
The General's Bride

 Trickling beads of sweat dripped into my eyes, the helmet I wore in the heat of the summer causing copious amounts of perspiration to collect inside the metal ridges and then fall repeatedly into my face. On a normal day I would’ve left it, but I needed to see the battlefield clearly in front of me; my eyes were already straining enough as it was. The thick padded cotton of my myeongap along with its outer layer made of metal, was keeping me close to boiling temperatures in the armor. But this was war and I needed to lead. Heat or no, I had to finish what others had begun. With leather covered fingers, I wiped away the stinging droplets and stopped my annoyed sigh from escaping my lips.

The deep chuffing noises of horses all standing together was drowned out by the battle taking place below, loud yells mixing with high cries as men rose and fell. My muscles tensed and relaxed in turns, my hands itching to take up arms and join my men. But generals didn’t fight the battles, we merely orchestrated to win the war. This notion has never sat particularly well with me, but I was no ordinary military man; I was the head of the king’s forces and of royal blood to boot.

It had been seven weeks since I’d left home and started the long days of putting down skirmishes at the very borders of the country. The fighting that had first taken place amidst the forests had now changed drastically to the flat lands. And with that change came all new problems, though most of us had foolishly assumed the going would be easier once we could finally see the enemy instead of having attacks launched at us in secret.

But the open playing field meant that both sides were now at a disadvantage and more than that, the invaders had become desperate. Nothing was worse than a desperate soldier; they had nothing left to lose. As if their lives meant little, they willingly lined up and died in droves as we swept through them like a disease, killing indiscriminately until their numbers had dwindled to the hundreds. Still they came at us but in comparison to their earlier fury, what we fought through now would lead to a simple victory.



I spurred my dark brown horse ahead, eager to end this once and for all. I had been away from home too long and I missed its creature comforts, baths being uppermost in mind. I was usually fastidious but that was impossible to keep up on the road as we were. My men were just as eager to return to their own homes and families, so when the call was yelled out to advance, joyous shouts of victory were being passed along the ranks. For once I wasn’t at the forefront of the battle; instead I was surrounded on two sides by guards, men that I trusted my life to. We rode as one together through the main battlefield, intent on finding the leader of this rebellion. With him dead the rest could be captured and examples made.

War had become predictable and war with an enemy that had spanned years even more so. But now that we had pushed the Mongols so close to their home territory, some of their women had joined the battle as well. While it was not a new notion to hear of women in combat, the Mongol horsewomen who fought alongside their men were fierce in skirmishes and I watched as one ran a soldier through with a bow and arrow, her face nut brown from exposure to the sun and smeared with blood. They were so different from the flower-like fragile birds that twittered in the king’s court, those falsely blushing maidens who only knew how to find a husband and plot revenge. With their ghost white skin and childlike ways, it was no wonder I was drawn to these foreign warrior women instead.

I could see the Mongolians falling under the swords of my soldiers, the cries of the dying reaching my ears but my eyes were on a much bigger prize. Distracted as I was, fate took the time to remind me that I was merely a mortal. My attention was stolen by the woman cutting through my men and I didn’t see the danger approaching me from my left. And though my horse whinnied in warning, it was too late when I turned to find the reason for his sound. In an instant a burning pain shot through my leg like lightning, the strength of it almost knocking me from my seat. My horse bucked but I ignored it again, too focused on the black dots that swam in my vision. Looking down, a long pike was stuck clear through my thigh and I couldn’t see the tip on its way out.


Dizzy eyes landed on the solider who had committed the act, the grin on his face as he came forward with a sword in hand to finish the act maniacal. Breathing through my nose and falling back on the meditation techniques that I’d practiced since childhood, I cleared my thoughts. The wound stopped screaming in agony long enough for me to pull my own sword from its scabbard and with a burst of energy that came from somewhere deep within me, I slashed it down in a wide arc. Time slowed as it fell almost gracefully against the soldier’s neck. Mere seconds passed and a bloody spray poured out from the gruesome slash across his throat and the soldier fell to the ground, the smile still on his face.


We fell then, my horse collapsing onto its front legs. Pain, sharp and biting tore through me as I scrambled off it, knowing I needed to get as far away as I could lest he crush me under his weight. Panting in agony, I lay among the grasses as blood ran down my leg thickly, the life sustaining liquid coating the ground beneath me. I realized belatedly that there was much too much blood being lost and even as I watched, my head swam and I fought unconsciousness. Men huddled around me but their voices were like whispers as I lost the fight to stay awake. I could hear my lieutenants calling out to me, pleading for me to come to my senses, but their voices gradually grew quiet.







Jibaeja...Master please wake up...”

A whispered voice spoke softly as it reached out to me. I was drifting in that in-between place of deep sleep and wakefulness, the feeling peaceful. I didn’t want to be disturbed and I tried to ignore the voice. But when the calling stopped I felt the pressure of a hand on my shoulder and I snapped my eyes awake, ready to glare at the intruder.

“What is it?” I mumbled, annoyed at the intrusion.

