
Quid Pro Quo
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Just like rays of the rising sun, something dawned on Seulgi. It’s going to be a long, long day.


Keeping her end of the deal won’t probably be hard. Compared to officework, doing chores won’t require a lot of mental power in the first place. Why do it later when I can do it now? She figured it’s much better to finish everything sooner so she can enjoy uninterrupted rest later on.


The idea of having some time for herself was enough a motivation to get her moving. She started thinking of stuff to do when all the chores were done. Play Xbox? CoD? PUBG? Binge-watch movies? Lots of activities seem to be fun. Clueless bear. Maybe she’s not aware of the saying that assumption is the mother of all ups.


And follow the reminders she did. The beds were made in no time. As for the laundry, she decided to load them before cleaning the mess at the kitchen. According to the resident laundry expert named Bae Juhyun, there’s a separate brand to use for the clothes; plus another for the sheets, towels, and drapes. It’s a different story for fabric softeners as well. Her other half was very meticulous of stuff that has something to do with washing clothes. There’s never an excuse for garments bleeding onto another for it’s expected to sort them well: whites, darks, lights, jeans, and delicates.


Funny how she could recall those pointers crystal clear. Craaazy~ She chuckled while eyeing the pile of clothes yet to be laundered. Washing clothes was one of their bonding activities when they were newlyweds, but it gradually changed when their daughters came along. One strived harder at the office for their growing family, while the other held down the fort and focused on making their house a home.


Now the tables have turned.


Speaking of, her share of food remained untouched at the dining table. She was supposed to join Juhyun and the kids for breakfast but there were lots of things to do. Forgetting about her meal was unintentional because eating eventually slipped her mind out of time pressure.


Skipping meals: a big no-no for Kang Seulgi, so she sat down to have her fill. What the... She couldn’t believe she served them a saltless, rubberlike scrambled egg. Her hands reached for her cup of coffee, which turned awfully cold for her to enjoy.


Chew and swallow. That’s what she did to finish her bizarre, self-made breakfast. She better get moving for the pans and dishes won’t wash themselves. But first, research. Juhyun’s kitchenware is precious.


“How to... clean... a burnt pan.” Her fingers deftly keyed her concern. “Fill with water, add salt, and let it soak for a few hours. Bring salt water to a boil.”


Hold on... for a few hours? Did she just waste her time? Seulgi facepalmed. She should’ve soaked the burnt pan right away so the stain would easily wear off. It’s a challenge to get the hang of multi-tasking, but women seem to be so good at it. Men get things done too, but they tend to focus on one thing at time. How about throwing it and buying a new one? Nah. Hawk-eyed Juhyun will definitely notice...



Grocery shopping.


“Fine. I’ll just wash it later.”


Seulgi might’ve started off like a klutz, but she won’t let the rest of her day be ruined. She’ll get things done; one at a time, little by little. If other women can, I can! She changed into a comfy black shirt to match her favorite jogging pants, retied messy bun at the top of her head and fixed the bangs framing her bare face.


The inner monologue went on as she was on the way at the supermarket. What am I going to cook later? Her mind was afloat as her hands busied behind the wheel. Breakfast was chaotic and the perfect way to make up for it is by preparing a kickass dinner. But how?


A smirk suddenly grazed her lips when a foolproof idea came to mind the moment she left her car at the supermarket’s parking lot.


How to ace dinnertime?  Simple. Cook her specialty.


“Pork belly and Sujebi. Effortless.” Her confidence stemmed from countless times she successfully cooked said dishes at home and even on camping trips. Full of determination, she took a deep breath and wheeled a cart into the building.


Only to shrink like cooked shrimp the moment she walked past the entrance. She cannot recall the last time she went at the supermarket alone because grocery shopping was usually done by Juhyun. The sight of seemingly-endless racks of different items made her eyes shrink into slits. Thanks to my blind , really. She thought of making this grocery trip as quick as possible; go straight to where the ingredients are, get as many as needed, and pay at the counter.


Seulgi was somewhat thankful of having their pantry checked a while back. They had the condiments and spices needed for the dishes she wanted to cook, reducing some of her shopping time. At this rate, she only needed a few fresh vegetables and pork belly. Much to her relief, she was able to have everything in her cart within ten minutes.


But wait…


This trip won’t be complete if she goes home without getting her stash of mankind’s greatest invention of all time (don’t judge her), Pringles! Her feet slightly bounced as she wheeled closer to the snacks section, knowing the way by heart.


“Now this is heaven.” Everything blurred except the rack housing her favorite snack. Her mood got better after finding out she could buy two and get one for free. “Wow~” She looked like a kid receiving the perfect gift from Santa Claus.




Seulgi turned her head and saw a guy looking at her. Their eyes met and he shyly smiled, inching nearer to where she was.


“And even cuter up close.” He seems to be of same age as hers, perhaps a feet taller and decently dressed. “Hi.”


Is this guy hitting on me? Seulgi awkwardly grinned and bowed her head in greeting. She wasn’t wearing anything provocative, nor flirting in any sense. His strong perfume invaded her nostrils and she wanted to scrunch her nose in protest. I am still hotter than you. Meh.


“Can I get your number, cutie?”


She blinked a couple of times. Do girls really have to deal with this kind of inconvenience on a daily basis? Heck, she’s not even in a bar and she just wanted to shop in peace. “Uhh… no. I’m sorry.”


“Please?” The guy insisted and rubbed his palms together in request.


Now she’s thinking of dropping everything and running away from the situation. Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod.


“Y’know, I really think we’re quite a match.” He reached for the hem of her shirt but a feminine hand suddenly pulled the bearlike woman by the waist.


“Nah ah-uh...” A short, pale-skinned lady with short blonde hair had an eyebrow raised. “Back off.”


Seulgi finally caught up with what’s happening. Her godsister, now looking like a normal human being, appeared out of nowhere; donned with an oversized, long-sleeved top and denim pants. “Wanda.”

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"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. " - R. Bach
Story complete... finally! Merci~


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Seul_rene14 #1
Chapter 3: Seulgi-ya sorry for laughing 🫢🥹😆😆😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 3: LMAO
1060 streak #3
Chapter 3: LOL
Chapter 3: The ending skdnskndkd that was so unexpected 🤣🤣
Chapter 2: Not you using Seohyun’s real quote about fast food 😭😭
Chapter 1: Seulgi learned something new 🤭
Seulgi sounds like an in this prologue 😬 Lemme read the rest 🤭
Chapter 1: Omg, this story is awesome !!
22 streak #9
Chapter 3: What??
Hi_seulgikang #10