obviously ill -" the tone of Madame Park's voice revealed how little she believed Solar's excuse - "you will be late for geography in order to move her belongings into your room."

"Yes ma'am," Jisoo and Moonbyul said at once.



Moonbyul and Jisoo were almost done with the room swaps. As Jisoo was gathering up the last of her clothes to take down to Jennie's room, Moonbyul came and stood next to her. "I hope you know what you're doing," Moonbyul said. "Be sure to remember who Jennie is, and think about Solar if you ever think you're anything more than a toy to her."

Jisoo nodded and said "I'll remember," but inside she was thinking that Moonbyul didn't really know Jennie. She hadn't seen the way Jennie was when she was taking care of Jisoo in the storeroom. But she knew that nothing she could say would change Moonbyul's mind, so she just nodded, gathered up the rest of her stuff, and carried it down to Jennie's room - well, her room too now, she supposed.

She hung her dresses in the closet, then stopped to look around the room for a second before heading down to geography class. This room was much nicer than the one she had shared with Moonbyul. It was larger and instead of one tiny window had two large windows. With the curtains open, Jisoo could see almost all of the grounds in front of the house. She happened to notice a delivery wagon coming up the drive. She wondered what could be in it, then figured she had enough to do trying to remember everything she was supposed t

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It's been over a year, but the 4th chapter of "Madame Park's Academy" is finally done. Remember: At the time this story is set, Thailand was called Siam, so Lisa is not Thai but Siamese.


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Cruuushx3 0 points #1
Chapter 11: Omg chapter 11!!!
Muraq8 #2
Chapter 68: Yay new book of it live it
Chapter 67: Awwww, muy bien resuelto!
Aunque espero que por lo menos haya pequeñas historias derivadas de esta... como por ejemplo qué fue lo que pasó con el resto de las alumnas de ambas academias... y qué pasó con la viuda... por favor!
Chapter 64: awsome, so ur still regularly updating, wow!
skylla321 #5
Chapter 6: So, something tells me not to trust Jennie’s relationship with Jisoo. Jennie is so competitive that she might be playing her to stay at #1. Let’s see what is next. . .
skylla321 #6
Chapter 3: I am in chapter 3 (I am slow like Moonbyul). I think that Madame Park has it tough since she has a rowdy bunch but let’s see how she succeeds in teaching them.
Chapter 54: Nice chapter author 🤩🤩
skylla321 #8
Chapter 2: Haha! I am a late comer but Madame Park feeds them very well except Rosé with limited desserts. By the way, I wonder how much the tuition is for her secret society schooling. Their parents must be paying a pretty penny.
Chapter 61: Thanks for the update author!!
U nake my day 🤩
Chapter 17: Awesome chapter
Thanks author