The thin man in front of me bowed low, the grey of his hair reflecting in the moonlight that flowed through my suite’s windows.

“My apologies for disturbing your sleep General, but your presence in the palace has been requested by our Jeonha. This servant has come to prepare you.” He bowed again, his old back bent nearly in half. I waved him away from the edge of my bed, not liking that the man who treated me as his own grandchild would prostrate himself in front of me.


I rose slowly as my trusted steward finished speaking, my mind still hazy with the dreams that had once been reality. My body resisted as I sat up, the aches and pains that had once been accompanied with intense training now came with no such prompting. At almost thirty, everything ached, especially the leg that had been broken and cut into thick pieces by the enemy. It had been a miracle that I’d regained functionality at all but that hadn’t been enough for me. With single-minded determination I had willed my body to health and only a year later I could run again, train in the martial arts styles that had kept me fit. I would never be as I was, but I wasn’t damaged anymore.

I would usually take time to get ready in the mornings, my muscles needing to be stretched thoroughly to avoid any excess pain but I had no time. I’d forgo my bath as well, the one I’d had the night before would have to suffice. It would be seeking death to keep the king waiting and even as a prized general, I wasn’t safe from his temper.


GiTae watched as I stood with some difficulty but he didn’t offer to help, only coming up behind me to strip my underclothes off. The sheer white robe was made of silk and it slid off my shoulders easily and into his hands. With a quick efficiency borne of years of servitude to me, the garment was hung and the first piece of clothing was brought to me.

I started with the baji, the thin silk pants light and perfect for the summer heat that filled the air with moisture. They were without color in a pristine white and I stepped into them on my own, fastening the thick band that held it together around my waist. Next a simple cotton shift was handed to me, the piece meant to be worn first before adding the pho. The overcoat itself was covered in miniscule embroidery, the white of it enhanced by the raised pieces featuring trees and flowers in white thread. Delicate as it was, it still wasn’t my best finery. But I had always eschewed the brightly colored clothing that was the habit of courtiers and royalty. I was a warrior first and comfort came before keeping up with the latest fashion trends that included layer upon layer of fabric.

Looking into the circle of polished bronze that served as my mirror, I waved off GiTae and used a brush to bring my hair into the easy topknot that I had learned many years ago. I could never get used to being waited on and that independence had only increased during my long stay in the military. Some of my compatriots could barely wipe their own asses but I had never been a pampered son despite my lavish surroundings.


I had no need to call for my choheon, it was ready and waiting as I left the front doors of my compound, the dark wooden conveyance decorated with intricate scrollwork and pulled by a team of two horses, the excess a sign of nobility. The two-wheeled carriage was too high up from the ground for my step up to be comfortable, so I accepted a hain’s help in getting in. The palace wasn’t far away from my residence, the closeness to the king showing that I was favored in court. I said a word to my servant and we were off. I pretended not to feel the increasing pain that was steadily moving through the burning patch of raised flesh on my thigh and instead focused my mind on the coming battle.





A/N: Well, this has been a long time coming! I almost took down this fic and redid it, that's how bad my writer's block was for this story. I suppose this chapter release is simply perserverance lol. With that being said there is more to come, this is only half! Please Comment, Upvote and Subscribe for more updates and tell me down below what you think so far! Much love, <3

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Chapter 10: So glad you had a chance to update . I enjoy this story so much
sysychou #2
Chapter 10: Thank you soooo much. I really enjoy the story i was worried that you would not update.keep up the good work
ThinkPinkTink #3
Chapter 10: Yes! Thank you for the update! It’s nice to see them convene and interact lol
748 streak #4
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update, I’ve really missed this story. I love that they are communicating without words and making so much progress. They simply ‘get’ each other. It was also great that he did not take offense at her forthright manner. He treats her like an equal. Lastly, it sounds like court intrigue will be invading on their time soon.

P.s. I picked up Keys to Happiness.👍
gnoboange #5
Chapter 9: Please update
Chapter 7: I love the premise of the story! I’m a few chapters in and ready for General Min and Kaia to finally converse with one another. Please update when you have time!
sysychou #7
Chapter 9: Oh my god. Finally.i was waiting for this update. It always seems too short. This is my favorite story. Keep uploading don't leave us waiting too long
748 streak #8
Chapter 9: Welcome back, and thank you so much for the wonderful update. This is one of my favorite stories.😊

Kaia is resourceful, I could never have imagined that she would find a way to cook breakfast, much less pancakes and bacon . Even better than all the yummy fare, was the fact that the general joined her. I would say their first meeting went very well. One quick question though. How is it that he referred to himself as her husband? I didn’t think a concubine was usually considered a wife? Anyway, can’t wait for them to have another encounter, as each one is already finding the other of interest.
Chapter 9: Thank god your back I have been waiting for a new chapter.. I love this story can't wait till you upload more chapters.. Be well and have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving..
sisdels #10
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update! Please don't leave us hanging so long again. I really like this story, and would like to see it through to the end.

Also, I really enjoyed your book. 💜