bonus [5]

Tit For Tat
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The beautiful, white sandy beach surrounded by sky blue waters of Pattaya never fails to capture Wendy’s heart. Breathing in fresh air and being surrounded by the serenity of the island, there’s really nothing more she can ask for. Buying the plane tickets because she was in one of her sentimental moods is probably a blessing in disguise – if it weren’t to the destination that made them realise their mutual feelings… Irene would have most likely taught her a lesson for spending money like that. Nonetheless, Wendy’s thankful that their baby was born before the trip, or else she would have to listen to Irene going on and on about wearing a swimsuit with a huge baby bump. From Wendy's view, Irene looks good in anything she wears, whether with a baby bump or not. Reading multiple childcare books and attending maternity classes helped Wendy understand more about Irene’s condition and moodswings better.

It was a relatively smooth pregnancy and process for them; the effort they both put in to give the baby a good home and place to stay in has paid off well.

“Fancy a drink, my love?”

“Why, yes, of course!” Wendy grins, deepening her voice intentionally to match her wife’s accent. She barely stopped herself from choking on her own saliva when she sees the bikini top and boy shorts on Irene’s body. It is definitely not leaving little for imagination. “W-Why are you wearing that?!”

Irene gives her a look of sheer surprise mixed with shock, one that also silently tells her that they are at a beach, and she is supposed to be wearing a bikini here. Despite not wanting to start a banter here, she still finds her wife's behaviour comical. Blatantly displaying affection or jealousy is not Wendy’s forte, because she believes it may cause conflict if they’re not careful. Let’s not mention the number of times their relationship has gotten in the way of their career as well; it’s never a good memory for either of them. Nonetheless, Irene knows how to handle her wife better than anyone else now, maybe a little jealousy will even spice up their nights. There is a good reason why Irene opted to leave their kids with their parents while they were on vacation; some privacy and making up would be best. 

“Did you not buy this for me to wear?”

“I did b-but…”

“Then hush, and just enjoy yourself here.” Irene flashes her wife a sweet smile, rubbing her cheek affectionately. She stretches her legs out on their beach mat, heaving a huge contented sigh. “We’re on vacation, Seungwan. It shouldn’t be a big deal anyway, and I look amazing in this.” 

Wendy doesn’t bother to debate that confidence, because her wife looks more than amazing – spectacular would be a way more accurate description. A jet black bikini top that emphasizes Irene’s upper body and that pair of boy shorts that follow the shape of her rear… man, Wendy is worried for a good reason. If her face isn’t enough to charm people into submission, there is no doubt her outfit and body will do the job just as effortlessly. Compared to the past where Irene had a very slim body, she has more weight and looks mighty attractive. Perhaps reassurance is needed now more than ever but Wendy is only too happy to give it to her; at least she knows for a fact that Irene is at a healthy weight and is contented with her current body. In any case, she would be an absolute imbecile to complain or even be unsatisfied with Irene’s body when she just gave birth to their gorgeous baby girl.

Her hand gently wraps around Wendy’s, playing with her wife’s fingers. She used to scold the younger woman whenever she found her hands ugly because they are supposedly similar to a man’s. Wendy's confidence constantly plunged to a new low whenever she came back from their health checks, but it also spurred her to keep going to the gym. Now, Wendy is her cute but extremely fit hamster. 

“Remember when we were lying down here and taking pictures together?”

“Yeah, I remember your cheesy captions for my birthday too.” Irene giggles, leaning in to nuzzle her nose into her wife’s neck. She blushes at the magnificent view of her wife’s tight abs, indecent thoughts travelling through her mind. “I’m still pissed you didn’t let me post any of our pictures together.”

Well, if even their owns fans didn’t like her posts on their official Instagram account back then, what are the odds of anyone else liking her posts? There is a huge possibility of the fan saying it in a not-so-serious manner but the tone, the actions, it really hurt her to an extent. It's almost as if her insecurity and lack of self-confidence in her looks didn't beat her down enough from pre-debut to now.

Wendy is about to open and say something, only for her lips to be smacked with a palm full of sand. She widens her eyes in surprise, eyes darting from to her wife. 

“I know you were hurt from that incident, I do. But what about the fans who want to see your updates? And what about me? What if I want to see more pictures of you? I'm sure the other fans don't have to pay for that one insensitive little brat's comment, baby. And yes, don't look at me like that, I seriously wanted to rip her hair off her scalp when Sooyoung told me what she said to you.”

