
The Soul Painter and the Muse


On the other side of the kingdom, there lived a beautiful young lad named Minki. A poor orphan boy living a difficult life with his Uncle. His mother passed away when she gave birth to him and his father burned all her pictures leaving Minki with a painted portrait of her. Minki hid the portrait thing from his father keeping it as his little secret. Soon, his father followed his mom, leaving him to live with his irresponsible uncle.

To provide food for himself and his jobless Uncle, Minki worked as servant in a Noble's house serving a family of three. One day, the family wanted someone to paint a picture of the family so they asked minki to look for an artist.


Minki who was mopping the floor heard the lady calling for him.

“I’ll be right there,”

The snobby daughter of the family was whining while looking at the unfinished portrait the artist painted.

“It’s awful! It doesn’t look like me at all, i’m much prettier than that.” Whined the daughter.

The artist just shook his head at the rash opinion, “Calm down young lady, this is only an outline. I still have to fill in the colors and the last touch up of details.” he reasoned out.

Minki came in the room holding a tray of cupcakes, “I’m here,” he announced. Seeing the daughter standing up from her seat and looking at the portrait, “You’re finished already?” he assumed.

The mother turned to look at him with a frown, “Almost. But we’re very disappointed. Where did you find him? He’s incompetent.”

“I found him in the village square a few days ago. I saw him painting such wonderful portraits, I thought he’d be perfect.”

“Well, you were perfectly wrong. I should’ve known better than to trust a judgment of a servant.” The mother spat out.

Minki could only lower his head in shame.

“Hey you,” The mother called the artist, “You’re fired!”

“What?” the artist spat, taken back.

“We’ll hire another painter,” she shrugged.

The artist just sighed.

“We want a true artist who can portray exquisite beauty.” she added proudly.

The artist started picking up his painting tools and headed to the door leaving with disappointment.

“Wait please don’t go.” Minki called trying to catch up to him.

“You heard her, I’m fired.”

“I’m very sorry things turned out this way, I really think they’re being unfair.” Minki said apologetically.

“No need to apologize.” the artist smiled, “I knew the second I met them I wouldn’t live up to their expectations.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you, do you know a painter with the surname Kim?”

“No way!” he gasped, “you mean the famous Painter Kim?!”

Minki widened his eyes, “you know him?”

“Of course! Every artist dream of such genius. His paintings are a true masterpiece, part of the reason I became an artist.” he said dreamingly.

“He actually painted a portrait of my late mother and I’ve always wanted to meet him, would you be able to tell me where I could find him by any chance?” Minki asked, excitement written on his face.

“Hmm.. rumors says he had passed away and some say he lives like a hermit in an old castle. It's up on a peak surrounded by gloomy fog near the waterfall on the southern side of Gosen’s castle.”

“The southern side of Gosen's castle...” Minki repeated memorizing the name.


Finishing his job for the day, Minki headed back home feeling content that he got a few days off. He got home and saw all the lights were out. Strange.. his uncle would stay up all night drinking. Minki fetched out his house keys and walked in. The house was so quiet as if nobody had been occupying it for a while, turning on the lights his eyes caught a paper on the dining table.


Minki, I’ll be gone for a few days so you don't have to prepare any food.


Good. This is minki’s chance to go to the painter’s place.


The next morning came, Minki packed a few essential things with him since the journey to the castle will definitely be long. He also did not forget to bring his kitten Lucky with him since there won’t be anyone home to feed her.

Minki sighs as he continues walking through the forest pulling his bag’s strap up higher on his shoulder. This is a terrible idea, walking through this place by himself. It’s starting to get dark, he needs to hurry and get through the forest to the southern side.

He walked through the forest for quite some time, the moonlight giving the forest a soft glow of light. Minki started feeling tired and thought of taking a break but he heard a splashy sound that got him startled and to walk faster, hoping that it might be just the sound of the waterfall.

