

Let me tell you a little bit about how I fell in love with poetry.


It was not one thing, either. No one piece stood out to me and hit me like a ton of bricks.

It was the little things.

How the light moved through your hair and the dust particles danced in the air around you.

It was the shade of your eyes. Reminding me why the sky is so beautiful during a clear day.

It was the way you saw me.

The way you let me see you.

It was the way your hands moved, like they were meant to be touched. Where your fingertips ran over my skin, I could feel the electricity.

It was your arms. Their strength. The way they could make my world stop spinning.

Your heartbeat. The way it could call mine.

It was all those things and more. 


Poetry deserves to be felt.

They deserve to be experienced.

Just like you.


— S.D.


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