Now this revelation has never been said or discussed before, but Irene has always known the reason behind her wife’s lack of activity on their social media accounts. She didn’t open earlier because she believed Wendy needed to get over this herself, hopefully build up her confidence at the same time. As a leader, Irene might have neglected her duties with that incident. As a friend, however, she made sure Wendy was aware that posts are one thing, but her persona is another. Among the five, members Wendy is probably the one with the least confidence in her abilities and downplays her talents the most. The only people who actually listened to Wendy’s insecurities and aspirations are their managers, maybe even some of their senior idols. It initially broke their hearts that Wendy couldn’t speak to them about it but seeing it in a different light, at least she could open up to someone.

Irene leans in and plants a kiss on her wife’s forehead, letting her words sink in. “No matter what others say, always remember there are people who love you to the ends of the earth. I’m one of them. I'm your wife, I love you for who you are and whatever you've become. Just to be very clear.” 

Beads of tears roll down Wendy’s cheeks at the sweet words coming from her wife; neither she nor Irene are bold or cheesy enough to say these words in front of other people. It’s always been quality time and affection over plain words with them; it’s just how their relationship rolls.

“I’ve got you, okay?”

“Thank you, Unnie…” Wendy sniffles, ignoring the honorifics that unconsciously leave her lips. She would have gotten a mini scolding for calling her wife that if she didn’t look as cute as a sobbing child.

Multiple times in their marriage, Wendy makes a huge effort to reassure Irene that everything is going to be alright as long as they don’t give up on each other. Their constant arguments and tough ride during Irene’s pregnancy was merely one of the many obstacles that will arise. In the beginning, it was especially tough because Wendy’s emotions were always bottled up despite not wanting that to happen. Years of being in the industry have affected Wendy’s ability to express her feelings freely, even when it’s just the five of them. Not only does it take a person time and patience to get along with someone as emotionally constipated as Wendy herself, it also requires a level of understanding. All it takes is Irene’s little smile and gentle hand on her back, and Wendy always finds herself feeling better already. Cooping herself up in her room never sat well with Irene, the latter checked on her from time to time and bothered to find out the problem. 

Irene interlaces her fingers with Wendy, digging her toes further into the soft sand. The serenity right here on this island is irreplaceable, just as their memories are too. Becoming roommates in a room that was once fit for photosynthesis, and then to playing games by pushing each other off their balance… everything was beautiful.

“I miss Hyunnie…”

“Already? Baby, we just saw her this morning,” Irene giggles, pulling her wife down to rest her head on her lap. She is in awe of just how much affection Wendy has for their newborn baby girl. “It’ll be good practice for the young ones though, especially since they're always bickering.”

That’s right.

After so many months of focusing on their own goals and passion, Joy and Seulgi have finally agreed to building their little family as well. Between the two, Seulgi was the one who pestered her wife for a bouncing baby the moment she saw Seunghyun start taking up art classes. True enough, she was a tad bit reluctant to give up her choreographing career but what could be more important than starting a family together with the love of her life? They missed each other once, resulting in an accumulation of almost five years being wasted. As if Seulgi is going to risk thathappening ever again... her heart already shattered before; there is absolutely no way it's going to survive another. Truth be told, the events of the past and present has allowed Seulgi to see just how much Joy has sacrificed for her family and friends. Her cold exterior and nonchalance might rub off others the wrong way but Seulgi sees it all.

Wendy curls herself into the shape of a shrimp, nuzzling her face deeper into her wife’s creamy thighs. She finds it ridiculous to keep worrying and imagining the worst scenario, but she can’t help it. “I just hope they’re not doing anything weird to my baby or else.”

“Oh, love… what could possibly go wrong?”



Well, everything apparently.

Seulgi lays on the floor with a huge groan, sweat droplets covering her entire face. She wondered if buying a dance mat was a good idea initially before ultimately deciding on it. It’s good to let the little toddler have some fun movement of her own too, perhaps it might even inspire her to take up some dance classes in the future. The last time she spoke to Wendy about letting the latter join the trainees, her head was almost chopped off by Irene the moment she heard of the suggestion. A dance mat will not bring too much conflict, she assumes. 


The loud yell from the toddler catches the attention of both women, Joy even peeking out of the kitchen with wide eyes. They are aware of her starting off slower than other children, and the worry it has caused their members. Although it took Wendy some time to understand, she knows it happens to many others as well, not just their daughter. Fortunately, Irene went the extra mile to find out if it was indeed normal before reassuring her wife. 

“Y-Yah! Play with her then!” Joy chides her wife who’s still on the floor with a flabbergasted expression plastered on her face. She frantically wipes her hands on her apron, digging out her phone from under the counter; they might have been given instructions not to interrupt their vacation but... 