When he broke through the bushes, minki smiled to see the huge castle right a head of him. His smile faltered though, noticing that the castle looked very abandoned.

“Is anyone even living there?” he thought to himself.

He walked a bit to the castle’s door and tried to ring the bell.


No response…


“Maybe he’s not home.” Minki said feeling dejected while petting Lucky’s fur.


Suddenly the door cracked open, Minki hesitated to enter. What if the owner thinks he was trespassing.


But then he heard something moving behind him, it sounds like giggling?

Minki remembered there being stories of ghosts roaming throughout the forest, but he didn’t believe them, they were complete nonsense. Right?

He held his breath as the sound moved closer, confirming that it is indeed a giggling sound. His body ran cold, Minki dashed through the opened wooden door of the castle.


Eyes closed in fear, Minki exhaled deeply. He shouldn't be scared, he’s a man for god’s sake.

Opening his eyes he was stunned. There were many portraits hanged on the walls of the dim lighted castle.

“Oh my! Look at all these portraits, aren’t they beautiful?” he exclaimed, talking to Lucky who meowed back, agreeing.

Distracted by the portraits, Minki didn’t hear the footsteps of someone.


“Who are you?!” a hoarsed, deep voice echoed throughout the castle.


Frightened at the sudden sound, minki fell on the floor.


Groaning in pain, he finally lifted up his head and looked at the owner of the deep shrilling voice.


There, standing behind the stair rail a figure of a man, it was too dark to make out his face.


“Uh..i-i’m-...” Minki was at loss of words, gulping down, he tried to get back the strength in his legs to stand appropriately in front of the raging man.

“I’m sorry sir. I came here to meet Mr. Kim please.” Minki gently explained.


“What for?” the deep hoarse inquired, “Mr. Kim is a very busy man. Tell me honestly what you’re here for.”


Feeling goosebumps from the said person, Lucky bit minki’s cloth as if telling him to run away.


“From the looks of it, you don’t look like you’ve got a penny. I have no interest in talking to you.” the man grunted walking to where he came from.


Not giving up yet, Minki pleaded once again, “Please sir, don’t send me away. I only want to thank him for painting a portrait of my mom.”


Stopping in his tracks, the figure turned his head glaring at the intruder in his opinion, “The Kim you’re so thrilled to meet passed away 10 years ago.”


“He passed away?! I’m sorry I didn’t know.” Minki hanged his head low.

Having no business to stay any longer, Minki retorted back to the door he came from, “I’m sorry to have bothered you.” Sadness was printed upon his beautiful face.

When he opened the door to leave, the light of the moon casted its light on Minki’s face, his beauty becoming more vivid under the moonlight.

Seeing this, Jonghyun widened his eyes, “Wait.” he blurted, “I want to see you in the light.” he hurried down the stairs to where minki stood there confused.

Jonghyun inched closer to Minki, as Minki backed up into a wall. He put his hands on the wall, leaning into Minki’s face.

Scanning Minki’s features, Jonghyun was astonished at the beauty between his arms.

“You have such a lovely face, I don’t believe I’ve seen such beauty especially from a boy.” Jonghyun confessed, his husky voice tickling Minki’s face, “Tell me, what is your name?”

“My name is Choi Minki, sir. But may I know who you are?” Minki replied in a hushed tone. The person in front of him was too handsome to be real. The stranger is a bit tall with sun-kissed skin, soft, messy hair and deep black orbs that you could lose yourself into if you were to stare any longer.

“Oh pardon me, I’m Kim Jonghyun, son of the painter you were looking for.”Jonghyun answered, still staring creepily at Minki. “Listen Minki, I’m going to paint you.”

“You want to paint a portrait of me? There must be some mistake, I don’t have any money with me.”

Jonghyun took a deep breath, and demurred in a low voice, “I don’t want your money.”

Minki looked reluctant, but being the nice boy he was, he accepted.

Lucky knew this man was dangerous, the aura he was emitting was too strange but she stayed quite unable to warn the innocent Minki.


