The Blue She Sings


What happened when Irene caught the missing earpod of a younger Wendy. Airport AU


This fanfic is inspired by Wenrene interaction at the airport recently as well as during the past months. Song rec: Honey - Kehlani


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hello
-WenRene15- #2
Chapter 1: I hope you update this. =)
Gr33nPow3r #3
Chapter 1: So far so good! Wonder who was Irene's ex and what affair?
Chapter 1: Great start, you’ve already got me hooked! I love the strong, independent Irene who knows what she wants. From the small glimpse of Wendy’s character, she seems so sweet (and very rich).

Thanks for writing the story, looking forward to your next chapter :)