“B-Baby… m-my phone…”

“Ignore it.” Irene mumbles, her hands gripping onto her wife’s wrists tightly. She pulls away from the creamy neck in front of her, making sure her hips do a good job of pinning the latter onto the bed. “I’m doing something way more important than that dumb phone call.” 

Wendy is just about to retort that claim with something even better but soon finds herself being the subject of Irene’s death glares – honestly, if looks could kill, Wendy wouldn’t be just dead; she’ll probably be buried underneath the ground in a coffin. Being together in a relationship for almost a decade doesn’t necessarily mean that Wendy is not scared of Irene. In fact, she still finds her nerves in a bundle when her wife is the least bit annoyed. There are just some things that won’t change in themselves or between them; it’s a positive trait that is going to remain. Irene knows it herself, and loves teasing Wendy at times. The power she has over Wendy up to this day still amuses her, more so when she’s riding the crimson wave and feeling under the weather. It’s a funny process most of the time; Wendy herself probably knows she’s just messing with her but she still scurries around for Irene without complaint.

The smirk on Irene’s face tones down in seconds, her resolve going down the drain when she sees the pure bliss and innocence on her wife’s face. Her initial plan to just have her way with Wendy since they’re on vacation is obviously not going to materialize just yet.

“Answer your phone.”

Wendy’s eyes shoot open immediately, the look of pleasure and dizziness gone the moment their eyes meet. She sits up from the bed and tugs the covers over her body, watching her wife leave their king-sized bed with nothing but a pair of underwear on. “Really? You’re not mad?”

“Of course not, baby,” Irene stares at Wendy like she grew a third ear in the middle of her forehead. She wonders if that’s the kind of image she’s been giving her wife all along. “I’m not that unreasonable, and I won’t control you like a freak. Before you dare open your mouth, I'm well aware of Yerim calling me a control freak over you.”

The puppy-eyed look only starts deepening, taking real control of Irene’s heart. It’s no wonder all their fans and even Joy herself finds Wendy to resemble a puppy more than a hamster. Of course, at this point in their marriage, it doesn’t really matter what her wife reminds her of anymore. It’s really just one of the quirks that run through her mind at times – puppy Wendy does sound adorable. Speaking of which, there is no other time that Wendy looks more like a puppy when they’re in front of their one and only princess. The way her wife gives in to whatever she wants and makes their baby so happy… it’s something Irene will never get enough of, not in this lifetime. Many a time her parents tried to warn her that these relationships might not last as long, whether due to external or internal causes. It would be odd if Irene did listen to their advice though – if it actually started that way, she won’t even be part of Red Velvet.

Bending down to give her wife a chaste peck on the lips, Irene wraps her torso with a dry and clean towel. She giggles when she feels Wendy tense against her grip, muffled moans escaping her lips as Wendy’s hands slide lower. How is anyone going to take Wendy's claims seriously if she keeps turning Irene on?

“Naughty,” Irene whispers, cupping her wife’s jaw. She breaks off the kiss once she feels herself sliding back into bed; this is not how they should be behaving before dinner. “I’m going to take a shower and then you’re going to do so. I'm going to be preparing something for you tonight.”

Oh, what a blissful life.

Pushing herself to sit up in bed, Wendy has an extremely dorky grin plastered on her face. She knows their night is going to end on a very satisfying note once they’re back to their room. If there is one thing Irene has learnt to perfect throughout the years, it’s her ability to seduce Wendy without even trying. There have been several instances in which Irene's urges have caused lots of consequences, ranging from their baby girl falling asleep elsewhere but her baby cot to Wendy actually missing work for the day. Now, Irene typically has no issue making sure her hormones are under control when the situation calls for it. Her priorities, her focus – everything is just under her nose. Between the two of them, perhaps Wendy is more relaxed on herself but her expectations? It’s also the same thing that tends to knock her down... just like the way Irene's hips are swaying from side to side as she goes into the bathroom.

“Oh, .” Wendy mutters, scrambling to grab her phone that was thrown off the bed by her wife. She clears nervously when she sees the number of unread messages; she’s so dead. “Sooyoung is going to kill me when she knows what we’ve been doing…”

With bated breaths and a couple of not-so-positive thoughts going through her mind, Wendy wonders if something has gone wrong back home. She knows the instructions Irene left behind for the members, so wouldn’t it mean that something happened? Oh God. Wendy continues to fret, biting her fingernails the longer the call remains unanswered.





A sudden awkward silence envelope the two best friends, radio silence taking over their call instead. There are sounds of heavy breathing on either side, both fairly surprised at the amount of screaming they had just done. It's rare for people to hear Seulgi raise her voice in the least, even rarer for Wendy to return the reply at the same volume.