Jonghyun lead Minki to a room in the second floor, Minki looked around the messy bright room, it was full of empty canvases and unfinished paintings. “Did you follow your father’s steps and became a painter too?” Minki couldn’t help but ask.


Over the mention of his father, Jonghyun’s grip on the brush he was going to use to paint the said beautiful boy hardened, “Please refrain from speaking about him to me.” he forewarned.

Minki mentally slapped himself, he just wanted to warm up the uncomfortable silence.

“You may go sit on the couch to your right and put that kitty of yours away.” Jonghyun ordered firmly.


Minki apologetically glanced at Lucky in his arms who was hissing at the painter all the way up to the room, “Shhh Lucky,” Minki sat his kitty down on the carpeted floor.

Sitting up straight on the said couch, Minki smiled his usual smile, posing to the handsome painter.

Jonghyun was caught off guard, the boy was even prettier when smiling. Getting back his senses, he slumped onto his stool, holding the brush to the canvas and started working on the portrait.


Minki waited patiently for him the entire time, sitting quietly on the couch, hands placed neatly on his lap, wiggling his toes.


“Where’d you come from?” Jonghyun mumbled, hating the silence.


“Oh, I’m from Busan village.”


Jonghyun hummed in surprise, “why would you come all the way here just to thank my father?”


Minki looked down at his fidgeting fingers on his lap, “My mom passed away when she gave birth to me and my father burned all her pictures. I have no memories of her whatsoever so the portrait Mr. Kim painted of her was what kept me going in life.” he uttered, “It gave me hope, not wanting to disappoint my mother, I fought hard to survive in this unfair life.” he murmured the last few words.

Feeling a sting of pain in his chest when the beauty held a sad expression made Jonghyun clutch the brush hard, “Don’t move.” yes that’s the only thing Jonghyun could say to make the boy smile again.

Minki raised his head and smiled again at the painter, “Jonghyun-sshi, how long have you been a painter?” he was curious, he wanted to know more about this mysterious artist, his eyes held so much secrets.

“Aren't you a curious little one? I'll answer you though, I have been painter ever since I could remember.”

Although it wasn't a clear answer, Minki just dropped the topic not wanting to ask many questions or intrude.


Jonghyun was busy painting furiously. Minki’s features are soft, usually set in a gentle or curious expression. His eyes are bright and expressive. He felt uncomfortable when he got around to painting Minki’s lips, having to hold his gaze for prolonged amounts of time while Minki was blinking back innocently at him while trying not to fidget on the couch. His heart shaped lips are plump pink, so tempting…

Shrugging off the thought, Jonghyun adjusted his focus back on the painting while smirking, ‘thanks to my powers, your beauty will forever live in this painting.’ he thought to himself.


As for Minki, his eyes started getting drowsy, what’s wrong with me? He thought.


“I said don’t move.” Jonghyun demanded.


“Oops I forgot..” Minki recoiled and tried to keep his eyes wide open.


Lucky purred in worry.


“I’m fine Lucky, just a little stiff that’s all.” Minki assures his pet.


Face turning pale each passing minute, Minki’s shoulders sagged a little. Head nodding off, “What’s happening… I feel so tired all of a sudden, all I want to do is sleep..” Minki mumbled, sagging suddenly as a wave of vertigo knocked his body. "I... I-I don't feel right." The sheer weakness in his voice alarmed the painter.

It’s starting to take effect, his soul is slowly getting captured in the painting.

Jonghyun hesitated to go check on the beauty, why isn’t he himself? He knows it’s normal for the person getting painted to feel dizzy so why does he feel bad?

Seeing no movement from the boy who fell unconscious on the couch, Jonghyun gritted his teeth and walked closer to him, “Minki? Minki wake up!" Jonghyun demanded, cradling his muse face. The beauty however did not rouse, deeply and firmly entrenched in unconsciousness.