Wendy sighs, “are we done shouting at each other?”

“Yes…” Seulgi can feel her face turning pink in embarrassment; she had begun raising her voice in a fit of excitement only. It is pretty funny though, considering her best friend’s instinct was to shout back. “Sorry about that, Wannie. I got excited. You know how I get...”

The sincere remorse in Seulgi's voice almost makes Wendy laugh out loud; the teddy bear obviously hasn't changed in terms of her personality. Similarities between them have always been the glue that ensured their friendship; something the maknaes would always say: they are literally twins from different parents.

“So why did you call?”

“Oh! Seunghyun just said another word today!”


Irene giggles to herself in the bathroom; she already knows the reason for the couple trying to reach them so urgently. With no thanks to Joy and her angry messages, the leader had no choice but to open the conversation before the giant starts flooding their phones with calls. Normally, they wouldn’t make such a big fuss out of their toddler saying a word but it so happens that Wendy is waiting for the one word that would change her entire life. She didn't bother about the constant fussing and light screaming coming from her wife. It’s just like Wendy to overreact when the situation involves both Irene and their daughter. The amount of affection and love that goes into taking care of them has surpassed so many other people, and Irene doesn’t want that to change. No one in this world will ever love and cherish her better than Wendy; life without her would have been absolutely miserable if they didn't change.

The door suddenly flies open, revealing Wendy in a pair of boxers and her favourite sports bra. Her hands press against either side of the door frame, a heart-melting pout appearing on her face.

“Oh, honey…” Irene opens her arms with an equally welcoming pout, inviting her wife into her embrace. Just by the look of Wendy’s expression, she already knows whether their daughter said the magic words or not. “We all know it’s going to take some time. Remember what the doctor said?”

A huge sigh is released from Wendy, her face nuzzled deep into her wife’s shoulder. She still feels the disappointment bubbling in her chest, but Irene always seems to know what to say to make her feel better. Then again, no one else would be able to know what she feels without asking. “Now you’re just milking this, aren’t you? You can't fool me, Seungwan.” Irene whispers with a chuckle, pressing her lips on the crown of Wendy's head. She can’t really pull her wife off even though there’s nothing decent covering her bare body right now; the contact and warmth spreading between them is quite... familiar. Irene is just as guilty of enjoying this as much as Wendy is, judging by the way they’re holding tightly onto each other. Her fingers are tangled within Wendy’s brown locks, playing with the jagged ends of her short hair.

Wendy visibly flinches at her wife’s deafening screech when she grabs Irene’s waist and puts her on the bathroom countertop. She doesn’t make an effort to wipe the grin off her face even with Irene glaring at her; that glare is going to become a look of seduction really soon. It doesn't need to happen right now, but Wendy can feel her heartrate speeding up the moment Irene's legs lock behind her waist.

“So this was your intention, hm?”

“Honestly? No. I came in here to tell you about my sadness but,” Wendy halts her sentences, eyes shamelessly checking Irene out again. She should have known that pair of hips swaying a while ago would entice her this much. “You just looked amazing when you were checking yourself out in the mirror.”

A slow, lazy smirk crawls upon Irene’s face, adjusting herself so that her pelvis meets Wendy’s. The gasp that is released from the both of them almost simultaneously turns the atmosphere up. Every single time Wendy sees that expression on her wife’s face, she knows it’s going to be a long ride ahead for them. If she’s being completely honest, this is one of the reasons why Wendy is glad their baby girl didn’t come on this vacation with them.

I mean, can you imagine the tiny one getting her mind contaminated this early?

It doesn’t take long for their lips to meet, not with the extremely hungry look in Irene’s eyes and the lovesick one in Wendy’s. Sounds of their beauty products hitting the floor and the mirror don’t affect their actions in the least, probably intensifying their moment instead. Irene’s eyes roll to the back of her head in pleasure when she feels a pair of lips descending upon her inner thighs and down her calves. Fingers grasping at the edge of the counter, Irene silently prays that she doesn’t fall off. Granted that the area is fairly big, Wendy’s excitement often makes a difference in how aggressive their time together is. It’s amazing how different the atmosphere and aura can be when their moods change drastically. Being the reason behind Wendy's supposedly split personalities in and out of the bedroom is an honour. 

Wendy pulls away when she has had enough of treasuring her wife’s gorgeous legs that never seem to end. “This is insane… you’re completely insane… driving me crazy like this,” Wendy mumbles like an obsessed person, eyes flickering up to stare at the open-legged beauty in front of her.