Frightened, fingers fell, pressing into the boy’s neck. Almost immediately, the thrum of an erratic pulse vibrated against those clammy pads. Thanks god he’s still alive.

Cursing, it was his fault, he regretted ever asking the young lad to pose for him.

The kitten hissed and brought him out of his trance, oh right he needs to do something before it’s too late.

Arms swept around the beauty’s petite form, scooping him off the couch and towards his bedroom.


Rushing into the room, gently lowering the precious burden into the cool soft mattress.


Having him away from the painting will regain back his strength.


Jonghyun doesn’t want him to die just yet, that’s what he tells himself denying the fact that he’s worried about him.


Jonghyun had only seen a few of his expressions, and he found himself addicted to observing the way the flesh of Minki’s face moves and changes, the way his eyes light up when he smiles, the way his eyes droop when he dozes off, and as Jonghyun continues thinking about the unconscious beauty he finds that the harder he looks, the more he realises he doesn’t know Minki’s face that much.


Deciding to leave the boy rest for now, Jonghyun left the room with a last glance.



“Meow,” Jonghyun heard a cat purr behind him, turning around to find the beauty’s pet staring back at him with its wide blue eyes.


“What?” Jonghyun growled, wanting to just sit alone for a while.


The kitten just meowed again and again, not understanding what the kitten was trying to say, Jonghyun crouched down to its level.


The kitten's ivory fur was inviting, Jonghyun unconsciously pet its head.


Lucky wanted to back away when she saw the painter’s hand coming her way but the moment she felt the warm hand of the painter, she stopped struggling.


He seems like a nice person so why does he keep this grim expression all the time.


“Don’t tell me you’re hungry?” he chuckled and the kitten meowed back as if saying yes.


Preparing a small meal for the hungry kitten, Jonghyun left the kitchen thinking of checking up on Minki.


Slipping through the door and into the room, a drowsy pair of eyes was the first thing the painter laid his eyes on.


“Jonghyun.” Minki breathed, “What happened?”


Having no idea how to explain himself, Jonghyun avoided the question. “You’re still weak, don’t speak.” he ordered.


Listening to Jonghyun’s words, Minki stayed still and observed the painter.


Setting foot onto the en-suite bathroom, Jonghyun came back with a towel and a basin filled with hot water. He dipped the towel and after it cooled a bit, he dabbed it on Minki’s forehead.


He met Minki’s eyes, the boy is smiling now and Jonghyun feels rather startled, frowning at his muse’s display of happiness.


“It feels nice being taken care of, I’ve never had anyone worrying about me when I get sick. Uncle’s too busy drinking and spending the nights out.” Minki exhaled deeply, “I can’t help but feel envious when I see a happy family.”


Jonghyun, stunned into silence, didn’t know how to react. He knew pity isn’t what Minki wants, so he kept his stupid words to himself and before he knew what he’s doing, he leaned over to caress Minki’s locks.

Jonghyun saw tears sliding down Minki’s rosy cheeks.


“I want to feel happiness too,” Minki breathed out in a heartbreaking tone.


Retrieving his hand back, Jonghyun was speechless. How could someone’s beauty be this thrilling even when crying.


Sitting up while wiping his tears, Minki smiled embarrassingly, “Sorry, I got emotional.”

Jonghyun chuckled at the shy lad, “No need to apologize. Everyone needs to vent out their problems.”

Minki stared shockingly at Jonghyun, “What is it? Is there something on my face?”

Minki grinned and shook his head, “It’s just your smile, it’s beautiful.”

“Uh…” Jonghyun got off the bed, “Oh I almost forgot about your pet, I left her in the kitchen. I’ll go fetch her.” and he hurried out of the door.

The mere moment the painter smiled back at him, Minki felt his heart skip a beat. It was funny, just like in the novels where the man or woman falls in love at first sight; but for Minki, it wasn’t any novel.




Impossible Jonghyun! it’s not like you to be affected by someone, a boy at that.

He needs to finish that damn portrait and quickly.


After getting his energy back, Minki asked Jonghyun to finish where he left off, seeing that he doesn’t have much time left before going home.


Jonghyun started painting immediately once Minki is settled back on the couch, he tried to work as efficiently and quickly as possible, making up for the time lost, and fighting the urge just to stop all together.


Jonghyun knew he will only be able to draw one expression of Minki before his soul is captured. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t get the paint to recreate Minki and his many quirks and expressions, Minki and his adorable laugh, Minki and his sweet innocence.


Minki started feeling the strange sensation once again, as if all his strength has been yanked away. His breath was coming to a stop.


Tears welled up in Jonghyun’s eyes as he saw Minki's soul slowly leaving his body, the paint brush dropped to the floor, he can’t do this.


Looking around the room for a glass of water, Jonghyun found the basin he used a while ago and grabbed it. He walked up to the portrait and splashed the water all over it.


The paint on the canvas got smeared and dissolved, leaving a huge mess.


The devil that was possessing his portrait screamed and vanished into thin air.


Jonghyun panted as he strode up to Minki whose eyes came back to life, he felt Minki swallow.


Minki looked up in confusion when Jonghyun draped his coat over him, gathering the trembling boy into his arms, holding him close.


“I’m so sorry.” he said regretfully, “I tried capturing your soul in my painting. Please forgive me.” Jonghyun pleaded, letting his fingers run through Minki’s hair, pressing a peck on the top of his head, and one more on his forehead when he blinked at Jonghyun with teary eyes.


“I’m so sorry.” he apologized once again, feeling remorseful towards Minki.


“Why?” Minki whispered.


Jonghyun began telling him his story. His father was once a famous artist but died from an incurable sickness. Jonghyun, the son of the painter walked on his father’s steps, using his father’s famous name.

He was a sought-after artist, he painted portraits of many Royals and other Nobles in the Kingdom. His talent was greatly admired and everyone wanted to pose for him, he was adored by all until that fateful day when a terrible devil possessed his paintings and many of the people in the portraits lost to it.

Then an awful rumor started going around Jonghyun saying he was capable of imprisoning souls with black magic and soon the rumor had spread out throughout the kingdom. Jonghyun was driven away, he decided to live in a castle and shun himself from others. Eventually, he came to believe the rumors himself and gave in to the devil.


”I hurt you,” Jonghyun averted his gaze, not daring to meet Minki’s eyes that are with no doubt filled with the mix of resentment and sympathy.


“It’s not your fault, Jonghyun. I can understand why you turned towards the dark power but talent like yours can only come from a truly good heart. Do you think you can paint another portrait for me?” Minki proposed with a beaming smile.

Jonghyun was at loss of words, “B-but I- I tried to capture your soul and now you want me to paint you again?”

“Yes.” Minki giggled. “The moment I saw you painting me, not only my soul was captured but my heart too.”

Jonghyun blushed deeply after realizing what Minki just said. He looked down at the canvas thrown aside with worrisome, he was afraid to paint again and the same thing could happen.


“It’s alright! The water you splashed yourself washed those gluey forces that is settled in your heart. From now on, you will paint as you did before, with warmth and hope.” Jonghyun heard his father’s voice resonating in his ears.


Looking around, his father wasn’t there but he definitely knew it was him.


“Thank you… you’ve given me back my life.” Jonghyun turned to Minki, happiness spreading through his chest.


What he was met with was a lapful of warm and a faceful of Minki. He felt Minki’s lips pressed tentatively to his own in a chaste, innocent kiss. He couldn’t help but smile into the kiss and kiss back.


This time the portrait consisted of Minki and Lucky together, sitting down on the green grass surrounding his once dark castle now bright with the warm breeze sweeping along their skin in an invisible ocean of exultation.


Later, Jonghyun convinced Minki to live with him and both lived happily ever after as Jonghyun went back to paint again with a pure heart and loving Minki more and more each day, Minki who always sought love and happiness and found it with his lover Jonghyun.

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