Irene opens to retort her lovely wife, only to release a loud squeal when Wendy nips at her hip bone. If Wendy thinks for one second that she isn’t beautiful or hot like she says, Irene is more than willing to change that thought of hers. Anything more spectacular than Wendy’s vocals and sweet heart? Probably her ability to make Irene feel like she’s being worshipped in bed. They’ve already made love countless times, some of their sessions with mixed emotions and some consisting of just pure passion – it feels the most euphoric when there’s nothing or no one to worry about.

“S-Seungwan… lower… lower, please…”

“A little more, hold on,” Wendy grins, her grip tightening on her wife’s fit calves. She is hell bent on making sure their time doesn’t end this quickly, not when they have the place to themselves. They don’t always have the luxury of time or freedom to, as if Wendy is going to let this one go. “I’m not moving till I’m satisfied, baby. You're just going to hang on until you're undone, and maybe wait for me to actually love you. Okay, Unnie?”

Holy .

There’s nothing hotter than Wendy being all dominant and bold with her words, but nothing else in the world beats the sight of her wife’s face in between her legs. It’s ridiculous how easily Irene feels herself get drenched all over again; they aren’t even doing anything out of the blue! To put out there that it’s second nature for them to be in this position with Wendy more than ready to pleasure her is dirty, but it is a fact too. Although Irene would very much like for the both of them to receive but when she's pinned below Wendy's fit body, nothing positive or useful actually runs through her mind. Irene typically has a large portion of control in their relationship, whether in their daily decisions or just some things in general. The one place she gives up everything is right here and right now, during their lovemaking. Wendy, however, is always reluctant to be pleasured before her wife gets off; her kind genuine heart literally thinks it isn't fair.

Irene fists her lover’s hair mercilessly, forcing Wendy to look up at her in the eyes. She almost loses all her resolve when she notices just how puzzled and innocent Wendy looks despite their position. There are two choices right now – she can let her wife give her a mind-blowing or try to persuade Wendy otherwise.

“I know what you’re thinking, Unnie,” Wendy sighs, resting her cheek on Irene’s inner thigh. She gently nuzzles her nose into the porcelain-like skin in front of her, “I don’t have a problem with you wanting me to too, but I want you to have everything first. I want you to hit the roof first, and not in an angry way but… yes, your needs over mine.”

It really takes all of Irene’s strength not to clamp her thighs around Wendy’s head just to make sure her thirst is quenched; so, imagine the shock and surprise on Wendy’s face when she was grabbed and pulled with such a force. With their foreheads pressed together and their faces within such proximity, Wendy can’t help but swallow nervously.

“Listen to me,” Irene says with all finality in her voice; she rubs her wife’s chubby cheeks ever so lovingly, the light pink painting Wendy’s cheeks making her heart leap. Her legs tighten around her favourite part of her wife to prevent her from running away. “This shouldn’t be a big deal, love. Who cares who releases first? I think you’re the only one who will put off being pleasured despite having the chance to. Aren't we supposed to give and take in a relationship? You told me that nothing trivial would stop us from being happy.”

“W-Well… HEY!”

Their positions are already reversed by the time Wendy gets to her senses, her wrists pinned to either side of her head by Irene’s iron grip. She knows her eyes are probably as wide as marbles, along with opening and closing like a fish out of water. For many reasons, Wendy always ends up in situations where she can barely speak a word without looking like a bumbling fool.

As far as Irene is concerned, she wins this round hands-down – no pun intended – and her wife is not going to move her anywhere just yet. There are several things Irene wants to make sure Wendy understands her point of view, whether through the means of an or not. There are too many things that Wendy

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Chapter 4: reading this chapter is still very painful 💔
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 20: I read this again and by God I forgot how my heart was ripped into tiny pieces again and again like 😭 BUT!!!!!! the story is worth the tears.
I hope you're doing good author-nim
wenwen021 #3
chingudeul im in for a ride 😍
Chapter 17: 😲😳🤭🤗🥰😍😊🤪😂🤭💗💙
Chapter 16: wenreneband seunghyun so cute.😍💙💗👶
Chapter 15: the angst at the beginning broke my heart but i find it necessary for how the story ended. i really lived the ending. i love how wenrene finally had their very much deserve happy ending.😊

thank you for this wonderful fic, author-nim. you're amazing.🥰💙💗
Chapter 14: after 14 chapters of agony and fluff here and there, joygi are finally together. wenrene next!!!
Chapter 13: i guess the angst phase of this story is finally over and focusing more on the development of wenrene and joygi's relationship. i like it a lot. :)
Chapter 12: wenrenebmoments were so cute.🤭🤪💙💗
Chapter 11: wenrene finally reunited.🥹💙💗